r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/zerovanillacodered 5d ago

Is it even that expensive? $800 pearl earrings? It’s definitely nice jewelry but less than 1,000 dollars


u/Dry_Mastodon7574 5d ago

I have a $200 Tiffany necklace I got over 10 years ago. The quality of this silver necklace is amazing. It still looks brand new and I don't do anything to it. Her $800 earrings are immediately family heirlooms. If I could afford the pearl eariings, I would get them in a heartbeat. They are worth the money. 


u/Worried-Pick4848 5d ago

Well they surely are heirlooms now. They're the earrings she wore to a Presidential debate. Only the second woman to do that and the first woman of color. They are a piece of history now.

If she becomes President it's decent odds those earrings (or a repilca) go on display in her Presidential library.


u/jaderust 5d ago

Now that they've become a thing there's a good chance of it. I would have said the jewelry she wears at her inauguration or as part of her inaugural ball would have been the bigger pick for preservation...

Which just makes me wonder if she's already mentally planning the ball. Assuming she wins (and I hope she does) who is she going to go with for her dress? I think any fashion house would fall over themselves to whip something custom up for her, but she might want to go with a US designer. Who is she going to pick? Gown or is she going to be non-traditional and wear pants? Some sort of mix? What color? Is she going to borrow jewelry and get something extra flashy, go with something she owns, or splurge and buy something new?

From what I've seen, Harris is not a fashion person (she dresses very well and professionally, but she's not a clothes horse) but if she wins then everything she wears on Jan 20 is instantly going to be a moment of history. I hope she has someone on her team or her family to help her keep that in mind. She doesn't have to suddenly transform and come out in something so iconic we're all referencing it like Lady Di's revenge dress, but she does need to consider the optics because she'll be the first female President so there's a good chance that the photos of her on her Inauguration Day will be included in history books for decades to come.


u/Its0nlyAPaperMoon 5d ago

Traditionally the first lady will get her inauguration ball dress designed by a relatively unknown or up-and-coming designer rather than a fashion house because it supercharges that designer’s name recognition. Kamala Harris went with Black American designers for both her swearing-in suit and inauguration ball dress.


u/Worried-Pick4848 5d ago

I hope she wears something understated and professional. The same sorts of things she'd wear to a courtroom and say "Kamala Harris, for the People." That kinda needs to be her persona during her Presidency, I'm just doing the same work I've always done, being the people's advocate.


u/jaderust 5d ago

But tailored to a T. That's the real key to making professional wear shine. She for sure can get something off the rack or something that's already in her closet, but she should be sure to get it tailored to her if it isn't already.

That's the real issue with Trump's suits. Considering he spends so much money on them he either doesn't get them tailored or his tailor hates him.


u/FatSadHappy 5d ago

Yeh I don’t like pearls but now I want them


u/247cnt 5d ago

I find myself shopping for pearls after seeing photos of her


u/littlescreechyowl 5d ago

I immediately checked because I owe my daughter a grad/birthday gift, but they are only silver and she’s a gold girl.


u/FatSadHappy 5d ago

Gold at Tiffany is super expensive. They have another cure silver stuff


u/acloudcuckoolander 5d ago

Etsy sells real gold for relatively inexpensive if you're buying from Arab sellers


u/littlescreechyowl 5d ago

I’m so scared to buy off Etsy.


u/acloudcuckoolander 5d ago

You just have to know where to look is all. I know a couple of legit shops that I've purchased from.


u/Disneyhorse 5d ago

Pretty cool heirloom with a story… worn to a presidential debate.


u/debatingsquares 5d ago

I wish I liked them more! I kind of think those particular earrings are ugly. But I wish I didn’t!


u/Prudence_rigby 5d ago

Seriously!!! Just sent ta picture to my husband. Lol.


u/Aggravating_Front824 5d ago

It's expensive but not insane or anything, and for a major politician it's downright cheap 


u/Redbird2992 5d ago

As far as Jewelery goes that’s “middle class expensive” at most though. I’ve gotten my wife Tiffany before for special events like bdays and anniversary’s and while it was a hit financially it wasn’t at the same level as “buying a berkin” or a 5k bracelet shaped like a “bent nail”.

Like this is achievable levels of expensive for most people and if my wife was doing something as big she’d probably be wearing a similarly priced pair of earrings and we are firmly “lower middle class”. I don’t see an issue here at all tbh.


u/zmbjebus 5d ago

Idk about buying my wife a berkin, but I will for sure buy her a gherkin


u/Salty_Blacksmith_592 5d ago

And before being a major politician, she was an attorney. Its not Like she earned nothing in her life...


u/Paw5624 5d ago

Not to mention her husband has a successful career of his own


u/WookieLotion 5d ago

I mean Presidents regularly wear Patek Phillippe and Rolex watches. The fuck is this shit over $800 earrings.


u/Spare-Half796 5d ago

I’m no jewelry special buy considering the ones Melania wears are at the very least 4x the price, this is not a story


u/tessellation__ 5d ago

Right! That’s like something you’d find in the Costco catalog and you’d be like OK well that’s pricey but Costco is always a good deal. They really do a good job picking their, stuff add to cart. It’s not costume jewelry. It shouldn’t cost 10 bucks.


