r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/jmurgen4143 5d ago

Wow, a woman in her sixties(?) who has worked all her life has nice earrings, what a weird thing to take issue with, you should have just ended on debunking the ear piece conspiracy.


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago edited 5d ago

And one who was an attorney, though frequently (entirely?) in public service (DA, AG) before she was elected to the Senate. Those are not low paying jobs. Her husband is an attorney as well. JFC, it's not like she offered to bet someone $10k.


u/valkycam12 5d ago

And who is the Vice President, who makes a couple of hundred thousand a year. Jeezus Melania usually wears thousands if not tens of thousands in clothes and accessories (excluding the jewelry). These people are pathetic.


u/takanishi79 5d ago

But that's all fine on Melania because she's just a trophy. Please don't examine any of Mr Trump's clothing or accessory budgets. /s


u/no_weird_PMs_pls 5d ago

Drop the shoe lifts budget


u/DarkwingDuckHunt 5d ago

doesn't he wear like $5000 European shoes?


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

Ron DeSantis has entered the chat 😂


u/CopeHarders 5d ago

No it’s fine on Melanie because she’s white. They expect Kamala to be poor because she’s a POC and all POCs should be poor and struggling according to the OPs white nationalist world view.


u/Suspicious-Echo2964 5d ago

Well, we somewhat know that Trump's drug and hooker budget is at least above a quarter of a mil to Stormy.


u/XepptizZ 5d ago

These are also the same people throwing a hissy fit about Kamala wearing converse exiting a helicopter for some event.

You literally can't win. Kamala is either dressed too well and detached or too casual and unbefitting. There is literally nothing she could wear that wouldn't twist their nipples one way or another.


u/NicoleNamaste 5d ago

It’s just typical sexism to focus more on what the female candidate wears than the male candidate. 


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

OMG, really? Shit, I got binders full of women (😉) who wear sneakers or other comfier shoes while commuting and then change to something nicer when they get to the office. Or, I'm in tech, they just wear sneakers if they want to.


u/VonKarmaSmash 5d ago

Accessories indeed. Melania’s $33K Birkin shrieks “out of touch with the common man” much louder than some (very) affordable pearl earrings.


u/wbruce098 5d ago

This. We aren’t in a Marxist-Leninist autocracy no matter how much the right tries to claim that’s what we are. There’s no push for our leaders to dress in plain peasant garb.

I’d be concerned if she were embezzling money from the government or something like Trump’s people did, but she is one of the highest paid members of the federal government; of course she should dress nicely!

Anyway, next controversy please…


u/lunchpadmcfat 5d ago

They have no talking points of their own so they’re now stealing the democrats’


u/modernistamphibian 5d ago

makes a couple of hundred thousand a year

VP makes $235,000. President is interesting, doubles every few decades:

1873 - $ 50,000
1943 - $100,000
1969 - $200,000
2001 - $400,000


u/32FlavorsofCrazy 5d ago

Oh but he’s a very rich self made man, one who didn’t get ahead through inheritance and fraudulent means at all, and she’s a public servant who should live in a cracker box and wear nothing but flour sacks she’s sewn together herself.

This is just their version of the welfare queen myth. They think she’s somehow cheated the system to get rich and buy all this fancy jewelry. They for some reason lack the ability to apply the same logic to their own candidate, who got handed everything in the world and still managed to go broke running a casino.


u/VermicelliOk8288 5d ago

Except for that one time when she was visiting migrant children detention centers; she wore a $39 Zara jacket that said “I really don’t care”


u/Tree-yAndMinty 5d ago

Exactly, she went to the other extreme just to make a statement.


u/Louloubelle0312 5d ago

Well, at least we understand with Melania. As someone who has spent so much of her life taking her clothes off and being naked, it's probably a relief to be clothed at this point in her life.


u/Dry-Suggestion8803 5d ago

I actually doubt it was a trump supporter who wrote that, it has the vibe of a non-Democrat leftist


u/justrock54 5d ago

I work as a paralegal for a law firm- I'm a single senior. I wouldn't spend that on earrings because I'd lose them, but I bought myself a $1000 shearling jacket last year. It was a splurge absolutely, but FFS if I can manage that a pair of lawyers can buy those earrings without blinking.


