r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/ILootEverything 5d ago

This is Donald Trump's apartment...


Complete with gold toilets.

And I'm supposed to be angry that a middle-class girl grew up into a woman who educated herself, got a law degree, married another lawyer, and can afford $800 earrings? That's hardly extravagant in comparison with the Trump lifestyle. But somehow they're "more in touch" having inherited (NOT worked for) great wealth?

Fuck out of here with that noise.


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 5d ago

Not only that, but consistent wear her very pricey earrings. It’s such a middle class thing - I am soooo broke. Brokety-broke-broke-broke, and I absolutely have a piece of jewelry that is 100s of dollars that I consistently wear. I consistently see male politicians wearing $8,000 suits, $1,000 shoes and similarly expensive wallets and toting briefcases that match the vibe. But, I see pundits calling out women for being extravagant all the time. It’s so obvious that it sparks an eye roll every time I see it. Judging her for this is such a perfect example of the misogyny we have against women in politics.


u/worldspawn00 5d ago

Yeah, how many of them are wearing watches that cost 10s of thousands? But these idiots are complaining about some $800 earrings, or a loaned dress from a designer that costs $2500 or some other BS.


u/Educational_Ad_8916 5d ago

They're not mad about the $

They're mad about the ♀


u/EarlGreyTea-Hawt 5d ago

Yep. They did the same thing with AOC and a dress she didn't even buy, but only borrowed, to go to a famously fashion forward event. They did the same thing with Hillary Clinton's wardrobe, hell they even threw one of their own under the bus (Palin) for her clothing expenses. Meanwhile, Forbes loves featuring all of the expensive bro swagfests, cool lists of conspicuous consumption, with zero judgment forthcoming about how much those many k worth of watches and suits cost the taxpayer.


u/Cultural-War-2838 5d ago

Double standard. I've never seen a man roasted for expensive suits or tie or shoes, borrowed or not.


u/Cultural-War-2838 5d ago

Double standard. I've never seen a man roasted for expensive suits or tie or shoes, borrowed or not.


u/PhileasFoggsTrvlAgt 5d ago

Forbes isn't a magazine, it's an advertising circular for status brands targeted at the aspirationally wealthy. It exists to sell luxury items and make the upper middle class feel poor so that they keep working at a burnout pace to buy status symbols. I can't remember the last time someone mentioned reading something interesting in Forbes.


u/Cultural-War-2838 5d ago

Double standard. I've never seen a man roasted for expensive suits or tie or shoes, borrowed or not.


u/worldspawn00 5d ago

Absolutely, also race. They're bigots in every regard.


u/OvaltineDream 5d ago

Exactly, thank you.