r/clevercomebacks 5d ago

Some people really need to leave their homes more

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u/most_dopamine 5d ago

I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination and my wife has $800 earrings I bought her for an anniversary gift. I weld and she's a nurse. but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.


u/verballyabusivecat 5d ago

but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.

This is so goddamn cute - I hope I find love like yall one day! ❤️


u/JaxxisR 5d ago

I believe in you.


u/Professional-Fan-960 5d ago

Have you tried being a non verbally abusive human? LoL


u/princessPeachyK33n 5d ago

I was confused why all ya’ll were jumping on this person for their sweet comment then I saw the username lol


u/Fat_Bearded_Tax_Man 5d ago

Maybe be less verbally abusive?


u/fiscal_rascal 5d ago

You will because you deserve it!


u/Subpxl 5d ago

The key is to stop being verbally abusive, though some people like that so maybe you are on to something.


u/greenyellowbird 5d ago

I loved that too and gave me a glimmer of hope as I'm going through a separation from the person who's the love of my life and thought of me as the same.

I hope to find a partner that will be there for me till death as I vowed to be there for them.


u/Saxophobia1275 5d ago

I bought my wife an $800 pair of earrings when I sold my magic the gathering collection 😂


u/Retro_Dad 5d ago

Please tell me she didn't sell her ears to buy you an organizer for your MtG cards - O. Henry what an ending!


u/bunsprites 5d ago

Organizer?!?!?! You're telling me yall don't just keep your magic cards loose in a drawer???


u/JiffSmoothest 5d ago

Shoe boxes, stacked to the ceiling.


u/Jamidan 5d ago

God, I feel so seen by this thread.


u/Blow_and_Hum 5d ago

My buddy bought a house and in the garage there was one of those large totes FILLED with magic cards. You better believe we were pumped to start going through them


u/BadRabiesJudger 5d ago

I have a 2006 white mac laptop I store my commons in. It’s been a great system could use one more.


u/ebobbumman 5d ago

Mr. Rockafeller over here with his drawers. What, you're too good to use a plastic grocery bag to hold all your magic cards like the rest of us?


u/gimmiesopor 5d ago

Gift of the Magi-(c The Gathering)!


u/inagartendevito 5d ago

First thing I asked myself!


u/Electrical_Ad_9584 5d ago

Lmao underrated comment


u/WittsandGrit 5d ago

I was going to buy my wife $800 earings but I bought 2 whole pairs of Trump sneakers instead


u/MisterDonkey 5d ago

What the hell is wrong with you? That's just bad financial decision making. You couldn't even get her something that will appreciate in value, like Trump NFTs?


u/Dearic75 5d ago

Good point. I hear if you buy $7500 worth of them, they’ll send you a scrap or cloth that may or may not be from a suit he once wore. Just think how much that will be worth in a few years!


u/Randyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 5d ago

a scrap or cloth that may or may not be from a suit he once wore

The Shroud of Turdin


u/astride_unbridulled 5d ago

Could even have a DNA sample


u/Recent-Ad-5493 5d ago

Yeah, how about you say it that way. Kamala's $800 earnings are 8 Trump NFTs. Or two pairs of those gaudy ass $400 gold Trump shoes.

What are we talking about here? Shit man, if you're a Trumper lifer and donated $30 a month because you clicked subscribe me on the Save America PAC, you would have given Trump $360 the last 12 months and enough to buy those $800 earrings yourself ever since he launched it.

Why are people so stupid?


u/BOOM_Shooka_Luka 5d ago

I have a coworker that did exactly this… my response? “I genuinely hope you get those shoes”

I spent many years selling shoes so I actually wanna inspect them for quality but also I just hope this poor idiot that’s sent money out for them gets at least something even if they’re garbage shoes that’d be better than nothing (which is the more likely option happening)


u/Reynolds531IPA 5d ago

How much did he spend?


u/BOOM_Shooka_Luka 5d ago

Pretty sure he spent $1200 getting 1 $400 pair and also the $800 ones… At least that’s what he paid for


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 5d ago

He still hasn’t got them? I figured that would be the result, but had forgotten about that whole debacle already.


u/BOOM_Shooka_Luka 5d ago

They don’t “ship” until November but I wouldn’t be holding my breath if I were him


u/Graffy 5d ago

lol so it depends if he wins or not I guess. Lose, no shoes, wins, cheap ones from SHEIN with a few adjustments.


u/YesterdaySimilar2069 5d ago

Haha. Right?! Gotta keep those rubes on the hook until after the vote.


u/einredditname 5d ago

See, you could have just made the joke that you bought a magic the gathering collection instead of a pair of $800 earrings...


u/Reasonable-Wave8093 5d ago

I bet she was not excited


u/tessathemurdervilles 5d ago

You can both hang a sneaker from each ear. Fashion!


u/tessathemurdervilles 5d ago

You can both hang a sneaker from each ear. Fashion!


u/Taoist-Fox72 5d ago

Pssh. Be gone, plebeian.

