r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/jmurgen4143 5d ago

Wow, a woman in her sixties(?) who has worked all her life has nice earrings, what a weird thing to take issue with, you should have just ended on debunking the ear piece conspiracy.


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago edited 5d ago

And one who was an attorney, though frequently (entirely?) in public service (DA, AG) before she was elected to the Senate. Those are not low paying jobs. Her husband is an attorney as well. JFC, it's not like she offered to bet someone $10k.


u/valkycam12 5d ago

And who is the Vice President, who makes a couple of hundred thousand a year. Jeezus Melania usually wears thousands if not tens of thousands in clothes and accessories (excluding the jewelry). These people are pathetic.


u/takanishi79 5d ago

But that's all fine on Melania because she's just a trophy. Please don't examine any of Mr Trump's clothing or accessory budgets. /s


u/no_weird_PMs_pls 5d ago

Drop the shoe lifts budget


u/DarkwingDuckHunt 5d ago

doesn't he wear like $5000 European shoes?


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

Ron DeSantis has entered the chat 😂


u/CopeHarders 5d ago

No it’s fine on Melanie because she’s white. They expect Kamala to be poor because she’s a POC and all POCs should be poor and struggling according to the OPs white nationalist world view.


u/Suspicious-Echo2964 5d ago

Well, we somewhat know that Trump's drug and hooker budget is at least above a quarter of a mil to Stormy.


u/XepptizZ 5d ago

These are also the same people throwing a hissy fit about Kamala wearing converse exiting a helicopter for some event.

You literally can't win. Kamala is either dressed too well and detached or too casual and unbefitting. There is literally nothing she could wear that wouldn't twist their nipples one way or another.


u/NicoleNamaste 5d ago

It’s just typical sexism to focus more on what the female candidate wears than the male candidate. 


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

OMG, really? Shit, I got binders full of women (😉) who wear sneakers or other comfier shoes while commuting and then change to something nicer when they get to the office. Or, I'm in tech, they just wear sneakers if they want to.


u/VonKarmaSmash 5d ago

Accessories indeed. Melania’s $33K Birkin shrieks “out of touch with the common man” much louder than some (very) affordable pearl earrings.


u/wbruce098 5d ago

This. We aren’t in a Marxist-Leninist autocracy no matter how much the right tries to claim that’s what we are. There’s no push for our leaders to dress in plain peasant garb.

I’d be concerned if she were embezzling money from the government or something like Trump’s people did, but she is one of the highest paid members of the federal government; of course she should dress nicely!

Anyway, next controversy please…


u/lunchpadmcfat 5d ago

They have no talking points of their own so they’re now stealing the democrats’


u/modernistamphibian 5d ago

makes a couple of hundred thousand a year

VP makes $235,000. President is interesting, doubles every few decades:

1873 - $ 50,000
1943 - $100,000
1969 - $200,000
2001 - $400,000


u/32FlavorsofCrazy 5d ago

Oh but he’s a very rich self made man, one who didn’t get ahead through inheritance and fraudulent means at all, and she’s a public servant who should live in a cracker box and wear nothing but flour sacks she’s sewn together herself.

This is just their version of the welfare queen myth. They think she’s somehow cheated the system to get rich and buy all this fancy jewelry. They for some reason lack the ability to apply the same logic to their own candidate, who got handed everything in the world and still managed to go broke running a casino.


u/VermicelliOk8288 5d ago

Except for that one time when she was visiting migrant children detention centers; she wore a $39 Zara jacket that said “I really don’t care”


u/Tree-yAndMinty 5d ago

Exactly, she went to the other extreme just to make a statement.


u/Louloubelle0312 5d ago

Well, at least we understand with Melania. As someone who has spent so much of her life taking her clothes off and being naked, it's probably a relief to be clothed at this point in her life.


u/Dry-Suggestion8803 5d ago

I actually doubt it was a trump supporter who wrote that, it has the vibe of a non-Democrat leftist