u/badtowergirl 5d ago

I bet your sherling jacket looks gorgeous on you! I’m an upper middle-class working person with 2 kids in college. I could easily afford those earrings and I make much less than Kamala. I choose to wait until my kids are financially independent, which I expect to happen when I’m about 55, still years younger than Kamala is now. It’s simply not surprising or noteworthy in any way that she’d wear $800 earrings.


u/acloudcuckoolander 5d ago

Kamala is 59


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/acloudcuckoolander 5d ago

Yes, that is indeed literally years younger. claps Good on you for grasping that.


u/Arienna 5d ago

I watched a YouTube doc about the luxury brands and the big, big names don't target the ultra wealthy because they're not a large enough population to generate more than a few million a year. They get their revenue from middle class people with some disposable income who want to save up and splurge now and then... which can add up to a billion dollar industry


u/oxhasbeengreat 5d ago

I work a tech support/CST service job and MY wife has jewelry that costs that much? I'm so fucking sick of all this faux outrage bullshit.


u/jasperamerica 5d ago

Single chuckle-fuck millennial homeowner. I spend this much (seperately) on my rescue maltipoo and video games. Not mention my vintage moped/antique automotive hobby. I work in film&tv which means I don't work at the moment and am broke as fuck. These people can take several seats and multiple pews.


u/OneofHearts 5d ago

I was going to say this. I’m also a paralegal, also single. I don’t wear earrings, but I would absolutely drop $800 on a piece of jewelry I love and will wear regularly forever. This is not a huge expenditure for someone of her socioeconomic status. She didn’t come dripping in fur and diamonds, ffs. Did people want her to wear a pair of plastic earrings from Claire’s?


u/justrock54 5d ago

Amazon 🤣


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

That should be her quiet clapback. Show up to her next event wearing some starter butterflies from Claire's. 😂


u/RhythmRobber 5d ago

Seriously, in relation to how successful she is and how much money she's made and would have saved at this age, $800 earrings is relatively cheap.


u/Thuis001 5d ago

Frankly, if she couldn't afford those there'd arguably be reason to be concerned as that'd imply some questionable money management skills.


u/32FlavorsofCrazy 5d ago

They made a big fuss out of some necklace she wore to an event too, as though she’s not allowed to own anything nice even though their Nepo baby golden cow has a $60k watch on his wrist. It’s just regular ass sexism and racism, best ignored or called out for what it is. We really don’t need to do any arguing about why it’s okay for her to have that.


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

And, as another commenter mentioned, he's paying a lot of money for Brioni suits to look that frumpy.


u/32FlavorsofCrazy 5d ago

Yup. But she’s black and works in public service so they have to behave as though she shouldn’t have money enough for anything nice, even though she’s a hugely successful lawyer, served as AG before going to the Senate where she makes $250k a year, and her husband probably makes good money too as a lawyer. Working in public service has always been well paid at the top, because they’re being paid fairly for their industry and expertise. No lawyer would be a prosecutor if it only paid $35k a year, you have to compete with the private sector.

It’s just like how they bash on black women for getting their hair or nails done, owning a cell phone, driving a nicer vehicle, etc. because they see them all as being on welfare and abusing the system somehow.


u/thrwwybadfriend 5d ago

Yeah Doug Emhoff was a partner at DLA Piper. He would have made millions a year in that role.


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

Eh, DA pays less than you think. It’s not a low paying job for sure, but it’s also not an absurdly high paying one. Most lawyers either make between 40-60k a year or 200-240k a year. Prosecutor probably makes the lower one, AG might make the higher one, I’m not sure. But it’s largely the partners are the bigger firms who make the real dough


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

That was actually a big point in her winning AG the first time. It pays less than DA (at least for her opponent who was the LA County DA). He outright said he was going to double dip by taking his DA pension and AG salary. It was a turning point in the race.


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

He actually said that? Even if that is legal, you don’t say that during a campaign lol. CA AG pays $150k a year, that’s pretty good for anyone


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

Yep, this was 2010, AG paid $150k. As LA DA, Steve Cooley was making $292k, so it was a pretty hefty pay cut for a "promotion". He said he'd earned it and that AG had an incredibly low salary. Pretty tone deaf, even though true.