The real Wizards learned to disregard females to acquire more cardboard. Thou art a fool!


u/M4jkelson 5d ago

You did WHAT?!


u/Saxophobia1275 5d ago

I didn’t sell any reserved list or anything lol. My value was almost entirely modern and EDH bling and staples. Felt like a good time to unload them all.


u/breadstick_bitch 5d ago

Damn that's love. My husband got me into the game and he's never gotten me expensive jewelry (at my own request) but he did make me a $500+ Marrow-Gnawer deck when I first started playing. We now have a limit to how much money we can spend on cards for each other 😂


u/Saxophobia1275 5d ago

I mean to be fair I made almost $9k off of it and blew the rest on myself…


u/Born-Network-7582 5d ago

Did you sell at least one Mox and bought earrings of the same type? :) You should get a pretty nice pair of earrings for a Mox Pearl.


u/TinyTaters 5d ago

Beautiful story, nerd. I hope you and your wife are happy.


u/Dorkamundo 5d ago

He may be a nerd, but he probably made close to six figures off that collection.


u/TinyTaters 5d ago

I just like underhanded compliments.

I'm sitting on an iron throne of Pokemon cards, myself. Hopefully we can turn them into earrings some day


u/Brainvillage 5d ago

Definitely tendies if nothing else.


u/Molten_Baco 5d ago

Soooooo side question…. I still have a few hundred (maybe closer to 1-1.5k) magic cards that are in mint condition…. How did you manage sorting them out and pricing/selling them?


u/breadstick_bitch 5d ago

Download the Manabox app and scan them all in, it'll tell you the market price for each card. Sell them on TCG Player, or maybe a dedicated FB group or eBay for the higher value cards.


u/Molten_Baco 5d ago

Thanks! I have put it off for like a decade now 😂😅


u/Molten_Baco 5d ago

Thanks! I have put it off for like a decade now 😂😅


u/jdmay101 5d ago

Harris is also a lawyer. Even if she'd never done anything in politics and just stayed a prosecutor her whole career she'd absolutely have some decent jewelery just to wear in court.


u/ReplyOk6720 5d ago

This. You have to dress the part. 


u/maize_and_beard 5d ago

It is one of the shittiest things about being a government attorney - you have buy at least three suits to wear regularly, and even a “cheap” men’s wearhouse suit isn’t really that cheap. And the shitty thing is that the cheaper suits don’t last as long as the more expensive ones you can’t afford, so over the course of your career your actually spending so much more on your wardrobe.


u/Chungledown_Bim 5d ago

The Sam Vimes boots theory of economics


u/Darth_Goku 5d ago

Pro tip: take a vacation in India, and buy a nicely tailored suit from Raymond's or other Indian places that do suits. It's way cheaper. Source: my cousin who works abroad who does this when he comes to India. 


u/maize_and_beard 5d ago

I actually have found a guy near me who runs his own shop with really fair prices who is my go to now. Does it feel like there is a greater than 50% chance he’s a front for organized crime? Sure, but that’s none of my business.


u/Darth_Goku 5d ago

Hey, a good deal is a good deal. We gotta take what we get.


u/phantomreader42 5d ago

If you're a government attorney, that might end up becoming your business...


u/maize_and_beard 5d ago

Nah I work for a state EPA. Not my problem.

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u/jaderust 5d ago

She's a lawyer and she married a lawyer. That her earrings are only $800 is the surprising thing. I've heard of attorneys carrying Birkin bags to court (though usually not defense or prosecution ones, that's usually the corporate law ladies who play the Hermes game).


u/jdmay101 5d ago

Even then, I'm a biglaw lawyer and I have female colleagues who wear nothing but yoga pants and hoodies to work unless they have a meeting or some other reason to wear business attire. One person told me yesterday she buys like 90% of her clothes at H&M.

