r/WhitePeopleTwitter 4d ago

Uncle Ron is right. Uncle Ron

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u/coolbaby1978 4d ago

MSNBC called it the sanification of Trump. That journalists don't want to accurately report just how unhinged and insane Trump is so they try to make him seem normal which does a huge disservice.

One of their examples was after Trumps rambling crazy answer on childcare, the NYT reported it as something like "Trump outlines plan to pay for childcare with tarrifs." No! That's not what he did. He spewed a word salad that did include the words child and care among others but wasn't even a concept of a plan.


u/tttxgq 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yep, here’s an article on the BBC that absolutely sane-washes him. Yes, some of his “controversies” are briefly referred to, but it’s all downplayed as much as possible. This was published shortly before the debate in order to attract maximum views.

For example:

Allegations of sexual misconduct and extramarital affairs have followed Trump the politician.

Allegations!?! It was proven in court that he committed RAPE. He is a RAPIST.


u/itsmeEllieGeeAgain 4d ago

I have noticed lately that Trump seems to be the only person that is afforded the luxury of having his convictions referred to his allegations, like it’s somehow still in question.

Every day I wake up, unable to wrap my head around the fact that a not-insignificant-number of this Americans are willing to throw their entire moral compass (that was always conditional, lets be honest), and the country with it, down the drain for Donald fucking Trump. The person that everyone laughed at for decades.. is suddenly new Jesus. WTF.

Even if he loses idk how I can ever look at these people the same way again.

AND they have the AUDACITY to try to guilt you for breaking ties over their “political views” as being unable to accept differences - when their “differences” are saying yes to taped children being forced to give birth, miscarrying women bleeding out in parking lots, poor children having little to no access to education, further punishing the poor by taking away assistance for food insecurity and putting it into the hands of churches, while also touting legal discrimination against minorities, regulation gutting that puts working people in physical danger for profits, ACTUAL weaponization of the government against perceived enemies… those aren’t “political differences”. If you want those things then you are a bad person. Period.


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 4d ago

“Even if he loses….”

Yeah I don’t know how I’m supposed to pretend my family isn’t racist. I don’t even get how my dad supports him. His son-in-law is black and lives relatively close to Ohio, and they are literally targeting black people as “Haitian”. So many anecdotal stories about “Haitians are doing x and Haitians are doing y”.

Like I was trying to talk to my dad and he asked me to read a New York post (🤢) article about 20000 Haitian migrants flooding Springfield and I shit you not, hitting a grandmother so hard they she lost her socks.

Meanwhile the ONLY sources provided about a grandmother gettting blasted into outer space WERE ABOUT FUCKING ALLEGED REPORTS OF HAITIAN MIGRANTS STEALING FUCKING GEESE


u/alphazero924 4d ago

And the alleged reports of Haitian migrants in Springfield stealing geese originated from a single image of a black man in Columbus whose ethnicity was never identified

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u/LintyFish 4d ago

I go through the same shit with my dad in Massachusetts. I have tried everything. He just doesn't care and says the democrats make everything worse. Now my mother is stepping into that sphere as well, she is doing the whole 'I'm a moderate, both parties are bad' thing. She said if kamala is elected that she will leave the country.

I don't understand when or how this happened. My mom was a liberal growing up. It makes me so fucking sad. It's just so comical too, because the infrastructure bill that biden pushed is what gave my dad so much work and helped him start his short haul trucking buisness, he is just too daft and brainwashed to put those pieces together.


u/Bodes_Magodes 4d ago

Bout the time Facebook became adopted by the older generation


u/Both_Lifeguard_556 4d ago

My family is from Connecticut, my mom is now in her 80s in Scottsdale AZ in an assisted living home.

On a recent phone call it sounded like she was channeling the spirit of Newsmax. Word, for word. Tone for tone. Statement by statement, it didn't even sound like my mom - it sounded like a 60 year old news man in a jacket and tie - show host talking through her body.

"Well your voting for Trump - RIGHT?"

"He's gonna straighten things out!"

"They sold all of our Oil reserves, they sold it! They just flat out sold it!"

"She's unqualified, totally un qualified


u/OneofHearts 4d ago

I’m sorry to tell you this, but your mother is a racist.

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u/Weekly-Ad-6887 4d ago

It’s always the fault of the migrants. Anything that happens is the fault of migrants. This dude’s plan is kill migrants and cut taxes. It’s the dumbest policy, but people eat up his routine because 1) racism 2) he’s cuckoo so how serious can he be. Meanwhile his team bts is certifiably insane like Miller, Loomer, etc. republicans suck, but these idiots are so concerned with keeping power that they are willing to pass off this wannabe dictator. 

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u/Baron_of_Berlin 4d ago

I have to wonder at what point news sources stop being protected by Free Speech when they are reporting absolute nonsense and when we can start fining them or even arresting editors for allowing it. It's insane.


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 4d ago

I like to look at it as “we just can’t have nice things”

I don’t think we need to arrest editors, but there has to be a solution.

