r/moviecritic 6d ago

Dave Bautista Is Losing Weight After Being an ‘Uncomfortable’ 315 Pounds for a Movie Role

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u/anticerber 6d ago

I was so surprised to find that out of all the wrestlers turned actors that he seems to be the most dynamic 


u/PlayyWithMyBeard 6d ago

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by him in movies. I first saw him in Guardians of the Galaxy and enjoyed his character acting. Then in that Glass Onion movie, he played that dumb jock so well. Him and John Cena have been pretty good imo.


u/Empty-Ticket-8058 6d ago

He has a short role as a gentle android trying to avoid blade runners in the new Blade Runner. Good stuff.


u/PlayyWithMyBeard 6d ago

Oh yeah? I’ll have to give that a watch. Didn’t even know there was a new Blade Runner


u/yourkindhere 6d ago

By new he means 2049, the Denis Villeneuve one from 2017


u/KaseyOfTheWoods 6d ago

It’s so good and hurts my brain and heart that it’s 7 years old. That doesn’t compute


u/MaudeFindlay72-78 6d ago

It's okay. The '80s were only 20 years ago.


u/dressedtotrill 6d ago

Is everybody stuck in the year 2000 as the time reference point in their life cuz I am too!


u/Bishop-AU 6d ago

Your local station is playing all the hit songs from the 80s, 90s and today!


u/Journier 5d ago

pretty much. Its either early onset dementia for us all, or something clicks with the year 2000 as a time point.


u/Ok-Implement-3296 5d ago

He kind of looks like RuPaul…


u/crumpletely 5d ago

Y2k, the first time I drank alcohol. Rattlesnake…disgusting

But yeah. The time flies by while your mind is still back in 2000. Thats probably when you became an “adult” We change a bit as we go on, but still feel young in our older bodies. I’ve been stuck in 2010 for a bit haha.


u/RLS30076 5d ago

my brain telling me it was only a few years ago


u/Erikthepostman 4d ago

2000 was great as a newlywed. But I’m stuck in 1986 for some reason most days. 84-86 Music was bizarre.


u/Sullfer 5d ago

That was the year before the Oligarchy said fuck it let’s stop pretending.


u/victoro311 6d ago

30+ if you want to get technical.


u/SoulsBorneGreat 6d ago

Lol, I wish; at this point, we're closer to Blade Runner 2049 than 1989


u/Dense-Assumption795 5d ago

I’m so pleased someone else confirmed this 😂


u/HookLeg 5d ago

We’re closer to the midpoint of the 21st century then we are to 1995. Good stuff.


u/killxswitch 5d ago

20 years ago, that was true!


u/nwinferno 5d ago

I feel seen…. Thank you


u/Willtology 5d ago

This. Sadly this.


u/ShallotSwimming9057 5d ago

40 years ago


u/Solanthas 6d ago

Holy shit, you're right.

Why does 2016 feel like 2 years ago


u/crapmonkey86 5d ago

Fuck me, I can't believe I haven't rewatched it yet either. I saw it once in theaters and that was it. I still think of that movie sometimes.


u/Mannyadock 6d ago

Aw I genuinely thought I may have missed a new blade runner movie


u/goldstat 5d ago

Within Cells Interlinked


u/GiveMeNews 5d ago

I mean, there are only two Blade Runner movies, unless you are counting Ridley Scott releasing a new director's cut every other year.


u/ShiggDiggler420 5d ago

For the short amount of screen time he had in Blade Runner 2049 he was very memorable and did quite a good job.

At that point I was like, "wow, this wrestler can actually act."


u/ObiWanCanOweMe 4d ago

Wouldn’t that be the “neu” one?

I’ll see myself out 🫠


u/basicastheycome 6d ago

New one is well worth a watch. Instead of remake, Villenue went with continuation of the story


u/lik_a_stik 6d ago

And masterfully. Was a huge fan of the original, like all the different cuts, etc. I had trouble admitting I thought 2049 was even better but ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Also Bautista was a very welcome surprise getting back to post topic.


u/BleakMatter 6d ago

And I don't have trouble admitting I liked 2049 more than BR. What a film!


u/lik_a_stik 5d ago

Saw it 3 times in theaters. By the second viewing I kind of made up my mind it was.


u/BleakMatter 5d ago

I would love to have seen it on the big screen. Unfortunately, I somehow slept on it initially


u/Surprise_Donut 6d ago

Did you see the short movie which fleshed out Batista's role?

It explains how he got found



u/Sabatiel_ 6d ago

Always glad to see this thing being brought up whenever the subject is Bautista in Blade Runner. 👌


u/Professional_Kiwi919 6d ago

The movie is just....sad

The scenes are beautiful...the message is a strong and independent on, but it's just soo much

I have to mentally prepare myself to rewatch it while knowing the ending.


u/lostindanet 5d ago

You look like you need a \


u/significant-_-otter 5d ago

There's an anime short series that covers the gap between the two movies, like how all the replicant production records were lost when K goes to search for them


u/basicastheycome 5d ago

Thanks for heads up. I wasn’t aware of this, now I will have something to look forward to


u/BKachur 6d ago

It's a genuinely great and deep movie with some of the best cinematography maybe ever. I think that movie, plus the storytelling from Arrival were essentially Villaneuvue's application for Dune... come to think of it Basista was in BR 2049 and Dune.


u/wiyixu 6d ago

On the one hand it’s a joke Deakins had 14 noms and no wins before 2049. On the other … what a film to win it with. I have no words to do the cinematography in BR2049 justice. 