I suspect most people have a wildly misinformed view of what corporate lawyers are mostly like (granted, SOME of them are exactly what people think they're like).


u/jaderust 5d ago

Oh and I'm sure there's a massive difference between normal office day where no one but my coworkers are going to see me vs. I need to attend a very high stakes meeting where my client will be there so I want to dress to kill as part of my mental armor of the day.

And location matters way more too. A corporate lawyer in NYC is going to dress way more sharply than one in Iowa if for no other reason the NYC lawyer is more likely to randomly decide to walk into a boutique after work one day and splurge on a designer "fuck you" blazer for said high stakes meetings when the Iowa one might have to travel to Chicago to pick out something in person. And if you're spending that much money on clothes I'd still want to pick it out in person. I'm not buying a multi-hundred dollar of clothing without molesting the fabric first to make sure I love it.


u/jdmay101 5d ago

Meh. I personally buy almost all my business wear online, because I know exactly what the cut is that my preferred suit maker sells, and I know exactly what my shoe size is in the brands of shoes I buy. So being in person isn't that important IMO. But I'm a guy, and other people's preferences will vary.


u/LaTeChX 5d ago

I weld and she's a nurse.

Non sequitur but it sucks that people who make things and keep people alive are not paid well enough in this country.


u/KadenKraw 5d ago

Nurses and welders a bit into their career can easily make 100k + a year in many parts of the country


u/Recent_Novel_6243 5d ago

SOME Nurses CAN make good money, but they’ll need to be either traveling, specialized, or have a master/doctorate. At that point, only the nurse practitioner would have anything close to a decent work-life balance and decent pay. Traveling and specialty nursing can be lucrative but good luck picking up the kids or going on a date night with your SO.


u/Professional_Many_83 5d ago

My wife is a labor and delivery nurse. She didn’t need any additional school/training beyond getting her RN over 4 years at a state school. She made $65k/yr in 2018 working 3x 12hr shifts a week. Not lavish, but a pretty decent lifestyle at the time. During the pandemic she made more per hour than I (a doctor) did due to staffing crises. You can do pretty well for yourself as a nurse without traveling and a 4 year degree


u/Recent_Novel_6243 5d ago

I was responding to someone stating nurses can get >$100k in many parts of the country. It’s true, they can but it will require education beyond a BSN or travel. $65k in 2018 is great, but comparing a BSN vs a resident is like comparing a software developer to an intern. One is a professional the other is still, technically, learning.


u/Professional_Many_83 5d ago

I wasn’t comparing them, I was just using my income as a reference point as I was making similar (slightly less) money and was getting by just fine. It is certainly a livable wage in my part of the country, a LCOL small Midwest city


u/WookieLotion 5d ago

$65k a year isn't great. Let's be clear. Especially for labor and delivery? Jesus fucking Christ that job sucks.

I make over double that and just sit on my ass at a desk at home in front of a computer all day.


u/Professional_Many_83 5d ago

In 2018? It wasn’t bad. She’d be making 95-105 now. Making $100k with a 4 year degree working 36hrs/week at 35 years old is pretty damn good.

I was a resident when we were dating and was only making $55k a year, and never felt like I couldn’t afford things I needed.

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u/ebobbumman 5d ago

65k is almost two times more than the best paying job I've ever had. It's $32.5 dollars an hour if you work 2000 hours a year. I think what you're actually saying here is that you get paid too much.


u/WookieLotion 5d ago

I make $75/hr by that same scale. I get paid too much but I get paid what I'm worth.


u/badtowergirl 5d ago

Come to Las Vegas. $5,000 - $10,000 signing bonus and lots of options. Nurses do well here, we desperately need them. 36 hours per week, 3 12s and you’d easily move into CICU or ER if you were interested in that, excellent pay, no additional degree. Many nurses I know pick up home health visits on their 4th day. They work hard, but 6 figures and 3 days off per week.


u/Recent_Novel_6243 5d ago

Thanks, I appreciate it! My wife is the nurse in the family, I’m just a computer guy.


u/busterscruggs267 5d ago

Yeah these couple is very well off, and if they aren’t it’s due to location or spending habits

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u/thedylannorwood 5d ago

Yeah I was gonna say at least where I live in Canada that couple would absolutely be considered at least upper middle class


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

A nurse and a welder? They are like the poster couple for being working class.


u/thedylannorwood 5d ago

$40-$60 an hour, $80k-$100k a year? Yeah that’s not what I call working class


u/jeswesky 5d ago

Especially if they have a BSN or MSN or other advanced nursing degree. Can easily be making over $100k


u/aurortonks 5d ago

Yeah, I have 3 family members who are RN and two of them are doing the travel nursing thing (within driving distance of their homes too, so lucky) and they are making so much money. Like, crazy amounts of money.

