r/FluentInFinance 4d ago

Seems like a simple solution to me Geopolitics

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u/Donohoed 4d ago

I'm strongly against delaying the execution of public officials


u/TrueKing9458 4d ago

They want to tax the rich, l say tax politicians at 99%


u/OkieBobbie 4d ago

Politicians are just a subset of the rich.

I would propose that elected officials, senior level bureaucrats, and perhaps even close family members be subject to financial audit. Auditors would not know the name of the individual being audited in order to reduce partisan influence. There are a lot of details that would be involved but the fact that moderately wealthy people who engage in public service tend to become insanely wealthy should tell us that not everything is on the up and up.


u/KingVargeras 4d ago

Not all of them. Just the vast majority. There are a handful that I haven’t been able to show any accepted bribes and are still living modest lifestyles.

Funny thing is the media usually demonize the ones that don’t take bribes the most.


u/zaoldyeck 4d ago

People's ideas of politician earnings are skewed by national politics, but most politicians are much more local.

Most small towns lack the budget to pay people like the mayor a fortune, and it's not like "pay politicians more" is usually a winning electoral strategy. Hell even state level offices like state reps or state senates don't make very much, especially given the costs they often have in getting housing or renting in state capitals while also having residency in their districts.

If you're paying legislators in Idaho 20k a year, you're going to find a lot of reps can be easily bought for comically small sums.


u/OkieBobbie 4d ago

Good point, but there’s also the old adage that if you want to make money in politics, local is the place to start.


u/KingVargeras 4d ago

That’s the sad truth of it. And living in dc making 200k a year is nothing. And they are expected to maintain two households.

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u/MoonshotMonk 4d ago

To that last bit I think it’s because they often have strong convictions (as opposed to just going with the flow and acquiring money) and they appear different then their peers, which must be a bad thing.

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u/Publick2008 4d ago

I don't know how you could conduct a serious audit without knowing a name....

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u/An_Actual_Owl 4d ago

Cool. So the only people who have the means to run for office then are the ultra wealthy. Great idea!

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u/jbetances134 4d ago

They don’t actually want to tax the rich. They just want to tax those that have a higher net worth than them. They also use tax the rich as a political talking point to gain votes.


u/Protection74 4d ago

And the message is being pushed by billionaires/multimillionaires that own the media 🤣 the hypocrisy and gaslighting is on another level 

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u/Every-Nebula6882 4d ago

Politicians are essentially well trained dogs with the rich holding the leash. Everything a politician does is because a rich person/corporation ordered it.


u/Mendozena 4d ago

How did the politicians get there? They didn’t fall out of the sky or phase in through some membrane. Majority of these politicians came from American homes, American families, American schools, American universities, and American businesses.

Sounds to me it’s not the politicians that suck, the public that elects some of these politicians are what suck.


u/Every-Nebula6882 4d ago

Probably a little bit of both. I think Joe Biden (as an example) started his career in politics campaigning to keep schools segregated. Probably the people who voted for Joe Biden on his policy of school segregation are not thought of as being on the right side of history.

A lot of politicians also lie to get elected. Make promises to their voters and then fail to deliver on their promises. There are 100 senators in the United States. It’s very plausible that there are 100 highly intelligent sociopaths who lied and manipulated their way into political power in a population of 300million. I’m not saying that’s what happened, it’s just not at all far fetched of a theory. There is estimated to be 3-12million sociopaths in the United States (1-4% of the population). Some of those sociopaths will also be highly intelligent and able to gain power for themselves via a career in politics. In that scenario, do you blame the voters who were lied to and manipulated by a highly intelligent sociopath? Or do you blame the highly intelligent sociopath doing the lying and manipulating. Again I’m not saying that is what is happening in the USA, but it is a possibility. Certainly there is at least 1 politician who is purely in it for personal gain, who lied and manipulated his/her way into power.

