r/MadeMeSmile 5d ago

Progress pics of a boy abandoned in Nigeria for being considered a witch CLASSIC REPOST



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u/Nerevarine91 5d ago edited 5d ago

In Nigeria, there’s actually an insane/grifting preacher named Helen Ukpabio, who spreads a lot of fear-mongering about child witches. From her book: “If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan.“ She’s basically built an entire “ministry” about this. Unfortunately, she’s not the only one


u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

Don't quite a few kids under 2 go through periods with those symptoms??


u/Nerevarine91 5d ago



u/Woolilly 5d ago

Wow. Awful. How the fuck does this shit ever fly



How the fuck does this shit ever fly

Lack of education.

Lack of ability to change it.


u/WriterV 5d ago

Also just general poverty.

Poverty makes people anxious, and anxiety and fear makes for great motivators for making terrible decisions.

"I know witches don't seem real, but also I really cannot afford any bad luck right now. I want to help this child, but what if I do and I lose all my money? Or worse, my family gets put in danger? I can't risk it."

That becomes the thought process of all these people. Even education won't help if they don't have opportunities to earn money and feel secure.


u/Kythorian 5d ago

Helen Ukpabio and evil assholes like her are known to send mobs to attack anyone who tries to help children accused of being witches or possessed by evil spirits too. So even if people don’t believe in any of it, there is a very real risk that they will be attacked for trying to help.


u/Etheria_system 5d ago

If anyone is evil in this scenario, it’s her and her followers


u/put_tape_on_it 5d ago edited 5d ago

A lot of evil happens in the name of religion! People in poverty, they give away what little money they have, or retirees that give away the retirement to megachurch pastors. Religions that tell people they can pray away the gay….cause so many suicides. People with schizophrenia that go down the religion rabbit hole and try to pray away the voices….

Church sex abuse. Holy wars. Crusades. Martyrdom. The entire Middle East. There’s good in religions too. But there’s good and evil everywhere, religions aren’t immune to evil.

I would go on, but it’s too depressing.


u/Bella_Anima 5d ago

Oh for sure, I mean which sounds more like a witch? A toddler crying for food or a crone like woman who tells you to kill your babies?


u/nonameforme123 5d ago edited 5d ago

But what’s the purpose of them doing that? Just being evil or do they earn $ from it?


u/Kythorian 5d ago

It’s hard to tell if she genuinely believes these children are evil and she’s protecting society from them, and any money she makes off of it is just an added perk, or if she’s purely in it to cash in on a moral panic she helped stir up. It’s evil either way.


u/GhettoGringo87 5d ago

Always money. The love of money IS evil…there are no bounds to which they won’t go to make money…but money is the influencer.


u/InternCautious 5d ago

Just google her house

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u/ModePsychological362 5d ago

If that’s the case then there’s millions of them in western culture


u/Starrion 5d ago

If people are showing kindness towards a child, people would see the witch as just a child, and her proclamation and authority would be undermined. The populations belief is all she has.


u/DIRTYDOGG-1 5d ago

That is horrible !

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u/Ok-Job3006 5d ago

Basically a cope mechanism to justify a wrongdoing

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u/Sea_Dawgz 5d ago

You’re all acting like we don’t have average Americans that attend churches in America that have hate preachers spouting this same stuff.

Maybe we don’t abandon babies, but this week one said a witch possessed Dump during the debate to make him do poorly and millions of Americans thought “sounds right!”


u/spook_sw 5d ago

My Southern Baptist preacher taught us that African people were the descendants of Cain and therefore justified racism.


u/Red_Guru9 5d ago

Maybe we don’t abandon babies

The only reason, ONLY reason half this country doesn't abandon or physically exploit their children for money is because of secular law telling them they'll serve jail time for doing so.


u/goog1e 5d ago

100%. If you ever work with dss or juvenile justice, you will meet parents basically using the witch baby excuse.

It's just another flavor of "I did nothing wrong, why is my child so horrible?" (Spoiler alert ... They are horrible parents)

I'm not surprised that cranky baby + signs of neglect = witch baby. It's just an excuse for parents who didn't want a child.


u/PandaMuffin1 5d ago

MAGA pastor and evangelical leader Lance Wallnau accused Kamala Harris of using "witchcraft" during Tuesday's presidential debate.