But, they are overworked, always tired, and saving to get out of nursing early. It's really hard work and even though they are making so much, I still do not think it's enough for what they do and the crap corporatized for-profit healthcare puts them through.

Welding though... my brother does that and he also makes bank but not nurse bank, but still way more than me... :(


u/BearFeetOrWhiteSox 5d ago

Are welders not paid well where you live?


u/LaTeChX 5d ago

Depends on the area. But I'm talking about the person above with a dual income household of a welder and a nurse, two skilled and valuable professions. Once upon a time that would have had you set.


u/Brisby820 5d ago

Dropping $800 on earrings means you’re comfortable 


u/Graffy 5d ago

Nah you can scrape by and save up $800. Plenty of poor people with PlayStations and Xboxs.

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u/Enough-Ad-8799 5d ago

They just said they're not wealthy not that they're not set. They probably live a decently comfortable life just not multi millionaires.


u/experienta 5d ago

What makes you think they're not set


u/Muggle_Killer 5d ago

That couple isnt poor or doing bad. Nurses make good money and so do welders.

Some of the people here need to get off reddit and go talk to some actual low income americans.


u/zwygb 5d ago

They probably are set. Certified welders are very well paid. Compensation for nurses does vary depending on location, scope, and seniority; but mid-career nurses can make pretty decent money in the right area.


u/5857474082 5d ago

I was a welder in the Northeast area of the United States union membership with get you that 100,000 dollars


u/Big_Common_7966 5d ago edited 5d ago

They are set, he casually spent a grand on earrings for his wife. They’re not loaded with a mansion and a yacht, but they clearly have disposable income to spend on fun and expensive presents. Like yeah once upon a time people could get by on a single income, but also once upon a time your family tv screen was less that a foot wide, there was no internet, and you had a single car. You probably could still live like that today on a single salary.


u/Brisby820 5d ago

Those are both pretty lucrative jobs.  Guy just said he bought her $800 earrings.  What else are you looking for here


u/CNas6323 5d ago

I think you’re out of touch or believe too much of what you hear.

A welder or nurse with a couple years of experience are going to be making good money (relative to cost of living) in most areas of the country. 

Both professions damn near have unlimited job security, especially nurses.


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

Better than gas station cashiers? Sure. But they are working class by definition. Hourly pay, non exempt, (skilled) physical labor.


u/confusedandworried76 5d ago

My buddy is a welder and he makes six figures easy.


u/CNas6323 5d ago

I live in Ohio.  Average pay for an RN in Ohio is $80k.  That’s average.  More experienced nurses or ones with specialization make 6 figures easy.

‘Working class’’ doesn’t mean you can’t make money.


u/Burger4Ever 5d ago

I don’t think they’re broke lol….even my teacher partner and I as union teachers make more than I think people think lol. It’s just hard work for what you get, but we aren’t paid pennies, we have an amazing retirement pension, and insurance. My take home is smaller but my retirement will be good (if I make it that long lol). But mostly the job security and a decent union today is the biggest piece of mind.


u/CianaCorto 5d ago

Welders are some of the richest manual labor jobs in the world, and nurse income can vary wildly. They do not make bad money at all.


u/Specific_Club_8622 5d ago

Do you know how much welding makes? Go look lol


u/Acceptable-Peace-69 5d ago

RNs typically make in the low $100s. Add $60-80k for a journeyman welder and they should be doing fine.


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

Depends geographically because Medicare pays different amounts for the same procedures based on geographic regions. Starting pay for a nurse is about $35 per hour around here.


u/gingeydrapey 5d ago

Wages a based off how many people are capable of doing a certain thing, not necessarily how hard or important it is.


u/confusedandworried76 5d ago

Welders make fucking bank, it's a six figure job.


u/JohppyAnnleseed 5d ago

That's highly dependent on the area and industry 


u/Polar_Reflection 5d ago

Welders and nurses can easily make 6 figures


u/meepmeep13 5d ago

The fact they bought $800 earrings suggest they're doing alright, I think


u/DueCaramel7770 5d ago

My gf has an $800 watch I bought her for her birthday lol we are not a wealthy couple 😭 I ended up making it from a random bitcoin investment so I treated us!

