r/clevercomebacks 4d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/54sharks40 4d ago

Donald Trump wears $6000 Brioni suits and can't even bother to get them tailored 


u/surroundedbyidiotss 4d ago

If he got them tailored it would show he’s actually three raccoons in a Brioni suit


u/Akegata 4d ago

I would vote for three raccoons in a Brioni suit.


u/Outside_Performer_66 4d ago

I would vote for even a single raccoon in a well-tailored suit.


u/E0H1PPU5 4d ago

I’d vote for just an empty well tailored suit at this point. A nice navy one? Why the fuck not.


u/WebNo4759 4d ago

The one time I made a tailored jacket from scratch it took me at least 120 hours, which I’m pretty sure is more time than Trump spent running the country while he was President.


u/E0H1PPU5 4d ago


120 hours is approximately the amount of time he spent eating McDonald’s hamberders


u/taiwanfoose 4d ago

Over the past month

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u/Diligent-Ad9899 4d ago

Oh, a veteran suit. Shows more courage than Trump.

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u/charismatictictic 4d ago

I would have voted for one of my shapeless uggs from 2007 before I voted for him tbh.

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u/XeroZero0000 4d ago

But a tan one? Ooh hell no!

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u/Fenris304 4d ago

i'm currently sitting in a dunkins choking on my morning coffee thanks to this comment

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u/dudesmasher 4d ago

Rocket has questionable ethics, but goddamn does he get results.


u/Ok-Raccoon1288 4d ago

He also has part of a plan


u/ubutterscotchpine 4d ago

Part of a plan is better than the idea of a plan!

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u/ILootEverything 4d ago

This is Donald Trump's apartment...


Complete with gold toilets.

And I'm supposed to be angry that a middle-class girl grew up into a woman who educated herself, got a law degree, married another lawyer, and can afford $800 earrings? That's hardly extravagant in comparison with the Trump lifestyle. But somehow they're "more in touch" having inherited (NOT worked for) great wealth?

Fuck out of here with that noise.


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 4d ago

Not only that, but consistent wear her very pricey earrings. It’s such a middle class thing - I am soooo broke. Brokety-broke-broke-broke, and I absolutely have a piece of jewelry that is 100s of dollars that I consistently wear. I consistently see male politicians wearing $8,000 suits, $1,000 shoes and similarly expensive wallets and toting briefcases that match the vibe. But, I see pundits calling out women for being extravagant all the time. It’s so obvious that it sparks an eye roll every time I see it. Judging her for this is such a perfect example of the misogyny we have against women in politics.


u/worldspawn00 4d ago

Yeah, how many of them are wearing watches that cost 10s of thousands? But these idiots are complaining about some $800 earrings, or a loaned dress from a designer that costs $2500 or some other BS.


u/Mega-Eclipse 4d ago

It wouldn't matter. If she wore cheap earrings it would be about her lack of style, wealth, didn't dress up enough, or was pandering/pretending to be broke. If it wasn't this, it would be something else.

Trump owns a plane. There is no logic or consistency.


u/ILootEverything 4d ago

A plane with gold plated seat belts, sink, and the rumored toilets...


But let assholes say "earrings aren't a necessity!"

Well, sure, but they want to explain to me me how a gold-plated John is a "necessity" on his private plane and somehow "more relatable?"

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u/YesterdaySimilar2069 4d ago

It’s wild, and they do it with no idea how hypocritical they look.


u/Lord-of-Goats 4d ago

No, they actively seek to be hypocritical. It’s how you signal to your ingroup how loyal you are to the cause

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u/Suck_my_dick_mods69 4d ago

It's important to remember that we are talking about some of the most unbelievably stupid people to ever walk the earth.

My cousin is so profoundly disabled that she's essentially a nonverbal baby in a 35-year-old's body -- and I still think she's got more going on upstairs than the average trump supporter.

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u/Educational_Ad_8916 4d ago

They're not mad about the $

They're mad about the ♀


u/EarlGreyTea-Hawt 4d ago

Yep. They did the same thing with AOC and a dress she didn't even buy, but only borrowed, to go to a famously fashion forward event. They did the same thing with Hillary Clinton's wardrobe, hell they even threw one of their own under the bus (Palin) for her clothing expenses. Meanwhile, Forbes loves featuring all of the expensive bro swagfests, cool lists of conspicuous consumption, with zero judgment forthcoming about how much those many k worth of watches and suits cost the taxpayer.