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u/prairie-logic 5d ago

Poverty is the root of all evil.

Poverty is a crime committed against people, forcing them into desperation to survive.

Desperate people do desperate things.

There’s a reason why terrorist organizations thrive best in illiterate and poor areas … poverty makes fertile breeding grounds for radicalization, if you can offer them anything better than the abject suffering their lives hold otherwise.

Also why gangs thrive in poor neighborhoods. Desperation, desire for more, lack of available routes to achieve it…

And, poverty and illiteracy allow grifters to pretend to be the hand of god and play roughshod over the innocents.


u/Takemyfishplease 5d ago

Plus one less mouth to feed. It’s an easier excuse for the parents


u/SeasonSpiritual 5d ago

You know you brought up a good point, in Thailand I also notice that the most superstitious people are the poor and they would do anything to get a lucky break. Going to the extreme of believing that a sign that the super natural are trying to send you a sign or lottery numbers. They talk about lottery every other day and it is almost a social gathering to hear the lotto winning in the radio. When anything major bad happens, like a series of car accidents, they believe that it was something divine that was angry at them instead of a man made error in driving recklessly.


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 5d ago

I don’t know. Given that there are now right wingers calling Harris a witch, I think it’s just crazy propaganda that’s not necessarily tied to poverty.

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u/Woolilly 5d ago

It's genuinely saddening this ever happens... I understand the desperation, but the evil people who use that as a tool are horrid.


u/deathblossoming 5d ago

Lack of decent human thought


u/thefatchef321 5d ago

Lol, it's amazing how we forget our roots. Humans do crazy shit... they did even more crazy shit 500 years ago.

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u/Fappity_Fappity_Fap 5d ago

Exploiting others lack of knowledge about an issue through religious fearmongering while offering a solution that is easy for said others to apply.

You'd be surprised at how relatively easy it is to pull on others strings through that when you lack personal ethics.


u/Meems04 5d ago

And people act like this is some underdeveloped world problem - but it's happening now, in the US, where we are supposedly educated. Look at Christianity and the LGBTQ community - there are libraries shutdown for containing a book with transpeople in it or childrens books where background characters have two moms or two dads. Disney boycotted for having gay characters.

All of it is based on 5 versus in the bible, which conveniently didn't even exist in the scripture prior to the 1940s. I mean, the Bibles oldest known language was Greek - there was no word for homosexual or gay in the Greek language at the time the Bible was written.

But let's pretend it was in there for a second. How many other things in the bible are much more prominent than sexuality or gender, but conveniently take a backseat because it's rampant in the Christian community. I don't see Christians out here protesting divorce or adultery like they do the gays. They sure as hell aren't trying to make divorce illegal or forcing people back to their first wife or husband.

This really isn't an intended bash on Christians, more a bash on Religion causing unnecessary pain when it's supposed to help people.


u/Alfasi 5d ago

So, while the Old Testament definitely does disparage the gays even in the original Hebrew, it's still weird for Christians to adhere to that.

The entire point of Christianity is that the Old Testament rules are generally no longer in effect. Wanna eat shrimp or get a tattoo? No problem! But then when it's about gay people they're all "Leviticus this" and "Deuteronomy that".


u/LaTeChX 5d ago

When you bring that up they quote "I did not come to break the covenant but to fulfill it" while they stuff their face with shrimp

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u/PsychologicalLuck343 5d ago

Actually, they are also going after no-fault divorce under Project 2025 as a means to control women.

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u/Critical-Quail-5800 5d ago

The same way a nation/group/individual/community of people can believe things like slavery are fine. That treating a human worse than an animal is fine. Or treat animals inhumane bc they are "just" an animal.

Dehumanization, desensitization. People can justify any actions by adding "it's just..." OR by disconnecting themselves from the suffering of those "not like them".

Happens a lot in small and big ways. And it's heartbreaking.

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u/The_Infinite_Cool 5d ago

Nigeria is wild. The combination of "I can just confess, God will forgive me" Christianity and mysticism has lead to shit like this.


u/Fireboiio 5d ago

This will probably be controversial.

But all religions started out more or less like this. A time where religion was greater than proof and facts because of things already mentioned here; poverty, lack of education, over-population. Religion being used to control its people.

Some places just haven't evolved much and therefore some subjects at these places are still stuck 100s if not 1000s of years back.