I absolutely think if a presidential candidate gets up on stage and says something like that, they should be charged in some manner. I cannot agree that a candidate should be able to say something like that, without being forced to at least acknowledge that it was disproven. I mean Jesus fucking Christ


u/itsmeEllieGeeAgain 4d ago

Yea I feel you on that one. I grew up hearing phrases like “one of the good ones” and “welfare queens”. I was the only family member that didn’t laugh when my grandfather would refer to Latino people as “Jose, Jos-b and Jos-c”. I vividly recall my grandmother dropping the N-word at the Sunday dinner table, to which 13-year-old me objected and labeled racist. The response I got is that it is OK to call them that if they are one. Everyone of them knew that my younger brother on my dad side is half black, and had no problem, saying these things and insisting that they weren’t talking about “ones like him”. Simply based on the fact that I thought all humans deserved rights and that racism and homophobia was wrong I spent my adolescence as the proverbial black sheep, no pun intended.

Since then, both of my grandparents have died. Their son, my uncle has died and so has one of his children. My aunts husband and daughter have died. I have had interracial children. I had begun to see progress before all those people passed away; more acceptance, and changes in thinking. Some even began calling out each other‘s racist behavior, and trying to be better. Then Trump came along. Half of them died before they could cast a vote for him. The others did a vote for him. They have regressed or died since.

As a matter of fact starting today, I have sent out messages to the little family that I have left. I will post what I said In a reply to this comment.

I’m done caring about these peoples feelings. The night of the debate, my aunt confirmed me that she doesn’t deed believe that doctors are murdering babies and hospitals across the country. My response was that it is sad that she believes something so stupid. She has tried to tout things as a difference of opinions. I don’t say fine and throw my hands up. I tell her that science is not opinionated. I tell her that being OK with a group that is trying to take abortion rights away from women because she no longer can have children and her daughter is dead and her grandchildren are boys makes her a direct threat to me and my daughters. She complained about taxes and think she was no longer allowed to claim for a tax breaks. I asked her to specify. As we walked through her specific examples every single gripe that she had led directly to the Republican party’s policies and bills over the last 30 years. At this point, she cut the conversation off and said that we have a difference of opinions. If and when I see her again, I will push for another conversation and when she tries to cut the conversation off and tell me that it’s a difference of opinions I’m going to call her out and tell her to just admit that she loves the racism.

I also have stopped avoiding talking to other people about their politics in front of my children. They never really get their feelings hurt for being proven wrong or when they become embarrassed because something that they support is racist or sexist, they have to own in front of children who know better. I will note also that I was the one who took care of her husband for his last 18 months, making him breakfast and lunch, keeping him company while he sat alone all day, even cut his finger and toenails; all unpaid. She is under the impression I will do the same for her, because her only child and her husband too. She for a rude awakening. I hold no obligation to people who actively contribute to the deprivation of rights for me and my children, and even simply for other human beings. It disgusts me.

What I meant when I said, even if he loses is that I can never go back. Luckily for me, out of everyone in my family, my mother has been the one who has had the biggest transformation and has not gone backwards. She was a lifelong Republican that will never vote for a Republican. I believe this is true based on the emails and text messages she receives from the Harris campaign, thanking her for her donations, The conversations I’ve seen her uncomfortably have with her sister, and her initiation of condemnation of the nude bullshit they’re pulling is, rather than just a reaction from me saying it.

I’ve been telling my kids recently, and I must stand by it now even with my family: people who claim to care about you who then encourage, support, and/or vote for people who perpetuate violence against you or people that look like/love like/believe like you, CANNOT TRULY CARE ABOUT YOU. They are lying and they don’t deserve your attention, love or respect.

Sorry for the long ass reply, I understand if you didn’t read it. This is just such a devastating place to find our country, community, and families in. Although I will say it’s been a long time coming and I’m happy that it’s happening overall. I’m tired of the things that white people say when they think only white people can hear them, like my family did. it’s disgusting and the time has come for them to stand up and hold their chin up and own that shit, so people like me can let them die alone.

TL:DR - fuck these people

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u/trumpetrabbit 4d ago

"But I christian, I'm not a bad person". Anyone touting this is not of Christ, at least not the one I was taught about as a child.


u/Baron_of_Berlin 4d ago

I hate the situation that Trump the Politician ever existed, but I do value the sounding rod it gave us for the type of people that support him. I've got friends (less friendly now...), family, and required business contacts that are part of the MAGA crowd and I've been updating my personal and work phone contacts to add MAGA to their IDs for clarity. Good to know who you can feel safe talking to vs shielding up against conservative "values".


u/lallapalalable 4d ago

The past eight years have really soured my opinions of people I used to actually respect,and some people I just plain do not like at all anymore. 2016 was a fluke, and 2020 was playing on fear, but now there is honestly no excuse whatsoever. A third vote for the mango means you're nothing to me, you're actively against what this country stands for at its most basic level, and you personally are an existential threat to my way of life if you allow, nay, actively work towards the destruction of all that makes it possible. This is no longer "just politics" and I feel no remorse cutting these mouth breathing democracy hating dictator loving fuckers out of my life for good.


u/malicious_kitty_cat 4d ago

the person that everyone laughed at for decades.

The rest of the world is still laughing, but at the moment they are slightly choking at the prospect of there being a chance that Americans could just be dumb enough to vote him back in.

I would hazard a guess the Germans aren't too comfortable with the idea of Trump enabling Putin to take Ukraine, which is one step to Poland and boom, it'll be the Russians at the German border and that didn't go so well last time, did it?


u/2rfv 4d ago

Even if he loses idk how I can ever look at these people the same way again.