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u/Wind_Yer_Neck_In 4d ago

It's wild isn't it? in terms of money spent on the entire outfit, most men in that arena probably spend far more than the women. A good tailored suit is easily 5k, shoes 1k if they are decent wholecuts or with a custom last, nice shirts are a few hundred each. Same for nice silk ties. A decent briefcase from one of the better British brands is another 1-1.5k

And yeah, the watches can get to stratospheric amounts of money.

But OMG lady have jewellery.

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u/Any_Fox_5401 4d ago

There are a lot of minimum wage bros out there with a $1,000 graphics card used to only play a handful of video games that they suck at.


u/SpaceSteak 4d ago

Ouch! Could have been a bit more gentle on this one. Didn't know facts could sting so much. 🎯

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u/YesterdaySimilar2069 4d ago

Exactly!!!! And they’re using that overly expensive set up to harsh on what someone else enjoys.

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u/YaGanache1248 4d ago

And she’d probably “unkempt” or “poor” or “not presidential” if she didn’t wear any jewellery


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 4d ago

Right?! She really wouldn’t be able to win. The racism and misogyny is so overt. It’s the Obamas all over again.


u/Asron87 4d ago

Tan suit and mustard. God damn I miss those days of politics.

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u/silent-dano 4d ago

Complaint filed to the internet on an $800 mobile device.


u/Emkems 4d ago

Exactly. Mine was more than that due to crazy iphone prices. And I know it will be replaced in just a few years. Those earrings are high quality and timeless and will last much longer. Also, maybe they were a gift for all we know. Hell, maybe she got the knockoff amazon versions for all we know (probably not, but it’s not impossible).

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u/RedshiftSinger 4d ago

Yeah like oh no, god forbid a woman save up for one pricy accessory that she really likes and will wear literally all the time, that goes with everything and is classic enough to never go completely out of style.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 4d ago

Even if she had a whole jewelry wardrobe, I fail to see why it would be relevant unless she bought it by embezzling. Her previous job would’ve been well paid and she’s married to someone else who also ostensibly has a decent income. I can’t tell if the commenter is arguing in bad faith, or never been well off enough to know that a pair of nice earrings aren’t a ludicrous thing for an adult to own.

Hell, wasn’t Jackie Kennedy known for wearing pearls?


u/Remy149 4d ago

The same complainers will tell you how nice Melania dresses and brag how she looks rich but god forbid the former lawyer married to a millionaire have nice things.


u/CenterofChaos 4d ago

And not to be a dick about it, but genuine pearls from Tiffany & Co.? I'm a little surprised they're under a grand! For a Tiffany product that's a good price.         

If she had a Tiffany & Co. Tennis bracelet on I might get it, but a set of pearls? On a 60 year old woman? Might as well say a church lady with a hat is out of touch too. Laughable.


u/Remy149 4d ago

She is a woman of color they don’t believe she deserves these things especially if they can’t afford them

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u/ILootEverything 4d ago

I mean, I know people who live in trailers who will drop $500 on a handbag with no thought. It's their money. I might not make the same choice, but acting like this is "out of touch" when the other candidate spends (and loses) money like it's flowing out of a tap is absurd.

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u/StreetofChimes 4d ago

I got a Gucci watch at a thrift store. I had it authenticated at a jeweler, they said it was worth around $1000. I love the watch because it is the perfect size (vintage men's watch - so before men's watches got huge, but when women's watches were teeny tiny).

I wear it often. I hope no one is judging me for wearing my one nice thing.

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u/Walterkovacs1985 4d ago

Trumps apartment looking like Saddams palace and we're going after the former McDonald's employee. Don't shame middle and lower class Americans you mofos!


u/Cheshire_Jester 4d ago

Trumps apartment looks like it was owned by a gay Russian oligarch who loves ironically leaning into stereotypes

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u/Successful-Doubt5478 4d ago

Great points, all of them.

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u/kinga_forrester 4d ago

Can’t remember where I read this but Trump’s suits are tailored, he just insists they cut them like that for some reason. People have tried to talk him out of it lol.


u/skunkachunks 4d ago

This is such a great example of his horrible decision making. Thinking he’s an expert in something that he’s not. Making experts do shitty things. Looks at a shitty outcome from his own shitty direction and says “wow that looks great.”


u/Livid_Advertising_56 4d ago

Or says "not my fault it's theirs"

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u/DidSmBdySyCrnPuddin 4d ago

…..it really does. It looks fantastic. You know these people are great, these tailors. They work hard. They really do. Look at this. It’s fantastic.

