r/TwoHotTakes 6d ago

Update: My supervisor met my boyfriend and now she wants an HR meeting Listener Write In



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u/NotSlothbeard 6d ago

You missed your opportunity to ask Jan in front of HR if she ever figured out where she knew your boyfriend from, since she said he looked familiar to her.


u/ArcticPangolin3 6d ago

That would have been the perfect "oh by the way" parting shot.


u/Flimsy-Car-7926 6d ago

"BTW Jan. My bf says thanks for your monthly subscription."


u/Ok-Mushroom-8153 6d ago

On that note, seriously—can he check if the principal is a current/past subscriber?? I don’t know the website layout for OF but the principal is sus af and deserves to be outed if allllll of this is because she’s a sub.


u/Flimsy-Car-7926 6d ago

No idea how OF works. But if you could look I definitely would. Blow it up. 


u/SleepingWillow1 6d ago

Get another job first. put in your letter of resignation and report to HR that the principal is not a valuable representative of the religious school and put in a complaint.


u/Rosemoorstreet 6d ago

I’d go a step further. I’d sue them for forcing me out and having a double standard. Pretty sure they would not want the publicity of their Principal’s behavior going public. First she’d have a really tough time lying under oath and risking perjury charges. Secondly discovery can be brutal. Your lawyer could definitely subpoena her credit card statements to prove her actions. And who knows what else comes up when that happens. My point being is I have no doubt they would want to arrange a very quiet settlement with you.


u/4E4ME 6d ago

Your lawyer could definitely subpoena her credit card statements to prove her actions. And who knows what else comes up when that happens.

Oooohhhhh, I am here for it!



What judge would grant you that subpoena? Even if they were inclined to do so, you'd at least need a law suit on foot.


u/total_bullwhip 5d ago

IANAL - It’s not a true subpoena I don’t think, it’s called discovery. Once a suite has been filed I think they have to include that data in the discovery process.

I also could be wrong 😑



Ya maybe if you were suing her and not the school.


u/DPlurker 5d ago

Not a lawyer, but that is something that would probably come up in discovery. Any texts or emails about the subject, how they actually found out that he has an OF.

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u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

If the standard for unacceptable behavior at the school is "immoral associations" and JAN claims to "recognize" the immoral guy, it seems like a fair inference to assume she is a viewer and subscriber! How else would she know him?



That's not enough for a subpoena

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u/Nola-photo 6d ago

Yep. This hear. The Churches are used to paying out hush money. But you usually need to show damages. Consult an attorney and have them read your contract for a "mortality clause."


u/herwiththepurplehair 6d ago

Shouldn’t that be “morality”?


u/Nola-photo 6d ago

Lols yep


u/rietstengel 5d ago

Yes. I think its Disney that puts Mortality clauses in their contracts


u/Inside_Potential_935 5d ago

Surely you're not suggesting hypocrisy may be taking place under the guise of religion????


u/herwiththepurplehair 5d ago

I interviewed for a job at a religious school once. Didn’t take it. Some seriously dodgy vibes.

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u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

For sure. I agree completely. They are playing for keeps, but have probably gotten away with it before. The OP is not the first one. However, you can be the first one that takes them down.

A good lawyer will make them want to " disappear" this quietly and discreetly as soon as possible.

Don't be surprised if the principal gets some medicine about being forced to resign. Once a lawyer gets involved, the knives will be out for the principal. There are always rivals in the wings ready to pounce.


u/swagn 5d ago

Yup, I’d contribute to cost of the lawyer just to see the news articles.


u/mightyminnow88 5d ago

This is maybe the least factual post I read all year. Use this as a warning as to Reddit advise.


u/iordseyton 5d ago

That and the schools. If they paid for


u/jeroenemans 5d ago

They're going to find the donkey Pics too


u/Emesgrandma 6d ago

First find out how she knows the bf and how she knew to go on his OF site? That may be something the school board, or whomever deals with her, would want to know! Is there any way to connect her to the site and that’s what she’s afraid of if she lets your bf come around or let’s you keep your job? I think this is coming from a very scary place for her! She may be the next one “putting in her resignation,” but not by choice! What does HER behavior say to all those Christian parents and kids?


u/Quirky-Employee3719 6d ago

It's infuriating. I worked in a Catholic School. 2nd grade teacher was fired for marrying a divorced man. Frowned on by Catholics. The principal of the school lived in a different stare from her husband. They no longer lived together, but they didn't divorce. The teacher got a lawyer. After a couple thousand out of her pocket, she was told she had ZERO recourse. At will, right to work state, religious school, nothing could be done. There's no board! Lol. The appeal goes to the pastor. He was the final word. I don't know why people work for religious schools. Depending on the state, they have no rights. At will employers do NOT have to give a reason. They can just fire people. I understand every one wants to argue and fight. It's one of reasons why working people, unions and left wingers fight so called right to work and at will states. It's one of the reasons why corporations, religious institutions, and right wingers LOVE them.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

A fair lawyer would love to open this Pandora's Box.. BEHOLD... 🙌🏾


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

That's a BINGO... Always get another position first, then drop the hammer. I have been on both sides of this, and I always welcome moving on.