I just can't with them anymore. I consider them willful traitors especially after January 6.

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u/joeleidner22 4d ago

Et Tu BBC? That is who I used to rely on to get news about politicians here in the states, as they used to pull no punches. The ceo must be a golfer.


u/SpiffingSprockets 4d ago

Right. I remember ~15 years ago in high school, that when citing sources that: Wikipedia was an "untrustworthy, potentially biased source"; and sources like the BBC were a "trustworthy, unbiased source".

Oh, how the opposite is often true today.


u/Unusual-Thing-7149 4d ago

BBC is as biased as the rest of them but once upon a time many years ago their reporting was much fairer


u/AccountantDirect9470 4d ago

When the Canadian liberal party eventually loses and election, CBC will change its bias. CBC will try to be fair as the perception of neutrality needs to be used. But CBC knows who butters its bread as much as the for profit news channels do.


u/Poolofcheddar 4d ago

There was a good book I read called The BBC: A Century On Air.

When Thatcher came into power, they assumed criticisms of the current government was still fair game. She absolutely would not tolerate that.

She used the Murdoch press to attack the BBC and wanted to kneecap them by cutting off their main source of funding: the licence fee. While she wasn't entirely successful, she did get the tone of the network to change over time by appointing new leadership to the network to bend more to her expectations.


u/AccountantDirect9470 4d ago

That is why government funded news needs inflation scaled funding secured through legislation for 50 years. That way whomever is in power can not defund.

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u/GoHomeCryWantToDie 4d ago

The BBC has a proven track record of covering for sex offenders.


u/Sarokslost23 4d ago

they got used to it covering the royal family constantly.


u/Staind1410 4d ago

Media is people, and people have agendas.


u/Difficult-Tart8876 4d ago

Not enough people realize this

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u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 4d ago

AP is pretty good still imo


u/Calgaris_Rex 4d ago

AP and Reuters are my go-to.

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u/-adult-swim- 4d ago

Bbc is one of the few news sources I still trust, but they seem to have a massive blind spot when it comes to trump. It annoys the crap out of me. I think it comes from them trying to be unbiased, they don't want to show one candidate in a bad light, but when one candidate is politically bad, a rapist, a convicted fraudster, under investigation for numerous other crimes, mocks journalists and disabled people and is generally one of the worst people alive they don't really need to be neutral, they can just report all of that stuff in every article. They hold Biden and Harris to the standard that politicians should be held to and seemingly give trump a free pass because he's just so awful.


u/sennbat 4d ago

If they have such a big, obvious blind spot - why do you think you can trust them about other stuff you don't know anything about? What if they have big blind spots there, too?

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u/brighter_hell 4d ago

"Et Tu BBC?"

They're still salty about 1775.


u/RestingWitchFayce 4d ago

And 1773. It was a lot of tea.

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u/Redshoe9 4d ago

I get the newsletter by Dr Bandy Lee and her insights touch in this. How trumps mental defects combined with a huge megaphone spread and influence even the media.

“ From our point of view, the long suffering of our nation could have been avoided. The emergence of a “MAGA cult” was not automatic but predicated on the continued normalization of Donald Trump and his exposure to the public—hence spreading “Trump Contagion.”

“Trump Contagion has effectively led to the irrationality, illegality, and violence we see in politics today. The media, which Trump has been able to “mesmerize” have not only been ineffective against him but have served largely to spread his symptoms. Pundits have been unable to explain him, essentially normalizing and sanitizing him, no matter their genuine efforts to do the opposite.”

“Just as the public sees only Harris’ success, not the processes that led to it, it will not recognize how “infectious” Donald Trump’s dark psychology is, being unaware of “Trump Contagion.” He will continue to transmit his symptoms, and in two months’ time, this debate could easily be forgotten in the public’s mind.”

She goes on to talk about the solutions to stop this on the Meidas touch https://www.youtube.com/live/8ul91ngSPj4?si=o_tK5sqPq9pjnDL9


u/viciousraccoon 4d ago

He was found liable in a lawsuit for sexual abuse, and found guilty of financial fraud for misusing campaign funds as hush money. As ridiculous as it seems, because the lawsuit isn't a criminal charge they have to say allegations or they will be open to a libel suit for defamation of character as he hasn't been found guilty of sexual misconduct.


u/sennbat 4d ago

It has been found by the courts to be a fact that he conducted sexual misconduct, he just hasn't been found guilty of any crimes associated with that sexual misconduct. You are legally allowed to say people did things that are bad and not crimes when there is sufficient evidence (and a court judgement against him is sufficient evidence) of that being the case.


u/lelo1248 4d ago

The judge presiding over the case said trump raped someone. Read their remarks regarding the trial.

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u/MisterProfGuy 4d ago

That one I sorta understand because the UK has much, much more severe libel laws than the US. Since they are referring to more than just the legally confirmed situations, they need to be careful. He's got a few proven, but many many many more credible allegations.

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u/soccercro3 4d ago

Lawrence O'Donnell is amazing at his monologues calling this out.


u/_BELEAF_ 4d ago

Nicole Wallace, too, a day after the debate.

