r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/jmurgen4143 5d ago

Wow, a woman in her sixties(?) who has worked all her life has nice earrings, what a weird thing to take issue with, you should have just ended on debunking the ear piece conspiracy.


u/OutrageousTie1573 5d ago

They are mad she worked and earned nice things instead of staying home and raising ten kids and growing her own parsley.


u/alephthirteen 5d ago edited 5d ago

growing her own parsley.

Not sure if it was parsley, but the cooking video that bubbled up where Kamala is showing a recipe to her neice mentioned "herbs from the garden" so who knows?

Besides, parsley is neither particularly nor space-intensive. Many herbs can be grown in a basket on an apartment balcony. If these trad-types want me to be impressed becuase We GrOw OuR oWn! I better see some actual agriculture, multi-crop, using sustainable practices. If they're selling the wool they don't need, hunting on shared lands, farming more than they need and sharing food with neighbors, they're at least doing pretend European peasantry properly. If buying the food they're putting into the $5,000, brand-new stand mixer for the TikTok, they're just filthy casuals.


u/OutrageousTie1573 5d ago

That's so true, my gramma had this little planter that looked a bit like an ice cube tray that was in the kitchen window. There were many different herbs in there. I am not domestically inclined so I don't know anything about anything.


u/Splatfan1 5d ago

if a woman has something nicer than an egg apron honestly whats even the point she might as well be a man (but not a REAL man obviously)


u/Karnewarrior 5d ago

Nah. They're mad she clearly and obviously beat Trump, therefore she MUST have cheated. She's not white and a woman therefore she must be brainless therefore she must have cheated to beat Trump, in their minds. That's why they insist she got to the top by blowing dudes, why they insist she only won the debate because she had super secret James Bond earrings, why they insist that the moderators of the debate were unfair for pointing out inconvenient things.

In reality, it's Trump's supporters who are brainless and try to cheat. Trump himself is incapable of inventing anything on the fly which is why the whole debate wound up looking like Kamala saying a burn, and Trump just wildly throwing around Uno reverse cards wondering why her pawns just keep advancing down the board.

Trump is a pidgeon at a chess match, and he's used to Biden who tries to play chess and loses when he shits on the board. He's not used to Kamala, who's perfectly willing to outshit a pigeon.