r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/XTingleInTheDingleX 5d ago

I had some magats share some drivel about not listening to Taylor swift because she’s a billionaire and doesn’t understand gas and groceries.

We know trumps really not a billionaire but he claims he is and brags about his gold toilet etc.

These people are obviously still going to vote for the billionaire, but won’t listen to logic from someone else because billionaire.

The mental Olympics.


u/guinness_blaine 5d ago

JD Vance tried making that argument, saying that people wouldn’t listen to a “billionaire celebrity.”


u/hiS_oWn 5d ago

JD Vance as a sleeper agent to sabotage the trump campaign is becoming more and more plausible


u/chosenofkane 5d ago

Oh my God, can you imagine, though? After Trump loses and he asks why, JD Vance shows up, "It was me, Trump! It was me all along!"


u/Honest-Reaction4742 5d ago

Maybe he did some creative accounting and discovered that, under the right circumstances, a candidate could make more money with a flop than he could with a hit.


u/Dippyskoodlez 5d ago

Thats the actual playbook - when you aren’t in power you don’t have to have a plan.


u/RoxyRockSee 5d ago

What an interesting concept for a movie! Or a musical! Or a movie based on a musical of the original movie!


u/phantomreader42 5d ago

Deliberate sabotage, or complete lack of self-awareness?


u/that1prince 5d ago

When he said that I didn't know the context of the statement at first and thought he was turning on Trump. That's how on-the-nose it was as a critique of his "boss".


u/tophmcmasterson 5d ago

I so wish they would have called that out on the spot. The fact that Trump is perhaps the individual most disconnected with what a normal person’s life is actually like needs to be continually hammered home.


u/NewSubWhoDis 5d ago

Its not even Olympics, they know that they are voting for the turd so they come up with something against the other candidate so they feel better about voting for the turd.

Its like undecided voters wanting to hear more of kamala's policies... ya ok, so what you're gonna vote for the guy with no policy instead?


u/SirDoober 5d ago

Hey, he has the concept of a policy


u/sea1201 5d ago

The last part of your post is literally what I’m going through with my friend, she doesn’t understand how dumb she sounds. I keep reiterating that Trump has not once said anything that makes a modicum of sense, yet she keeps complaining about Kamala not laying out full policy structure. At least she is telling us what she plans to do…


u/NewSubWhoDis 5d ago

Its like if your lunch choice was between Pizza, a rotten grilled cheese and going hungry and you're asking what kind of toppings the pizza has.

"Oh I don't like olives on my pizza, I'll picked the grilled cheese thats been sitting out since 2016"


u/SquidFish66 5d ago

More like a rotten grilled cheese with magas i mean maggots in it vs just a rotten pizza though, they are both evil corporate puppets just ones is worse. Im voting third party to try and get them to the 5% threshold needed for funding and debate invite next election.


u/NewSubWhoDis 5d ago

Why in the fuck do you think a third party isn't going to become evil corporate puppets the moment they get any kind of power?


u/SquidFish66 4d ago

They would to a degree. A few things would happen 1. The corporate influence will be spread thinner. 2. All the parties will tone down their favoritism toward corporations and toss us more bones to get the vote as there is more competition. 3. The extremism will tone down as there is more options, for example im pro choice and pro gun with reasonable restrictions, if there is a party with centric/moderate values the blue and red will have to adjust to compete, most Americans are moderates with left or right leanings and single issue voters, if they can get what they want without the baggage of the crazy stuff they will go that way. And 4. My favorite if there is multiple parties (4 or more), a random good independent has a strong shot at causing a disrupt and a slim shot at winning. Then at the local level people will be less inclined to just vote for their favorite color, in places that always go one way or another there would be some mixing up of the choices. My county always votes red so my vote is pointless, and the worse human, just automatically wins even though if any republican payed attention they would hate him also (he both blocked needed nature conservation and defunded the police both because he was not invited to a event and at another event someone he didn’t like from his own party and defunded the zoo because after holding a event for him there they decided to stop holding political events) but if there was a libertarian party, they would sweep him and i would have choices and maybe some would be good.

At the end of the day America fails if we only keep two parties.


u/lavatree101 5d ago

Also they know they can literally research her policies...like we have the internet it's not the age of where politicians had to specifically make a bullet point in their speeches. 

If they don't know her policies they aren't doing research just want to be told


u/Zestyclose_Street484 5d ago

yes this.. its very very weird.


u/FirstIntroduction168 5d ago

Almost like keeping college expensive and cutting funding to k-12 education gets them a base of mushbrained pieces of shit.


u/throwofftheNULITE 5d ago

Isn't this the reason a lot of them said they would vote for Trump in the first place? He's a self made man who isn't doing it for the corporate interests? He's good at business? I thought that was a selling point?

I know it's hypocrisy and inability to use critical thinking, but I wonder if it'll ever cease to amaze me.