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u/JusticiarRebel 4d ago

The thing that really pisses me off about this is that in order to make Trump seem normal, they also have to tear down his opponents in order to level the playing field so they can continue their horse race narrative, but this doesn't result in a level playing field for both candidates. What they end up doing is they crank out so many "Biden is Old" stories that they make him seem like the worst candidate that ever lived while the positive stories made Trump seem like a strong man of action. I'm so thankful that Harris and her VP pick are so damn camera friendly cause it seems to be finally breaking whatever glamour was placed on Trump in the first place and it's finally peeling away his support.


u/Aggravating-Ice5575 4d ago

Absolutely, great analogy was if Trump was an arsonist, it doesn't matter that Kamala Harris burnt her steaks once...


u/FailResorts 4d ago

I think it’s also fears that Trump, should he win, will crack down on the media that criticizes him the most.

These are still huge corporations full of spineless rich fucks who care more about their money and positions of power than they do about democracy. Considering who’s currently running the media empires (David Zaslav and others), this shouldn’t be surprising.


u/Green-Enthusiasm-940 4d ago

"Fears that he will crack down on them if he wins"

Gee, then maybe they shouldn't be doing so much to help him.

Fuck this epidemic of spinelessness in the media, in the republican party, everywhere. These assholes could have solved this problem 20 times over with even a sliver of an attempt to not be cowards at every turn.


u/fogleaf 4d ago

Money now, consequences later. That's capitalism, baby.


u/NYArtFan1 4d ago

Which shows how ignorant they are. He will crack down on the media whether they kiss his ass or not. That's what dictators do. It's insane and dangerous that they're playing with fire instead of doing their jobs. There will be no "safe" media outlets if he gets back in. He'll take over all of them and replace everyone with a bunch of random wackos currently residing in the depths of internet.

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u/elspotto 4d ago

Logorrhea. That’s the word you want for “spewed a word salad”. I find it particularly fitting for him as it also reminds us of his poopy diaper.


u/arachnophilia 4d ago


as a bit of a linguistics nerd, i dunno if i like this word. "logos" here is the same root as "logic". it's not just words literally, but reasoning/rationality. there's nothing about word salads that are rational.

on the other hand, it invokes diarrhea, which is an excellent metaphor.


u/elspotto 4d ago

Let me trigger you (I’m doing it in fun).

Irregardless (that’s the in jest part. Sorry) of your affinity, it’s a valid word that refers to rapid, uncontrollable, and incoherent speech. This fully describes the patented, soon to be available in a how to book on trumpgrifts dot com for $49.99, Weave we have all become familiar with.

First came to love it from its use in Akeelah and the Bee.

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u/abcdefghig1 4d ago

Fuck the media. They have us Trump and they are not stopping. Media is just propaganda for the rich


u/Electronic-Bit-2365 4d ago

Corporate media is propaganda for the rich because surprise surprise, the rich own the media corporations. We need independent publicly funded media, with the journalists’ role similar to tenured professors at public colleges

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u/Odd_Ad_2706 4d ago

I can't make heads or tails out of anything this man says. It's like listening to a baby jibber jabber to me. Sometimes, I think I might be the one going insane.


u/BoomZhakaLaka 4d ago

The why is what eats at me. Nobody wants to lose access. Nobody wants to lose views. So in this pursuit of "balance" objectivity dies.


u/bmmana 4d ago

Excuse me..he's not spewing a word salad. He's weaving, okay? He's weaving a word salad. Big difference

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u/Panda_hat 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's the sanification of American imperialism and aggressive hegemony. Trumps an idiot but the institutional powers that want America to be a violent and aggressive world power are working through him. Coincidentally some of those people also own the media!

They know exactly what they are doing. Trump is a manchurian candidate and useful idiot for some very dark violent people.

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u/yukiyunyun 4d ago edited 4d ago


context: he moaned to make fun of transgender people. He has done it several times. Another clip . He did it again in his latest rally as you can see in Ron's tweet.

Imagine Biden did this, the MSM would have reported it nonstop until he had to resign.


u/Independent_Lake6883 4d ago

WTF is this? It's so creepy.


u/-jp- 4d ago

Trump being Trump. This is the man that Republicans think is best qualified to be the leader of the free world. Because they are all a cavalcade of fuckups.


u/florida-karma 4d ago edited 4d ago

Remember when right-wing media went apoplectic because the leader of the free world and commander in chief of the US military could not ethically, morally under any circumstances make poor decisions like choose to wear a tan suit?

Trump routinely acts like that kid at the back of the classroom who repeated 4th grade and ate paste for attention and they ejaculate en masse about how America will die without him.


u/-jp- 4d ago

They lost their fucking mind when he saluted while holding coffee. Meanwhile their God Emperor actively denigrates veterans, POWs, Gold Star families, and standing servicemen and they swoon over him. I wish they would at least pretend that they actually care about anything.


u/CircusPeanutsYumm 4d ago

The latest was at the moment of silence at the 9/11 service. He couldn’t bow his head and remain somber bye was looking all around.


u/jflip13 4d ago

Gross. Did you see him mouthing thank you and winking to female journalist. Barf.


u/SusieG1111 4d ago

🤮 He's such a gross pig. Yet the MAGAs are mesmerized by him. I feel like we're living in The Emperor Has No Clothes story.