You're basically looking at kind of a medieval africa in modern age. It's heartwrenching.


u/MultivacsAnswer 5d ago

I’ve never been a fan of the “Religion exists to control people” idea.

It’s not that I disagree with you even, I just don’t think it’s the primary reason for religion to exist, as it implies repeated conscious efforts to deceive people by political leadership. From an empirical perspective, a more parsimonious theory is that religion emerged to provide explanations for life, personal and social successes, the problem of evil, and tragedy. Also remedies to address all of these through ritual and doctrine.

The capacity to control people through religion arises from these cosmological explanations of life, and not the other way around. In a similar way, liberalism, communism, fascism, and other non-religious ideologies provide explanations of the world that go onto justify certain institutions, actions, and political decisions, and not vice versa. We have proof points of the latter from the fact that John Stuart Mills and Karl Marx posited their ideas before they had an opportunity to enact them.

That is not to say these explanations are right - religious or non-religious. In major ways, it’s a cope and a cop-out to blame the random tragedies of life on a child in Nigeria rather than accept that crap just happens sometimes.

Likewise, the idea that people came up with religion to comfort themselves over the death of a loved one is a far simpler and more likely theory to me than religion as something sent from on high, where the “on high” are the political class. Put all together, we invited religion in an attempt to exert control and explanation over our own lives.

All that is to say, I’ve found that talking to people about embracing the reality of random chance and the freedom that comes from not needing a human-derived explanation for everything.

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u/sicKlown 5d ago

It's "over there" so very few people and groups with a large enough platform to make a difference don't bother. And add that this is based on a very perverse form of evangelical Christianity even fewer would want to get involved less western Christians with a persecution complex take it personal.


u/thishyacinthgirl 5d ago

People over here are out there saying to discipline infants because they "lie" and "manipulate" through crying. And yes, it's a religious thing. The parents/pastors will claim the infant does this because they were born with sin.

So it isn't necessarily an "over there" or educational problem, it's a warped religious one.

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u/No_Translator2218 5d ago

The true answer is - a lack of education.

Educated people do not believe in witchcraft - end of story.

Educated people may believe in mythical gods, but educated people are still making better life choices in general.


u/Cabbage_Vendor 5d ago

The Catholic Church has been saying since forever that witches don't exist. During all the witch trials in Europe and North America, the Catholic Church kept denouncing it and saying witchcraft isn't real. It was really just mob paranoia.

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u/asillynert 5d ago

Cognitive dissonance people want to believe ministers have special godly insight/powers. And then wierd confirmation bias "like we have no witches it must be working". Throw ability also weaponize this against those that speak out. As a way to keep even the naysayers in check.

Honestly probrably biggest factor is that "desire" to believe. Like and it doesnt matter whether its religious stuff or political or social. Misinformation and propaganda spreads and sticks because that little trick peoples brain plays on them when they want something to be true.


u/cb4u2015 5d ago

Lack of education and resource control. Control the education of a people and you can control their entire society.


u/Thin_Rope_6368 5d ago

Humans are easily manipulated when they lack sufficient education and critical thinking skills. The U.S. is experiencing that right now.

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u/Fast_Boysenberry9493 5d ago

Looks around, so we're all witches?


u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

Seems that way. I love that 🐱🧙‍♀️💫



CheesyHobbitses turned me into a newt.


u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

you're welcome 🦎


u/Paulthefith 5d ago

I wasn’t dropping no eaves, sir! Don’t turn me into anything unnatural like.


u/dabigchina 5d ago

Do me next. All my problems would be over if I were a newt.

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u/Pre-War_Ghoul 5d ago

But did you get better?

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u/plzdontbmean2me 5d ago

The only thing keeping anyone from being a witch is them thinking that they can’t be a witch.


u/yyz2112zyy 5d ago

Fuck yeah! We just need a Nimbus 2000 and we are good to go.


u/sonic_couth 5d ago

Nimbus 2000 came out in 1997! Those are practically antiques now.


u/SomethingNotWitty 5d ago

These new hybrid models don't have the same gusto and don't get me started on the CyberSweeper. Made out of steel and has sharp edges. It makes for the worst ride.