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u/Stock-User-Name-2517 4d ago

If you think politicians are morons now, see who runs for office when you tax them at 99%.


u/RelativeAnxious9796 4d ago

that's cool but also tax the rich.


u/Soniquethehedgedog 4d ago

Tax all politicians 99% on everything above their salary, until we no longer have a deficit

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u/TrueKing9458 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/nihodol326 4d ago

So they aren't allowed to have a 401k that grows?


u/Extreme_Disaster2275 4d ago

Referees shouldn't be allowed to bet on the games they oversee.

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u/Odd-Buffalo-6355 4d ago

They should. The problem is they make decisions and get information then buy or sell stock based on that. A blind third party should handle their investments.

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u/NugKnights 4d ago

They should only be allowed ETFs like VOO or SPYD.

No individual stocks.


u/Boncester2018 4d ago

200% agree! You politicians get rich ONLY when all of the stock market gets rich.

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u/und88 4d ago

Or write a book? Inherent assets? We need to shine a light on lobbyist money in DC, but hanging is pretty extreme.

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u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago


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u/PubbleBubbles 4d ago

How about we just say "public officials can't trade in the stock market"


u/kalamataCrunch 4d ago

ok, but only if we can move up the execution dates for public officials.

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u/Rude_Thanks_1120 4d ago

Ah, the ol' Reddit Guillotine-a-roo!


u/KCBandWagon 4d ago

Hold my head catching basket, I'm going in


u/ProtoReaper23113 4d ago

Lotta people missing the good joke you made


u/AlarisMystique 4d ago

Was searching for someone who got the joke. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.

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u/WendigoCrossing 4d ago

Justice delayed is justice denied xD


u/SomberPainter 4d ago

Lolololol bro risking it all


u/Old-Tiger-4971 4d ago

No vote if execution means kicked out of politics.



u/PaleontologistHot73 4d ago

Terms limits means they become lobbyists.

Jail and forfeiture of assets, and repayment for costs of prosecution.

And similar for those buying influence, which means lobbying has to be controlled.

Otherwise stated, serious prison time for white collar crime


u/Awkward_Professor460 4d ago

So I did read that right


u/hyndsightis2020 4d ago

Now that you mention it this sounds a lot more efficient.


u/Ed_Radley 4d ago

No no, their executions are on time. It's the buying and selling that gets delayed. Common mistake.


u/FitEnthusiasm2234 4d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I read that.. Hahaha

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u/spar_30-3 4d ago

They’re all crooks and they don’t even hide it anymore. The Feds Bostic was also snapped doing similar shit too.


u/SagansCandle 4d ago

We really need more checks and balances. Congress isn't going to police themselves, and voting is just political theater.


u/JackAsofAllTrades 4d ago

Easy - just get the corrupt people to agree to pass that bill. Aw, sheeit.


u/peritonlogon 4d ago


u/JackAsofAllTrades 4d ago

Yea man... and clearly that's being sidestepped. Now your senate & congress are openly corrupt. Good luck, I mean it.

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u/CainRedfield 4d ago

I think an interesting way to compensate politicians, would be to tie their compensation to the median salary of their constituents. Any penny more is taxed at 100%.

The only way they could give themselves a raise, is to give their whole riding the same raise.


u/explosivemilk 4d ago

I actually saw something interesting advocating for them to be paid significantly more. The thought is that if they are paid more, less will be prone to corruption.


u/starfreeek 4d ago

Ha no, the greedy always want more. The people we are discussing have made millions on trading during their stay in office. 100k a year more isn't going to move the needle for them.


u/Bluedoodoodoo 4d ago

It is going to move the needle for getting people that are not incredibly rich in office.

Paying them a million a year would be a drop in the bucket but would incentive far more people to consider running for office. You want more people like AOC in office, then ensuring they wouldn't be taking a pay cut would be a good start.

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u/laxnut90 4d ago

It is so blatant too.

Nancy Pelosi's husband was buying options on companies immediately before government awards.

It's one thing to buy options before earnings. That could theoretically be explained by someone who was gambling on a good earnings call.