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u/NFriedich 4d ago

And didn't salute US soldiers but Russian and North Korean officers


u/-jp- 4d ago

God I forgot about that. It is stunning how, no matter how awful you think Trump is, he is somehow always even worse.


u/keltron 4d ago

Trump saluted a god damned North Korean general.


u/sLeeeeTo 4d ago

rare non-sexual use of ejaculate

i’ll allow it

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u/Bobothemd 4d ago

Role playing his night with Loomer

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u/Clearwatercress69 4d ago

This… is… the…republican… nominee?!

What’s next? He’ll speak in tongues?

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u/Gimme_The_Loot 4d ago

All jokes aside what possibly is the context for this? I imagine he's doing an impression of someone doing something but who / what in the fuck could that be??


u/janpianomusic 4d ago

It's weightlifting

But who knows why donold is acting it out in a ridiculous way or why he is bringing it up in the first place (He sure doesn't)

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u/LucidaConsole 4d ago

i read he was mocking trans athletes.


u/TomWithTime 4d ago

I think he's technically mocking a woman in this clip to set up for a trans women to come do whatever he's doing without a struggle right after. I think this was related to the Olympic boxing hysteria but with trump you can never be sure


u/Pure_Expression6308 4d ago

That’s so unusual. I guess he’s leaning into the “weird” label. I still can’t believe the Dean Scream was a thing but THIS is acceptable?


u/LucidaConsole 4d ago

i think you’re right. it’s so on brand for this fuckface, ughh

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u/phantacc 4d ago

Without context, I legitimately thought he was portraying a live birth abortion, playing the part of the baby.


u/kryptonianCodeMonkey 4d ago

That's generous. From the thumbnail, my first thought was he was jerking off two dudes on his face. But that might say more about me and Larry Craig than him.


u/N8CCRG 4d ago

He has a story about trans women dominating cis women in sports. He says he went to watch a women's weightlifting competition, and this clip is him mocking how weak cis women are (he says there's only a quarter of an ounce on the weights and then he starts miming that they can't lift the weights and make pathetic noises). Then he follows up saying a trans woman comes on and lifts huge weights with ease.

It's disgusting to both trans women and cis women. And he loves it and thinks it's hilarious. He does that at lots of his rallies.

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u/Peasant_Stockholder 4d ago

That clip is from one of his old rallies. He did it again last night at his Arizona rally. Right before he did it again, he said.

" My wife hates it when I do this. It's NOT PRESIDENTAL, but you guys love it." He doesn't give a fuck!


u/Caleb_Reynolds 4d ago

but you guys love it.

Unironically literal clown behavior.

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u/bashful_predator 4d ago

Idk how but watching this clip made me even more confused than the picture. Wtf is he going on about?


u/arachnophilia 4d ago

i dunno but his hands look tiny don't they.


u/TomWithTime 4d ago

Almost as small as his crowds


u/StudMuffinNick 4d ago

I watched it. So he isshowing a Cis woman struggling with very little weight but barely managing to make a world record lift with "a few ounces" of weight. And her parents are proud and the record stands for 18 years. Right after he lifts his arms fast in a way of showing a transgender woman who he said "next a man comes up and" implying that records can't be broken and that men are intentionally becoming women to break world records

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/CallMeAL242 4d ago

From your lips to all deities' ears.


u/Imaginary_Manner_556 4d ago

No way. God is too busy giving kids cancer.

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u/Nerevarine91 4d ago

What the actual fuck is he even doing??? What is this???


u/Moonpile 4d ago

Or if Kamala Harris laughed


u/andywfu86 4d ago

*cackled is their word of choice


u/Bryaxis 4d ago

Ah, yes. When someone has regular human emotions, but it's a bad thing.

Meanwhile, Trump virtually never laughs, and apparently hasn't fully figured out how to smile.

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u/EntityDamage 4d ago

Dog whistle for "witch"


u/DaydreamCultist 4d ago

I fucking wish Kamala were a "witch". It's high time we had a pagan president.

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u/JTD177 4d ago

That’s exactly what they did


u/killyourmusic 4d ago

What the fuck is actually happening in this clip? What's the context of this weird ass shit?


u/PoliticsLeftist 4d ago

I know he likes doing the trans athlete joke but this particular one legitimately made me uncomfortable.


u/DataDude00 4d ago

This is some world class air dicking


u/Br3akTh3Toys 4d ago

Serious question cause I have seen him do this a few times. What exactly is the point he is trying to make here? Is he mimicking someone who is trying to bench press or something?


u/CircusPeanutsYumm 4d ago

WTF. I’m speechless


u/NeutralMinion 4d ago

What the fuck


u/SheSheShieldmaiden 4d ago

What the FUCK is this lmao


u/xXmehoyminoyXx 4d ago edited 4d ago

Awww baby elon took it down 🐣👶🍼


u/memomem GOOD 4d ago


u/prusg 4d ago

Someone please photoshop dicks in his hands

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u/definitewalnut 4d ago

I don't understand what he's doing? Is he mocking someone who couldn't lift a weight? Genuinely confused.


u/rogirogi2 4d ago

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Fk knows what I was expecting. I’ve seen the worst. I’m sorry . I’m sorry. Why the FUCK isn’t he in an institution?? Not a fkin clue why Melanoma doesn’t call the shrinks and get him committed. That’s soooooooo Oedipal and almost sad. My brain hurts. What’s the chance he’s an actual motherfucker??