I went as high as vice president and finally retired as a graduate professor. Religious institutions can be great places to work at, and it pays to know the parameters. Welcome, moving on and enjoy your life.

I also had a labor lawyer on hand ( not as expensive as people fear) on retainer for one of the jobs that I sued, and my lawyer obtained two years' salary from them.

Always retain every scrap of information. I doubled up on the job email by having it simultaneously sending all job emails to a private email of mine. Even the most trivial information is important to lawyers. Blessings and good luck, Original Poster.


u/ErraticDragon 6d ago

OnlyFans users have a username, a display name, and a profile photo. Creators can see that information whenever someone purchases/subscribes.

You'd imagine that anyone with half a brain would use fake info in this type of scenario.

(OF itself gets your real name and payment info -- both Creators and Viewers -- but that's not shared.)


u/Minoskalty 6d ago

Whelp Jan's will be the most recent one that cancelled their subscription...


u/jennifer_m13 6d ago

Or she might not, to you know monitor the “situation” in case OP decides to participate in OF.


u/Solace1nS1lence 6d ago

Choosing to participate in a video and then saying her name and that she hopes she enjoyed the view after she gets a new job sounds hilarious to me, no matter how potentially wrong it may be.


u/New-Bar4405 5d ago

No, she shouldn't do any sex work on camera.She should just hop on the OF and just be like Hi Kan now .I've left the school , I just want to say goodbye and howbypu were abgreat pinvipal until you dragged me into hr bc I was dating someone you follow on OF

Not have any sw on the video


u/crapheadHarris 5d ago

Methinks Jan wants to participate in a video.


u/iDeNoh 5d ago

Actually not a bad idea, Not saying to have Jan participate but.. he could have a facsimile of a Jan. I don't know the nature of his content but if he uses toys or things like that he could totally just name drop constantly and that could be the name that he drops.


u/Unhappy_Role_8664 5d ago

You'd imagine but I was shocked to find out how many people used their real names and emails on Ashley Madison (that site for finding affair partners that was hacked some years back).


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

Might it be if requested by the court? 😉


u/JFreader 5d ago

Nah users won't have a picture.


u/Stardush 6d ago

He can check, but there’s always the chance she used a fake name to avoid being identifiable.


u/wizardsfrolikgardens 5d ago

Yeah but what about the credit card info though?


u/Stardush 5d ago

That I’m actually not sure of… but I don’t see why the creator account would be able to have access to the subscribers credit card info


u/wizardsfrolikgardens 5d ago

True but OF probably does have that info. 🤷


u/holeinwater 6d ago

You can see who has subscribed but I would estimate that 95-98% of subscribers use aliases. Was talking to a guy on my OF earlier named “Mr. E” (how clever). My other two messages are from ZaddyWarbucks and No Pube. We don’t get access to any information other than their username when they sign up.


u/Emesgrandma 6d ago

Sorry to ask, but, what IS OF? I’ve never heard of it.


u/MrsKuroo 6d ago

Oh, you sweet, summer child.


u/Willing-Layer-4977 5d ago

And check if the ip address is the same as the schools public ip. Proof that Jan used school WiFi, computer to access the OF account.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

That's a BINGO. A good lawyer will dig this out. Often, people can't "control" themselves and will use a job account or job WIFI. Only use your own equipment on your own time. Never at work.


u/baffled67 5d ago

Ooooh That would just be the icing on the cake!!


u/Rumblytum2020 5d ago

Genius 👌


u/CoClone 6d ago

I've seen enough TikToks of people talking about how creeped out they were when they see people that know them subscribe to guess that he can but just doesn't pay attention.


u/colonellaserdick 6d ago

I remember a thread saying you could only find out if it said 'from your contacts' or something similar. Like the person had to be saved in your phone and, even from that point, you would have to do some sleuthing to match the user to the contact. Basically, the subscriber list is anonymous but there's a chance you can uncover one of your phone contacts. I think it's unlikely they could find the principal unless the principal has something identifiable in their username.


u/CoClone 6d ago

I've seen them straight up say they can see the billing name so it might be a case of how do they pay


u/inflammablepenguin 6d ago

That seems like a privacy issue.


u/funkdialout 6d ago

No more so than a vendor on Etsy having your details. In both cases it’s a vendor client relationship regarding the sale of legal goods/services. In fact you can buy adult stuff on Etsy too.


u/CoClone 6d ago

It's a vendor customer relationship thing with OF just being the marketplace to my understanding. I made my account years ago and remember acknowledging some type of release to that affect it's been awhile though lol.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

That happened to me once on a Guardian newspaper online comment account I had in 2018. A former bipolar patient of mine fancied herself as some type of online detective.

