r/MapPorn 6d ago

Antisemitic incidents in Europe 2023

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u/E_Fox_Kelly 6d ago

Spain low on the list because they kicked them all out 500 years ago


u/MadTilki 5d ago

And the ottomans saved them all if I am not mistaken?


u/ProItaliangamer76 5d ago

Yes with Thessaloniki becoming their new center making majority of the population untill the nazis came


u/Dull_Address_7853 5d ago

Not all but many


u/Holdshort7 5d ago

Well, "saved" isn't the term I'd use, but they did accept Sephardic Jewish refugees, yes. Unfortunately after a time leadership in the Ottoman Empire enacted laws and policies that were discriminatory, mostly for Jews that wished to live in Syria-Palestina.


u/Slickslimshooter 5d ago

If some people are trying to get rid of you and someone gives you refuge. That is 100% being saved, but you and I know why you refuse to use that term, then followed up with criticism of the same people.


u/Holdshort7 5d ago

I have no idea what you’re saying. If you need clarification I’m happy to provide it. Sultan Bayezid II approved the resettlement of Sephardic Jewish refugees. He was kind in that regard, but the policies of his empire prevented resettlement of Syria-Palestina en masse. His son whom ruled after him later began a campaign to deport some of those same Sephardic Jews. This is historical fact.


u/Slickslimshooter 5d ago

Say it with me. He saved them.


u/Several-Art-7186 5d ago

north africans not the ottomans


u/MadTilki 5d ago

The ottomans ruled North Africa and it was the sultan who ordered the Jewish rescue missions. The Algerian locals did nothing


u/NaiveBeast 5d ago

They were an autonomous eyalet though, so I wouldn't say they did nothing. The ones you're talking about were invited by Bayezid II to Istanbul and Thessaloniki. I wouldn't say hosting them in your land is considered "doing nothing"*.


u/MadTilki 5d ago

They were autonomous and decided to nothing about it until the sultan order the navy to save the Jews. The Jews later settled in Palestine.


u/NaiveBeast 5d ago

Well they did the saving and a lot of them settled in North Africa, which isn't considered doing nothing.


u/Several-Art-7186 5d ago

The jews were expulsed from spain after the Alhambra Decree in 1492, ottomans weren't in north africa at that time


u/MadTilki 5d ago

"Sultan Bayezid II sent Kemal Reis to save the Sephardic Jews of Spain from the Spanish Inquisition in 1492" source How about learning history, instead believing in the nonsense you Maghreb teachers tell you?


u/Several-Art-7186 5d ago

"Most of the expelled Jews settled in North Africa" Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Jews_from_Spain#Consequences

"North Africa became a primary refuge for Jews expelled from Spain in 1492" Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maghrebi_Jews

Maybe YOU should open a fkn book


u/lets_havee_fun 5d ago

The Alhambra is super cool btw


u/Gizz103 5d ago

Yes and no