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- 6d ago

He should have won for Assassination of Jesse James. I think it went to whoever did There Will Be Blood, which I can't fault as it's a great looking film, but still.


u/crusty_jugglers93 6d ago

There was the chance Deakins split his own votes by having No Country For Old Men release the same year. Either way between There Will Be Blood, No Country and Jesse James there wouldn’t have been a wrong winner because all 3 have a case for winning the Oscar.


u/musiciankidd 5d ago

NCFOM same era. Some wildly great films came out of that time period.


u/sbprasad 5d ago

Or Skyfall.


u/Background-Video4331 6d ago

Yep, it's totally insane that it took so long. He should have already won for Barton Fink.


u/AnthonyChinaski 5d ago

Seriously! ButtRavager2049 killed it in the Cinematography category and should have pulled all the awards for Best Casting and Support Roles


u/rockytheboxer 6d ago

He was at his biggest in Arrival and played the spaceships. Super understated performance.


u/0lvar 6d ago

BR 2049 has a phenomenal score also by Hans Zimmer. You need a subwoofer though that is flat down to at least around 25hz to really get the full experience. My couch shakes a lot during the movie.


u/pnwbraids 6d ago

As a lifelong fan of science fiction, Villeneuve has become my new god after Dune 2.


u/oodlum 6d ago

He became mine after he followed Bladerunner 2049 with Arrival. Then Dune cemented it.


u/rogueranger20 6d ago

Spitting facts, great movie!


u/maybe-alms 6d ago

It’s crazy to see how his films all lead to Dune. Sicario (though very outside the sci-fi genre) was almost a love letter to the desert landscapes in a lot of ways


u/Judgementday209 6d ago

Amazing movie, watched it again the other day and I'd say borderline masterpiece.

Was not however a fan of glass onion.


u/NoahtheRed 6d ago

Being on Villaneuves To-Call list anytime he gets an idea is a good position to be in


u/BleakMatter 6d ago

Blade Runner 2049 is probably visually the most beautiful film I've ever seen, and still my favorite from Villeneuve.


u/theMalnar 6d ago

Dennis + David = fuckin awesome


u/AlwaysLateToThaParty 6d ago

Bautista was the definition of Rabban.


u/PretendRegister7516 6d ago

Not a fan of his performance in Dune which I think is too one note. But his performance in Blade Runner is truly great.


u/zombiemind8 5d ago

I feel like all harkonnens are kind of one note intentionally though. Not a lot of nuance from that race.


u/birdsrkewl01 6d ago

He is also really good in Bushwick and master Z!


u/trulyincognito_ 6d ago

Villa loves Batista, you should check out the comments he makes about him


u/mumbleopera 6d ago

I've only seen it once since it released, but oh damn, those scenes by the sea shore with the thundering soundtrack lodged itself in my brain so hard. Or the presentation of Jared Leto's character through the absolutely (wrathfully) divine chants and throatsinging.

Just realized it came out 7 years ago, that's whack. Rewatch imminent!


u/DoucheCanoe2121 6d ago

Wholeheartedly disagree. Film was three hours of hot garbage.


u/_1JackMove 6d ago

One of the best sci-fi films in the modern era. I dare say at points it bests the original.


u/DickieJoJo 6d ago

I found it a tad self indulgent as opposed to “great and deep”.

I can understand the cult following around the two movies, but they can be tough watches in a lot of ways. The pace and execution can become a bit of a slog.


u/gbarill 6d ago

Blade Runner 2049 in the theatre is something I want to experience again, it’s just a stunning film.


u/Cloverman-88 6d ago

It pains me that for the life of me I can't remember the surname of the man who directed some of my favourites movies of all time. Arrival is the only movie I have seen in the cinema multiple times.


u/Jclarkson50 5d ago

I wish I liked 2049 more than I did. It was so dark, literally, and slow paced but I have to give it another chance.


u/Slanderouz 5d ago

Beast Rabban.


u/MangaHunterA 6d ago

His role was actually really good in blade runner even tho short, makes you want to see him more in that type of roles. I wanted him to play kratos but well


u/Archetypo1985 5d ago

Bautista as Kratos. Holy shit dude. That would be awesome. Only issue is can his voice tone be deep enough.


u/MangaHunterA 5d ago

Cmon man they're actors they can do it but will have to trade voice health like austin butler, he dosent sound like before anymore its the elvis talk now.


u/txgb324 6d ago

Did you ever watch the short films made to promote BR2049?

