r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/TheLandFanIn814 5d ago

Trump shits in a gold toilet and probably spends $800 a week on golf balls.

Miss me with the "out of touch Kamala" bullshit.


u/peach23 5d ago

For real. My husband made very little as a teacher and saved a chunk out of every paycheck to buy me nice diamond earrings one year. I absolutely didn’t expect it and we don’t splurge a lot on those things, but nice earrings is just not the same as filthy rich


u/dsmith422 5d ago

And its not like they expire. They are something you keep your whole life and pass down to your descendants.


u/jfsindel 5d ago

To add, you can buy things like this secondhand. Kamala did not, most likely, but people do take very good care of things and then sell them off or give them away. I know family members who have designer bags originally worth 5k but they buy them secondhand for 500 simply because the owner just gets rid of it.