But government contracts are announced at random times. There is no way to trade on those with options unless you had insider knowledge.


u/MisinformedGenius 4d ago

This is just not true. Pelosi buys a lot of options on tech companies. In one case, he bought options on Microsoft before they got a government grant which did not move their stock price at all. That’s literally the sum total of the “evidence” on that one. If you make a thousand stock trades with big tech companies, some of them are going to coincide with good things happening at those companies.

If Paul and Nancy had just shoved their money into the S&P when she was elected, they would have more money now than they do. The idea that he makes more returns than any normal trader is not supportable.


u/drinksTiffanyWine 4d ago

Well said. People sometimes mistake politicians as the rich people. Politicians are sometimes the servants of rich people. They enact the policies that rich people want. But politicians themselves are rarely beating an index fund with their investments. Very very rarely.


u/Tioretical 4d ago

we are all servants of capitalism. some more than others

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u/giff_liberty_pls 4d ago

Last time I checked, since the STOCK act only like 10-20 representatives in congress ever beat the market in a given year and it's usually just because of some lucky trade that basically comes down to guessing who will win an election or something, not really anything to do with what they do in their committee. People really want to know as few details as possible to make an incredibly strong accusation.


u/BoatCatGaming 3d ago

As of 2023, several members of Congress have made notable stock trades and significant returns. Here’s a list of the top congressional traders, along with the increase in value they gained:

  1. Brian Higgins (D-NY): 238.9% return, far outperforming the market.
  2. Mark Green (R-TN): 122.2% return.
  3. Garret Graves (R-LA): 107.6% return.
  4. David Rouzer (R-NC): 105.6% return.
  5. Seth Moulton (D-MA): 80% return.
  6. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): $2.63 million in trades, largely from tech companies.
  7. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL): Over $2.66 million in energy trades.
  8. Rick Scott (R-FL): $4.3 million in trades, with investments in port and infrastructure.
  9. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL): $4.68 million in trades, often delayed reports.
  10. Kevin Hern (R-OK): $7.52 million in trades, including energy and healthcare companies.

These figures show the high returns that some members of Congress have managed through their investments, often exceeding general market performance.


u/Outrageous-Sink-688 3d ago

He thought the contract would boost the price. 

It's just that sometimes the market is regarded. I have TAP, and they once beat on revenue and earnings and fell 10% that day.

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u/AssumptionOk1022 4d ago

If it is blatant, then you have specific evidence right?

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u/suninabox 4d ago

It is so blatant too.

Nancy Pelosi's husband was buying options on companies immediately before government awards.


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u/6644668 4d ago

Not all of them. Walz doesn't own stocks. But the fact that they can is a real problem.

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u/MyDogBikesHard 4d ago

If all politicians take advantage of insider trading, and trading is the main perk to why they hold and retain office, do not expect Democrats or Republicans to eliminate it.


u/AllergicDodo 4d ago

King louis the 14th didnt eliminate monarchy


u/AccountNumber74 4d ago

No but an uncontrollable deficit did. Has anything done more to further liberalism than state debt?


u/marketingguy420 4d ago

It was actually gangrene that killed Louis the 14th. Louie the 16th was the guillotine.


u/CappinPeanut 4d ago

Well maybe if Louie the 14th had ended the monarchy, Louie the 16th would be alive today.

Just selfish.


u/AllergicDodo 4d ago

Xd kill me


u/CaptianZaco 4d ago


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u/okram2k 4d ago

Seriously, this is like asking the Foxes that live in chicken farms to stop eating the Hens.

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u/Naudious 4d ago

Only about 35% of Congress makes stock trades. And some of them aren't on committees with inside information.


u/BusStopKnifeFight 4d ago

Hatch Act prevents all federal employees from dealing in stocks of entities they regulate. There's no reason this can't be applied to Congress.

Congress essentially has the ability to regulate all business, even just by casting their votes. Congress doesn't need to be trading stocks to get by in life. They want to own and trade securities they can find a new job.


u/Naudious 4d ago

Congress doesn't need to be trading stocks to get by in life.

