r/MapPorn 4d ago

Antisemitic incidents in Europe 2023

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u/ParsleyAmazing3260 4d ago

Why so high in Austria compared to the rest of Europe?


u/Aoimoku91 4d ago

He's back!


u/Cefalopodul 4d ago

Somehow Hitler has returned.


u/HelloFromJupiter963 4d ago

When the world needed him the least, he came back!


u/eleytheria 4d ago

Frame freeze

Yup that's me, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

Flashback to 1945


u/jacowab 4d ago

I knew the moon theory was true


u/Anyweyr 4d ago

The Moon is Hitler's Exegol.


u/MenstrualMilkshakes 4d ago

The dark side of the moon is his stache casted on the ass of Wallace and Gromit's cheese.

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u/abroc24 4d ago

To screw it up again


u/CyberCookieMonster 4d ago

We never managed to unscrew it really 😅


u/elhermanobrother 4d ago

gets tighter the more you unscrew it


u/CelestialSlayer 4d ago

It’s one of those reverse screws!!!

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u/stablegeniuscheetoh 4d ago

Ah yes, the lefty tighty / righty tighty thing

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u/FullMetalAurochs 4d ago

To make Germany even smaller again?


u/Chiggero 4d ago

He was a French sleeper agent all along


u/mbcbt90 4d ago

He really was an Austrian immigrant.

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u/antontupy 4d ago

And to split it in four pieces this time.


u/GuudenU 4d ago

At least Hitler did 1 good thing for humanity, he killed Hitler.

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u/mothje 4d ago

Well, i don't want to sound like a person defending Hitler....... But he did give a lot of old enemies a common goal.


u/Endleofon 4d ago

And he did kill Hitler.


u/IncomeFinal6308 4d ago

MVP really

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u/Aardark235 4d ago

Those old enemies went back fighting again the day Hitler died. Maybe we should have frozen him to have sustained the peace.


u/Doctor_Danceparty 4d ago

Just should've dropped him into an AM like supercomputer. AM could fully and completely project his eternal hatred of existence on Hitler and the rest of us can occasionally visit a mainframe to see it happen and just go "man fuck that guy for real".

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u/WeimSean 4d ago

He helped found NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the European Union. Not bad for a mediocre artist from Austria.

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u/PiotrekDG 4d ago

Putin is strengthening friendships today, too.

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u/geo_gan 4d ago

Saw him on here recently complaining about the price of the PlayStation 5 Pro in Europe compared to America

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u/talldata 4d ago

It's a great movie. Er isn't vieder da. Hitler comes back to life, just walks up where the bunker was, and no one believes that it's him


u/Zomby_99 4d ago

Its called "Er ist wieder da" in german and I agree its a great movie


u/talldata 4d ago

Autocorrect was fighting me and I gave up.

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u/Cefalopodul 4d ago

Seen it on youtube. Pretty funny at first but the ending is really shit.


u/skincarelion 4d ago

I thought the ending really left space for a conversation, and it’s really appropriate giving that they predicted the rise of facism and now we see AFD living a first ‘victory’

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u/Spore_Frog 4d ago

The dead speak!


u/Hockeytown11 4d ago

The world has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late HITLER.


u/RunParking3333 4d ago

"I am all the shit" said Hitler, calmly

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u/Leading-Ad-9004 4d ago

who's gonna place the flag over the reichstag?

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u/CuriousCrandle 4d ago

No there are a lot of Muslims in thise countries

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u/schraxt 4d ago

*Ooooh he is back

He's the man behind the mask

And he's outta control*


u/Rk92_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

We’re Friday the 13th today
 is he actually back ?!

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u/Sacrer 4d ago

Austrian exterminator or Austrian Terminator?

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u/InfiniteSun51 4d ago

Remember Adolf? He's back! In pog form!

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u/Every-Ad9000 4d ago

Seems like a tradition in that area


u/jepsmen 4d ago


u/Omnipotent48 4d ago

You're going to hell for this and I am too for laughing


u/z3rgl1ng 4d ago

I’m laughing at your comment, do I count too?


u/sulris 4d ago

Lots of room down here. The more the merrier.

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u/Downtown-Assistant1 4d ago

Avatar checks out


u/funksaurus 4d ago

It stands for “every Adolf”

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u/cinekat 4d ago

We have a 24hr government hotline and website to report antisemitic events in Austria, I'm wondering if it's simply more reported here? I'm not saying we're doing well, but I'm surprised we're worse than France tbh.


u/MareTranquil 4d ago

For Austria, they used the numbers of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, which counts every Reddit-Post, and every time someone wrote something with a sharpie on a poster.

