r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/54sharks40 5d ago

Donald Trump wears $6000 Brioni suits and can't even bother to get them tailored 


u/ILootEverything 5d ago

This is Donald Trump's apartment...


Complete with gold toilets.

And I'm supposed to be angry that a middle-class girl grew up into a woman who educated herself, got a law degree, married another lawyer, and can afford $800 earrings? That's hardly extravagant in comparison with the Trump lifestyle. But somehow they're "more in touch" having inherited (NOT worked for) great wealth?

Fuck out of here with that noise.


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 5d ago

Not only that, but consistent wear her very pricey earrings. It’s such a middle class thing - I am soooo broke. Brokety-broke-broke-broke, and I absolutely have a piece of jewelry that is 100s of dollars that I consistently wear. I consistently see male politicians wearing $8,000 suits, $1,000 shoes and similarly expensive wallets and toting briefcases that match the vibe. But, I see pundits calling out women for being extravagant all the time. It’s so obvious that it sparks an eye roll every time I see it. Judging her for this is such a perfect example of the misogyny we have against women in politics.


u/RedshiftSinger 5d ago

Yeah like oh no, god forbid a woman save up for one pricy accessory that she really likes and will wear literally all the time, that goes with everything and is classic enough to never go completely out of style.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 5d ago

Even if she had a whole jewelry wardrobe, I fail to see why it would be relevant unless she bought it by embezzling. Her previous job would’ve been well paid and she’s married to someone else who also ostensibly has a decent income. I can’t tell if the commenter is arguing in bad faith, or never been well off enough to know that a pair of nice earrings aren’t a ludicrous thing for an adult to own.

Hell, wasn’t Jackie Kennedy known for wearing pearls?


u/Remy149 5d ago

The same complainers will tell you how nice Melania dresses and brag how she looks rich but god forbid the former lawyer married to a millionaire have nice things.


u/CenterofChaos 5d ago

And not to be a dick about it, but genuine pearls from Tiffany & Co.? I'm a little surprised they're under a grand! For a Tiffany product that's a good price.         

If she had a Tiffany & Co. Tennis bracelet on I might get it, but a set of pearls? On a 60 year old woman? Might as well say a church lady with a hat is out of touch too. Laughable.


u/Remy149 5d ago

She is a woman of color they don’t believe she deserves these things especially if they can’t afford them


u/NoMarketing1972 5d ago

And of course they can't afford them due to "black jobs" such as California Attorney General /s


u/CenterofChaos 5d ago

I agree 


u/winterrbb 5d ago

Unfortunately, this is very true. It’s very much a “you think you’re better than ME?” thing.


u/Remy149 5d ago

Reminds me of the time I was buying expensive sun glasses in Macy’s and the sales clerk keep repeating the price. I ended up buying them just because she kept talking like I couldn’t afford them. However if it where a place they make commission I would have made sure someone else got the sale


u/Wilhelm57 5d ago

OMG, it happened to me too.
Then, I see my daughter buy a necklace and she was treated really nice.
After we left the store I told my daughter, the sales lady told the price of the bracelet four times and the other sales lady, offered me something cheaper.
My daughter made me return to the jewelry store with her and told them, this is my mother.
You see, I'm Native American and look like one too. My daughter looks more like her father, he was German.

I have encountered discrimination and racism because the way I look. I even had someone tell me to go home!
She made me angry. I told her, NO .....you go home, my ancestors were here long before Europeans discovered these lands.

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u/1K_Sunny_Crew 5d ago

They are fresh water cultured pearls, not natural pearls, and the body of the earring is silver. The materials cost (note I didn’t say quality) of them is actually very low, as usual with Tiffany. Their silver jewelry is massively marked up.


u/firstman0 5d ago

And Senator and Vice President. Hopefully we are paying those well as a nation….. lol


u/Wilhelm57 5d ago

I would pee myself laughing, if Melania is buying her $3,000 handbags with the money from the bibles and hats he's been selling.


u/valleyofsound 5d ago

Pearls and Chanel.


u/RedshiftSinger 4d ago

If by “the commenter” you mean me, I’m being hyperbolic to point out how ridiculous it is to criticize her for her earrings.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 4d ago

No, I meant the comment in the original post, sorry that wasn’t clear!


u/RedshiftSinger 4d ago

Little ambiguous, but it’s fine!


u/binzy90 5d ago

Also, what if they were a gift? $800 earrings would be a reasonable splurge for my husband to give me for Christmas, and I would wear them all the time if he did.


u/spicedmanatee 5d ago

A nice necklace she wears is $10,000+ and I was pleased to see that she rewears it pretty frequently. That is what I'd expect for someone who ends up in a higher tax bracket but wasn't born into it.

We've all seen something we liked only to be shocked at the ticket price being out of range, and everyone has spending habits that other people would consider a luxury. When you are able to increase your income those dream items become accessible. I have things I'd buy if I could afford them.

I knew a girl in HS who wouldn't wear the same pair of shoes twice. That to me was malignant spending, not this.


u/goldflame33 5d ago

She’s literally the vice president of the United States. She should have enough money to buy jewelry


u/RedshiftSinger 4d ago

Yeah and she’s also 60 and has previously had jobs like Senator and State Attorney General, you know, famously low-paid positions!


u/GreyerGrey 5d ago

I just kind of looked around, and I've found four or five other occasions where she has worn them. They might just been her "good luck" earrings.


u/paxwax2018 5d ago

It’s not like she hasn’t had well paid jobs her entire life, that’s nothing for someone on the salary of the VP of the United States.


u/bookworm1421 5d ago

Do we even have proof she bought them herself? They could have been a gift.

This screams “I saw a woman use EBT while carrying a Louis Vuitton purse!” Like the purse in question couldn’t have been a gift, bought in better times, or even borrowed.

Like STFU. Even if she DID buy them herself…is she not entitled to nice things? They complain about her earnings while voting for a literal billionaire. Make it make sense.


u/Krismusic1 5d ago

I think it naive to think a women of her net worth is saving up for earrings. Not that I have a problem with her having money.


u/RedshiftSinger 4d ago

My point is that $800 earrings are in fact accessible to the majority of American women, if they want to prioritize saving up for them.