Everyone with a 401K owns stocks and bonds, it's the basis of every responsible retirement plan. This populist stuff sounds like it'll clean up Congress, but it makes things worse. If you tell people their retirement accounts won't be allowed to grow while they're in Congress, a lot of people will decide it isn't worth it.

We already have historically low salaries and benefits for congressional staff, and it hasn't led to a Renaissance of staffers that only care about THE PEOPLE going into Congress- it's led to congressional staff that can't afford experts, and so rotate through underpaid 20 year olds.


u/Slap_My_Lasagna 4d ago

Everyone with a 401k owns securities*

Which may be entirely ETF, mutual funds, or target date funds - none of which are influenced by insider trading, and none of which can be used for market manipulation either.

Acting like there's no good solution that prevents congress from trading individual stocks is blatantly ignorant and wrong.


u/Upper-Football-3797 2d ago

Exactly this, let them invest in a mutual fund or index fund provided by an investment manager, just like the rest of us plebes.

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u/meikyoushisui 4d ago

If you tell people their retirement accounts won't be allowed to grow while they're in Congress, a lot of people will decide it isn't worth it.

That's not what people are arguing for, though. Just make them transfer all of their assets to a blind trust for the duration they hold public office + 3 to 6 months. The legislation is already partially there under the 1978 Ethics in Government Act.

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u/nonprofitnews 4d ago

Insider information has a pretty specific definition to the SEC and it refers to information in quarterly reports. I once worked on the publishing pipeline for quarterly reports at an investment bank and it's very tightly controlled. It's not simply "insight no one else has". Getting that kind of info is just the bread and butter of being a good trader. Nor would access to nonpublic general information (like a looking pandemic) be insider information. I doubt you could correlate Pelosi's success to her congressional briefings even if you had full access to her every move.

I think congress has access to true insider information very very rarely.

I think the actual crux of the issue is we don't want Congress to be overwhelmingly rich people. Which it is because it's really hard to risk your career on a campaign when you aren't already wealthy and connected. It's just too hard for a sincere middle class person to win an election.

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u/peritonlogon 4d ago


u/More-Acadia2355 4d ago

I've been following Pelosi's trades, and none of them seem to be based on "insider" information. Buying NVDA was obvious. Selling the market in March of 2020 was obvious.


u/peritonlogon 4d ago

She's a smart lady with tons of experience and has surrounded herself with other very smart people in the hub of world power, so it's not surprising her stock picks are market beating.


u/Bigdaddyjlove1 4d ago

She literally shapes policy that influences the market. She might do better than average, but if she has the free time to do all this research, when is she governing?

Now, explain Tommy Tuberville's stock results.

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u/Iustis 4d ago

Except that's the worst part--they aren't even market beating. Her net worth has increased substantially slower than the S&P index

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u/NotThatSpecialToo 4d ago

Pelosi agrees with you and has put forward similar legislation at least 3 times.

Each time the Democratic bill was blocked by Republicans


u/Not_a__porn__account 4d ago edited 4d ago

That would hold a lot more weight if she stopped trading too.

But she hasn't.

She deserves recognition for trying.

She deserves condemnation for doing what she's trying to make illegal.

Edit: What a weird brigade of defense...


u/More-Acadia2355 4d ago

She's one of the few actually reporting her trades.

Most of the others are hiding their trades through shell companies.


u/JoelMira 3d ago

Is that 3 months after the trade itself?

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u/galaxyapp 4d ago

What's she trading?

Oh right, a bunch of bluechip tech stocks... nvda, msft, goog.

There is nothing remotely suspicious in her trade history.


u/IC-4-Lights 4d ago edited 4d ago

And her trades underperform S&P.
She's always the face of this conversation, but it's for purely political reasons.


u/galaxyapp 4d ago

Outrage grows in ignorance

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u/hellakevin 4d ago

Yeah of the 10 top performing traders in congress like 8 or 9 are Republicans, but the cons always get to pin this on Nancy while their team blocks legislation restricting trading.


u/Ursa_Solaris 4d ago

She's always the face of this conversation, but it's for purely political reasons.