In several other countries, only the police numbers on crime are used.


The numbers are completely and utterly incomparable. The source does not even imply that they are comparable, only the map creator does.

This map should be studies as an example of how to lie with statistics.


u/Nufonewhodis4 4d ago

garbage in garbage out


u/Lonely_Dragonfly8869 4d ago

May also be including any pro palestinian sentiment in the numbers

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u/doesntpicknose 4d ago

A similar thing happens with the USA state of Florida. Every incident, no matter how small and no matter the result, is posted publicly. Things that would be ignored in one state would be easily accessible in Florida.

This has created a public perception that Florida is abnormally full of crazy people with crazy police encounters. But ultimately, it's just because they have a higher quality data set.

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u/sebesbal 4d ago

It would be nice to see how incidents are counted and what is the report rate. Maybe Austrinans like to report this kind of stuff. I really doubt that the actual problem is many times worse than in other parts of WE.


u/notanybodyelse 4d ago



u/Copper_Tango 4d ago

Austria is a nation of proud seafarers who sailed there from Taiwan.

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u/koi88 4d ago

I wrote somewhere else, and just paste in here:

In Germany, for example, saying "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is forbidden as antisemitic hate speech (you can to prison, no shit) and will be counted as an "Antisemitic incident". 

In most countries, this is completely legal and nobody bats an eye. 

The same phrase is regarded as "encouraging terrorism" in Austria.

I think rules like that make numbers difficult to compare.


u/ByteVoyager 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yep. It’s why stats like this are a joke, antisemitic instances are absolutely happening but this data is so skewed it’s literally useless to addressing the problems, and likely just supports the notion that the states with the most restrictive free speech laws somehow don’t do it enough

It’s like when communities hire more police, they bust people for dumb shit that people would never have called the cops on before, and crime rates suddenly “spike”, justifying more law enforcement


u/fablesofferrets 4d ago

i've been arrested twice in my life. both were during a year in college in the mid 2010s when i lived in a molly mormon (i'm from utah, and was raised mormon, but left in my teens & hadn't lived in a city that extreme since i was a kid) neighborhood with extremely bored police. they were all like stereotypical bigoted 19 year old dumbasses too and would constantly be arresting people for things that weren't actual illegal, like walking around after dark, & when you saw the police reports they were like third grade reading level/typos. basically everyone i knew in that area had been harassed and arrested by them multiple times. they got caught straight up fabricating DUIs, like just LYING about breathalyzers showing positive when they had blown a 0.0, and somehow nobody got fired and they're still pulling that shit. they literally explicitly admitted to it and there were countless articles about it, this isn't a conspiracy lol.

mormons don't drink at ALL so if they suspected you did, it meant you were an outsider and sinner and evil and so nobody cared about the fake DUIs. i'm also a white blonde girl who still has an extremely "Mormon" look, i'm straight and present as a girly mormon girl, so I had it a LOT easier than minorities or anyone who seemed lgbtq+ and it was still horrendous.

one group of college kids who lived down the street from us (i was also in a house with a few roommates) told us that when they first moved in, they didn't realize how bad it was here & put a rainbow flag in their front lawn... the cops just busted into their house one night on like a Tuesday in the middle of winter (and the winters are brutal here) when they all had class/work in the morning and claimed they could smell weed. they had no weed or even alcohol. the kids didn't know their rights and were just confused and the cops told them they all had to get off the premises immediately and find somewhere else to stay the night, so yeah they all had to scramble to find somewhere to go super late when there's ice and like a foot of snow covering the roads and their cars that they had to try to brush off while the cops screamed at them to hurry up & leave or go to jail. they came back the next day and they had trashed the house and stolen a bunch of shit. they literally had nothing illegal. they took the flag down but were constantly having cops show up and lie about "noise complaints" and such.

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u/Gino-Solow 4d ago

Exactly. That reminds me of “the safest country for women” ratings. Sweden is usually is one of the least “safe” on such lists because swedes are much more likely to report.

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u/Joshistotle 4d ago

Looking into the source data, they're including online comments/ tweets/ posts as well.

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u/ItsCalledDayTwa 4d ago

I would highly question how accurately these are tracked. I expect Germany, Austria, and France are tracking this way more than other countries.

in Germany, just being publicly pro Palestinian can be called antisemitic and could be logged that way.


u/koi88 4d ago

Going on a protest with a sign saying "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is regarded antisemitic hate speech in Germany, it will be counted as an antisemitic incident and you can go to jail for that.