"Blade Runner Black Out 2022" is an excellent anime short from Shinichirō Watanabe, creator of the fantastic "Cowboy Bebop", detailing a replicant uprising against the Tyrell Corporation that created them. "2036: Nexus Dawn" stars Jared Leto and Benedict Wong, and shows how the Wallace mega-corporation once again begins production of a new line of replicants. "2048: Nowhere to Run" leads directly into the core film, revealing how one on-the-run replicant (Dave Bautista) became reported to the authorities.

All three are on YouTube. Here’s the link for the Dave Bautista one:



u/MangaHunterA 6d ago

Man thats sad, helping got him in trouble. That being said id watch a movie with that premise.


u/SirGrumples 6d ago

Smallish party but acted it wonderfully and it was impactful


u/_your_face 6d ago

That movie was probably the one that had people saying “oh wait, that guy? He can actually act??”


u/noDNSno 6d ago

I die on this hill and say the Blade Runner 2049 sequel is the perfect example on how to sequel.


u/_TacticalTurtleneck 6d ago

Precisely. It’s a sequel which by no means had to be made, but everything is better off (both the original and the world-building) because of it


u/Erikthered00 6d ago

On par with Aliens


u/waitingtodiesoon 6d ago

Dr. Sleep also


u/NateHate 5d ago

See, I always felt 2049 would have been perfect if it wasn't a sequel to something. It had so much going for itself that having it be tied to blade runner cheapened it for me. I hated every second Harrison Ford was phoning it in.


u/urixl 6d ago

...wait what?!

It's a great movie.

But don't expect it to be a copy of the first one.


u/OculiImperator 6d ago

Honestly, Bladerunner 2049 is better than the original Bladerunner.


u/NateHate 5d ago

I wish I could downvote you more than once


u/Fil8pos150 5d ago



u/OculiImperator 5d ago edited 4d ago

At least, in my opinion, I liked it a little more than the original. Though I think the original had a more compelling antagonist, plus fuck Jared Leto.


u/Walterkovacs1985 6d ago

It's a phenomenal film. Two things. Maybe give the OG a watch beforehand to fully refresh yourself on the universe. Second thing,if you love blade runner 2049 like I think you will please check out the directors other movies. 2049 rocks but it might not even be his best work.


u/AloneCan9661 6d ago

It's one of my favourite movies ever...it'll leave an impact on you.


u/Mgmt049 6d ago

Fantastic film


u/SurlyBuddha 6d ago

If you enjoy his role, he was also the protagonist of a short that was released prior to Blade Runner 2049.


u/CrabAppleBapple 6d ago edited 6d ago

My Dad still kicks himself for not seeing it on a big screen, he was convinced it wouldn't live up the the original.

There's also a short film to go with it that gives a little more Bautista! Can't remember what it's called I'm afraid.


u/Stunning-North3007 6d ago

... have you been under a rock the last decade?!


u/AlwaysLateToThaParty 6d ago

Yeah, that really shone.


u/RipredTheGnawer 6d ago

😳 you’ve never heard of bladerunner 2077!?!? What, do you live under a rock?!?!


u/Wetop 6d ago

bladerunner 2077

What is this, cyberpunk crossover?


u/Uncle_Rabbit 6d ago

Yes, Blade Runner 2049. And there are a few shorts on YouTube that give a bit more depth to a few characters as well. There's one with Bautista's character. Worth watching anyways.


u/Vegetable_Ad_7140 6d ago

He's honestly one of the highlights of the film. Overall it's a great film but whenever it comes up his performance is the first thing that comes into my head.


u/Wanderingjes 6d ago

It’s even better than the original.

Bring on the downvotes!!


u/gb-stylee 6d ago

Also “ A Knock at the Cabin Door” which I thought he was excellent in. It’s M. Night so be prepared but despite my own reservations on his adaptation it’s a pretty interesting movie


u/r31ya 6d ago

his role in Blade Runner was great.


u/Mephisteemo 6d ago

Uhm, you missed one of the best movies of the decade?

Have fun watching it. It is reaaaaallly good.


u/whoooootfcares 5d ago

He is very good. It convinced me that the man has genuine dramatic chops.


u/porkpie1028 5d ago

There isn’t. They were talking about 2049 that came out in 2017.


u/Kind_Resort_9535 5d ago

It’s fantastic.


u/TheBluestBerries 5d ago

He's in it for about a minute in a half but it's good scene.


u/frontbuttt 5d ago

This is insane to me. I’m sorry. You didn’t know about Blade Runner 2049??


u/jaxonya 5d ago

So his dicks not as big as we all thought.


u/NineTeasKid 5d ago

There's a preceding short film with his character worth watching, he gets the full spotlight


u/mversteeg3 5d ago

Definitely see it, it's an amazing follow-on that I think even managed to surpass the original, which was a masterpiece in is own right.

Just my opinion though, don't kill me please.


u/SixGunSnowWhite 4d ago

Yeah, his character was also in a Blade Runner shirt promo movie, which was really great too. He’s so talented. Knock at the Cabin sucked (book was better by a mile) but Bautista was so good.


u/JoeBlowTheScienceBro 3d ago

There is a short prequel with him in it you should look up on YT first.