r/MapPorn 6d ago

Antisemitic incidents in Europe 2023

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u/Low-Image-1535 5d ago

“ Today, Austria has a Jewish population of 10,300 which extends to 33,000 if Law of Return is accounted for, meaning having at least one Jewish grandparent.[1]” - Wikipedia

“The contemporary Polish Jewish community is estimated to have between 10,000 and 20,000 members.[1][2] The number of people with Jewish heritage of any sort is several times larger.[32]” - Wikipedia

And Poland’s supposed to be the antisemitic one 🤔


u/RedRobot2117 5d ago

Might be worth looking into how wildly they're defining antisemitism, and how strict they are on enforcing it.

The Austrian government is extremely pro-Israel.


u/YMK1234 5d ago

how about we stop conflating judaism and politics of israel?


u/ExplosiveDisassembly 5d ago

That's his point. A very pro-Israel government may qualify simply wanting a two state solution as antisemitism. Or saying "the conflict is far too complex to assign blame based simply on the most recent attack".

Likewise, a pro Palestine government may consider boycotting of Jewish businesses, and entertaining the idea of "Israel had this coming" as simply voicing opinions.

The assumption that the qualifiers of "antisemitism" are equal is entirely false.


u/Galaxy661 5d ago

boycotting of Jewish businesses

Do you really think it's kristalnacht 2.0 here in poland XD


u/Laogama 5d ago

These days, “pro Palestinian” protestors would accuse you of genocide for suggesting a two state solution. The new orthodoxy is that Israel has no right to exist (and if, in practice, this means that there would never be a Palestinian state, that’s totally fine, given that their real goal is to feel morally superior)


u/CakeBeef_PA 5d ago

Way to generalize an entire group based on the views of some extremists


u/Laogama 5d ago

What do you think “from the river to the sea” means? That’s an extremist view, but it’s main stream amongst these people


u/CakeBeef_PA 5d ago

I think

That’s an extremist view

Generalizing a group with differing views as "these people" is never a good look. We should stand against discrimination of any kind, not for it


u/GarageFlower97 3d ago

What do you think “from the river to the sea” means?

Different things to different people, but most people I speak to seem to argue it's for freedom and human rights for Palestinian people in the entire area.

Note that under most conceptions of a 2-state solution based on 1967 borders, the state of Palestine would include land that stretched from the river (West Bank) and the Sea (Gaza).


u/Laogama 3d ago

It’s a Hamas phrase. It has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with Islamic fundamentalism


u/GarageFlower97 3d ago

Given that the phrase predates Hamas and is used across the Palestinian movement - including by those who hate Hamas, this is bollocks.

The phrase is also used by secular, Christian, and Jewish Palestinian groups/supporters and Christian so it's not really fundamentalist Islamism.