She loves it and wears it every day, so worth it for me


u/CrayonTendies 5d ago

Don’t let them make you feel bad because they’re shaming the vice president for wearing $800 earrings to debate someone who inherited $400,000,000, shits in a gold toilet and made a career out of not paying hard working people like welders.


u/sofaking_scientific 5d ago

Man, you deserve an $800 watch for that class comment. Internet bro hug to you


u/Stock_Paper3503 5d ago

Also 800 bucks for sth you will have forever isn't even a lot of money. People spend 20 bucks on their lunch and a coffee all the time which are gone in 10 minutes.


u/confusedandworried76 5d ago

I mean if you're spending $20 on lunch you ain't doing too bad either.


u/ohslapmesillysidney 5d ago

Jewelry is definitely something where you tend to get what you pay for. I’d rather spend $800 up front on a well-made piece with good stones/metal that will probably outlast me, than keep buying cheap shit that tarnishes within a month.


u/gimmiesopor 5d ago

Yep. I got my wife a set of diamond stud earrings for her birthday one year. They cost about that much. I'm retired military, she's a teacher. Def not wealthy. She's worth more.


u/Graffy 5d ago

Bought my girlfriend a $1k purse (she doesn’t wear any jewelry) while working for a few dollars above minimum wage but after getting a lot of overtime. $800 is nowhere near “out of touch” rich like Trump’s silver spoon upbringing and lifestyle.


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

People in Trump’s circle have $200,000 watches. And think $15,000 Rolexes are for commoners.


u/MushyCupcake01 5d ago

I too choose this guys wife


u/zRustyShackleford 5d ago

I saved for a year and bought my wife a pair of $800.00 Tiffany earrings for her 30th birthday... Not wealthy as well.


u/FreeloadingPoultry 5d ago

Mfs buy a 50k truck because they had to buy some wood that one time and are getting angry because a woman has spent 2% of that on jewelry


u/Imaginary_Scar4826 5d ago

I hope you marry her


u/EffOffReddit 5d ago

This person would shit bricks if they knew how much certain brands that you see of clothing and shoes on people cost. The watches and jewelry at least last longer.


u/wad11656 5d ago

I'm certain there are definitely "stretches of the imagination" that would consist of you being disgustingly rich. Particularly when all countries are factored in.


u/rtkwe 5d ago

Yeah a person in their 50s have $800 earrings is mild success. It's so mild even Tim Walz thinks it's a bit bland on his "tacos".


u/Willing-Bother-8684 5d ago

You’re a welder and she’s a nurse and yall aren’t even a tad bit wealthy?! That kinda sucks for me to hear because my wife is in school to be a nurse and I’m a forklift technician, we weren’t expecting to live rich but thought it would help accumulate very good wealth in the future, we’re both early 20’s.


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

Those are reasonable paying working class jobs. Life will be fine, but not going to be banging escorts on a yacht.


u/Dramatic-Classroom14 5d ago

Good on you, it’s my dream to be able to have a wife like that.

But, Autism makes social interaction difficult, so lonely death is most definitely in the cards.


u/Alternative_Yak3256 5d ago

One word: dating apps. I guess that's two, but still.. I'm not on the spectrum but struggle with social interactions too and they've been a great help


u/Dramatic-Classroom14 5d ago

They scare me. I’m autistic in two ways; able to easily remember history and its facts, as well as a hyper interest in the subject, and the knowing the ins and outs of the dark web and its data harvesting and marketing. Dating apps are an easy way to accidentally give up a lot of personal info, since they base the profiles they show, more often than not, on your geographic location, and encourage you to show your face and name. These are dangerous things to give out.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Dramatic-Classroom14 5d ago

Thanks, I’m gonna need that good luck, especially since I’m actually trying to join a DnD group. I’m going to be the dwarven berserker because dwarves are cool.


u/Alternative_Yak3256 5d ago

I get that, I was apprehensive too and I know they're not for everyone but there are ways around a lot of the problems they pose. If you ever consider it:

  • quality of the dating app is the number one factor. The types of people who use tinder and the types who use hinge are very different
  • most apps I've encountered give you an option to block all your contacts so either of you don't bump into each other
  • you can change your location to a nearby city
  • you can use a fake name, that's no biggie but I got nothing on the picture side of things...