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u/TurangaRad 5d ago

These millenials stuck in the 90s /s

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u/lih9 5d ago

Of course, between teething and building up an immune system those symptoms are completely normal. She's the witch.


u/wirefox1 5d ago

She's a superstitious old moron spreading hatred and abuse. I can't even imagine her inner-psychology.


u/CoherentBusyDucks 5d ago

My son used to get night terrors. He would seem awake and he would scream and cry and you could tell his was terrified of something, but he was never fully awake and never remembered it the next day. It was awful to watch and I can’t imagine someone seeing a kid doing that and just saying “must be a witch. He can fend for himself!”


u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

Yeah it seems crazy to think that one would (first) jump to the conclusion that the kid is a witch, but also (second) that you'd then disown them for it. Like literally reject this little kid that can't fend for itself at all. It's pretty messed up. I'm glad that this little kid did find someone who could help, I just feel sorry for any others that weren't so lucky :/


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

When I was very young, I was in a cancer ward in a children's hospital here in Scotland. There was a two-year-old boy who had been dropped off at the ward by his parents, who then said they didn't want him anymore. The hospital had to get a court order to continue treating him because the parents refused to have anything to do with their son.

This little boy would try to get hugs from the parents of other kids. Sadly, his treatment didn't work.


u/Webbie-Vanderquack 5d ago

This little boy would try to get hugs from the parents of other kids. Sadly, his treatment didn't work.

I honestly don't know which of those sentences is more heartbreaking.


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

My mum still cries about that boy. When he died, the other parents took turns to sit with him so he didn't die alone. At least he knew love and affection at the end.


u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

Yikes. It's fucked up that his parents left him. I'm sorry your mum still has a hard time with what happened, though it's an understandable reaction.


u/somedelightfulmoron 5d ago

Jesus, this isnt a story I'd like on a Friday the 13th


u/Webbie-Vanderquack 5d ago

I'm so glad you told me that, thank you. Still heartbreaking, but I'm glad there were good people around him who showed him love.


u/Thekarens01 5d ago

Lord have mercy. I don’t usually get too worked up about Reddit posts/comments, but I’m pretty sure this will haunt me for days.

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u/ResidentPoem4539 5d ago

Fuck me that’s heartbreaking stuff.


u/Humble_Jellyfish_725 5d ago

 what are you doing to me stop 

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u/broctordf 5d ago

As a parent of a 2 yo boy and doctor, I curse those guys... I can't wrap my mind around the idea to let your own child to suffer and die alone.

and now I'm crying at my job and one of the nurses is looking at me weird.


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

My dad is a doctor, and it hit him really hard, too.

Apologies for making you cry. Tell the nurse you're allergic to paperwork.


u/broctordf 5d ago

I've been around lots of sick patients, old, young and kids, bad I was kinda used to it, we "acquire" this sort of shell around our feelings while dealing with other people and in some cases we even get relieved when some patients that had been suffering for too long finally die and get to "rest in peace".

now since my kid was born I changed so much, I lost my "shell" and became so soft for any history of any kid of parents suffering that I can't stop bawling may eyes out... but I don't see it as any kind of weakness, I just can't deal with the feelings of wanting that no child or parent ever has to suffer, and it doubles my resolution to do my job properly and give correct diagnosis for my patients.


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

My dad is the same. He thinks it's made him a better doctor.

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u/sadderbutwisergrl 5d ago

It’s my son’s 2nd birthday today. He was so thrilled to get up today and put on his birthday shirt with spongebob and take cupcakes to his class. He has been asking to sing Happy Birthday at bedtime every night for the past week. He has not been the easiest toddler but he is a joy.

I too am bawling at work, but I’m sitting working at Panera so I’m just bawling at a table. I don’t have words for these people that do this.


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

Apologies for making you cry, and I hope your son has a lovely birthday.


u/sadderbutwisergrl 5d ago

Thank you. I really appreciate that. He’s getting a remote controlled school bus which is going to blow his mind. ☺️


u/Acceptable-Bell142 5d ago

That'll be amazing. If it helps you feel better, one of the friends I made in that ward is celebrating his birthday today. He's a doctor.


u/ocean_flan 5d ago

He's clearly communicating with the spirit world. His soul held to his body by a thin tether by virtue of his pact with Satan/s

But seriously, that's how a lot of people used to see epilepsy and stuff like that, as either being able to be possessed by spirits or be able to leave the physical realm and enter their world. It shows up in various cultures through the world. Some of these people are then venerated or damned depending upon the specific culture and condition.


u/Abuses-Commas 5d ago

He's clearly communicating with the spirit world.

