r/TwoHotTakes 6d ago

Update: My supervisor met my boyfriend and now she wants an HR meeting Listener Write In



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u/Lost-and-dumbfound 6d ago

I asked if that also applied to the staff member who reported it in the first place, since they went onto a corn site. Jan said that was irrelevant, that the meeting was about me, not the other staff member

Jan can't do that coz that staff member is Jan lol. She can't set up a meeting with herself. Good luck escaping!


u/Coal_Morgan 6d ago

Didn't Jesus hang out with a prostitute named Mary for a chunk of his life, also wasn't the Apostle Paul a murderer of those who followed Jesus originally. Judas was a thief. A handful were Zealots (at the time being called a Zealot meant you murdered Romans for politicial reasons),and were considered terrorists before they started following Jesus.

Me thinks Jan doesn't actually care about hypocrisy.


u/therealwoujo 5d ago

The Bible never says Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. That's a libel some random Catholic priest came up with centuries later.


u/basementdiplomat 5d ago

Pope Gregory to be exact. Fucker. The only thing that was said was that she was "a sinner".


u/The_Mechanist24 6d ago

It’s theorized that Jesus actually married Mary Magdalene


u/TraditionDear3887 5d ago

By whom? Dan Brown?

Certainly not by any serious religious scholars.



u/WuJiang2017 5d ago

At least according to the Da Vinci Code anyway. (I don't know how I got to this point in life. But I finally read the book!)


u/jdgiefing 5d ago

Nah. Dan Brown trusted the work of two authors who later admitted they made everything up. Then he decided “well, they lied but their work is still good” (I can’t make it make sense, it’s just what happened). As a piece of fiction The Da Vinci Code was fantastic and well worth the read! Just don’t let it go past that


u/WuJiang2017 5d ago

Ah man, you mean I can't claim to be a religious scholar now?


u/jdgiefing 5d ago

I mean…Dan Brown did it so I don’t see why not 🤷‍♂️


u/spspsptaylor 5d ago

The Da Vinci Code is like the fastest I've ever read a book. Very good read


u/jeroenemans 5d ago

That was Dan Brown, bub


u/Dangerous_Bass309 5d ago

No, she was slandered as one though


u/jdgiefing 5d ago

Mary isn’t a prostitute. That said, there were all manner of those deemed undignified (to use the posts word) that Jesus did spend plenty of time with


u/KingBird999 6d ago

The Catholic Church, at least, since the late 60s has held the stance that earlier interpretatiobs that she was a prostitute were incorrect. I don't know about other religions.


u/bunbunbunny1925 5d ago

Eh, so it's not really the church that started that. It's just that the original wording could either mean she was a “sinner” or she was ill. Either way, Jesus healed her; whether it was from sins she committed or from being sick is not clear. When something like this is translated so often, it can take on a whole new meaning.

It's the same with the whole “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind” thing. This passage can be read as indicating that this is a “sin” or can make you ill, so you should avoid it to stay healthy.

There are quite a few other words that, when translated, really change what the Bible says. The most well-known one is the apple as a forbidden fruit. This comes from when the original Hebrew was translated into Latin. The translator used a pun or play on words, which led people to interpret the fruit as an apple. Even after translating it into many other languages, the Apple idea persists.


u/FrecciaRosa 5d ago

I believe that in the tenth century, the stories and identities Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany got conflated.


u/ConservaTimC 5d ago

Was with them to get them to change their behavior not to support the behavior. Why is this so hard to understand?


u/Pete_C137 5d ago

Hypocrisy is built in to these religious institutions. It’s part of the foundation. If you take it out it would all come crumbling down.


u/Need_Burner_Now 5d ago

The Bible never references Mary as a prostitute. Your conclusion is correct but I like to set the record straight on poor Mary.


u/TraditionDear3887 5d ago

I don't think they really hung out. Didn't he just stop a bunch of folks from killing her and then never see her again?


u/-2z_ 5d ago

The Bible is full of contradictions, but people often confuse the fact that Jesus associated with sinners and “loved” sinners, with Jesus condoning sin. He outwardly condemned sinful acts regularly


u/ScoutTheRabbit 5d ago

Why is loved in quotation marks


u/-2z_ 5d ago

because I don’t believe the “love” they speak of or refer to regarding those situations is actual love or compassion.


u/ScoutTheRabbit 4d ago


Like I understand "there's no hate like christian love" but the "love" in your sentence refers to whether or not Jesus had love and compassion for sinners

Like I'm not christian but I think Jesus as depicted was very compassionate and loving?


u/-2z_ 4d ago

I don’t believe he existed, but if he did, I don’t believe it’s compassionate to advocate for/simultaneously be a god who punishes people for finite crimes for eternity, punishes them for homosexuality, witches etc. Advocates for the “old law” condoning or promoting some of the most atrocious acts and beliefs imaginable. I don’t think that is love and in fact I think it’s the opposite