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u/thepottsy 4d ago

I’m obviously speculating, but he probably thinks they make him look more “manly”, because they make it look like he has very broad shoulders, which he does NOT have.


u/EthanielRain 4d ago

Also hdes his girdle & the slump from wearing massive lifts in his shoes


u/SkinBintin 4d ago

Is that why he looks like a Centaur with the horse part chopped off when he stands?


u/hames4133 4d ago

It’s the lifts combined with neurological decline

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u/TheDapperDolphin 4d ago

He also bragged about all the billions he made during the debate 


u/XTingleInTheDingleX 4d ago

I had some magats share some drivel about not listening to Taylor swift because she’s a billionaire and doesn’t understand gas and groceries.

We know trumps really not a billionaire but he claims he is and brags about his gold toilet etc.

These people are obviously still going to vote for the billionaire, but won’t listen to logic from someone else because billionaire.

The mental Olympics.


u/guinness_blaine 4d ago

JD Vance tried making that argument, saying that people wouldn’t listen to a “billionaire celebrity.”


u/hiS_oWn 4d ago

JD Vance as a sleeper agent to sabotage the trump campaign is becoming more and more plausible

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u/NewSubWhoDis 4d ago

Its not even Olympics, they know that they are voting for the turd so they come up with something against the other candidate so they feel better about voting for the turd.

Its like undecided voters wanting to hear more of kamala's policies... ya ok, so what you're gonna vote for the guy with no policy instead?

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u/Zestyclose_Street484 4d ago

yes this.. its very very weird.

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u/Mistehsteeve 4d ago

Those suits are worth $6000?! Fuckin hell, i knew it's a bit naive of me to think he bought cheap but it really looks like he does. they look absolutely trash on him. I bet Brioni are gutted. Worst advert ever.

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u/PocketSixes 4d ago

And his dumb fucking son doesn't know where a beardline goes. The Trump family taught me that money can't buy swagger.


u/yakisobagurl 4d ago

He’s just trying to use it as contour


u/zeekaran 4d ago

So many famous people don't know where the beardline goes. Especially guys in sports, specifically baseball.

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u/AliveMouse5 4d ago

Well off the rack and boxy hides his massive gunt

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u/Amazing-Exit-2213 4d ago

Alina Habba's $70,000 handbag, paid for with Trump donation funds, has entered the conversation.


u/MathIsHard_11236 4d ago

Yeah, like the guy in the $6,500 suit is gonna get it tailored.


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u/listenyall 4d ago

I went down this rabbit hole on twitter the other day and the original poster of this comment went on to claim that buying clothes is "an investment" while jewelry is just "accessories" so he literally does not know what he is talking about


u/worldspawn00 4d ago

Lol, you can't resell a used suit for much, but you can probably get a reasonable return on jewelry.

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u/Corren_64 4d ago

"It's a Bri-shitty as far as I am concerned". Guess who said that and you get an upvote.

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u/Norse_Projects 4d ago

Those are Brioni? They really do need to be tailored then - that’s an insult to the brand


u/Nevermind04 4d ago

For the life of me I can't find this on google, but one of the "trump whitehouse insider" books talked about how Trump's Brioni and Martin Greenfield suits don't come "off the rack" because they're hand-made, so he has some preposterous measurements he sends them from decades ago. He's too vain about his girth to have his actual measurements recorded anywhere. He apparently just uses girdles and shoulder pads to make the suits fit "better", even though campaign staff have repeatedly tried to convince him to wear properly tailored suits. Even a casual observer can see that he looks like a slob of a salesman in an ill-fitting suit.

I suppose this is the same vanity that compelled him to list his height as 6'3" (despite the hundreds of photos of him standing a few inches shorter than people who are 6'0"-6'3") and his weight as a laughable 215 pounds. For an example of a man who is actually 6'3" and 215 pounds, look up photos of Minessota Vikings Quarterback Sam Darnold.


u/even_less_resistance 4d ago

It’s kind of interesting to imagine him going through life constantly uncomfortable with himself


u/Catsandcamping 4d ago

What most people don't understand about narcissists is that they are deeply insecure people. All of their insistence that they are the best and know the most, earn the most, and are always right is actually them trying to convince themselves of this on an unconscious level. That's why they become so violently angry when someone points out that they are wrong. It presents to their conscious mind that they may not be as great as they have spent their lives trying to convince themselves and others that they are. Their psyche can't handle that, which can lead to narcissistic collapse.