NYT wrote it up a couple weeks ago as it's one of those moments that if it went differently, Kamala probably isn't elected AG (she was down in the polls before it) and isn't running for President today:

Here's the video including Kamala obviously realizing in the moment that he'd screwed up badly, "Go for it, Steve!":


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

Damn, that’s fair. That’s a lot for a DA to make, and he had a point but outright saying “I’m going to make $440k a year at taxpayer expense” is a terrible campaign plan


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

Yeah, he wasn't really wrong. While $150k is a good salary for the vast majority of people, it is low for being the top attorney in the state. It also probably wouldn't have been terribly notable if he'd have left DA to work for a nonprofit and taken his pension to supplement a lower salary.

But, saying it out loud like that and with a pretty entitled "I've earned it!" was not smart. According to the NYT article, Kamala's campaign put out an ad very quickly with just that statement (it was almost perfectly 30s) with basically their last money left and it turned the tide of the race.


u/byneothername 5d ago

$292k is not a lot for an attorney with the level of experience and connections who is capable of being the district attorney. Experienced DAs can typically smoothly flip to plaintiff personal injury/wrongful death work (that area highly values trial experience) and make double or triple that.


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

I'll bet you'll be shocked to learn that he didn't run for reelection as DA after losing the AG race (the terms didn't align, he had 2 more years as DA) and went into private practice.


u/WWhataboutismss 5d ago

And she worked in fucking San Francisco one of the most expensive places in the world. Incomes are probably pretty good there.


u/gwicksted 5d ago

Right? They’re actually pretty modest considering their net worth. I can understand being jealous but it’s not like the vast majority of political candidates are minimum wage workers.


u/inmatenumberseven 5d ago

She has only ever worked in public service.


u/redworm 5d ago

this is one of the reasons I like her

could have moved into the private sector and made an absolute killing as a lawyer in California, instead decided to continue being a public servant

that's what I want in a president, someone comfortable with being a government employee and who understands the responsibility of it


u/dilla_zilla 5d ago

Not the point. Government attorney is still a well paying job and this is stupid.


u/inmatenumberseven 5d ago

I was simply correcting a mistake.


u/SquirellyMofo 5d ago

And married to a guy who was an entertainer lawyer in Hollywood


u/Anyweyr 5d ago

Sure. Even so, both of them worked for their wealth.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/theArtOfProgramming 5d ago

Lol I think you underestimate how many regular people have millions. If you said billions I could get behind you but most of the middle class has millions before retirement age. Plenty of professionals earn hundreds of thousands and save and invest to become millionaires these days. Now if you’re saying that all of capitalism/consumerism/1st world is exploitative by nature, that’s a very different argument and of it’s own class. It would include people much poorer than millionaires too.


u/SrslyCmmon 5d ago

10 years ago financial advisors were saying you needed a million dollars savings, minimum, to retire. As well as a paid off property, but now it's somewhere between 1.5 and 2.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/theArtOfProgramming 5d ago edited 5d ago

Man you’re so naively blinded that you don’t even understand what I wrote. I never said anything about you being the same. I said it’s a really hard argument to say that someone with 3.5 million in total net worth has exploited anyone in the way someone like any billionaire has. It’s quite common to genuinely earn that through education and good, hard work.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/theArtOfProgramming 5d ago

Like I said, if you’re arguing that then you need to levee blame on people worth a lot less too, yourself included most likely - given that you have internet access and probably shower everyday.


u/[deleted] 5d ago


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u/Anyweyr 5d ago

The hell you talking about? If you have a job that pays $150K a year and live frugally, you can have a million dollars in about a decade or so. I'm sure her salary has varied over the years, but she's been working for 30+ years, and she wrote a couple of books. Do you think writing a memoir is exploitative?

I guess she and her husband have investments. I can see how that's indirectly exploitative, but not more so than the over 60% of Americans who do too. Do you consider 160 million Americans to be some kind of robber barons?? This is why I can't be a real leftist, it's ridiculous at some point.


u/N3ptuneflyer 5d ago

Some people are failing at life and view anyone more successful than them as having exploited people to get it.