I Austria, the same is regarded a "encouraging terrorism", also punishable.


u/alphagamerdelux 4d ago

What does "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" mean?


u/Holdshort7 4d ago

The western version may sound nice, but the version used in Palestine is من Ű§Ù„Ù…Ű§ŰĄ Ű„Ù„Ù‰ Ű§Ù„Ù…Ű§ŰĄŰŒ ÙÙ„ŰłŰ·ÙŠÙ† ŰčŰ±ŰšÙŠŰ©, "From water to water Palestine will be Arab."

We all know what that actually means, and we're better off acknowledging it instead of using the sanitized version made for westerners so they can lay awake at night and dream of being TE Lawrence 2.0 in a Temu Keffiyeh.


u/banned-4-using_slurs 4d ago

It means they want to take Israel

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u/ItsCalledDayTwa 4d ago

you're downvoted but people have lost jobs over it and been prosecuted

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u/Dangerous-Guard-8014 4d ago

I mean how else can a phrase like that be interpreted by Israelis or Jews? The phrase was originally, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be arab"

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u/Valkia_Perkunos 4d ago

Damn painters


u/CandleSevere97 4d ago

Because of the austrian painter

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u/MMM022 4d ago edited 4d ago

Austria was considered as a victim of the Third Reich in the eyes of the Allied Forces however, 2/3rd of SS soldiers were Austrians and they contributed massively to all atrocities that we attribute to Germans only. Plus I’m not sure how successful their denazification efforts were but assumingly not nearly as successful as the Germans’ similar program.

It’s like the bully playing the victim card.


u/Helmutius 4d ago

The greatest achievement of Austria after WWII was to convince the world that Hitler was German and Beethoven Austrian.

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u/Weary-Connection3393 4d ago

I’d like to add: why so high in the UK? I was surprised already when Peaky Blinders featured Jews so prominently. I thought the Anglophone world has traditionally a more positive stance towards Judaism.


u/TaxmanComin 4d ago

Yes, that is true. However, the UK has a large Muslim population and obviously there's a bit of global tension from the situation in Israel and Palestine which spills over into other parts of the world. There are also just some antisemitic locals as well such as the National Front types etc who aren't a fan of anyone that's overly exotic.


u/Think_Pride_634 4d ago

Yeah, if you look at Sweden a majority of those reported are in the south, specifically Malmö, which is dealing with the same situation.

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u/brmmbrmm 4d ago

I thought the Anglophone world has traditionally a more positive stance towards Judaism.

King Edward I would like a word. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Expulsion

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u/stever71 4d ago

No, that's probably been clouded by WW2 and fighting the Nazis, but Britain was also very antisemitic as well pre-war. Obviously not at the level that Germany was, but it was a strong opinion at the time amongst the public that Jews were out to get your money and control it, controlled the banks, were money lenders etc.

Certainly for the Peaky Blinders tike period. Today it would be more the Muslim population and their sympathisers

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u/gramoun-kal 4d ago

Lots of Muslims + equating Israel with Jews. It's going to be the same in other countries.

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u/nothingpersonnelmate 4d ago

Mostly Jewish people have only been brought up in the UK in the context of antisemitism in recent history. There's maybe 300,000 Jewish people in the UK so it's not a large demographic and in most cases nobody would know or care if you were Jewish. There was a big argument a few years back over the far left of politics being accused of antisemitism, which it did indeed have issues with, and the accusations themselves being exploited and exaggerated to use as a political weapon against the entire left wing of politics, which they were. Took up the whole media cycle for a while, and honestly didn't really merit the amount of focus it got compared to other issues, sort of like the debate around transgender discrimination growing larger than the importance of the issue itself in the grand scheme of things.

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u/Mein_Bergkamp 4d ago

Large Muslim population combined with Palestine being a core part of the UK left wing identity.

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u/Mv13_tn 4d ago

Okay, who's failing Art school again in Austria?


u/mydogsnamesswayze 4d ago

Herbert Kickl (didn't fail Art school but his philosophy studies)


u/CptJimTKirk 4d ago

He's also taken to calling himself the "people's chancellor", which is the exact same term used by his ideological predecessor before he usurped the presidency in 1934 and became known as the FĂŒhrer. Pretty blatant if you ask me.


u/watching_ju 4d ago

I still prefere his unofficial title "Gaulreiter Kickl"

(for non German speakers - it sounds similar to "Gauleiter", a high political position in the nazi regime)

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u/Snarknado3 4d ago

It's a data distortion- austrian numbers are based on an NGO's data, other countries on police statistics. That NGO counts incidents that are never reported to police, such as social media comments.