I actually think that myself, at least in some cases, but there's never a reason to abandon a child or show them anything but love.


u/TurangaRad 5d ago

Yeah, obviously a changeling not a witch. Pfft, get your lore right...


u/wyajas 5d ago

So my son also had them. It started around the time he was potty training. I would have never associated the two until my mom told me to take him to the toilet to pee cos that’s what causing the night terrors. Solved the problem! Not possessed by demons just needed to pee.

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u/pojdi 5d ago



u/CheesyHobbitses 5d ago

Kinda sick ngl 😈


u/Mike 5d ago

I have a 10 month old. I always tell my wife, it's not impossible that she is the actual antichrist. Time will tell. Hope she spare us or at least gives us a council position or something.


u/lucky_hooligan 5d ago

We could be a coven. 

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u/Poop__y 5d ago

I’d say most kids, yeah.


u/DudeThatAbides 5d ago

Currently dealing with my 2nd of two witches right now. Can confirm.


u/Nice-Grab4838 5d ago

That’s like all kids under 2

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u/MysticalMummy 5d ago

Someone should start cataloguing everything she does and make their own book about how all the things she does is devil work, and spread it around the country- but not name her directly.


u/PloofElune 5d ago

Literally any toddler who gets a cold or flu or similar. If they are young enough they get very emotional because they don't know what's going on, they just know they feel bad, pukey, confused, etc... and just need care, sleep, and love.


u/DarkwingDeke 5d ago

Yeah they do. But this line of thinking isn't new. Pre-dark ages they said difficult babies were "changelings" that had been swapped for their real precious baby and they would leave them in the woods.

Basically rationalizing the murder of kids who were difficult because the parents couldn't take it anymore.

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u/SlightlyMithed123 5d ago

Almost all of them to be honest!

Generally it’s teething.


u/funknfusion 5d ago



u/Thanolus 5d ago

Pretty sure that’s called being a fucking baby lol

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u/that-69guy 5d ago

There are days when I feel like I am a piece of shit...But then I hear about people like this..


u/Totoronyx 5d ago

Don't sell yourself short, there are levels.  This is just boss level.

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u/WhatTheTech 5d ago

I hope terrible things happen to that person. 🤷


u/Nice-Grab4838 5d ago

I prefer the “terrible” verbiage


u/WhatTheTech 5d ago

Same! I actually only added it because reddit made it look like the other one was deleted (by mods?)... So I stubbornly added it again.


u/aM_RT 5d ago

Someone should pay someone to accident her


u/RunningOnAir_ 5d ago

Praying the dumb bitch gets brutally unalived by one of the kids : ) some people deserve to suffer


u/CoolGuyBabz 5d ago edited 5d ago

Those poor kids don't deserve to commit murder, I just hope they live a normal life. Please don't go wishing for people to do shit like that.


u/Webbie-Vanderquack 5d ago

Don't hope for that. One of the traumatised children committing murder, and almost certainly paying a heavy penalty for it, would not be a happy ending.

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u/Mharbles 5d ago

Rarely do truly awful people get their comeuppance, especially those with a brainwashed flock.

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u/TheDanMonster 5d ago

Oh man. The first time my daughter slept through the night, she was 20 months old. My wife and I woke up to sunrise in a panic because every night for 20 months she would scream at least once a night. For the first six months we did shifts I was up with her until 2am and my wife from 2am til 8am. It was unreal how exhausting it was. I don’t remember much from that time except waking up in August on a Saturday in pure panic.

She such a sweet girl, and is ridiculously kind, and thoughtful. She won a Mr. Roger’s Award (creativity, kindness, and well-being toward schoolmates) at school last year, and I couldn’t be more proud. However, she’s turning 9 in a few months and getting her to get out of bed for school is the exact opposite 🤣 A good problem to have IMO.


u/vinbrained 5d ago

The first time my daughter slept through the night, we couldn’t even wake her up. Until that night, the girl had eaten a meal every four hours for months. When both my wife and I woke up leisurely of our own accord, we looked at each other questioning, “Did you feed her this morning?”

