r/WhitePeopleTwitter 5d ago

Uncle Ron is right. Uncle Ron

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u/statistacktic 5d ago

For many Americans, that debate was the first truly unvarnished view of Donald.


u/Virtual-Public-4750 5d ago

This exactly. It seems like not too many of his supporters watch his speeches in their entirety, only relying on snippets and quips from media that downplay his actions. The debate, where I’m sure many believed he would reign, clearly showed he isn’t who they chose to believe he is.


u/Toren8002 5d ago

Problem is, those people have spent the last 9 years aligning their identity with his.

“I’m a Trump supporter” is now a core element of their personality.

What are they supposed to do? Just throw away all those years? Admit to all those family members and coworkers and friends and Facebook strangers that you were wrong all those times? After 9 years of being taught to never admit that you’re wrong?

Those people will retreat into their safe space echo chambers for a few days, and come back out as fervent as ever.


u/Nexaz 5d ago

That's called being in a cult.

I'm sorry but having a sign for a politician in your yard during an election cycle is normal. Having 5 plus a banner on the side of your house for the same politician even DURING an election cycle is not. And that's not even starting with the Qultists that have been flying Trump flags for the last 8 years.