Both sides will condemn corrupt Democrats but only one side will condemn corrupt Republicans. When the left says corruption they mean corruption, when the right says corruption they mean political opponents.

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u/_jump_yossarian 4d ago

I get a kick out of people saying she’s committing insider trading when her husband is buying Apple, Google, Meta, Tesla, Visa, BoA, and other top performing companies.

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u/frankenfish2000 4d ago

Can you name any of the top 10 insider traders beside Pelosi?


u/batmansleftnut 4d ago

And just for shiggles, let's look up which party the rest of the top 10 belong to.


u/ssbm_rando 4d ago

the rest of the top 10

You mean all of the top 10? Because there's actually no established insider trading from Pelosi or her husband at all lol, she just gets targeted because she's a democrat and her husband has a stock portfolio. A very common-sense stock portfolio, which underperforms the S&P 500.

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u/Turbo_MechE 4d ago

Tommy Tuberville

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u/TransientBlaze120 4d ago

Not really man if everyone else does it. Doesnt matter if she does it only if republicans continue to block legislation


u/_jump_yossarian 4d ago

Her husband does the trading since it’s his job.

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u/TimoniumTown 4d ago

The STOCK Act has been in place since 2012 when Democrats signed it into law.

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u/chiron_cat 4d ago

Ssshhh... to much reality for the Reich wing. They only mean democrats, obviously


u/j4_jjjj 4d ago

Funny note, there are 3 GOP members who insider trade better than Pelosi does, but somehow she became the face of "political insider trading"

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u/ArchAngel570 4d ago

STOCK Act already legally requires disclosures on certain trades. You forgot to mention the numerous bills Republicans have put forth on the issue as well. It's just lip service and neither side is willing to budge. They just want to look like they are addressing the issue.

There is the PELOSI Act, ETHICS Act (which is bipartisan) among others over the last 5-10 yrs.

Nancy Pelosi is the one congress member that is on record initially saying she opposed banning stock trading by congress members because "we're a free market economy". She didn't switch opinions until it was plastered all over the media.

Here is a list of BOTH Democrats and Republicans who have broken the law on this already.

Neither side wants to commit to losing a major source of income.

These are also the same schumcks that are trying to fix the healthcare in this country but don't even use the same services they've setup for the public. If it's not good enough for them, why would it be for the general public?

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u/majoritynightmare 4d ago

As much as an insufferable cunt she is, last time I checked she was passed by one or 2 ppl for doing it the most. Of the top 10 that do it, 7 are Republicans.


u/MyCantos 4d ago

Yeah with Republicans holding the house the OP never complains they don't forward new legislation for what he acts like is only a Pelosi problem. Nothing but a Pelosi hater and uses cherry picked info to poorly hide this fact.


u/Mysterious-Job-469 4d ago

They're the same people who allude that it was "okay that her husband was attacked, because she is a [WOAH DUDE i'm not typing that]"

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u/_jump_yossarian 4d ago

By one or two? She’s not even in the top 50 when it comes to trades. Who’s the cunt‽


u/Expiscor 4d ago

Im pretty sure those lists include spouses too (but could definitely be wrong). Her husband is an investment banker so that would explain why she’s so high up there


u/Pacalyps4 3d ago


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u/Big_lt 4d ago

Just limit them to ETFs , bonds, and mutual funds. Or if they want common stock a public open request and 3 day wait period on execution or maybe even longer


u/Zaros262 4d ago

What does that solve when they have insider information on things that will impact global economies?

They would still have an unfair advantage to pull money out of ETFs and even move into bear ETFs


u/More-Acadia2355 4d ago

Pelosi's trades do not demonstrate insider information.

Anything that's impacting the GLOBAL RESOURCE market is usually public anyway.