There's a vast difference between being a billionaire who owns companies that pay workers minimum wage, vs someone who's working in a lucrative career who has done well for themselves. Those latter people have earned every penny they've made, the former made it on the backs of both the latter and the low wage earners who produce way more value than they get paid for.


u/breuh 5d ago

My dude, this isn't the 1900's. A million dollar for Americans who have decent paying job is not something impossible and even so it's not something you need the 'exploit the masses' to achieve.


u/HephaestusHarper 5d ago

Also her husband was an entertainment lawyer, not a shady lawyer ripping off widows-n-orphans.


u/What_a_pass_by_Jokic 5d ago

My sister is a gp, her husband a surgeon, they make 400-500k a year together (they don't live in the US else it would be even more I assume). They have millions saved, especially since they only have 1 kid. I don't think they exploit the masses, they even work in a country with socialized healthcare.


u/jebberwockie 5d ago

My great grandmother was a millionaire on a teacher's salary. Many years of smart saving and investing.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/jebberwockie 5d ago

Good job moving the goalposts. Attitude like that certainly going to keep you working until 80.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/jebberwockie 5d ago

Nah, but you could try growing up. Instead you got weirdly defensive about someone letting you know you could be a millionaire as a teacher.


u/[deleted] 5d ago


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u/Dustfinger4268 5d ago

You're confused. Millions is still relatively rich, it's billions that's unachievable without exploiting the masses. Millions can be luck or effort, usually a bit of both


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Dustfinger4268 5d ago

My friend, we've moved past the age of penny candy and 300 dollar cars. One million dollars is far from an extravagant amount that only the top 0.0001 percent can achieve. It's still enough to put you in the top 10%, but that's still a significant amount of people that some of them are likely to be fairly normal and have gotten that money fairly.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Dustfinger4268 5d ago

What does that have to do with literally anything, my dude. I'm not saying that something startling or insane; one million is the floor for the top 10%, according to several sources. Sure, that's not going to be every person you pass on the street, but chances are it's a couple of them. Someone who owns their home is nearly halfway to being considered a millionaire already (considering the median sale price in 2024 was $420,000). Again, my point isn't that millionaires are all great people and should be free from any criticism, but they're nowhere near the same level of exploitation as a billionaire. You're probably closer to being a millionaire than they are to being a billionaire


u/[deleted] 5d ago


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u/sofaking_scientific 5d ago

Is that what Doug does/did? Nice


u/dsmith422 5d ago

I believe he is teaching law in some DC area college now. Imagine that, a relative/in-law of a executive branch officer refusing to keep working at a job that might cause a conflict of interest vs a conman who laundered money through his business while President and had a son-in-law that blackmailed Qatar into a one billion dollar bailout of his underwater building and then accepted a two billion dollar bribe from Saudi Arabia after leaving the White House.


u/sofaking_scientific 5d ago

Man now I just wanna jam to some Nirvana with Doug


u/redworm 5d ago

yup right up until Joe asked her to be VP. he immediately resigned from his firm to support her


u/MyMainManKE 5d ago

Pod save America has an episode where they interview Doug. I didn't think I would be interested but found it pretty interesting to hear more about him and from him


u/Block444Universe 5d ago

They literally have nothing else. That’s what that means. Pretty fucking good candidate if that’s all they are finding


u/TheAskewOne 5d ago

They did the same with the Obamas. They were constantly scrutinizing what Michelle wore and attacking her for it. Not to mention the tan suit.


u/Dramatic_Raisin 5d ago

It seems there are certain types of people that get butthurt when other certain types of people are successful…….


u/Nimrod_Butts 5d ago

Haha not racists tho, they're not racist at all! Just ask them, they'll tell you. They're not racist at all they just hate the Obama's for what they did to the country, nothing specific, but they sure did.... Uhm... Something. Worst president ever, for reasons. Really real and tangible reasons, they never can seem to articulate...


u/Mysterious-Job-469 5d ago

And get REALLY fucking belligerent and angry if you push them on it.

Almost like there's something they're not telling us?


u/TheAskewOne 5d ago

You gotta understand though, racism didn't exist anymore and the Obamas brought it back, or something.


u/Nimrod_Butts 5d ago

Yeah but not like, anti black racism the other racism.