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u/WhateverYouSay1084 4d ago

My husband is 230 lbs of mostly muscle and comparing him to Trump is fucking laughable. Nobody in their right mind would believe that. 330 lbs maybe.

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u/Effective-Bandicoot8 4d ago

The actor Alan Ritchson who plays Jack Reacher is 6'5+ about 220

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u/ext2078 4d ago

Nah they tailored…to hide that diaper!

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u/TheLandFanIn814 4d ago

Trump shits in a gold toilet and probably spends $800 a week on golf balls.

Miss me with the "out of touch Kamala" bullshit.


u/Knightfall90 4d ago

$800 on Golf Balls seems kinda low honestly.


u/grungegoth 4d ago

It's what he spends to pay somebody washing them.



u/Knightfall90 4d ago

That’s nice to assume he would actually pay someone that much to do it. And if he did pay someone, it would probably be the illegals he hates so much.


u/SB-Farms 4d ago

Nah, he just waits til tax payers are paying for him to golf at marlago and charges the government $2000/hr for the ball washer services.

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u/grungegoth 4d ago

Yes, an 800 debt. Sounds more like it...

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u/Peach_Proof 4d ago

He did pay 130,000 for someone to handle his balls.

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u/KathrynBooks 4d ago

Isn't that Laura Loomers job now that Milania is back in NYC?

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u/ronthesloth69 4d ago

He is such a good golfer he probably hasn’t spent $800 total on golf balls in his life!


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u/Such-fun4328 4d ago

Rather what he spends on diapers everyday

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u/peach23 4d ago

For real. My husband made very little as a teacher and saved a chunk out of every paycheck to buy me nice diamond earrings one year. I absolutely didn’t expect it and we don’t splurge a lot on those things, but nice earrings is just not the same as filthy rich


u/dsmith422 4d ago

And its not like they expire. They are something you keep your whole life and pass down to your descendants.


u/jfsindel 4d ago

To add, you can buy things like this secondhand. Kamala did not, most likely, but people do take very good care of things and then sell them off or give them away. I know family members who have designer bags originally worth 5k but they buy them secondhand for 500 simply because the owner just gets rid of it.

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u/Bud_Grant 4d ago

An easy comparison is Trump's cufflinks. Does anyone think the ones he wears are less than $800?


u/Sanskur 4d ago

He wears a $20,000 watch (a Rolex 18038 according to a watch enthusiast website) when he golfs.

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u/Outside_Performer_66 4d ago

I think he probably wears $80 cufflinks that he would say are worth $8000. Because his image is worth more to him than honesty, so lying becomes preferable to being genuine, at least to him.


u/Any_Will_86 4d ago

Charlie Sheen told a story about Trump playing bigshot and gifting someone what he claims were 'platinum' cuff links. The person was at jewelry store for his wife when he relayed the story. Ends up they were some oddball non-precious metal... When you fail the self-awareness test to Charlie Sheen I think there is an issue.


u/SB-Farms 4d ago

Not even, Charlie sheen said trump gave him his own personal “platinum and Diamond” cufflinks and had them appraised while he was having other stuff looked at, he said the appraiser scoffed and said “ these are pewter, and bad zirconia”

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u/Nimindir 4d ago

I literally burst out laughing at that last line. For several seconds. 'Oh she's wearing pearls, she's so out of touch!" *meanwhile Turmp and his... everything*

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u/Specialist_Ad9073 4d ago

They’re trying to make her John Kerry. The Swift Boat bullshit and wind surfing made him out of touch compared to the goddamn Bush clan.

There are some really fucking stupid Americans who actually buy this bullshit.


u/Kennyhurd 4d ago

800 a week on mcdonalds lol


u/BloodOfTheDamned 4d ago

Her net worth is 3.5 million, Walz’s is reportedly under 1 million. Trump’s is 4 billion. More than a thousand times higher. And Vance’s is around 10 mil. One of these is substantially closer to that of the average American. And one of them actually planned for a debate they knew they’d be having. And she absolutely spanked her opponent like the petulant toddler he behaves like he is.


u/driverdan 4d ago

Trump’s is 4 billion.

That may be what he claims but it's nowhere near that.

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u/kukukele 4d ago

Wrong. Trump is such a good golfer he uses the same ball for an entire calendar year! The only time he replaces a golf ball is when Titleist or the USGA ask him to donate the ball to their museum to commemorate it.