Even the COVID sell she did, was like in MARCH 2020. Anyone with a brain knew what was going on.


u/MiDz_Manager 4d ago

Yes but no way in hell would they have enough liquidity to shift the market.

Putting delays and approvals on trades will mitigate that.

Tell me, where is the governments compliance department?


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 4d ago

Not about moving the market with the trades, but like when they had inside info on COVID, they dumped all their stock, including funds, and then bought back at discounted prices. They made many millions off this inside info.

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u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 4d ago

Yeah it’s those dirty corrupt democrats we gotta worry about.


Highlights for those allergic to links.


u/AJFrabbiele 4d ago

I'll add more to the rebuttal: Congress routinely under-performs.

2022 study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047272722000044

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u/Extension_Carpet2007 4d ago

Weird thing to post when that’s net worth, not money earned after entering politics from trading.

“Man who owns network of hospitals is the richest in congress. Must be all the insider trading”

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u/Highway-Sixty-Fun 4d ago

Pelosi has supported legislation that does this since 2022 but Trump cucks are too dumb to google.


u/Impossible-Wear-7352 4d ago

She also isn't even nearly the most successful trader in congress yet she's always the face of this.


u/Highway-Sixty-Fun 4d ago

Well it’s her for obvious reasons, right?

She’s the most successful legislator of this century and her crowning achievements (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, infrastructure, CHIPS, etc…) do not benefit the wealthy class of individuals who control large swaths of our media.

Rick Scott is wealthier than Pelosi and achieved his wealth by defrauding elderly Medicare recipients in Florida. But he cuts rich folks taxes, so you don’t see him in these memes

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u/Murky_Change_1028 4d ago

Aren't they already public? Isn't that how we know about Nancys trading in the first place?


u/-boatsNhoes 4d ago

On a delay of ? 3 months now. We find out about them much later


u/MyCantos 4d ago

Any trades have to be reported in 45 days.

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u/_jump_yossarian 4d ago

I remember going through her trades when everyone lost their minds about her husband buying stock in one of the most valuable companies on the planet ... NVIDIA, most of her trades were reported immediately.

Pelosi example transaction date and reporting date are the same.

As a counter, Rep Virginia Foxx waited weeks to a month to report her trades.

Pelosi is just a karma boogie man!

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u/1BannedAgain 4d ago

bow down

The hero depicted in this meme forced Biden to leave the presidential race


u/laxnut90 4d ago

She is still a crook.

Her husband keeps buying options on companies immediately before government awards.

Government contracts are announced randomly throughout the year, so there is no way to trade options on their outcomes without insider knowledge.


u/baltGSP 4d ago



u/lixnuts90 4d ago edited 4d ago

In Springfield Ohio, they're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. Pelosi is eating the dogs. Pelosi is eating the cats.

Link: I saw it on TV

Edit: I'll donate $1,000 to an LGHDTV charity if this MAGA guy provides a link.

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u/AshesOfADuralog 4d ago

IDK about the keeps buying part... but it absolutely has happened at least once. Twice if you include the one with Tesla.




u/carbonx 4d ago

Kind of feels like anomaly hunting. He makes a large number of trades, of course a handful are going to coincide with government dealings.

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u/MisinformedGenius 4d ago

Yup - the Microsoft thing is the one time. Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. (Not to mention that it’s 22 billion over ten years and Microsoft makes 250 billion per year.)

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u/baltGSP 4d ago

Can someone explain the snopes article. It says her husband bought options at $500 for Tesla with an expiration of March 2022? Did the stock ever make it to $500? If not, doesn't that mean he lost money?


u/_jump_yossarian 4d ago

Tesla had had a couple stock splits and was trading at over $900 at one point and did a 3-1 in 2022.

He’d be a fool to not buy those options.

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u/6644668 4d ago

She's no hero and no one forced Biden to quit, he did that on his own. If anyone is a hero, it's him.

