r/WhitePeopleTwitter 5d ago

Uncle Ron is right. Uncle Ron

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u/6644668 5d ago

The media loves Trump because he gets them clicks and views.


u/-jp- 5d ago

Hey the media: you know what would get off-the-fucking-chain ratings? If he went to prison.


u/Mreatthebooty 5d ago

for a week or two. They want 4 more years of trump. And his tax cuts.


u/-jp- 5d ago

(Ssh! I'm banking on them not planning more than two weeks ahead!)


u/snysius 5d ago

They would get a few years worth of speculating about who is going to be the next trump


u/BabyStockholmSyndrom 5d ago

Conservatives love to bitch about him getting fact checked like the babies they are but they never comment about how they let him rant well after his time. Constantly. And I think we all know it's because they want him to say batshit things because it's good for them. So they let him break rules set. But conservatives are fine with that.


u/BabyStockholmSyndrom 5d ago

Conservatives love to bitch about him getting fact checked like the babies they are but they never comment about how they let him rant well after his time. Constantly. And I think we all know it's because they want him to say batshit things because it's good for them. So they let him break rules set. But conservatives are fine with that.