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u/jmurgen4143 4d ago

Wow, a woman in her sixties(?) who has worked all her life has nice earrings, what a weird thing to take issue with, you should have just ended on debunking the ear piece conspiracy.


u/dilla_zilla 4d ago edited 4d ago

And one who was an attorney, though frequently (entirely?) in public service (DA, AG) before she was elected to the Senate. Those are not low paying jobs. Her husband is an attorney as well. JFC, it's not like she offered to bet someone $10k.


u/valkycam12 4d ago

And who is the Vice President, who makes a couple of hundred thousand a year. Jeezus Melania usually wears thousands if not tens of thousands in clothes and accessories (excluding the jewelry). These people are pathetic.


u/takanishi79 4d ago

But that's all fine on Melania because she's just a trophy. Please don't examine any of Mr Trump's clothing or accessory budgets. /s


u/no_weird_PMs_pls 4d ago

Drop the shoe lifts budget

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u/justrock54 4d ago

I work as a paralegal for a law firm- I'm a single senior. I wouldn't spend that on earrings because I'd lose them, but I bought myself a $1000 shearling jacket last year. It was a splurge absolutely, but FFS if I can manage that a pair of lawyers can buy those earrings without blinking.


u/badtowergirl 4d ago

I bet your sherling jacket looks gorgeous on you! I’m an upper middle-class working person with 2 kids in college. I could easily afford those earrings and I make much less than Kamala. I choose to wait until my kids are financially independent, which I expect to happen when I’m about 55, still years younger than Kamala is now. It’s simply not surprising or noteworthy in any way that she’d wear $800 earrings.

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u/SquirellyMofo 4d ago

And married to a guy who was an entertainer lawyer in Hollywood


u/Anyweyr 4d ago

Sure. Even so, both of them worked for their wealth.

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u/Block444Universe 4d ago

They literally have nothing else. That’s what that means. Pretty fucking good candidate if that’s all they are finding


u/TheAskewOne 4d ago

They did the same with the Obamas. They were constantly scrutinizing what Michelle wore and attacking her for it. Not to mention the tan suit.


u/Dramatic_Raisin 4d ago

It seems there are certain types of people that get butthurt when other certain types of people are successful…….


u/Nimrod_Butts 4d ago

Haha not racists tho, they're not racist at all! Just ask them, they'll tell you. They're not racist at all they just hate the Obama's for what they did to the country, nothing specific, but they sure did.... Uhm... Something. Worst president ever, for reasons. Really real and tangible reasons, they never can seem to articulate...

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u/OutrageousTie1573 4d ago

They are mad she worked and earned nice things instead of staying home and raising ten kids and growing her own parsley.

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u/iamwearingashirt 4d ago

Tbh $800 is actually kinda cheap for jewelry for a woman of her status. 


u/Hunger_Of_The_Pine_ 4d ago

Yeah, I'd say $800 jewellery is "normal" person jewellery (though a very special item for the average person).

It's something the normal person would have to save for, but unless you are on or below the poverty line is definitely a special item that would be within reach.

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u/Suitable-Matter-6151 4d ago

This. Most of the watches these guys wear are in the tens of thousands.

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u/RickBourbon 4d ago

This coming from tough guys that drive 80k trucks and complain about gas prices for their 2500 super duties they use to drive to Daytona Beach.


u/wilbur313 4d ago

Honestly I was wondering what their reaction would be if she drove up to the stage in a lifted F150 King ranch edition.

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u/wurm2 4d ago

she'll turn 60 October 20th.


u/alephthirteen 4d ago

Let's get her a belated gift!

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u/Garden_Of_Nox 4d ago

Can't believe former attorney general and current vice president of the United States can afford earrings 😡


u/Youbettereatthatshit 4d ago

The Apple Watch Ultra is $800. I see hundreds of those around, along with the high end Apple, Samsung, and pixel phones.

Like, who’s their audience? I’d buy my wife, maybe not earrings, but a pendant necklace for $400-600 for her birthday.

I get eggs are expensive, and frustratingly so, but people still buy nice stuff from time to time.

Unlike the 80 year old cry baby who spends more money on gold plated stupid so that serves no purpose


u/WazuufTheKrusher 4d ago

You forgot everyone in America is dirt poor and can barely afford food but also upgrade their phones every year and pay for fiber optic wifi. I swear to god democrats are objectively much better than republicans but our social media presence is somehow just as braindead

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u/GraXXoR 4d ago

But Trump's spawn getting 2 BILLION dollars from the Saudis should never be mentioned...

People sometimes think a billion is kinda like a big million.