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u/WanderingFlumph 4d ago

Or just allow them to only trade indexed stocks like the S&P500. I have no problem with them having a vested interest in bringing the entire market as a whole up, generally that's a good thing. The issue is when they buy Tesla stock in the morning and in the afternoon they vote on a bill to give a tax credit to anyone buying an EV. Or when they sell Apple in the morning and then vote on a bill for universal charging ports in phones that afternoon.

Either way it's ridiculous that people with massive power to sway the markets are allowed to participate in them.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/J_Skirch 4d ago

Bro read your sources. That study was practically set up to find that result, only looking at stocks sold within 6 to 12 months of purchase. Typically you only sell your stock if it starts falling hard, you hold it if it's growing in value.

Congress overall has outperformed the S&P since 2012 when the stock act was put in place. You could argue it's a result of the public perception that Congress inside trades, making more people buy things that Congress buys if you really wanted to defend them.

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u/the68thdimension 4d ago

Thank you, this. Why faff around with rules about delaying their trades - just stop any trades that would have a conflict of interest.

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u/Rabbit_Wizard_ 4d ago

It is already public.


u/ILSmokeItAll 4d ago

This defeats the purpose which you need to come to grips with.

It’s working as intended, peasant. Your job is to STFU and accept it. Go participate in your dumb elections so you can feel like your vote matters and you actually make a difference. lol


u/ElectroAtleticoJr 4d ago

But how will they live a life of luxury at your expense?

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u/[deleted] 4d ago


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u/Narcissus77 4d ago

They are public already , Congress trading stocks is not insider trading.


u/PomeloClear400 4d ago

The tade being public is not what makes it inside trading. It's getting private briefs of bon public information


u/More-Acadia2355 4d ago

I'm not seeing that in her trades. They look like they are buying only obvious trends.

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u/TheShattered1 4d ago

They shouldn’t be able to trade at all, they literally write legislation/ vote on things that directly impact the market.


u/BoatCompetitive90 4d ago

Is everyone's trades not public by default?


u/rendrag099 4d ago

The reporting period for trades is something like 45 days after, iirc

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u/Gradual_Growth 4d ago

Delayed execution and only allowed to trade ETFs


u/Emeritus8404 4d ago

Or just make them unable to trade individual stocks.


u/CBFball 4d ago

Or just don’t let them trade stocks and only buy ETFs

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u/patrickjc43 4d ago

Just prohibit them from buying individual stocks.


u/baltimoreboii 4d ago

Tim Walz has zero stocks.


u/metalpuddle 3d ago

Everybody knows Nancy is guilty, and insider trading is already a crime. Laws are useless unless they're enforced. She has people of importance protecting her from being prosecuted. Everything is fixed ahead of time.


u/Yagsirevahs 4d ago

Or while in service to the people, that is where you derive your living.


u/RobinJeans21 4d ago

Or just invest in the NANC eft stock that’s based off of democratic members and their family’s stock trades. It’s up almost 30% this year


u/DougFordsGamblingAds 4d ago

It's up 20% this year, almost identical the S&P 500.


u/Holly_Till 4d ago

Yeah, idk the hate this time, pelosi just invested in the normal big companies

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u/CaveatBettor 4d ago

Congress should have similar personal trading regulations to investment banking, asset management and other financial intermediaries.

Prompt disclosures are like sunlight, a natural disinfectant. Allowing broad index-based investments (such as S&P 500 funds or ETFs) is fine, and sets a good example for the common citizenry.

Single-company investments may need to be overseen and approved/restricted by an independent regulator (like the Fed, but not the Fed, perhaps SEC/FINRA).


u/GOatcheesegotmoLD 4d ago

They will just make their family members or some trust fund make the trades for them. It is futile.


u/lets_try_civility 4d ago



u/afishieanado 4d ago

Technically they are public. But she has 31 days to publish


u/Beautiful_Speech7689 4d ago

This is what most investment firms do for their employees


u/TheConsutant 4d ago

They shouldn't own foreign stocks at all.


u/ukebuzz 4d ago

I'm all for it but who is going to be in congress then? They are all crooks who only go for their own personal wealth and ego. If you take away the ability to become ultra wealthy they will all retire immediately and no one will want that job.


u/q_manning 4d ago



u/WorkingFellow 4d ago

This sounds great! Big improvement. But who has to agree to pass the bill?