Not saying antisemitism isn't a problem in Austria, I just highly doubt it's worse than in Benelux or France where people have stopped wearing yamukle in public out of fear

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u/E_Fox_Kelly 4d ago

Spain low on the list because they kicked them all out 500 years ago


u/utilizador2021 4d ago

The same happened with Portugal


u/QuodEratEst 4d ago

And later much of Italy

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u/brmmbrmm 4d ago

Pretty much every European country did, except, ironically, Germany.


u/vnordnet 4d ago

Well, there was that one time...


u/Capped_Delts 4d ago

Band camp?


u/TheeNuttyProfessor 4d ago

It was supposed to be art camp but that one guy got mad when they kicked him out


u/Ltb1993 4d ago

Well, there was a camp or two

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u/PvtFreaky 4d ago

Poland, Lithuania and the Netherlands didn't I believe. Maybe others


u/Depressed_TN 4d ago

And Poland. I think it was like 25% of the worlds Jews lived in Poland during the Middle Ages


u/oGsMustachio 3d ago

Actually as much as 75% of the world's Jews lived in Poland in the 1500s. While there were certainly bad incidents between ethnic Poles and Jews in Poland, the Polish crown was on very good terms with Jews. They had very strong legal protections and flourished as traders and tradesmen.



Hitler particularly hated Poland in large part because of the historical relationship between the Poles and Jews.


u/AntiMatter8192 4d ago

I guess their moment came 90 years ago


u/GravyPainter 4d ago

And poland and russia by ww2. Not the best of places to be at the time


u/Rzmudzior 4d ago

Poland? We did not.

That job was outsourced to German company with Austrian management. TBH they were double-lightning fast, basically just hit the gas and went with it.


u/GravyPainter 4d ago

Ah yes, the german housing management group. I gave them a 1 star review on google. Terrible accomodations

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u/AndreasDasos 4d ago

Not a coincidence. After the 1492 Alhambra decree, Portugal took in some Jews (at a price, then forcing them to convert or shipping them out to SĂŁo TomĂ© where most of the children died). But then King Manuel married Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter (also Isabella) and agreed to expel them all in 1496. 


u/DrEpileptic 4d ago

Weirdly, a good number of Jews can apply for Portuguese citizenship. But so can a ton of people because the country has some insanely lax immigration policies as I understand it. Jews just don’t really feel like going there in large numbers.

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u/adriantoine 4d ago

You can’t be anti semitic if you got rid of all the Jews in the first place


u/DismalClaire30 4d ago

So in a way Nazi Germany was trying to get rid of antisemitism.

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u/Nachooolo 4d ago

Around 45,000 Jews live in Spain.

Which, mind you, ain't a lot if you compared it, for example, to France's 500,000.

But is not Zero.

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u/psych0ranger 4d ago

antisemitismo? Que es, "Semitismo?"


u/MadTilki 4d ago

And the ottomans saved them all if I am not mistaken?


u/ProItaliangamer76 4d ago

Yes with Thessaloniki becoming their new center making majority of the population untill the nazis came


u/Dull_Address_7853 4d ago

Not all but many

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u/SaraHHHBK 4d ago

So did the British and yet

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u/Alive_Somewhere13 4d ago

You should hear what Austria did 80 years ago.


u/alpispa 4d ago

Someday someone will be able to explain to me why everyone always brings up the expulsion of Jews from Spain as if it were something exceptional in Europe. It was not even the first place where it happened, nor the last. I am about to see the same thing said to the English or the French, among others.

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u/roaring-dragon 4d ago

What would be a more relevant statistic point would be total number of incidents per 100,000 or per 1,000,000 Jewish inhabitants. Some countries might be very low because there are almost zero Jewish people in those countries. Hard to be anti-Semitic if they aren’t in your country’s borders.


u/Low-Image-1535 4d ago

“ Today, Austria has a Jewish population of 10,300 which extends to 33,000 if Law of Return is accounted for, meaning having at least one Jewish grandparent.[1]” - Wikipedia

“The contemporary Polish Jewish community is estimated to have between 10,000 and 20,000 members.[1][2] The number of people with Jewish heritage of any sort is several times larger.[32]” - Wikipedia

And Poland’s supposed to be the antisemitic one đŸ€”


u/Decimation4x 4d ago

That’s because Poland doesn’t like Arab immigrants.


u/Icy_Bowl_170 3d ago

No, that's because the hegemonic west likes to shit on the easterners even when they're not wrong.