They forget that the POOREST billionaire could spend a million dollars a day for nearly 3 years. The richest billionaires could spend a million dollars a day for over FIVE HUNDRED YEARS!


u/Thkturret1 4d ago

The example I like to use to show the difference between a million and billion is 1 million seconds = about 12 days 1 billion seconds = about 32 years


u/GraXXoR 4d ago

humans are just not built to understand geometric progression.


u/THRlLLH0 4d ago

10 berry = unga

100 berry = bunga

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u/hoonyosrs 4d ago

You know the difference between a million dollars, and a billion dollars?

About a billion dollars.

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u/most_dopamine 4d ago

I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination and my wife has $800 earrings I bought her for an anniversary gift. I weld and she's a nurse. but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.


u/verballyabusivecat 4d ago

but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.

This is so goddamn cute - I hope I find love like yall one day! ❤️


u/JaxxisR 4d ago

I believe in you.

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u/Saxophobia1275 4d ago

I bought my wife an $800 pair of earrings when I sold my magic the gathering collection 😂


u/Retro_Dad 4d ago

Please tell me she didn't sell her ears to buy you an organizer for your MtG cards - O. Henry what an ending!


u/bunsprites 4d ago

Organizer?!?!?! You're telling me yall don't just keep your magic cards loose in a drawer???

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u/WittsandGrit 4d ago

I was going to buy my wife $800 earings but I bought 2 whole pairs of Trump sneakers instead


u/MisterDonkey 4d ago

What the hell is wrong with you? That's just bad financial decision making. You couldn't even get her something that will appreciate in value, like Trump NFTs?


u/Dearic75 4d ago

Good point. I hear if you buy $7500 worth of them, they’ll send you a scrap or cloth that may or may not be from a suit he once wore. Just think how much that will be worth in a few years!

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u/Taoist-Fox72 4d ago

Pssh. Be gone, plebeian.

The real Wizards learned to disregard females to acquire more cardboard. Thou art a fool!

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u/jdmay101 4d ago

Harris is also a lawyer. Even if she'd never done anything in politics and just stayed a prosecutor her whole career she'd absolutely have some decent jewelery just to wear in court.


u/ReplyOk6720 4d ago

This. You have to dress the part. 

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u/LaTeChX 4d ago

I weld and she's a nurse.

Non sequitur but it sucks that people who make things and keep people alive are not paid well enough in this country.


u/KadenKraw 4d ago

Nurses and welders a bit into their career can easily make 100k + a year in many parts of the country


u/Recent_Novel_6243 4d ago

SOME Nurses CAN make good money, but they’ll need to be either traveling, specialized, or have a master/doctorate. At that point, only the nurse practitioner would have anything close to a decent work-life balance and decent pay. Traveling and specialty nursing can be lucrative but good luck picking up the kids or going on a date night with your SO.

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u/BearFeetOrWhiteSox 4d ago

Are welders not paid well where you live?

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u/DueCaramel7770 4d ago

My gf has an $800 watch I bought her for her birthday lol we are not a wealthy couple 😭 I ended up making it from a random bitcoin investment so I treated us!

She loves it and wears it every day, so worth it for me

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u/CrayonTendies 4d ago

Don’t let them make you feel bad because they’re shaming the vice president for wearing $800 earrings to debate someone who inherited $400,000,000, shits in a gold toilet and made a career out of not paying hard working people like welders.

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u/sasheenka 4d ago

$800 for earrings isn’t even that much…


u/Kissit777 4d ago

Especially at Tiffany’s


u/yrar3 4d ago

She said I think I


u/NeedNewNameAgain 4d ago

Remember the film and as I recall


u/bsEEmsCE 4d ago

the Chinese neighbor was racist


u/egosomnio 4d ago

Wildly racist for no reason. Did he even have any plot relevance or was he just there to be a racist joke? It's been ages since I've watched that.

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u/archercc81 4d ago

Yeah that is what I was thinking. Like, Im a regular IT dude who lives in a townhome and Ive definitely bought my girlfriend $800 earrings. That isnt rich people sh*t.


u/AliveMouse5 4d ago

Decent 1 ct diamond studs would be a couple thousand easily


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

Yeah, I’m a bitchy HR lady paid second lowest in the division and I walk around with about 1.3 cts in my ears every day. To be fair, my BF is an engineer and they were a very shocking (obviously good) Christmas gift.

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u/ElvisAndretti 4d ago

Especially not at Tiffany’s. The last time I went in there I came out $4000 lighter.