I stopped posting immediately once she told me she recognized me. It was innocent and filled with left-wing politics. I did not want that or any patient or person to have such an unencumbered view of my personality.

I contacted as many of the online commenters that I could that I was close to. The patient was heavily into right-wing politics and kept trying to bring it into our sessions as a "gotcha." I ended my professional relationship with her ASAP.

Lesson learned not to put too many identifying aspects i to your posts. Be as circumspect as possible. Once on the net, you have no control over who sees anything.


u/iqgriv42 6d ago

ESPECIALLY if OP ends up getting fired because of this. If she’s going down, bring that lady down with her


u/TheMaidSissy 6d ago

It is notable HOW the knowledge of your boyfriend’s OF account came about.

The story of the woman brought before Jesus “caught in adultery” stands out because only the woman was brought forth, not the man she was with. They wanted Jesus to condemn her, but it was clearly a set up, since the man (who may have been among the accusers) would have faced the same punishment.

This story should be well known to your religious school staff and principal.


u/Typhiod 6d ago

The real thing to check would be who is cancelled their subscriptions lately, I think?


u/quailhunter4 6d ago

What if like… she had a daughter that dated him or something?? That’s the only other way I can think of as to how in tf she knew. They’re 25 and 26, wonder if the principal has children of similar age. Or if it’s a small town. So many questions!


u/quailhunter4 6d ago

Because also, if she subs to his OF, wouldn’t she have recognized him immediately? Rather than first saying he looks familiar before she realized?? Spicy stuff!


u/RCPCFRN 5d ago

Not if she was more interested in looking at other things… face might have been an afterthought 🤣🤣


u/edingerc 5d ago

The threat works unless Jan knows specifically that the models don't know the identities of their subscribers.


u/just-a-misfit 5d ago

You can look up who’s subscribed to you OF.


u/Pistolkitty9791 5d ago

This! Please have bf look into this, op! Hypocrisy is the worst!


u/BonnieMcMurray 5d ago

On that note, seriously—can he check if the principal is a current/past subscriber?

In the unlikely event that Jan is dumb enough to use her real name (or some other name that can be linked to her) then potentially yes. Otherwise, no.


u/rathemighty 5d ago

Definitely a sub. No way she's a dom.


u/Endonyx 5d ago

Not sure the legality of that in the US but anywhere in Europe that would be beyond hella illegal and GDPR would have a field day. From a legal perspective if he were able to confirm for sure that she was a subscriber he wouldn't be able to do anything with that data.


u/TimonLeague 5d ago

You can see whos subscribed. Depends if the username is obvious or not.


u/Swiftierest 5d ago

this assumes that she isn't using that alt website to effectively pirate his content for her needs


u/Honeybadger193 5d ago

You can look at your subscribers, but unless it's a username that gives it away, good luck figuring it out.


u/Dangerous_Warthog603 6d ago

I think that the BF should let OP go through all of his subscriptions and find out if there are any other people in the school participating in his work. That list should be brought to the meeting. I would also sneak in a couple of names (shhh). and see if any disciplinary actions are taken. You can also threaten them with public exposure of the list of names, blackmail of these institutions shouldn't be a real problem. Their moral high ground makes them need to protect their moral high ground. I've done it and it works (not for money but to get my kid out of AP Statistics- a story for another time).


u/katiegirl- 6d ago

Yes, I think you and your boyfriend have a golden opportunity to turn this little religious school into the Harper Valley PTA.


u/Blue_Eyed_Devi 6d ago

Oh Jeeze, I haven’t thought about the Harper Valley PTA in 30 yeats


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

Me too. I love Barbara Eden..


u/katiegirl- 5d ago

Right???!? My head just went there immediately.


u/Ok-Mushroom-8153 6d ago

Excellent reference, and would be much deserved


u/Joe579GoFkUrselfMins 6d ago

Well, whenever you want to tell that story, let me know.


u/Dangerous_Warthog603 5d ago

I posted it below.


u/Mazzaroppi 6d ago

I might be overestimating Jan, but I'd imagine no one with half a braincell would use an email with their real name or any other identifiable info as an account in OF.


u/4E4ME 6d ago

I would bet all of the money in my pocket that you have indeed overestimated Jan.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

You would be surprised, though. People do things based on convenience and not through logic or safety.