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u/RedRobot2117 4d ago

Might be worth looking into how wildly they're defining antisemitism, and how strict they are on enforcing it.

The Austrian government is extremely pro-Israel.


u/Fantus 4d ago

So we're once again going with "Eastern Europe is actually worse because different definition of crime! And also, a lot of crime there but nobody is reporting it!"? This gets boring. Can it just be as simple as Poland having less antisemitism than Austria?

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u/YMK1234 4d ago

how about we stop conflating judaism and politics of israel?


u/RedRobot2117 4d ago

That's also what I want, in case it isn't clear

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u/ExplosiveDisassembly 4d ago

That's his point. A very pro-Israel government may qualify simply wanting a two state solution as antisemitism. Or saying "the conflict is far too complex to assign blame based simply on the most recent attack".

Likewise, a pro Palestine government may consider boycotting of Jewish businesses, and entertaining the idea of "Israel had this coming" as simply voicing opinions.

The assumption that the qualifiers of "antisemitism" are equal is entirely false.

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u/Decimation4x 4d ago

This isn’t what we saw with the KKK in America. When the Southern US was desegregating it was easier for the KKK to expand in struggling northern cities by pointing to minorities (that weren’t present in the community) as the cause of their down turn. With no one to counter the claim some of those cities fell victim to racist fanaticism.


u/Ok-Importance-6815 4d ago

no you get a lot of anti-semites who have never actually met anyone Jewish


u/colonel-o-popcorn 4d ago

Yes of course, but it's harder to rise to the level of an "incident" (however that may be defined) when there are fewer opportunities for an incident to occur. You can't harass Jews on the street if there are no Jews on the street, you can't vandalize a synagogue if there are no synagogues in your town, etc.

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u/Wassertopf 4d ago

Similar to Romani people and Germany. The rest of Europe is always complaining about them, Germany has for some reasons very few of them.


u/Red_Riviera 4d ago

Replying to ParsleyAmazing3260...France has the highest Jewish population in Europe

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u/Comfortable-Pin-4995 4d ago

If this image is true, we can safely say that the spanish inquisition came to an end, finally


u/Low-Log8177 4d ago

And no one was expecting it.

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u/Odd_Butterscotch_77 4d ago

It ended because the job was done

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u/Brann-Ys 4d ago

Can t have antisemic incident if you already removed every jew from the territory lmaob

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u/Ilovebaitingmasters 4d ago

oh hell nah the funny mustache man is back💀


u/banan-appeal 4d ago

I love Charlie Chaplin!

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u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ItsCalledDayTwa 4d ago

so you're saying this report and map are useless.


u/croizat 4d ago

Every map on this sub is useless


u/BonJovicus 4d ago

Map Porn, for interesting maps

High quality images of maps.

Funny how many posts don't live up to the side bar. Sometimes interesting, but often misleading. Many are poor quality, hard to read, and are not aesthetically pleasing. Many are posted with an underlying agenda intended to provoke a response.

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u/NewAccountSamePerson 4d ago

Any report on anti-semitism based out of Tel Aviv is going to complete bullshit.

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u/Ana_Na_Moose 4d ago

So basically this is analogous to if Peking University had a study on sinophobia and included any mention of criticism of the CCP, or any shouts for a free Tibet or a free East Turkestan as being “sinophobic”

It is always good to know how researchers define certain terms before running to the races with the data


u/eric2332 4d ago edited 4d ago

It depends on the context. If somebody writes "Fuck the CCP" on their yard sign, that's not sinophobic. But if someone is walking down the street and screams "Fuck the CCP" at any Chinese-looking person but not at anyone else, that's sinophobic, its clear goal is to intimidate people of a particular ethnic background even if they have no connection to the CCP.

I suspect most of the "Free Palestine" incidents are like that. If you say "Free Palestine" in a protest that is fine. But if you search out Jews to say "Free Palestine" to, that may be counted.

I looked up the CST antisemitism report and the first specific incident it lists is like that:

The first incident inspired by Hamas’ attack was reported to CST at 12:55pm on 7 October, when a vehicle drove past a synagogue in Hertfordshire with a Palestinian flag attached, windows wound down and an occupant shaking their fist in the air towards the synagogue

A random English synagogue is not Israel, and if you go to random synagogues to shake your fist in the name of Palestinian nationalism (not to mention support for the October 7 attack), your choice of target/audience is antisemitic.


u/Ana_Na_Moose 4d ago edited 4d ago

This is an excellent articulation of these nuances! I 100% agree on all of what you say.