Up in a panic, grab her from the portable crib (we were at a hotel). She wouldn’t wake up, so we panicked even more. Three minutes later, my wife and I are both dressed, getting ready to walk to a children’s hospital we discovered was two blocks from the hotel. As I go to grab my daughter, she opens her eyes, stretches and smiles, and looked at us like, “Cool. Where we going?”

She started sleeping through the night consistently after that.


u/ZedsDeadZD 5d ago

Its so crazy. Had the same feeling the first time I used a baby carrier that you wrap around your chest (dont know the english word). My son didnt react cause he slept so tight. I panicked, put im out and on the couch and no reaction, so I pinched him in his leg till he woke up. Being a parent is crazy sometimes.


u/NoorAnomaly 5d ago

I had the same problem with my daughter. I was in a panic the first few nights after she started sleeping through the night. And then I spent 5 years recovering from the lack of sleep the prior 2 years. She's now a healthy 13 year old <3

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u/AppleViper 5d ago

People like her are the real witches. I hope the government raises awareness and arrests "witches" like her.


u/periclesmage 5d ago

Ukpabio claims to have been a teenage witch, "betrothed to Satan" before being "set free by the gospel."



u/JusticeAileenCannon 5d ago

Wow, absolutely psychotic. I feel bad for not taking my dogs on a walk everyday, and there's people like this out there. Humans are insane

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u/i-touched-morrissey 5d ago

My first daughter cried all the time. She would have been considered the spawn of Satan. It's beyond belief that someone would not have any empathy for this child and try to comfort him.


u/GayGeekInLeather 5d ago

Oh that fucking bitch. She funded/appeared in a Nigerian film called “End of the Wicked” that’s all about witchcraft and how everything bad that happens in your life is because of witches. I loathe her

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u/Purp1eC0bras 5d ago

Maybe the child is screaming bc of hunger, thirst, malnutrition, being unclothed, being cast out by your family, etc. Just a thought. Stupid to label them a witch and have them scream even more. Kind of self fulfilling


u/dicotyledon 5d ago

Well, there’s colic. Super common even for healthy babies to be up at night screaming


u/slothdonki 5d ago

I don’t have kids but any time someone mentions they have/had a colic-y baby makes my heart hurt. Idc if they won’t remember it, it’s just horrible to get a start on life like that.

A coworker told me one of her kids had it and they had to be fed a specific formula that was constantly flying off the shelves but she never took the last one unless she had no other options getting it somewhere else.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Jesus. How can we remove this person and relocate them to a place where they can’t do this kind of harm??? This is terrifying.


u/Kythorian 5d ago

Holy shit, this bitch sent a mob to attack a meeting of human rights advocates, then tried to sue the government for letting law enforcement protect the group of human rights advocates from her mob. Just…wow.


u/Original-Material301 5d ago

From her book: “If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan.“

Bruh. That's basically most kids <4 years old. What an evil mother fucker.


u/Secret-Constant-7301 5d ago

That’s literally just symptoms of teething.


u/Original-Material301 5d ago

Yeah for real.

Mine were crying so much during teething.

Whoever calls them servants of Satan are pure evil fuckers.

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u/Strangeronthebus2019 5d ago

In Nigeria, there’s actually an insane/grifting preacher named Helen Ukpabio, who spreads a lot of fear-mongering about child witches. From her book: “If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan.“ She’s basically built an entire “ministry” about this. Unfortunately, she’s not the only one



u/SoggyBookBurner 5d ago

If anyone is a witch it’s the author.


u/wirefox1 5d ago

Yes, advocating child abuse.

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u/WhatTheTech 5d ago

I hope bad things happen to that person. 🤷


u/hellolovely1 5d ago

I guess my daughter is a witch…

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u/aNINETIEZkid 5d ago

collic Servant of Satan


u/pennymalubay 5d ago

Damn, it’s the 21st century and these countries really be living in the past.


u/Vladishun 5d ago

Not to get super political but have you seen how certain groups in the US are trying to repeal laws on things like child labor, freedom of speech, age of consent, etc?

We're all just one batshit insane dictator away from living in the middle ages.