If IRL meeting is better for you then routine and familiarity is key, hang out at a Cafe enough times and you'll meet someone. You can certainly live a happy and fulfilling life as a single person but if that's not what you want for yourself then there's absolutely ways to go about it within your comfort level


u/LuxNocte 5d ago

Honestly. No hate to anyone that's struggling, but $800 earrings are not "out of touch". Anyone with disposable income could save up for them, unlike the $10,000 watches (plural) that Trump sometimes wears.


u/W359WasAnInsideJob 5d ago


Harris is a Lawyer, these earrings are hardly scratching the surface of what I assume her wealth is.

But more importantly, those of us out here working for a living buy these kinds of things. Maybe we save up, maybe we finance them: but I’ve bought my wife something from Tiffany & Co, even though the price stung a little.

Also, that tweet was almost certainly sent from an iPhone that cost more than the earrings.


u/0bsessions324 5d ago

This. $800 earrings are, of course, a luxury. That said, they're a luxury that is not out of reach for most Americans.


u/YetiGuy 5d ago

Does she use it to listen to her favorite music? /s


u/Hike_it_Out52 5d ago

Same here. Jewelry stores do payment plans. Furthermore, I'm tired of this narrative that being well off=out of touch. I make a nice living, not rich by any stretch but if something financially happens I don't have to panic. I can tell you with 100% certainty I have never forgotten what it was like to grow up financially struggling. My parents are my heroes for how hard they worked and pushed themselves. To forget is to betray their sacrifices.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 5d ago

While I don’t think this person was even making a point in good faith, people are also bad at remembering that the person they see now was not always in the position they are currently. Sometimes it’s benign, other times I think it’s a coping mechanism for envious and jealous feelings.

I’ve noticed people who are insecure or struggling will tell themselves any story that makes them feel better about themselves or their position. A woman in their department gets promoted - she must’ve slept her way to the top. A teacher who has learned to cope with the symptoms of ADHD and be effective at their job is assumed by the student to be unable to understand the struggles of a someone with ADHD, because they no longer exhibit outward signs. A well off person must’ve been born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Instead of swallowing their pride and asking those they envy and resent how they got where they are in the hopes of learning to improve, it’s just easier to assume the successful person had it easier in some way and that’s why they’re successful - it’s easier on the ego.


u/Commando_Joe 5d ago

I have one really nice suit, it's not a REALLY expensive suit, but it's a nice suit. I've worn it twice. Once to my brother's wedding and once to my grandmother's funeral.

Most of my clothes aside from this is cargo pants, t-shirts and shorts, with some really comfy pants for lounging. The lounge pants probably cost more than anything else by like...2 or 3 times.

Some people spend money on fancy stuff, other people spend it on dumb expensive hobbies like videogames and card games. I'm pretty sure my 3k PC with a 4070 super TI that I mostly use to play indie games on steam is more of a waste of money than these earrings.


u/MosBeutifuhLaba 5d ago

Just think how much nicer they’d look on her and how much more worthy your wife would be if you had sprung just a few hundred more dollars and gotten her the $1000 earrings.


u/InvoluntaryDarkness 5d ago

THIS! I’m 33 and wear a pair of $600 earrings every single day, that were purchased for me as an anniversary gift, by my boyfriend. We’re not wealthy by any means.


u/24bitNoColor 5d ago

I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination and my wife has $800 earrings I bought her for an anniversary gift. I weld and she's a nurse. but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.

Its honestly a really stupid argument for claiming that one is out of touch in a nation in which the majority of people have iPhones instead of 200 USD totally fine budget phones.


u/Eggsnorter24 5d ago

My iphone was 200 dollars lol

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u/StJazzercise 5d ago

I’m a pizza cook and my wife is a tutor. She bought me a $1,000 watch for our anniversary one year. It’s one of my favorite material objects. So yeah, middle class and even poor folk can have nice things sometimes.


u/the_clash_is_back 5d ago

Some random women in India living in a poor village probably has more gold on her ears then this.


u/panicattheformaggio 5d ago

A lot of people don't know what the "middle class" is.

Quite a large number of people can afford nice things.

A good portion or them choose houses too big for their means or cars too expensive for what they can afford, so what's left isn't enough to save, but some of us do have our finances under control, and can splurge a bit once in a while.

I'm not rich by any means, but I just bought a $200 Oster 76 classic clipper and a $100 Oster T-finisher because I cut my own hair and beard and these tools will allow me to save money on the long run, while doing a nicer job than their $20-50 counterparts.