The only further nuance I’d add is that is should be absolutely valid to hold “Free Palestine” or “Free Tibet/East Turkestan” demonstrations outside of a cultural/religious institution IF said cultural/religious institution is doing something to aid in the evil going on there.

For example, a few months ago there was a synagogue in (I think NJ) which was selling rights to real estate in the Gaza Strip for the purpose of ethnically cleansing the region. In cases like this, I don’t think synagogues should get a free pass just because they are the synagogue (assuming the protests are focused on anti-Zionism and don’t actually go into the anti-Semitic category of course)

Edit: Sorry I meant the occupied West Bank

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u/29adamski 4d ago

But why would Tel Aviv University include that in anti-Semitism??


u/RevolutionaryEye7546 4d ago



u/29adamski 4d ago

It's almost like they have an agenda... Surely not?


u/RevolutionaryEye7546 4d ago edited 4d ago

Oh, of course not! I’m sure they just accidentally lumped political slogans and mean tweets in with hate crimes. Just a coincidence, really!

Kinda like the coincidence that kids were present when they dropped a 2000lb bomb on a school for the umpteenth time yesterday.

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u/TheVlogger110_R 4d ago

Israel considers anything anti-Israel and/or Pro-Palestine to be antisemitic which is messed up as a lot of Pro-Palestine people are smart enough to respect Jews and if being anti-Israel and/or Pro-Palestine is antisemitic, then it means I grew up in an antisemitic household.

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u/The_Artist_Who_Mines 4d ago

Because the incidents in question were targeted at jews indiscriminately, rather than people who were pro-Israel.

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u/Sir-Viette 4d ago

You skipped the context. From the report (paragraph 6) :

"CST recorded at least 210 incidents wherein offenders shouted or wrote “Free Palestine” in the first half of 2024. Although not inherently an antisemitic phrase, in each of these examples, it was directed at Jewish people or institutions simply for being Jewish, or constituted part of a wider outburst that included other overtly anti-Jewish abuse."

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u/RecommendationOld525 4d ago

Thank you for reviewing the report and sharing your findings!


u/mqee 4d ago

210 incidences of antisemitism were people shouting or writing "Free Palestine".

Here is the report. CTS data is only used for the UK data.

Here are some reports of "Free Palestine" incidents. Emphasis mine:

a Jewish school student was singled out by a classmate chanting “Free Palestine” and “Long Live Palestine.” The classmate urged others to attack the Jewish child, which they did as he left the school, beating and threatening him.

Mike Peinovich, leader of the National Justice Party (NJP), characterized October 7 as “a great day.” “Free Palestine. Hail Hamas,” he exclaimed.

The commenter seems to be deliberately mischaracterizing the incidents and the University report. The CST report is separate, but does not count "Free Palestine" chants in isolation. They explicitly state "this phrase is not in itself antisemitic" and only count it when it's used in an antisemitic context.


u/DefiantRise711 4d ago

Classic pro-palestine Post. Lies over Lies and Nobody cares even If proven wrong.

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u/a_peacefulperson 4d ago

Then it's weird that some of the most pro-Palestinian countries (Spain, Ireland, Greece (its population)) are so low.


u/Baby_Rhino 4d ago

It seems the CST report is only for the UK.

So it is likely that the data for other countries is collected via a different methodology.


u/a_peacefulperson 4d ago

Which would make this map misinformation at best, due to the format in which the data is presented.

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u/Caedes_omnia 4d ago edited 4d ago

Thanks. I read it. I'll fact check you a bit..

4103 events total it says so online and free Palestine is less as a percentage. edit: i was reading 2023

It must be something more than shouting free Palestine. Perhaps shouting free Palestine at a random Jew that has nothing to do with Palestine? Like I could shout Free Tibet on the street but if I started yelling it out the front door of a random Chinese restaurant I'd get in trouble.

It's up 8x from before October 7. It was already high compared to other races or religions.

Also the online stuff is not tweets. It is either harrasment of an individual/business through social media or like actual campaigns. Not just one off tweet or messages.

But I'll read it more it's 60 bloody pages


u/StahlPanther 4d ago

Its funny that people dont realize that it always depends on the context.

Taking the number from the other commentor there we're probably more than 210 instances of people saying free palestine, If this was always considered to be antisemitic the number would be obviously way higher

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

In Germany hiding behind a computer screen and spouting something antisemitic doesn't save you. You are saying something hateful to potentially thousands of people at once. I think 100% it should count and makes sense to me.