u/0bsessions324 5d ago

Perfect Costco earring pricing: not so much it'll bankrupt you, but enough that the year end cashback will help justify the cost.


u/UngusChungus94 5d ago

Not really? I mean, I spent over twice that on my fiancées engagement ring and I barely clear 70k a year, less when I bought it.


u/Natto_Assano 5d ago

She's been a lawyer/prosecutor. That's like a fraction of her monthly income


u/zerovanillacodered 5d ago

Important to note: government lawyers don’t make that much


u/Natto_Assano 5d ago

Do you have any numbers by chance? Just curious


u/Electrical_Ad_9584 5d ago

The average salary for the San Francisco district attorney is $100k and the current salary for Attorney General of California is about $150k. Senators make around $175k and the VP salary is currently set at $235k. Not crazy wealthy, but certainly comfortable enough to afford $800 earrings. Especially if you consider that Doug was earning roughly a mil a year as a partner at his law firm.


u/Electrical_Ad_9584 5d ago

She’s also the author of three books and has been Vice President for 3.5 years- which is a comfortable six figure salary. Don’t know why people are acting like these are $80k earrings or something. They’re modest, on-brand, and elegant without being showy. The literal only reason any of us are even talking about it is because the right tried to make it a conspiracy, then face-planted and had to pivot to this laughable non-argument.


u/No-Loss-9758 5d ago

I’m a college student and my basic diamond studs are 2000$ each for lab grown diamonds. 800$ for a grown woman is really not news worthy I agree with you. I promise Kamala and her husband can afford, and own, much more expensive jewelry. I would honestly bet she carefully considered her outfit and picked something that was nice and presentable without coming off as ostentatious.


u/bsubtilis 5d ago

It's expensive for poor people, who still wouldn't care about her earrings as much as so much of Trump's BS expenses. He was gifted millions from his parents, and managed to officially make losses from casinos (the house always wins, pretty sus). Her earrings after so many decades of hard work is nothing in comparison to all that bullshit.


u/ImNotSkankHunt42 5d ago

The PS5 Pro will cost about that much.

“PlayStation Gamers™️ are out of touch”


u/tinastep2000 5d ago

I think it’s affordable for nice jewelry tbh


u/Upset_Albatross_9179 5d ago

Are they even $800 earings? Somebody trying to rage bait found a picture of earrings that look like them for $800. With the resolution of that picture, I'm sure there's a dozen different earrings I could find for $100 to $10,000

Last time it was her necklace, claiming it was some thousands of dollars. And at the resolution of that image I found something that looked identical for a couple hundred.

I'm so tired of this. Rage baiters make shit up. Then people post it here and spread it and spark these long conversations as though it's at all true. And it's not, it's just rage bait bullshit.


u/sevensoulsdeep 5d ago

With the resolution of that picture


I'm so tired of this. Rage baiters make shit up.

Honestly, I think it's pretty darn weird to get upset over a 60-year-old career woman having $800 earrings. Come on. Every other kid you meet has a $1000 iPhone.


u/MeiSuesse 5d ago

Well, that depends on your earnings (yes, some people would like to have 800 usd in savings) but... It's not like some kind of extraordinary pricing for jewellery/clothing/accessories. Unlike some Balenciaga bags. And shoes.

Nothing as bad as some people would like for it to seem. I thought I misread the number and there was actually one more 0. Yes, that'd be outrageous.


u/THRlLLH0 5d ago

Tiffany stuff goes wayyyy higher than $800, the mark up is insane. People going crazy about this should ask about Trump's watch collection. Shit, most world leaders wear 4-5 figure watches, except his mate Vlad who has single pieces worth at least several hundred thousand or more.


u/Worried-Pick4848 5d ago

800 dollar earrings is something a middle class woman can afford if they are prudent with money.


u/hiS_oWn 5d ago

$800 is less than $1000

Woah there, let's wait for the fact checkers on this one buddy


u/Professional-Day7850 5d ago

Need a source for the claim that 800 is less then 1000.


u/Artistic-South8139 5d ago

It’s not expensive considering her profession, length of her career, and status. My friends who work for big law in NYC routinely wear Van Cleef & Arpels. I’m a nobody and I’m wearing $3000 earrings right now.


u/mikecandih 5d ago edited 5d ago

It’s like one of the cheapest sets of earrings you can get from Tiffany’s lol. And this is juxtaposed to the guy wearing untailored suits that cost thousands of dollars with a Rolex on his wrist.


u/sandcrawler56 5d ago

Yeah. Biden and Trump both regularly wear watches worth north of $10k and no one bats an eye. Kamala wears $800 earrings and she is called out of touch???


u/Haru17 5d ago

On the scale of jewelry not even.


u/saaS_Slinging_Slashr 5d ago

And they’re friends with the richest people in the world, those wouldn’t even be considered an expensive gift by most people


u/JoeyJoeJoeSenior 5d ago

It's not expensive.  I spend that much on bananas.


u/DisciplineBoth2567 5d ago

She’s recently worn a $62,000 tiffany chain link necklace in an advertisement.