I don't know if you've been to the barber shop lately, but if you can pay under $50 you're in luck!

At this very low price, it's $433 a year for hair and beard cuts every 6 weeks (which is a bare minimum if you're me), meaning I'll be able to afford these earrings in ~2 years, 6 months and 2 weeks with the money I saved after recouping the initial cost of these tools.


u/Legionof1 5d ago

I bought my wife expensive ear rings once... she lost one... no more expensive ear rings.


u/debatingsquares 5d ago

Screw backs for studs and claw clasps for dangling. I’ve learned my lesson.


u/Legionof1 5d ago

Aye, but we also learned as long as the setting was gold, no one can tell the gem/pearl isn't real so no issues.


u/ItsReaver_ 5d ago

Note to self, make sure every ear ring has a tracker in built. Nah, I'm kidding, my wife for some reason loves to only wear them on occasion then puts them in a safe spot saying she's waiting for our daughter to need them.


u/1K_Sunny_Crew 5d ago

She is smart. My dumb ass took my earrings out on a plane because the piercing was irritated. I wrapped them in a napkin to keep them safe inside the zippered pocket of my purse. Got to the hotel and promptly “cleaned out my purse.” Didn’t realize till the next day when housekeeping had already dumped all the trash. I felt like such a moron.


u/ItsReaver_ 5d ago

Sorry to hear about that. Lesson learned and I doubt you'll be repeating that anytime soon


u/MithranArkanere 5d ago

Where I live a welder (particularly underwater ones) and a nurse would make a pretty penny. Where do you live that you are not being paid what those jobs deserve?


u/Excited-Relaxed 5d ago

Probably somewhere where simply affording to live comfortably on hourly pay is considered an extravagant lifestyle.


u/papillon-and-on 5d ago

yOUr sO oUT of tOuCh WITh MEeeeee!11!!!!


/some repub on xhitter, probably


u/KanjiTakeno 5d ago



u/KrytenKoro 5d ago

Yeah, like...they realize the poor still have fridges, and TVs, and phones, right?

My family still had a few nice things growing up, we were just anxious about them getting damaged. If Harris was ripping out the earrings and crushing them under her heels after each appearance, I'd understand the accusation being made, but as bad as poverty is in America...nice earrings aren't unbelievable.


u/ScootyPoof 5d ago

My gf has a £100 teddy bear which I bought her whilst I was in uni working 16 hours a week ffs. $800 for earrings really isn’t much when a working class teenager on minimum wage can afford limited edition Pooh merch.


u/SoManyEmail 5d ago



u/Ok-Aioli-9466 5d ago

Yeah but haven't you considered someone somewhere needs 800 dollars? You are a horrible person for buying a gift to the person you love, capitalist pig


u/DisciplineBoth2567 5d ago

There’s another video of her wearing a $62,000 tiffany chain link necklace


u/Cheshire_Jester 5d ago

Also like…800 bucks for one of the major pieces of jewelry isn’t that crazy expensive. A Quick Look on Tiffany’s website has me seeing that most of their earrings are twice that price or more. A lot more.

If this dude is so concerned about the plight of the American poors, maybe he shouldn’t be an active participant in a constituency that forces left leaning presidential hopefuls to abandon policies like Medicare for all and high top marginal tax rates.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/incognani 5d ago

If a lawyer running for president wears a nice watch no one bats an eye. If a "female" lawyer running for president wears a nice necklace, everyone loses their mind. It's weird.


u/TimeNational1255 5d ago

Are you referring to anyone specific? Because watches are actually something enthusiasts are really critical of in politicians, this article explains it pretty well. Kamala also has a Cartier that sets you back a modest $4650


u/incognani 5d ago

There are literally pictures of Ted Cruz wearing a Rolex presidential (gold), Patek Philippe 511, TAG HEUE, and so many more in 2015. Ted Cruz male lawyer, no one cares.

You're not going to boogyman me with Kamala's jewelry. The career men in my family have nice watches and the career women in my family have nice jewelery.

I'm a housewife and I'm literally wearing a diamond tennis bracelet right now. Since when are people not allowed to buy nice thing? She's a lawyer, and ex senator, and the current VP. She's married to another lawyer. Can they not afford to buy a set of nice jewelry every year?


u/TimeNational1255 4d ago

There are literally pictures of Ted Cruz wearing a Rolex presidential (gold), Patek Philippe 511, TAG HEUE, and so many more in 2015. Ted Cruz male lawyer, no one cares.