Imagine if you could quantify all of the antisemitic hate-speech online and show that in a statistic. Wouldn't you find this as counting towards overall antisemitism in Europe?

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u/Twootwootwoo 4d ago edited 4d ago

Spain and Portugal very low cuz there's barely any Jews left.


u/Numantinas 4d ago

TIL only spain and portugal kicked jews out of their country


u/dataStuffandallthat 4d ago

Spain chronic scapegoat of northern european shenaniganss


u/rlyfunny 4d ago

The difference being that they did so 600 years ago

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u/Vegetable-End-8452 4d ago

ok, but you know what austria did?

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u/Never-don_anal69 4d ago

Oh but Poland is basically the taliban of Europe and nazi ger... Oh wait! 

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u/Agreeable_Tank229 4d ago

why the UK have second most incidents?


u/Anaksanamune 4d ago

I would assume this report is based on how different countries decide to report these incidents, and if the bar is set differently by the respective governments, it could easy skew results.

The UK is quite strict on anti-Semitism, so it might be an easier threshold to cross than other places?


u/MisterTruth 4d ago

Different agencies are reporting so the data is a little off. From what I read, they count individuals shouting phrases like Free Palestine to Jewish people as antisemitism. It makes sense to do this as, unless that Jewish person is a citizen of Israel or protesting in favor of Zionism, that Jewish person is completely removed from this ideological conflict.

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u/satista 4d ago

I’m from the uk, there are a lot of Muslims in the uk. A significantly large majority of them are pro Palestine, and many of them hate Jews (internally), a sizeable majority of Muslims don’t really respect other religions, they tolerate them.


u/Care_Confident 3d ago

Muslims hate everything tbh they even hate each others


u/crazydaave 4d ago

Yeah this is the answer, people don't want to admit it, but its the truth, same with austria, went there recently on holiday and was shocked by the amount of muslims.

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u/Normal-Wallaby-5003 4d ago

what's the definition of antisemitic according to the "tel aviv university" ?

I think UK have a strong pro palestine movement, so it might be seen as antisemitic.

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u/Shibe_4 4d ago

I can assure you that France isn't this low.


u/TKPcerbros 4d ago

Les chiffres du ministÚre de l'intérieur et de la SCPJ sont de 1676 actes antisémites : https://www.spcj.org/antis%C3%A9mitisme/chiffres-antis%C3%A9mitisme-france-2023-b

Soit 1676/67=25 actes par millions soit presque le nombre donne par cet institut.

Il faut noter que les 2/3 des actes ont Ă©tĂ© commis en octobre/novembre (500 les deux mois), donc si on a cette proportion en tĂȘte on serai plutĂŽt sur du 6000 par ans soit 90 actes par millions, donc on voit d'oĂč peut venir la confusion.

Il ne faut pas oublier que les chiffres de 2023 ne sont pas ceux de 2024, donc l'impression personnelle actuelle peut tout Ă  fait ĂȘtre en contradiction avec les chiffres de l'annĂ©e derniĂšre.

Edit : the numbers are legit, but 2/3 of antisemitic agressions happened right After the 7 of october so the perception is flawed

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u/_4C1D8URN_ 4d ago

You are labeled an antisemite if you criticize Israel's crimes against humanity and other war crimes comparable to those committed by the Nazis.

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u/MuJartible 3d ago

For this thing to make any sense, it should be described what is considered as an "antisemitic incident", and considering the source is the Univeristy of Tel Aviv, I'm afraid that it could be the slightest critic to Israel for whatever reason, not necessarily about ethnicity, and would definitely exclude any incident against Arabs, wich happen to also be a semitic people.

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u/kubin22 4d ago

pOlAnd ISs sO rAcIst And ANTiSeMiTIc


u/Arcyguana 4d ago

Do people think that Poland did the thing with the moustache man..? I don't really get where this sentiment comes from, really. Some dumbass Sejm member? Jeez.


u/oGsMustachio 3d ago

A lot of Israelis believe there is rampant antisemitism in Poland and partially blame Poland for the Holocaust. Poland-Israeli relations are not great. While there were Polish collaborators (which Poland openly admits, its discussed in museums like the Gdansk WW2 Museum), I don't think theres much evidence that it was any more widespread than anywhere else, while most historians agree that the Germans were harsher on Poles helping Jews than anyone else, killing as many as 700 specifically for this reason (and any more seeing other criminal penalties). There is a lot of debate over the degree the general Polish population helped the Jews, with some arguing that over a million Poles aided the Jews in some capacity while others arguing it was much smaller. There were, however clear Polish heroes like Witold Pilecki, a Polish soldier and resistance operative that was voluntarily captured so he could infiltrate Auschwitz to report on it to the underground and the Allies.