Again some had very serious and well thought out criticisms of the Obama administration, like the hyper ultra inflation they caused. I knew this was happening because talk radio spoke about it non stop. Fortunately for me they had advertisers with a solution, gold! It's a great service, you send them all your money and they promise to buy gold with it. And the genius part is they hold onto all of it. They do all the hard work of buying coins and gold with my money and pass the, uh, savings onto me. That's why I was able to recoup at least 60% of my family's life savings after the catastrophic Obama hyper inflation after only keeping in the gold companies for a mere decade. An incredible return on my dollar. Not bad for a highschool drop out, if I do say so myself. Especially after the systemic anti white racism


u/mster425 5d ago

She's probably so happy she doesn't have to wear J Crew all the time now


u/Th3SK_ 5d ago

Remember the basketball court?


u/yg2522 5d ago

or that obama likes dijon mustard


u/12OClockNews 5d ago

Like when she showed her shoulders! Oh the humanity!

Melania has actual nude photos online and they said she was the best, most respectable first lady in history.


u/TheAskewOne 5d ago

Michelle Obama is a Harvard educated lawyer, Melanie is a nude model. There's no shame in that, but conservatives shouldn't try to pretend that it's somehow more honorable.


u/GogglesPisano 5d ago

I used to think emails and Benghazi were pretty weak sauce too.

Vote Blue.


u/xox1234 5d ago

I had issues with the email thing. Still voted for her over the cheeto. Because the White House don't need no bronzer. Whack ass faker


u/OutrageousTie1573 5d ago

They are mad she worked and earned nice things instead of staying home and raising ten kids and growing her own parsley.


u/alephthirteen 5d ago edited 5d ago

growing her own parsley.

Not sure if it was parsley, but the cooking video that bubbled up where Kamala is showing a recipe to her neice mentioned "herbs from the garden" so who knows?

Besides, parsley is neither particularly nor space-intensive. Many herbs can be grown in a basket on an apartment balcony. If these trad-types want me to be impressed becuase We GrOw OuR oWn! I better see some actual agriculture, multi-crop, using sustainable practices. If they're selling the wool they don't need, hunting on shared lands, farming more than they need and sharing food with neighbors, they're at least doing pretend European peasantry properly. If buying the food they're putting into the $5,000, brand-new stand mixer for the TikTok, they're just filthy casuals.


u/OutrageousTie1573 5d ago

That's so true, my gramma had this little planter that looked a bit like an ice cube tray that was in the kitchen window. There were many different herbs in there. I am not domestically inclined so I don't know anything about anything.


u/Splatfan1 5d ago

if a woman has something nicer than an egg apron honestly whats even the point she might as well be a man (but not a REAL man obviously)


u/Karnewarrior 5d ago

Nah. They're mad she clearly and obviously beat Trump, therefore she MUST have cheated. She's not white and a woman therefore she must be brainless therefore she must have cheated to beat Trump, in their minds. That's why they insist she got to the top by blowing dudes, why they insist she only won the debate because she had super secret James Bond earrings, why they insist that the moderators of the debate were unfair for pointing out inconvenient things.

In reality, it's Trump's supporters who are brainless and try to cheat. Trump himself is incapable of inventing anything on the fly which is why the whole debate wound up looking like Kamala saying a burn, and Trump just wildly throwing around Uno reverse cards wondering why her pawns just keep advancing down the board.

Trump is a pidgeon at a chess match, and he's used to Biden who tries to play chess and loses when he shits on the board. He's not used to Kamala, who's perfectly willing to outshit a pigeon.


u/iamwearingashirt 5d ago

Tbh $800 is actually kinda cheap for jewelry for a woman of her status. 


u/Hunger_Of_The_Pine_ 5d ago

Yeah, I'd say $800 jewellery is "normal" person jewellery (though a very special item for the average person).

It's something the normal person would have to save for, but unless you are on or below the poverty line is definitely a special item that would be within reach.


u/Naraee 5d ago

Tiffany is also the brand that is the special jewelry that a lot of people aspire to own a piece of. It's why the "Return to Tiffany" heart necklace is so popular, because it is affordable for something that is a special purchase, many have a tiny Tiffany diamond in them, and it's something people can wear everyday.


u/ohslapmesillysidney 5d ago

$800 is considerably less than a lot of engagement rings, FFS. Seconding that for most financially comfortable (or higher) people, that would be a perfectly reasonable amount to splurge on for a nice piece of jewelry. I would say that most women I know who like jewelry have something in the $500-1000 range as an anniversary/birthday/Christmas present, or as something they saved up for and bought themselves.