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u/Coyce 5d ago

I've read this as :"if you neglect your child and don't even want to provide the base amenities it needs, just toss it aside. nature will handle that issue for you eventually"


u/Magical_Olive 5d ago

This basically describes every child teething, which happens on and off from like 6 months-2. My daughter will have a few days every few months where she just wakes up screaming because having a tooth go through your gums hurts!


u/cavemannnn 5d ago

I’m reading a book on the history of South Africa (The Covenant) and there’s a long history of shamans branding people as witches and villages either expelling them or outright killing them. Often, the families/children of the alleged witch were then viewed with suspicion by the rest of the village and ran the risk of also being branded as witches, or would choose to exile themselves. Something as simple as laughing while tending to their cattle could brand someone as a witch.

There was also a story about a Xhosa (apologies if that is no longer the correct term - the book was written in the 80s and I think it uses quite a few terms which are now considered derogatory) shaman and his niece who claimed to have seen visions of past warriors rising from the dead to unite with the Russians (who were supposed to be joining from the sea) in order to drive out the British and the Dutch/Afrikaners. The only stipulation was that all of the Xhosa had to burn their crops/food and kill all their cattle. Thousands starved to death because a little girl saw a vision in a pool of water.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

I Believe in a perfect world, all religion would be outlawed, but then that would be a huge lack of freedom so I’m conflicted

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u/Street_Security_5239 5d ago

She's the witch.


u/FluffyPurpleBear 5d ago

Wow. What a truly evil human being. That’s fucking demented.


u/kdnc33 5d ago

Adding them to the list of 'should be in hell' alongside the Kony's and the what have yous


u/hypernova2121 5d ago

sweet, my 5-year old is going to be thrilled she is apparently a witch

also FUCK that lady


u/PettyTrashPanda 5d ago

Damn, my now-15 year old son had night terrors as a kid. BRB, he is gonna be chuffed to learn he's a servant of Satan.


u/Jaambie 5d ago

Shit, I think I may be a witch. This explains A LOT


u/LDSatheist 5d ago

Hmm, all that shit she preaches sounds like somethign a witch would say. Confirmed, Helen Ukpabio is a witch.


u/islander1 5d ago

ahhh, religion...


u/Dudedude88 5d ago

Oh no my kids a witch!

Seriously wtf...


u/JonTargaryanTheFirst 5d ago

Found the actual witch…


u/Etheria_system 5d ago

Christians once again proving that they just use their religion as a cover for their own evil, hate filled hearts.


u/mrmoe198 5d ago

Religion truly poisons everything. It only brings judgement and suffering and fear and hatred and feelings of supremacy to the many and power to the few.

There is not a single positive thing that religion brings that is unique to itself. Anything positive that is said to come from religion can instead be obtained through secular means.


u/Shakemyears 5d ago

I wish this person some very terrible experiences


u/Rhaj-no1992 5d ago

I don’t know but a woman making young children die by talking bs would better qualify as a witch and a server of Satan than a toddler.


u/hacktheripper 5d ago

Yeah this is far too common in Nigeria. People listen to pastors way too much. Worse than Americans.


u/khristmas_karl 5d ago

I think I know who's getting to use the express lane to hell in a few years time.


u/tem102938 5d ago

I think Helen is a witch. At least, definitely a bitch.


u/Ok-Engineering9733 5d ago edited 5d ago

Oh wow what a disgusting piece of shit. They should get taken out like an ISIS terrorist.


u/EbonyCohen 5d ago

So if a small child is sick and weak, they’re a witch? Seems to me that anyone with magical powers would be, idk, powerful?


u/bootyhuntah96744 5d ago

I actually worked for awhile in NGOs implementing programs to help with stuff like this

It seems insane to us but consider how in some places literacy is less then 50 percent and those that can read can only barely read. Education is extremely poor as well so a population can easily be influenced


u/Competitive-Split389 5d ago

So she was a shit mom who instead of realizing that decided it was witchcraft? Trashy evil shit.


u/MarcoTheChungus 5d ago

It's people like that we should hang


u/gmishaolem 5d ago

There is a threshold at which we must stop allowing the excuses of propaganda, brainwashing, lack of critical thinking ability, and such. At some point, no matter how someone manipulated you, you must be accountable for behaving a thousand years behind the times.


u/Cake_exe 5d ago

Most kids (correct me if im wrong) develop teeth at that age and it’s a painful process that can cause fevers… so basically every average kid is a witch


u/chloebanana 5d ago

What a POS


u/epigenie_986 5d ago

That's literally a description of a toddler teething? WTF


u/Full_Change_3890 5d ago

The conspiracies in Nigeria are wild. I remember they went through a period of ‘penis snatching’ where they accused people of stealing penises. 