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

How else would they pay?


u/Mazzaroppi 5d ago

I actually don't know how payments are made to OF, but I suppose the money goes to OF first, then to the content creators, so they don't need to expose who's paying or not (unless they do?)


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

I will admit I have never used or been to the site, I've just heard of it via our old pal social media! 🤣

But if you're a vendor, don't you have access to your customers ' names and at least the last 4 of the CC?


u/Mazzaroppi 5d ago

I have no idea, I assumed the vendor could only see the username. Being able to see the email feels like a bit of a privacy issue for the buyers.


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

How else can the vendors know if they are getting their fair share of the take from the OF site?

Like I said, I dunno. I'm old and not into that stuff! But I am into justice for teachers! 😉


u/Whale_Bait 6d ago

What in the hell happened that you had to resort to blackmail over high school statistics


u/Dangerous_Warthog603 5d ago

They wouldn't let her out of the class when she asked in the first week of school (she had another AP class plus she had her extra curricular activities in her senior year) My wife didn't want to deal with it and I found out in December. The poor kid was miserable and the bad grades were dragging her other grades down. The principal didn't want to let her out so I got the state standards for private schools, went through it and found what they were missing. Highlighted the missing stuff and emailed it back over Vaca. Never said a word about letting her out of the class, just sent the list. When they came back in session, they let her out of the class and negated the grade on her record. I wanted a no-show A (that means don't go to class but get the A) my wife did not want me pushing too hard against their morals. Eventually you hit the wall and they push back. So I got her out and left it at that. I do take pleasure in that victory - they were smug and indifferent to my child's stress situation. I have friends who know people in the school and they have had preferential treatment. That also drove me to get it done.


u/blue_shadow_ 6d ago

What Joe said.


u/Wilder_Beasts 5d ago

I was with you until “threaten blackmail”. Don’t break the law over this OP.


u/Dangerous_Warthog603 5d ago

How about insinuating blackmail?

Now what type of severance package does this school give out? Oh, and these are the parents and other teachers who subscribe to my BFs account.


u/Wilder_Beasts 4d ago

Schools don’t generally give severance. You can’t prove what other perverts are doing behind closed doors but OPs BF is sharing publicly.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

It also can work for money and settlements as well. The OP's career there is finished. However, the vistas of life are now open to her. Go forth and move on. Make them pay, though. 😉


u/LowerComb6654 5d ago

If I'm not mistaken, they do protect the names and personal information of the subs on that site. It's anonymous unless you use your information yourself.

I could be wrong but I think I read thar information somewhere.


u/1000000xThis 6d ago

Also he definitely has records of her chat sessions with him...

Would be a shame if anybody ever saw those.


u/martphon 6d ago

if you want an autograph he knows what a penis for--I mean, what a pen is for


u/piezer8 6d ago

Make a video thanking her personally. This one’s for you Jan!


u/lou_sassoles 6d ago

“BTW Jan, my bf says you paid him extra for the video of him helicoptering his penis”


u/teriaki 6d ago



u/dalecollector 6d ago

That would have been golden..


u/MCTweed 6d ago edited 5d ago

Whilst that would be such a funny mic drop comment, it would blow her plausible deniability out of the water, and so they’d fire her on the spot.


u/Flimsy-Car-7926 5d ago

Yes but dropping it on the way out (she's looking for a new job already) would be chef's kiss


u/Yue4prex 5d ago

You can probably check who’s subscribed to, yes?


u/HanaMashida 5d ago

Please tell Jan this when you quit!! Pleaaaaasssseee!!! And do it in front of other people!!!


u/__Evil-Genius__ 5d ago

Subscriber, she’s gone cam to cam with man.


u/pickledstarfish 5d ago

Thats what you sign the resignation letter with lol


u/jordantaylor91 5d ago

OP please write this in a resignation email when you get your new job.


u/onlyelise1 5d ago

Did anyone else hear this in Marcia's voice?

"I don't have a subscription!"

"Sure, Jan."


u/Man8632 5d ago

BTW Janet is the correct verbiage.


u/EveryoneGoesToRicks 5d ago

Yes, pull a Columbo... "Oh, yeah, one more thing... You said my BF looked familiar to you. Did you ever figure that out?"


u/sir_culo 5d ago



u/SunnyDelNorte 6d ago

Yes, save this for when you find the new, better job though.


u/germane_switch 5d ago

Total Steve Jobs one more thing IPHONE moment.


u/Prcrstntr 5d ago

Seems like decent blackmail fodder. "I was fired because Karen HR subscribes to my bfs OF"