I was actually jewelry shopping yesterday, and a lot of the stuff with good quality stones/metal was within that range.


u/ladyevenstar-22 5d ago

That's a price for a good laptop that you can pay for in 4 to 6 installments.


u/Suitable-Matter-6151 5d ago

This. Most of the watches these guys wear are in the tens of thousands.


u/that1prince 5d ago

Easily! A career attorney married to another career attorney, wearing $800 jewelry is not a story.


u/jaymef 5d ago

for sure, nothing wrong with cheaper jewellery but $800 for a pair of earrings is nothing. For a 60 year old woman in a high level career it's absolutely nothing


u/Top_Craft_9134 5d ago

And she wears them frequently!


u/GetRiceCrispy 5d ago

it's literally the price of an iphone and as long as she doesn't lose them, they will last a long time


u/calbear011011 5d ago

That was my take too. When I went through a divorce and got a new job and all that, I bought myself a pair of diamond studs for $2500 (decent size but you’d be surprised how little that gets you), and I stand by that purchase. I wore them essentially every day since then, so the cost per wear keeps decreasing. Meanwhile, the god knows how many pairs of forever 21 earrings I’ve purchased only lasted one or so wears before tarnishing. $800 is really not much for a pair of earrings like this that you could wear with pretty much any outfit, and in a style that’s pretty classic.


u/BoiledFrogs 5d ago

Yeah, if you want me to think she's out of touch because of it, they'd need to be at least a few thousand and probably more like 5.


u/red286 5d ago

Yeah it's kinda nuts. My dad bought my mom a $1000 gold bracelet, and he was working as an electrical lineman, not exactly a job that easily affords luxuries.

And if $800 is truly out of reach for the majority of American families, that says more about how badly corporate America is fucking over the average American than anything about Harris being out-of-touch.


u/ladyevenstar-22 5d ago

I agree . 8000 would be more befitting her status and earnings


u/RickBourbon 5d ago

This coming from tough guys that drive 80k trucks and complain about gas prices for their 2500 super duties they use to drive to Daytona Beach.


u/wilbur313 5d ago

Honestly I was wondering what their reaction would be if she drove up to the stage in a lifted F150 King ranch edition.


u/RareFirefighter6915 5d ago

Nah she sounds like a Tacoma person lol


u/Salty_Blacksmith_592 5d ago

Using 1300$ iPhones they're replacing every 2 years...


u/Penguin_Dunce 5d ago

While $100,000 in debt and making $7.25 an hour at one of the 14 dollar stores in their town as they complain about the tax on the wealthy being proposed...


u/KimJongRocketMan69 5d ago

And have used the truckbed once in 3 years


u/deisukyo 5d ago

Don’t forget when they pay to get their trucks lifted and shit with those big ass tires and rims.


u/wurm2 5d ago

she'll turn 60 October 20th.


u/alephthirteen 5d ago

Let's get her a belated gift!


u/Penguin_Dunce 5d ago

Everyone throw in for $10,000 earrings and really send these idiots to space


u/Quiet_Hope_543 5d ago

Nah, a belated election win is better.


u/IstoriaD 5d ago

My mother makes a very nice salary and really like some particular of very expensive and (IMO) mostly ugly bracelets. But it's her thing! Probably like 15 years ago, my best friend and I went to Europe with my parents. My dad had to work, so my mom took us shopping. We stopped by for a 15 minutes or so in this jewelry shop, where my mom got herself an ugly expensive bracelet while my friend and I hung out and waited for her. No big deal, none of us thought anything of it. When we got back to the hotel, my dad threw a fit about how my mother could dare to spend so much money (probably also around $500-$800) on jewelry, and in front of a guest, no less. My mom and I were baffled -- my mom just said "it's my money, I earned it with my job, that I work, and I've met all my financial obligations and I get to decide what to spend the extra cash on. I'm not ashamed to let two young women see that it's ok to treat yourself with your own hard earned money."


u/Morticia9999 5d ago

Your mom is an awesome roll model! Heck Yea!!!


u/TheAskewOne 5d ago

And when Michelle Obama wore a $60 dress that she had bought online, conservatives were outraged that she dared wearing the same clothes as ordinary people and it was unbecoming of a First Lady.


u/Salty_Blacksmith_592 5d ago

Am i the only one who doesn't even find 800$ not that much? I aint even from the USA, our median income is half of that of the USA... 


u/Its0nlyAPaperMoon 5d ago

It’s not that much money especially for actual jewelry.