u/bieberbob 5d ago

I saw in a documentary that families who cant support another child bc they are too poor use this ”witch“ excuse to get rid off their children :/…


u/Bomb-OG-Kush 5d ago

So if a baby acts like a baby they're a witch

Amazing logic


u/Level9disaster 5d ago

I cannot even express the disgust and hopelessness I feel reading this


u/SupervillainMustache 5d ago

What a heinous bitch. I can't even fathom how much suffering her nonsensical beliefs have caused children in Nigeria.


u/Sea-Relation7541 5d ago

Well I'd be fucked. I had night terrors until I was 8 or 9. But I prefer the term Warlock myself.


u/Bowman_van_Oort 5d ago

I'm sure she's a highly regarded individual


u/Scrappy_coco27 5d ago

I truly hope karma catches up with this bitch and everyone that followed her BS. Their comeuppance will be painful but well deserved.


u/el_electrico73 5d ago

This twat burger is off the rails, just read up on her and she is a nutter, and so is her husband.



Her wiki page and an article from Ghana, just 'effin wow.


u/Same_Elephant_4294 5d ago

Today's horrible. She knew what the consequences of preaching that shit too


u/showmeyrdong 5d ago

I hope she gets hung upside down alive and eaten by animals


u/zanziTHEhero 5d ago

Need to start a counter-ministry that teaches "if any adult over the age of 20 blames toddler for witchery, the adult is a servant of Satan."


u/nihility101 5d ago

This sounds like the logic behind European Changelings.


u/SilentType-249 5d ago

I hate these fucking kinds of people with a passion. Grifters the lot of them.


u/storagerock 5d ago

So kind of like the changeling lore from old Europe that a sick baby was really swapped at birth with a fairy replacement.


u/JollyBagel 5d ago

I hope people like this rot in hell


u/ImprovementSimple 5d ago

I think it’s also important to add that by accusing a child of being a witch, you can stop feeding and taking care of the child in a socially accepted way. Many of the families who do this are in extreme poverty. There is a deeper societal function to this other than “ignorance/religion”.


u/ViolentSpring 5d ago

BRB, going to tell my youngest that it wasn't chronic ear infections during her first year, but she's actually a witch. Hope she's pumped!


u/Canthavemorethan20le 5d ago

That’s preacher is evil. Thanks for some background.


u/GurgelBrannare 5d ago

I’m new to inquisition and only dabbled with exorcism but I’m quite sure this Helen is the real witch.


u/JumpyCalligrapher894 5d ago

I hope she fucking rots in hell for all eternities. As a mother, this really makes me furious like nothing else wtf


u/rumdiary 5d ago

so... that Helen Ukpabio should be fucking arrested ffs


u/OnlyThyFirstName 5d ago

So, every child with low immunity is a witch. What nonsense ? Do people actually believe all this ?


u/Ceeceepg27 5d ago

All colic babies rise up! We are unknowingly witches! But seriously it is sad that such a common condition could lead to the abandonment of a child.


u/JKing287 5d ago

That’s so horrible basically a sick child in need of care and help is a witch and so should be abandoned ☹️


u/Sillyfartmonster 5d ago

Most babies do that. That’s so sad :(


u/Pathfinder6227 5d ago

So colic?


u/omnimodofuckedup 5d ago

TIL my kids are witches. Neat!


u/coolest35 5d ago

If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish

So basically normal physiological behavior or reaction is "servant of Satan".

Did anyone tell this person they probably did the same when they were <2?


Did anyone tell her that's exactly what Satan would say? You know, being evil and all.. wanting to harm mortal beings?


u/WhiskeyAndKisses 5d ago

That preacher is stuck in pre-modern Romania, that's the stuff I read on wikipedia about old vampire believes.


u/MakeshiftApe 5d ago

“If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan.“

As someone who had really bad night terrors as a kid, RIP.


u/LauraTFem 5d ago

Honestly sounds like an attempt to excuse abandoning your sick and starving children who might not survive.


u/westedmontonballs 5d ago

I’m not a violent person but she needs an abrupt reconfiguration of her organs

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