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u/statistacktic 4d ago

For many Americans, that debate was the first truly unvarnished view of Donald.


u/Virtual-Public-4750 4d ago

This exactly. It seems like not too many of his supporters watch his speeches in their entirety, only relying on snippets and quips from media that downplay his actions. The debate, where I’m sure many believed he would reign, clearly showed he isn’t who they chose to believe he is.


u/Toren8002 4d ago

Problem is, those people have spent the last 9 years aligning their identity with his.

“I’m a Trump supporter” is now a core element of their personality.

What are they supposed to do? Just throw away all those years? Admit to all those family members and coworkers and friends and Facebook strangers that you were wrong all those times? After 9 years of being taught to never admit that you’re wrong?

Those people will retreat into their safe space echo chambers for a few days, and come back out as fervent as ever.


u/LartinMouis 4d ago

First step to recovery is admitting you've got a problem


u/sambes06 4d ago

I don’t think they will do that. Trump is their wrench they can throw into the gears of government. His rough edges and insanity are a feature not a bug. We all just have to vote to get rid of him once and for all!


u/enaK66 4d ago

Lmao. My dad quit alcohol but he can't quit trump. Just funny to think about.

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u/RobHuck 4d ago

It was hard to let go of the nine years I lost watching game of thrones, but I didn’t let it define me, I just moved on. These people will have to as well.

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u/Givemeallthecabbages 4d ago

What are they supposed to do? Throw away $6,000 worth of flags, hats, bumper stickers, truck wraps, semen cups, shoes, NFTs, and bibles???

Seriously, aside from the grift, typing that made me realize all the merch truly does make the sunk cost heavier.


u/Nexaz 4d ago

That's called being in a cult.

I'm sorry but having a sign for a politician in your yard during an election cycle is normal. Having 5 plus a banner on the side of your house for the same politician even DURING an election cycle is not. And that's not even starting with the Qultists that have been flying Trump flags for the last 8 years.


u/statistacktic 4d ago

The trump train is one helluva drug.


u/LightDarkBeing 4d ago

After forced into believing the left is evil and satanic for the last 30 years too.

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u/Unabated_Blade 4d ago

It seems like not too many of his supporters watch his speeches in their entirety, only relying on snippets and quips from media that downplay his actions.

I've heard it described as "cheapfaking" - the cheap, tiktok version of events where you can craft a narrative in less than 30 seconds of clips. Take every out-of-context sideways glance, every microscopic shift or frown, throw some sad music behind it, and you have a video of Kamala looking scared through the whole debate that will get 8 million views on tiktok.

I don't think there's any salvaging this one tho.

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u/Khaos25 4d ago

Correct. This is also why his sycophants and the rabid fanbase are outraged by the moderators actually doing their jobs. They have never seen him being corrected so bluntly before.


u/Nick_pj 4d ago

Because not only did he seem weird and crazy, he seemed weak at the same time. When Harris mentioned that people left his rallies because they were long and boring, he was so pathetically defensive. “NOBODY GOES TO HER RALLIES”… dude, even Fox News viewers know those rallies are very well attended.


u/SirGlass 4d ago

Whats also funny is that was Trump on pretty good behavior , don't get me wrong he still was unhinged spouting nonsense conspiracy theories but thats not even the worst I have seen of him.

Media covers that up and never shows it. Trump will make wild speeches and mispronounce names and even mix names up , he will still claim he is running vs Biden , He will call Harris, Pelosi . He will spew nonsense word salad and conspiracy theories

Media will show the 10 second sound bite where he doesn't look completely unhinged .

This is SUPER stark contrast to Biden , any time he studdered the media would be all over it


u/Dustin- 4d ago

I thought the same after the debate. He didn't do anything surprising or abnormal for Trump, and I think he did about the same as he did during the debate with Biden (maybe even a little better). But since he was on stage with an actually sane person it was a really stark reminder of how crazy Trump actually is even at his best.

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u/RaggedyGlitch 4d ago

Oh bullshit. The whole reason he's remained in the public eye for so long is because he says and does absolutely bonkers stuff and people can't look away. We're in this mess specifically because the media did cover him doing insane stuff for the ratings.


u/Dustin- 4d ago

Not bullshit. I had some friends over for the debate and they all were like "I'd never seen anything but 2 second long Trump clips before this, I didn't know he was actually this bad..." and as far as I can tell that's been a really common sentiment this week. He's been in the public eye in political life for a long time now. So what? The vast majority of people don't pay any attention to politics other than the occasional clip or blurb about him, and it's extremely easy to dismiss those as being out of context or a one-time gaffe or something (or worse, not even giving it enough thought to dismiss it) and that he's probably otherwise fine. Everyone who's tuned into politics and watches his rallies and speeches and stuff know exactly who he is, but that is a surprisingly small minority of people.

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u/EmptyMarsupial8556 4d ago

Hands up like that makes him look like a baby and a temper tantrum


u/Azozel 4d ago

It looks like he's giving two invisible handjobs


u/iwannalynch 4d ago

That's an interesting photo you've got there, Donny. It would be a shame if.... Someone were to photoshop you jerking off two dicks at the same time, wouldn't it

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u/Barstoolrob710 4d ago

This dude sure does like ghost dicks, he can’t keep his hands off of them.


u/FuzzzWuzzz 4d ago

He's doing the Ricky Stanicky bit.

