r/WhitePeopleTwitter 5d ago

Uncle Ron is right. Uncle Ron

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u/coolbaby1978 5d ago

MSNBC called it the sanification of Trump. That journalists don't want to accurately report just how unhinged and insane Trump is so they try to make him seem normal which does a huge disservice.

One of their examples was after Trumps rambling crazy answer on childcare, the NYT reported it as something like "Trump outlines plan to pay for childcare with tarrifs." No! That's not what he did. He spewed a word salad that did include the words child and care among others but wasn't even a concept of a plan.


u/tttxgq 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yep, here’s an article on the BBC that absolutely sane-washes him. Yes, some of his “controversies” are briefly referred to, but it’s all downplayed as much as possible. This was published shortly before the debate in order to attract maximum views.

For example:

Allegations of sexual misconduct and extramarital affairs have followed Trump the politician.

Allegations!?! It was proven in court that he committed RAPE. He is a RAPIST.


u/joeleidner22 5d ago

Et Tu BBC? That is who I used to rely on to get news about politicians here in the states, as they used to pull no punches. The ceo must be a golfer.


u/SpiffingSprockets 5d ago

Right. I remember ~15 years ago in high school, that when citing sources that: Wikipedia was an "untrustworthy, potentially biased source"; and sources like the BBC were a "trustworthy, unbiased source".

Oh, how the opposite is often true today.


u/Unusual-Thing-7149 5d ago

BBC is as biased as the rest of them but once upon a time many years ago their reporting was much fairer


u/AccountantDirect9470 5d ago

When the Canadian liberal party eventually loses and election, CBC will change its bias. CBC will try to be fair as the perception of neutrality needs to be used. But CBC knows who butters its bread as much as the for profit news channels do.


u/Poolofcheddar 5d ago

There was a good book I read called The BBC: A Century On Air.

When Thatcher came into power, they assumed criticisms of the current government was still fair game. She absolutely would not tolerate that.

She used the Murdoch press to attack the BBC and wanted to kneecap them by cutting off their main source of funding: the licence fee. While she wasn't entirely successful, she did get the tone of the network to change over time by appointing new leadership to the network to bend more to her expectations.


u/AccountantDirect9470 5d ago

That is why government funded news needs inflation scaled funding secured through legislation for 50 years. That way whomever is in power can not defund.


u/VTinstaMom 5d ago

All media is intrinsically biased towards the power structures which they rely on in order to exist.

Access and permission - media is biased towards everything and everyone that gets them access and permission.


u/GoHomeCryWantToDie 5d ago

The BBC has a proven track record of covering for sex offenders.


u/Sarokslost23 5d ago

they got used to it covering the royal family constantly.