Cool, so you're just gonna ignore the article on the long history of people critiquing male politicians' horological tastes, with a specific focus on Biden (but here's one all about Trump's tacky watch tastes as well) or???

You're not going to boogyman me with Kamala's jewelry.

What exactly is being "boogeymanned" by pointing out that $26,450 is a greater number than $800, pray tell?

The career men in my family have nice watches and the career women in my family have nice jewelery.

I guess the article I just linked was onto something, then!

I'm a housewife and I'm literally wearing a diamond tennis bracelet right now. Since when are people not allowed to buy nice *things?

Strawman argument, when did I say that people shouldn't purchase nice things? I pointed out that 26,000 > 800 and you projected onto me the idea that it's inherently a bad thing.


u/incognani 4d ago edited 4d ago

I named a male lawyer who ran for president that I've never seen an attack on? Like you asked? You're also just bringing up the money not the taste level like most watch articles. It's obvious what your doing even if you play innocent.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

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u/incognani 3d ago

I’m not dodging anything. I’m trying to stay on topic of answering the question of what you asked and not get sucked into your crazy “throw a bunch of random things against the wall and see what sticks”. The topic I was talking to you about was it’s weird that we only seem to talk about the price of female president candidates jewelry and watches. You started to talk about $26,000 > $800 and the taste level of past presidents watch taste. Completely off topic to what I was engaging on. I’m not going to try and follow your weird conversation with yourself when you can’t just follow a single topic at a time.


u/No_Reception__ 5d ago

My wedding ring and bands are like 10k and I’m a SAHM. It’s almost like people spend money on things they value and that’s great if they have the means to. Trump would murder someone who didn’t have $800 in their savings just out of disgust.


u/AzureSuishou 5d ago

I may not have $800 earrings but I have an $800ish dollar fish pond I bought myself as a gift.


u/valencialeigh20 5d ago

My husband works in IT, and bought me $700 earrings for our anniversary. We’re not close to rich, I’m a stay at home mom, we just stick to our budget and he’s just a sweet, wholesome man. I sent him this meme and he said “Those are nice earrings. I wonder if Kamala’s husband bought as a gift those for her?” A normal reaction. I think Twitter conspiracy theorists have really lost the plot.


u/PoignantPoint22 5d ago

Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. I’m picturing you welding some shit with a big smile on your face under your welding mask knowing that you got something nice for your wife for your anniversary.


u/RKEPhoto 5d ago

but damnit they look nice on her and she's worth it.

Awwwwww!!!! ❤️


u/Hotkoin 5d ago

Wait don't welders make bank


u/Sociallyawktrash78 5d ago

I grew up poor, but my mom still had a few ~1000 dollar jewelry pieces she had been gifted at one time or another and wore to special events (or church lol). It really isn’t that weird. One of the few things she could hold on to.


u/remoteworker9 5d ago

I’m not wealthy either and I have more than $800 in savings if I wanted Tiffany earrings.


u/remoteworker9 5d ago

I’m not wealthy either and I have more than $800 in savings if I wanted Tiffany earrings.


u/Comfortable_Sea_717 5d ago

❤️ I love how you love your wife!


u/Imabigdeal76 5d ago

Same. I am not rich but I bought my wife some 3/4 carat diamond earring for a couple of grand a few years back and she wears them alot. My daughter is 14 and got her 1/2 carat that were at least $1000 and she wears them a lot. We are definitely middle class though. I know rich people who have literally abandoned homes because they don't feel like the hassle of selling them.


u/Goosexi6566 5d ago

Appliance tech here. My wife has the same. Like 800 is a lot but really that is attainable by most. If it were 8,000 dollar ear rings then I would agree that is a lot of money.

Also 800 for Tiffany and Co ear rings seems rather low. 🤷‍♂️


u/Udub 5d ago

I thought to myself $800 isn’t that much for a really nice gift


u/xox1234 5d ago

Exactly, If I owned $800 earrings, I would wear the damn things to everything but the dentist, just sayin


u/CountryCat 5d ago

You’re a good dude. Seriously.


u/5857474082 5d ago

Your a good man


u/NoTeaching5089 5d ago

“I’m not wealthy… my wife is a nurse and I’m a welder” well you are definitely a lot more wealthy than 90% of Americans.

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