$800 is about 3 nights at a decent hotel in a major city in the US. Or a round trip plane ticket to Europe. A bit of a splurge but not like a once-in-a-lifetime expense for average people.


u/Colonel10Moutarde 5d ago

Also strange to have this take on Harris when her opponent is literally a billionaire.


u/Username12764 5d ago

Nah, no way she‘s 60. If she‘s 60, I need to know what lotion she‘s using. My mother is 50 and looks older than Kamala


u/Nick_pj 5d ago

Trump supporters trying to start a “who’s out of touch?” conversation is goddamn hilarious


u/rathat 5d ago

Did they see she wore a tan suit though? 😱


u/AskWhatmyUsernameIs 5d ago

Crazy how repubs dickride millionaires for being successful until its a rich person they dont like. Then its suddenly DEI.


u/Overall-Courage6721 5d ago

Not just worked but worked her ass off and is a loved candidate, id be mad if she couldnt afford that


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Right, like Kamala was a lawyer and she is married to a lawyer. Are we just pretending that the vast majority of lawyers don't make more than the average American without a degree? Kamala could easily afford $8,000 or even $80,000 earrings.


u/DaveChild 5d ago

Wow, a woman in her sixties(?) who has worked all her life

And been incredibly successful.


u/jmurgen4143 5d ago

Sorry, success was implied, didn’t mean to diminish her accomplishments.


u/DaveChild 5d ago

No worries, I didn't think you did, just wanted to make it explicit. :)


u/MrPernicous 5d ago

With a husband who’s a partner at a massive law firm.


u/EncabulatorTurbo 5d ago

she's also a capitalist who doesn't think people shouldn't have money or acquire wealth, despite trump's nickname for her


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

Not to mention she’s in front of the entire world at that moment. I’d also be wearing my best, most costly outfit. The fact that those earrings are only worth $800 is more shocking to me.

Like if I was going into a presidential debate, you’d better believe I’d be wearing the best custom tailored suit I can afford because that’s the point in my life when I need to look as good as possible


u/Tru-Queer 5d ago

What if she saved a $1 from every paycheck to splurge on herself and after 800 paychecks she finally got herself a nice pair of earrings?


u/TheRealOwl 5d ago

Just the sheer irony of calling her out of touch when the other guy is a supposed billionaire who has never been in touch at all.


u/chris_ut 5d ago

Also the mean US Savings account is $8,000 so no most Americans are not struggling to come up with $800 despite what doomers will spout (avg is $62,000 - skewed by the upper class)


u/FreeloadingPoultry 5d ago

She is so insensitive boasting her elite wealth next to a guy who has his own plane and 17 acre estate in Palm Beach with a 60k sq ft house


u/BalancedDisaster 5d ago

Not just worked all her life, worked all her life in jobs that have an extremely professional atmosphere. Of course she’s going to have nice clothing and accessories.


u/Hamuel 5d ago

Worked as a lawyer too. A high paid progression.


u/DragapultOnSpeed 5d ago

Also we don't know if she bought those.

Could be a gift or a cheap knock off.


u/DisciplineBoth2567 5d ago

There’s another video of her wearing a $62,000 tiffany chain link necklace asking us to donate to her


u/Mysterious-Job-469 5d ago

The whole reason they bring up the price of them is because they got owned, HARD, on the "muh bluetooth" conspiracy and now are hard pivoting to "tHe CoSt Of LiViNg!" as if they actually care about it (they wouldn't hoard all the houses and gouge people at the grocery store if they cared)


u/agentchuck 5d ago

Somehow it's always women who get singled out for what they're wearing. Trump wears ridiculous suits. Hell even Biden wears a $6k watch. Have you ever seen anyone complain about Biden's watch?


u/Charmle_H 5d ago

Fr. Let people have nice things. If she was taking private jets across town, had slaves digging her a tunnel/basement, or other obscene rich-people behavior, then sure. Hate away. But jewelry is expensive, and people don't usually have a trillion nice pieces (even still, she's current VP, has worked in government for a WHILE and is likely well enough off from her salary to have a decent collection of nice things).


u/N0S0UP_4U 5d ago

Not even that expensive really. Like there are probably a lot of women who have a pair of expensive earrings. Zales has a ton of options at that price or higher. Other places probably do too but I don’t care enough to look.