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u/Haradion_01 4d ago edited 4d ago

I mean, I'd never pay that much for earrings. I've never spent more than £100 on a pair of shoes, and I'll be cold in the ground before I spend more than £20 on a shirt no matter how nice it it is.

But I'd easily spend that much on parts for my PC; something my colleague thinks is absurd when she can sort something that fits her purposes for a third of the price.

People will cheerfully spend £800 on that one nice thing they want, if they have it.

The difference between that an the out of touch crazies is how many 'one nice things' they have.

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u/Leprechaun_lord 4d ago

This feels like something out of a Simpsons joke from 20 years ago:

Kamala’s rich enough to afford $800 earrings! She’s too rich to be president. Paid for by the reelect Donald Trump committee.


u/Pulguinuni 4d ago

These look like something I would save up and gift my mother on a special occasion.

She may have even wore them as a good luck charm. The assumption is if they were a gift, the person who gifted her the earrings is with her in that stage symbolically.

Something every woman does, we attach so much sentimental value to jewelry, specially if growing up working class.


u/Free_Management2894 4d ago

I gifted my parents a $1900 TV a few years ago because they are pensioners and where watching on a pretty small TV.
Guess I'm out of touch with the "common person".

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u/Azazel9088 4d ago

If she started to work at the age of 18, she had to save 1.5 bucks per month for 42 years to be able to buy those at the age of 60. That costs less than a blue checkmark on twitter.


u/Careful_Middle4049 4d ago

Saving a dollar a month for 42 years makes it seem way more expensive than 800 bucks, I’m not gonna lie.

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u/Brutalur 4d ago

....and the opponent empties his diapers into a golden toilet.....

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u/CapStar300 4d ago edited 4d ago

Because she wore expensive earrings, she's out of touch.

If she'd worn cheap earrings she'd be "not taking this seriously" or "not showing enough respect".

Women really can't win, can they.


u/zerovanillacodered 4d ago

Is it even that expensive? $800 pearl earrings? It’s definitely nice jewelry but less than 1,000 dollars


u/Dry_Mastodon7574 4d ago

I have a $200 Tiffany necklace I got over 10 years ago. The quality of this silver necklace is amazing. It still looks brand new and I don't do anything to it. Her $800 earrings are immediately family heirlooms. If I could afford the pearl eariings, I would get them in a heartbeat. They are worth the money. 


u/Worried-Pick4848 4d ago

Well they surely are heirlooms now. They're the earrings she wore to a Presidential debate. Only the second woman to do that and the first woman of color. They are a piece of history now.

If she becomes President it's decent odds those earrings (or a repilca) go on display in her Presidential library.

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u/FatSadHappy 4d ago

Yeh I don’t like pearls but now I want them

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u/Aggravating_Front824 4d ago

It's expensive but not insane or anything, and for a major politician it's downright cheap 


u/Redbird2992 4d ago

As far as Jewelery goes that’s “middle class expensive” at most though. I’ve gotten my wife Tiffany before for special events like bdays and anniversary’s and while it was a hit financially it wasn’t at the same level as “buying a berkin” or a 5k bracelet shaped like a “bent nail”.

Like this is achievable levels of expensive for most people and if my wife was doing something as big she’d probably be wearing a similarly priced pair of earrings and we are firmly “lower middle class”. I don’t see an issue here at all tbh.

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u/Spare-Half796 4d ago

I’m no jewelry special buy considering the ones Melania wears are at the very least 4x the price, this is not a story


u/tessellation__ 4d ago

Right! That’s like something you’d find in the Costco catalog and you’d be like OK well that’s pricey but Costco is always a good deal. They really do a good job picking their, stuff add to cart. It’s not costume jewelry. It shouldn’t cost 10 bucks.

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u/UngusChungus94 4d ago

Not really? I mean, I spent over twice that on my fiancées engagement ring and I barely clear 70k a year, less when I bought it.

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u/Livid-Technician1872 4d ago

Didn’t they make a big deal when she was wearing converse? Saying it’s not befitting of a presidential candidate? Now the earrings are too expensive?


u/Fluid_Jellyfish9620 4d ago

more like dems cannot win when it comes to MAGA cultists.


u/Electrical_Ad_9584 4d ago

When the other side is constantly changing the rules for their opponent while holding their own guy to literally no standard whatsoever, there comes a point where we just have to stop caring what they say. They have no connection to truth, or fairness, or bipartisanship. They aren’t patriots. They are crazed sports fans willing to risk it all so that their big orange team can win. The more we argue ridiculous points like this with them (which, I’m guiltier than anyone), the more we legitimize their entirely illegitimate positions. They want us to get bogged down debating semantics about things that don’t matter so we don’t talk about what a bad ass Kamala is.