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u/DeathBySentientStraw 4d ago edited 4d ago

Tel Aviv

Prolly should’ve used a source that wouldn’t throw a hissy fit at the sight of a rally that criticises their actions


u/Sungodatemychildren 4d ago

Tel Aviv University is one of the most left wing and pro-Palestine institutions in Israel. Arab students are something like 15-20% of the student body, and in general the student body and a large part of the faculty is predominantly left wing.

For example: Every 15th of May there's a ceremony/demonstration in front of the university to commemorate Nakba day, Palestine flags and all (I think this year the police prevented them using Palestine flags so they used various watermelon themed flags). I don't think I've ever seen this day mentioned anywhere else in Israel.

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u/Kokoro_Bosoi 4d ago

Someone reports this man to police please.

It's not tolerable that someone point out obvious conflict of interest.


u/OriginalUsername1892 4d ago

You laugh, but asking how The Jerusalem Post was an unbiased source on the IDF got me banned from r/worldnews


u/Impressive_Action_44 4d ago

They ban over any questioning. I asked if jews were living decently in the middle east before WW1 and got banned in under one minute.


u/crambeaux 4d ago

I mentioned Balfour and got banned, well before the events of last October.

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u/Odius_Caesar 4d ago

My grandfather always said never to trust the Austrians, because they convinced the world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German.


u/Visual_Recover_8776 4d ago

How does Tel Aviv university define antisemitism and antisemitic incidents?


u/jupiter_0505 4d ago

How does this study define an antisemitic incident?


u/pembunuhUpahan 4d ago

I wanna know if this map shows anti semitism or if it's conflating anti zionism as anti semitism

Anti zionism isn't the same as anti semitism because there are jews who are anti zionism. Are the jews who are anti zionism grouped under the same umbrella of anti semitism?


u/Hu3gPaul 4d ago

I wonder if critic of Israel is counted as antisemitism


u/HootingFlamingo 4d ago

Ok but what's the exact definition of anti semitism according to the source?

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u/Flapu7 4d ago

And yet, somehow the Eastern Europe is percieved as the most racist one.

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u/Stunning-Reindeer-29 4d ago

The report is either not laid out in a way that makes it easy to parse for information like

  • What do the authors consider to be antisemitism?

  • What do the authors consider to be an incident?

or it is not mentioned at all. Which is a shame.

The best I could find is:

  • “While antisemitic activists often emphasize their problem is with Israel and not with Jews, some target Jewish individuals, institutions and symbols.“

  • „Criticizing Israel, including in harsh terms, is not antisemitism. Seeking its elimination as the national home of the Jewish people, including through the false argument that it is an unlawful colonial enterprise, is antisemitic.“

which isn‘t particularily satisfying, especially since they state: „The historical facts are that the Land of Israel is the ancestral homeland of Jews, where they maintained a continued presence, and where, with the rise of Zionism, they purchased the lands on which they settled and were given the right to a state by an overwhelming majority of the UN General Assembly.“

Which at least to me seems confusing if not contradictary without further clarification.

So one can¿ criticize israel, which is a jewish institution according to the report, but not for being theocratic¿, also the flag is literally the star of david, a jewish symbol, which I can‘t¿ attack, neither netanyahu¿ who is a jew without being an antisemite.

I still have no idea what an incident is.

Is it on the terrorism burning down a synagogue level, on the antisemetic slur level, if so the numbers seem incredibly low.

What amount of proof is required for adding the incident? a police report? a conviction? an investigation? If it is any legal standards are multiple counts of the same crime counted as a single incident? a video? the result of a web scrawl of different websites? Who decides what is antisemetic? What about dog whistles? What about context? Is every swastica found anywhere considered an incedent? Are people responsible for multiple incidents counted twice? I lack information to get an idea how serious that problem is both in quantity and quality.


u/d3amon-X 4d ago

If it includes anti Israel incidents, then data is wrong


u/UpeopleRamazing 4d ago

I don't think this does. As a Spaniard (fewest incidents) who lived in Austria (most incidents) for a year back in 2010, the data makes sense to me. I was shocked at how antisemitism was so much of an issue.

Also, there have been a lot of public demonstrations supporting Palestine in Spain and the number of incidents in Spain is still very low, so I don't think it's taken into account here.

HOWEVER, the Jewish population is almost insignificant in Spain, as they were expelled or forced to convert centuries ago, so there isn't any 'religious tension', for a lack of a better term.

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