u/tiffanaih 5d ago

It's pretty common for Tiffany pieces to be on loan too for events like this. She was wearing a Tiffany necklace like a month ago and they made a big deal about it too. I wouldn't be surprised if they're just bejeweling her for PR. I mean, why wouldn't they want the (hopefully) first female president wearing their pieces during her campaign.


u/himym101 5d ago

I'm going to be honest, when I heard they were Tiffany I was expecting much more expensive. My SIL is in her 30s and has multiple pieces that are around that price point and she has an 'average' job.


u/suzi_generous 5d ago

Even if she showed up barefoot wearing a dress made of recycled flour sacks, it would not mean that any person would have more money in their bank account. Instead, people would have less. Trickle down economics on a grand scale doesn’t work but someone had to design the earrings, make them, ship them, stock them, etc. And people are allowed to have nice things, even extremely nice things.


u/fardough 5d ago

And I assure you $800 is a pittance compared to what Trump has paid for Melania’s jewelry. She probably won’t wear anything less than $5k on her ears.

Edit: Her wedding ring from Trump was just a mere $3 million


u/mermaid-babe 5d ago

Also her husband was a Hollywood lawyer… he can definitely afford to buy her nice gifts. Theres no mystery here lol


u/deisukyo 5d ago

It’s funny because these same people are spending THOUSANDS on makeup and getting the latest item that their fave celebrities have.


u/LiffeyDodge 5d ago

They could have been a gift from her husband too. 


u/Kinet1ca 5d ago

No way, remember when AOC bought a Tesla 3, these politicians are so out of touch buying earrings and cars.



u/PonyThug 5d ago

I know multiple women in their upper 20’s with jewelry that cost around a $1000. Most were graduating gifts or family heirlooms. Idk why that’s crazy to ppl.


u/UTDE 5d ago

Well I guess if the repubs have issue with that we should tax the rich. Hard.


u/ruffiana 5d ago

Honestly, it wouldn't be a shock to learn if much of her campaign wardrobe is provided by a styling service and doesn't actually belong to her.


u/GetRiceCrispy 5d ago

It's literally the price of an iphone, it's not even crazy expensive. Price per wear is probably super good on those bad boys. As long as she doesn't lose them they will probably survive a long time.


u/YourMrsReynolds 5d ago

She also has a stylist, good chance they’re not even her earrings!


u/Ok-Assistance3937 5d ago

has nice earrings

Well let's just say "not inexpensive" (they are also not particulary expensive), because tbh. I personally find then kinda hideous


u/BetterSelection7708 5d ago

she's 59 right now.


u/BDJukeEmGood 5d ago

It was obviously bait. Everyone in here went after it hook line and sinker. Bobber too.


u/SlugmaSlime 5d ago

The vast majority of Americans can't afford $800 earrings. You can be in denial or you can realize she, and all the other politicians have been fleecing us for too long.

The average 60 year old has less than $200k in savings, meaning half have less than that. And they're about to retire. It's a grim outlook for our elders.


u/Content-Scallion-591 5d ago

I would also guess they were gifts; just on my own, I'd probably wear a gift from my husband at something like this.

People spend more on gifts than things for themselves. I have bought my husband $800 Lego sets.


u/Arkrobo 5d ago

The woman trying to give new parents 6000k in tax deductions is more out of touch than the man forcing 20% tariffs onto the American people somehow. I have this information because I paid attention to the debate and before someone challenges me on this go watch the full debate.


u/PoopMountainRange 5d ago

Like, seriously, do they think she’s shopping for jewelry at Claire’s?


u/aburke626 5d ago

I hope we don’t find out what kind of purse she carries, it’ll start all over again.


u/magiMerlyn 5d ago

They could also have been a gift, they’re also simple and professional, while at the same time showing that she respects the proceedings.


u/xox1234 5d ago

And if she wore $5 Kohl's earrings, they would say, "Geez, she looking too shabby to lead the free world!"


u/nonbinary_parent 5d ago

She’s 58


u/BahablastOutOfStock 5d ago

shes 60? i'm voting for her but jfc she looks alot older


u/BladeSerenade 5d ago

How old do you think she looks?


u/BahablastOutOfStock 5d ago
  1. my aunt is 76ish and looks younger than her 🗿
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