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u/Rare-Bid-6860 4d ago

He represents the best hope that the people who own and profit from these media platforms have of getting a good nights sleep, and not lying awake for hours in a cold sweat, tormented by terrifying visions of proportional taxation.


u/burnn_out313 4d ago

This. The fairness act generations gone now. All media outlets love this guy even when they appear to lean left, their ownership is still most likely an old rich white guy that benefits from every story about trump in clicks and/or ratings and stands to profit from his tax cuts.


u/WaffleStompinDay 4d ago

There's another side to this story. Look at the past four years of Biden's presidency. The reason 90% of Republicans opposition to him was "he real old" is because he was an incredibly successful, yet boring, President. You can do research to find very long lists of the accomplishments made during his term but most of it is stuff that's not sexy to report on. Kamala is in the same realm as Biden. Her Presidency will probably be filled with a lot of accomplishments but, from a media standpoint, be very uneventful.

Trump gives them something to cover. For four years, they get to churn out articles about the crazy thing he said, meeting with dictators, world leaders laughing at him at international conferences. The media wants Trump as President not just because they are owned by the ultra-wealthy elite who will benefit from his tax plan but because he prints money in terms of round-the-clock coverage.


u/NYArtFan1 4d ago

Not only did they get to churn out articles on Trump's antics for four years, they didn't have to work while doing it. Actual journalism requires work and effort. Who wants to do that when you can just kick back and see what the next Tweet is and write about that? These so-called journalists are lazy as shit.

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u/Prtsk 4d ago

He really has tiny hands, doesn't he?


u/SinsOfThePast03 4d ago


u/ameyama 4d ago

And I'm Doneese


u/roof_baby 4d ago

But they still know how to please a man


u/Not-A-Seagull 4d ago

Slight side note here. Sanewash is such a fitting and accurate word for this.

Does anyone know where this came from?

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u/chautdem 4d ago

Matches his mushroom penis

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u/stripedarrows 4d ago

You wanna see the most wild part of this?

Click on who's seeing and replying to it, and then ask yourself WHY is Elon not showing it to all the fucking lunatics who approve of him.

And then ask yourself if it has anything to do with him being on Epstein's list, because of fucking course it does. Then ask yourself why you still have an X/Twitter account.


u/PencilMan 4d ago

The number of conservatives who claim Elon is saving free speech, not realizing how much he hides and leftist accounts he blocks and the weird alt right shit he boosts, is mind boggling. For them, free speech is when you can say batshit stuff that your fringes believes in and nobody can respond or provide an alternative. When your beliefs are that fringe and insane, the mainstream media and mainstream society at large does seem pretty biased.


u/CthulhuLovesMemes 4d ago

I hate the explanation a lot of people I know for having a Twitter account. “It has my twitch username!” “I don’t want someone stealing my username somewhere!” “I just want to keep it in case it changes back.” Okay… 🤦‍♀️


u/TheDocHealy 4d ago

I'll be honest about it, I like watching a Trainwreck in real time. I don't post shit but I'd rather know what those chuds are doing then only get passing glances from the window of the house across the street.


u/chazysciota 4d ago

It's pretty tough to use the site without being logged in. If it weren't linked to by every goddamn news article, I would delete my account for sure.

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u/ThenScore2885 4d ago

A pathetic version of


u/arachnophilia 4d ago

if you actually go read hitler's book, he's pretty pathetic too.

fascist strong man movements are built by narcissists, and narcissists are always compensating for deep seated insecurities and inferiority complexes.


u/bitee1 4d ago

"His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."


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u/6644668 4d ago

The media loves Trump because he gets them clicks and views.


u/-jp- 4d ago

Hey the media: you know what would get off-the-fucking-chain ratings? If he went to prison.


u/Mreatthebooty 4d ago

for a week or two. They want 4 more years of trump. And his tax cuts.


u/-jp- 4d ago

(Ssh! I'm banking on them not planning more than two weeks ahead!)

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u/WaitingForNormal 4d ago

Media: Fair and balanced means showing a horrible person in a good light and a good person in a horrible light.

If they showed us the truth then one side would complain it was “unfair” that they keep showing one person as a bumbling idiot and another as competent and hardworking.


u/Apprehensive_Gas_111 4d ago

Just want to add, even when the media does what you just described, that one side still complains they're being unfair.


u/CrunchyBrisket 4d ago

The best I can figure is ratings. News is boring. A sane, logical President that just governs does not drive news ratings. A moron that makes a fool of himself and his country captures a worldwide audience.


u/Conscious-Writing636 4d ago

Plus, at least for print media, the vast majority of those who subscribe to physical papers and magazines are over 50. The same demographic that tends to support Trump in droves. Any company still printing a newspaper can't afford to alienate its last subscribers.

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u/UrethralExplorer 4d ago

It's simple actually. Biden, Harris, whoever, they don't do stupid shit like this. They don't tell blatant lies about baby murder or windmills chopping birds up or Hungry Hungry Haitians devouring peoples pets. Only trump does. So if they point that shit out, the right will cry that they're being partisan in not also pointing out the crazy stuff that dems do since there isn't anything comparable.


u/kellsells5 4d ago

My friend is in the media and she said his crazy brings in ratings they're normalcy doesn't. Also many of the networks fear if he wins retaliation. However two things that he's repeating are putting honest human lives in danger. I also think it's almost elder abuse at this point.