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u/Sad-Status-4220 4d ago

But Orange Man 10k Brioni suit is not an issue.


u/JJC_Outdoors 4d ago

Or his collection of $20k+ watches.

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u/AetheisticGod 4d ago

How dare she make an effort to look good on TV!

Also if she didn't how dare she not make the effort!


u/lunaflect 4d ago

It’s blatant misogyny all the way down


u/TheAskewOne 4d ago

The word they're looking for is "uppity".

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u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/ZeisUnwaveringWill 4d ago

AOC talks about this. The clothes and shoes she wore in her photoshoots are multiple thousands of $ but the clothes are loaned to her for her. I mean famous people on the red carpet are also often gifted clothes by the designers because the designers want their name/brand to be associated with these people. I can imagine lots of brands wanting to be associated with Kamala Harris.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

There are a lot of ethical rules around accepting gifts in government (with the obvious exception of Supreme Court Justices). For instance, the First Ladies can accept clothes from designers but they can only be worn and then have to be donated, to like the Smithsonian. They can purchase clothes, but aren’t supposed to get them at a discount.

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u/wabashcanonball 4d ago

Trump has a gold toilet.

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u/Technical_Air6660 4d ago

It’s not that expensive! It’s the cost of a weekend flight and hotel or a nice mattress. Which are like regular things people buy. Plus pearls NEVER go out of style.

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u/AnarchoBratzdoll 4d ago

She's an accomplished middle aged woman at an event of massive importance.

I'm none of those things and wear more expensive jewellery day to day. (engagement rings are a weird tradition) 


u/awesomefutureperfect 4d ago

What's missed here is that the debate was basically a job interview, but it was a job interview where the applicant you are in direct competition with is also answering the questions right next to you.

Discussing earrings is beside the point. Kamala had to deftly manage a real job interview while a fat man baby tantrummed through the whole affair which is honestly an indignity. Imagine if on your wedding or college education or other important milestones of your life and right next to you was a boor with shit in his adult diaper screaming boomer facebook conspiracy.

What's sad is the America should be processing what would happen if either candidate becomes president as far as the economy or foreign affairs or the climate or health care and education or immigration. Instead boomer conspiracy nonsense and the republicans admitting that he has 'the concept of a plan' is the end result of the debate.

Yes, some people got something substantive out of the debate, but honestly one of the narratives is that Kamala didn't give enough specifics which is as much bullshit as "economic anxiety". It's a fig leaf. It's a lie that people who say it may genuinely believe because they are in denial about wanting a piece of shit like Trump to be president.

I honestly feel bad for Harris having to share the stage and what should be a dignified event of determining the leadership of the most powerful country in the world with a demented pants shitting fool. It is a genuine embarrassment that half the country isn't better than that.

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u/BadCompany_00 4d ago

Has anyone considered that they may have been a gift?

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u/meliorism_grey 4d ago

To quote Contrapoints, "Donald Trump's apartment looks like Liberace married a Turkmenistani dictator and moved into a Cheesecake Factory."


u/Spear_Ritual 4d ago

But if she wears Chucks, that not “presidential.” So either way, assholes gonna bitch about something.

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u/Nerazzurro9 4d ago

I literally bought my wife an $800 pair of earrings back when I was making like $65k a year. I wanted to save up and get her something nice. She was touched, and still wears them all the time.

Are any of the people pushing this argument, like, women? Do they at least know any women? Have they never bought their wife a present? Do they own a watch? What are we doing here?

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u/pjyinzer412 4d ago

lol. Of the two on stage at the debate, she was definitely the one “out of touch”. (Please read this in sarcasm).


u/RawChickenButt 4d ago

Most people are a /s at the end to indicate sarcasm but since this is Reddit you should always assume sarcasm.

Maybe we should start adding a /ns to the end to indicate "not sarcasm" instead.


u/possibly_being_screw 4d ago

We should start adding /s for ‘serious’. That will clear things up.


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u/Every_Character9930 4d ago

Donald Trump shits on a golden toilet.

JD Vance was brought into the coven of a Silicon Valley billionaire who made him a venture capitalist.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4h ago


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u/WhatADumbassTake 4d ago

Out of touch? I mean, a good chunk of the population walks around with a $1000 device in their pocket. Some nice jewelry isn't "lording over the peasants" like these decrepit fools want us to think.