And if you really want to know how deep the problem is, realize that Nancy Pelosi is only the 11th wealthiest congressperson.


u/Draiko 4d ago

Why the 3 day delay? That's not going to do anything meaningful.

Just prevent them and anyone they're in regular contact with from investing in the stock market while they're in office.

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u/Mystic_ChickenTender 4d ago

This doesn’t go far enough. I think that all assets of the elected official and their families should be put in a blind trust until the year after they leave (excluding their paycheck)


u/Old-Tiger-4971 4d ago


By execution you mean?


u/Confident_Warning_32 4d ago

Correction: 30 days.


u/Ramble_On_79 4d ago

5-year minimum prison sentence for elected officials convicted of insider trading. Elected officials shouldn't be paid at all. Build an apartment building for them to use when Congress is in session, and that's all they get.

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u/Megamygdala 4d ago

how are we gonna get the people who make laws to make a law to limit their power

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u/cookee-monster 4d ago

They get well over a 3-day heads up even in emergency scenarios. This wouldn't even be close to enough.

There really should be a way around creating and passing a bill that have obvious conflicts of interests with congress. It's not even a R vs D thing. 90% of humans act according to their self interests.

All I want are term limits, to stop lobbying, bills to be introduced individually and to stop insider trading.

I think that would solve a lot of problems and would be incredibly bipartisan if just left to voters to decide.


u/looking_good__ 4d ago

Ya so I can follow them more closely - she is a GOAT of trading


u/jester29 4d ago

Alternatively, only broad index funds or blind trusts.


u/Naudious 4d ago

Stock Trading + Politics? This issue was invented in a lab for redditors.


u/NotTheGuyProbably 4d ago

That and limit the purchases of individual stock, mutual funds / etfs only.


u/jman0661 4d ago

3 days?? better 4+ weeks !!!


u/MOEzuez 4d ago

The STOCK Act requires every Member of Congress to publicly file and disclose any financial transaction of stocks, bond, commodities futures, and other securities within 45 days of the transaction date.

Nancy Pelosi’s current top 10 holdings: NVDA AAPL AVGO GOOGL PANW MSFT CRWD AMZN TSLA AB2


u/pocketjacks 4d ago

This still signals to others how to unfairly profit. Blind trusts are the only way.


u/dotardiscer 4d ago

How about politicians are just not allowed to make individual trades?


u/dowens90 4d ago

Term limits would solve this much more elegantly


u/Ok-Owl7377 4d ago

No delaying trade/optin executions. Just index funds allowed for them. Easy


u/Kind-City-2173 4d ago

Mutual funds or ETFs only, no single stocks plz


u/Meh2021another 4d ago

ANd who will write those laws?


u/Sracer42 4d ago

I like this idea. Simple and straightforward.


u/TheCryptoDeity 4d ago

Mmmmmmm, make announcing trades required within 10 minutes of placing, use an official website managed by a .gov to display it, delay their trade by 1 day, no derivatives only underlyings, no ability to short the market and can only go long


u/Schnarf420 4d ago

Audit them yearly and if proven to be for self gain have them executed.


u/baconblackhole 4d ago

No trading at all while in office


u/Kitty-McKittens 4d ago

Force all elected officials and their family members to completely divest their investments. Make them invest in a Broad US market fund. If the entire economy does well, they do well.


u/ImposterAccountant 4d ago

Na, they are only allowed to make open trades declared 60 days before exicution. Any trades declared must be postwd to a publicly available website that has a clear direct link from the governmental home page. Restrict what they are allowed to trade on meaning they can only trade in things like ETF, or mutual funds no individual stocks.