u/Kevlar_Bunny 5d ago

For the average person that’s still special occasions/save up a bit type of money. But on the other hand I didn’t know Tiffany jewelry even came that cheap.


u/Lazy-Fox-2672 5d ago

No. That’s on the lower end for earrings from Tiffany’s. My mom has a pair of Tiffany’s earrings that retail for $3k.



lol they should have mentioned the Tiffany necklace she likes to wear, it’s $12k


u/Lanolin_The_Sheep 5d ago

$800 isn't nothing but it's not much. I'm half her age and a fraction of her net worth, I have two $100 silver pieces of jewelery from...The Pokemon Center. Mimikyu Necklace and sylveon ring


u/bijouxbisou 5d ago

It’s not even particularly nice. Like they’re pretty and I’m not saying they’re bad or cheap, but for $800 it’s not those are going to be South Sea pearls and platinum. $800 from Tiffany is going to get you sterling silver and probably freshwater pearls.


u/RareFirefighter6915 5d ago

On a vice president salary, it's roughly 10 hours of work. Not really that expensive for someone in her position.


u/redworm 5d ago

it's expensive to the perpetually broke and terminally online wannabe leftists who think everyone in the country is either in the exact same financial situation as them or a bourgeoisie boot licking corporatist that wants the proles to die in the streets

in their eyes if you can afford $800 then you must have either inherited a house from your parents or exploited sweatshop workers


u/MassGaydiation 5d ago

Wannabe leftists aren't even that bad. For all their many inadequacies, this is more "you hate capitalism but iPhone" type knobheads


u/Dorkamundo 5d ago

I give my wife pearl earrings every once in a while and they cost me nothing.


u/whywedontreport 5d ago

Not compared to her $62k necklace.

The lady loves Tiffany.



u/Dzov 5d ago

Zero proof that it’s the same necklace. The links don’t even look the same.


u/Ellisiordinary 5d ago

Your own link lists its only source as a webpage that says there is no proof that necklace is actually the Tiffany & Co. one or that if it is she personally purchased it. It could be a knockoff, it could be something the brand has lent or gifted her (very common with celebrities and politicians) or it could be something in her stylist’s collection (also very common with celebrities, I don’t know if politicians use stylists but I could definitely see Kamala using one with how cohesive and put together her style always is).


u/kadje 5d ago

This!!!! It's very common for celebrities and public people to be loaned jewelry to wear at events. And there's no telling that it's not a knock-off, I've got some pretty nice looking knock-offs don't look like it unless they're inspected closely.


u/Extreme_Shoe4942 5d ago

Even if she doesn't use a stylist regularly for a Presidential debate? I'm sure that's a damn good reason to.


u/Kythorian 5d ago

Social media users suggested the necklace was an 18-karat, yellow-gold piece, which retails for $62,000 from Tiffany & Co.'s HardWear line.

Your entire source is ‘social media users suggested’ something? Your own source links directly to Snopes, where it says the necklace does look similar, but it’s not been confirmed if that’s the same necklace or not. It could just as easily be gold plated and cost $100 rather than being solid gold.


u/DreamOfDays 5d ago

Thanks for linking the source to an article instead of making baseless claims. I appreciate it!


u/Kythorian 5d ago

He linked to a source that says this is entirely based on the claim of what some random person said on social media, and it has not in any way been confirmed. So I guess he should be praised for linking a source that says his statement is just baseless conjecture, but maybe he shouldn’t have made the statement at all, given that it is baseless conjecture…


u/DreamOfDays 5d ago

It’s not baseless conjecture if you actually clicked the link, read the article, googled it from another source, and put aside your initial biases. This doesn’t make me pro-trump, but it does remind me that I am not immune to propaganda. I forgot that Kamala is also a politician and has flaws.

Take it as a lesson to still support your politician of choice, but don’t make them untouchable perfect idols in your mind.


u/Kythorian 5d ago

I did read it. This is the articles own summary:

While it's true that a Tiffany & Co. necklace that resembles the one worn by Harris exists and is listed for purchase at $62,000, and Vogue at one point reported that she was wearing a Tiffany & Co. necklace, there was no definitive evidence to confirm, nor deny, that Harris was wearing the $62,000 version of the gold chainlink necklace. We're waiting to hear back from Tiffany & Co. and Harris' camp, and will update this article if we receive a response.

The conclusion is ‘it looks similar, but we don’t know one way or the other.’


u/DreamOfDays 5d ago

And that’s okay. It’s just a reminder that the politician you’re electing USED TO BE middle class but became a lot richer. Still a thousand times better than “Born with a platinum spoon in his mouth” pumpkin.


u/Electrical_Ad_9584 5d ago

That’s what makes her an example of the American Dream. I don’t fault anyone for working hard and having money, I fault people who hoard billions of dollars more than they will ever need while paying the lowest wage possible and creating unsafe working conditions for the people who are actually generating that wealth. When those people attempt to interfere with our political system, that’s a major problem. Kamala has been a public servant all her life. I’d be upset if she COULDN’T afford a nice pair of earrings.


u/Terrible-Cause-9901 5d ago

Let’s see how long before your blocked from responding to your post