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u/joeleidner22 4d ago

One word: billionairetaxcuts


u/remarkablewhitebored 4d ago
  1. They are afraid of the backlash
  2. They Wholeheartedly support these draconian "concepts' of policies
  3. They Corporate masters says they gotta do it this way, and if they won't there are 14 pretty/handsome presenters ready to do so...

It sucks to be living through this...

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u/boogerwayne 4d ago

The “media” NEEDS this election to be “close” so that it maintains relevancy, and thus viewership stays high.

The “media” is a BUSINESS and as such does what I can to sell its product. Showing tronny dump for what he truly is or truly says is not good for business.


u/bloodandstuff 4d ago

Is it just me or is he recreating how he pleasures putin and kim on thier dictactor retreat.


u/CornerNo5679 4d ago

Is he taking a dump?


u/-jp- 4d ago

Probably but he's making that face for a different reason.

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u/russels_silverware 4d ago

Because they're more scared of being accused of being biased against him than they are of being actually biased in his favour.


u/GrandObfuscator 4d ago

He paid them a lot of money to is why. The fuck you think he was talking about when he said he wanted his money back for what he spent on running against Biden.


u/MornGreycastle 4d ago

If the average voter, who doesn't pay attention to politics until October, were to see this on a regular basis, then the presidential race wouldn't be close. Media needs this to be a coin toss so that folks stay tuned into the race. Otherwise, they lose out on huge loads of ad revenue.


u/thehogdog 4d ago


They will sell out this entire country if they can be the first to get a prime time sit down with this pathetic loser.

That is why they cover for him. THANK GOD FOR ABC NEWS FACT CHECKS!

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u/chautdem 4d ago

He showed us his lunacy at the debate and his supporters STILL BELIEVE this maniac. We need to reach those who somehow—and God only knows how—are unaware of the thoughts and actions of this deranged, traitorous, murdering fascist who is dead set on destroying our country.


u/RecentCan6285 4d ago

The owners of the mainstream media are right leaning in most cases and all of them want Trump’s tax cuts.

Dems will make them pay their fair share.

Trump will sellout the entire kingdom if it means he can escape prison.


u/BirthdayPositive855 4d ago

They cover for Donald because they care more about the size of their paycheck than they care about the truth.


u/shanksisevil 4d ago

i think Laura Loomer is hiding inside the podium


u/HeHateMe337 4d ago

I'm with her on this


u/DesignerInsect6658 4d ago

Literally everyone I know who is voting for trump has admitted to me that they don't do any research into politics. That or they only watch fox news and scroll through rumble. This is 6 entire people.

Me: Who are you voting for?

My Brother: Trump.

Me: Why?

My Brother: Because Trump is going to save this country.

Me: How?

My Brother: I don't know

Me: Have you done any research into politics?

My Brother: No, but I'm still voting for Trump.

This reality is what's scary. People like my brother only vote because our dad is a Trump supporter.

He has no intellect on modern politics or policies and is going to vote for Trump.

I'm terrified.

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u/Reidroshdy 4d ago

Why is he always jacking off invisible dicks?

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u/wildyam 4d ago


u/CthulhuLovesMemes 4d ago

I’m afraid to ask the context of him doing that.

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u/bowsmountainer 4d ago

What is he on about now?


u/dragonfliesloveme 4d ago

It’s because the media moguls want to be oligarch rulers. They can’t do that in a democracy. They are partial oligarchs now, but it’s not enough for their greedy asses.


u/highpl4insdrftr 4d ago

We already know the answer. Just follow the money. Media is owned by the billionaire class. They all want Republican policy because it's good for tax breaks and deregulation, which means more money for them. This includes CNN, MSNBC, etc. They all stand to gain from another Trump presidency.


u/Twitchmonky 4d ago

He really wants those invisible cocks in his mouth.


u/SomeWhatWhelmed 4d ago

We got rid of Howard Dean for one excited yell.

Meanwhile a pedophile, rapist, and conman continues to try to occupy the Whitehouse.


u/SinfullySinless 4d ago

Because they want the election to be close, way more drama and more people tuning in longer for the election watch party


u/The_River_Is_Still 4d ago

Sanewash is my new favorite word.


u/Steakfrie 4d ago

The reason I stopped watching Kate Snow speak years ago - "Full disclosure, yes he's good for ratings", before being overcome by giggles. He's been their meal ticket since he first announced his bid for dictator.


u/ZekeRidge 4d ago

Their bosses are Trump voters. No matter the news station, we see / hear what they approve

Either the higher ups are Trumpers, or the board are Trumpers. I also think there is a chance they are hedging their bets in case he wins


u/jrh_101 4d ago

Reminder that most News outlets are the voice of the billionaires.

These billionaires want Trump to win.


u/PhysicalGraffiti75 4d ago

Total air dicker, look he’s double donging it!


u/PMmeURveinyBoobs 4d ago

Because the billionaires who own those companies are against a wealth tax, and the bottom line is all that matters.


u/nakedundercloth 4d ago

The party of family values and morals supports a rapist criminal who is openly cheating on his wife.



u/RaynOfFyre1 4d ago

The world class air dicker in action. And it looks like we caught the money shot