r/MadeMeSmile 5d ago

Progress pics of a boy abandoned in Nigeria for being considered a witch CLASSIC REPOST



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u/Nerevarine91 5d ago



u/Woolilly 5d ago

Wow. Awful. How the fuck does this shit ever fly



How the fuck does this shit ever fly

Lack of education.

Lack of ability to change it.


u/WriterV 5d ago

Also just general poverty.

Poverty makes people anxious, and anxiety and fear makes for great motivators for making terrible decisions.

"I know witches don't seem real, but also I really cannot afford any bad luck right now. I want to help this child, but what if I do and I lose all my money? Or worse, my family gets put in danger? I can't risk it."

That becomes the thought process of all these people. Even education won't help if they don't have opportunities to earn money and feel secure.


u/Kythorian 5d ago

Helen Ukpabio and evil assholes like her are known to send mobs to attack anyone who tries to help children accused of being witches or possessed by evil spirits too. So even if people don’t believe in any of it, there is a very real risk that they will be attacked for trying to help.


u/Etheria_system 5d ago

If anyone is evil in this scenario, it’s her and her followers


u/put_tape_on_it 5d ago edited 5d ago

A lot of evil happens in the name of religion! People in poverty, they give away what little money they have, or retirees that give away the retirement to megachurch pastors. Religions that tell people they can pray away the gay….cause so many suicides. People with schizophrenia that go down the religion rabbit hole and try to pray away the voices….

Church sex abuse. Holy wars. Crusades. Martyrdom. The entire Middle East. There’s good in religions too. But there’s good and evil everywhere, religions aren’t immune to evil.

I would go on, but it’s too depressing.


u/Bella_Anima 5d ago

Oh for sure, I mean which sounds more like a witch? A toddler crying for food or a crone like woman who tells you to kill your babies?


u/nonameforme123 5d ago edited 5d ago

But what’s the purpose of them doing that? Just being evil or do they earn $ from it?


u/Kythorian 5d ago

It’s hard to tell if she genuinely believes these children are evil and she’s protecting society from them, and any money she makes off of it is just an added perk, or if she’s purely in it to cash in on a moral panic she helped stir up. It’s evil either way.


u/GhettoGringo87 5d ago

Always money. The love of money IS evil…there are no bounds to which they won’t go to make money…but money is the influencer.


u/InternCautious 5d ago

Just google her house


u/nonameforme123 5d ago

Ok that explains it… I thought she was some villager


u/ModePsychological362 5d ago

If that’s the case then there’s millions of them in western culture


u/Starrion 5d ago

If people are showing kindness towards a child, people would see the witch as just a child, and her proclamation and authority would be undermined. The populations belief is all she has.


u/DIRTYDOGG-1 5d ago

That is horrible !


u/ReverendRocky 5d ago

We should send mobs to attack her.


u/Ok-Job3006 5d ago

Basically a cope mechanism to justify a wrongdoing


u/Sea_Dawgz 5d ago

You’re all acting like we don’t have average Americans that attend churches in America that have hate preachers spouting this same stuff.

Maybe we don’t abandon babies, but this week one said a witch possessed Dump during the debate to make him do poorly and millions of Americans thought “sounds right!”


u/spook_sw 5d ago

My Southern Baptist preacher taught us that African people were the descendants of Cain and therefore justified racism.


u/Red_Guru9 5d ago

Maybe we don’t abandon babies

The only reason, ONLY reason half this country doesn't abandon or physically exploit their children for money is because of secular law telling them they'll serve jail time for doing so.


u/goog1e 5d ago

100%. If you ever work with dss or juvenile justice, you will meet parents basically using the witch baby excuse.

It's just another flavor of "I did nothing wrong, why is my child so horrible?" (Spoiler alert ... They are horrible parents)

I'm not surprised that cranky baby + signs of neglect = witch baby. It's just an excuse for parents who didn't want a child.


u/PandaMuffin1 5d ago

MAGA pastor and evangelical leader Lance Wallnau accused Kamala Harris of using "witchcraft" during Tuesday's presidential debate.


u/lizzimuu 5d ago

We don't abandon them, we shoot them in class instead


u/HowWeAlive 5d ago

Why we always have to bring other nations to this? Ofc its happening everywhere, but way more in africa


u/prairie-logic 5d ago

Poverty is the root of all evil.

Poverty is a crime committed against people, forcing them into desperation to survive.

Desperate people do desperate things.

There’s a reason why terrorist organizations thrive best in illiterate and poor areas … poverty makes fertile breeding grounds for radicalization, if you can offer them anything better than the abject suffering their lives hold otherwise.

Also why gangs thrive in poor neighborhoods. Desperation, desire for more, lack of available routes to achieve it…

And, poverty and illiteracy allow grifters to pretend to be the hand of god and play roughshod over the innocents.


u/Takemyfishplease 5d ago

Plus one less mouth to feed. It’s an easier excuse for the parents


u/SeasonSpiritual 5d ago

You know you brought up a good point, in Thailand I also notice that the most superstitious people are the poor and they would do anything to get a lucky break. Going to the extreme of believing that a sign that the super natural are trying to send you a sign or lottery numbers. They talk about lottery every other day and it is almost a social gathering to hear the lotto winning in the radio. When anything major bad happens, like a series of car accidents, they believe that it was something divine that was angry at them instead of a man made error in driving recklessly.


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 5d ago

I don’t know. Given that there are now right wingers calling Harris a witch, I think it’s just crazy propaganda that’s not necessarily tied to poverty.


u/Nebula-Dot 5d ago

Yeah and the social stigma for helping them


u/MJBotte1 5d ago

Change doesn’t happen because of people need food on the table, no matter what. An army runs on its stomach, after all.


u/Iranon79 5d ago

Also, in extreme cases of poverty: I can't really provide for this child, and am subconsciously looking for an excuse to ditch them.


u/Sea_Implement_23 5d ago

Poverty breeds religion


u/Boxofchocholates 5d ago

You think that is evil. Read about the hyenas of Malawi. The ass backward rituals of some of these impoverished nations is outright appalling and disgusting.



u/loslalos 5d ago

Poverty is a Mthrfckr..


u/omnimodofuckedup 5d ago

Once you dehumanize someone it's easy to do the most terrible things to the person. Because in your eyes it's not a person anymore.


u/KingofSwan 5d ago

Bruh - that’s basically just selfishness at that point


u/StopThePresses 5d ago

We only call it selfishness when we have the luxury of choosing. For many many people, it's called survival.


u/Hot-Manager6462 5d ago

Yeah you have to be selfish in this situation