r/FluentInFinance 5d ago

Seems like a simple solution to me Geopolitics

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u/Donohoed 5d ago

I'm strongly against delaying the execution of public officials


u/TrueKing9458 5d ago

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u/nihodol326 5d ago

So they aren't allowed to have a 401k that grows?


u/Extreme_Disaster2275 5d ago

Referees shouldn't be allowed to bet on the games they oversee.


u/LandOfMunch 5d ago

Member Pete Rose?


u/MadeMeStopLurking 5d ago

Pete Rose was the real gambler.

Bernie Kosar was a victim. Placing a charity bet on a game he was announcing and getting fired for it was total bullshit.


u/LandOfMunch 5d ago

Yeah. That was a bummer.

I’d say elected officials are more like Pete. They’re definitely not investing for charity.


u/RollingGreens 5d ago

That’s was a stipulation of the contract IIRC


u/onedayoneroom 5d ago

I remember him getting Tombstoned at Wrestlemania.


u/ddauss 5d ago



u/callmewoke 4d ago

Maybe they just have too big a role in the game. Most of the big legislative ideas out there now are just fixing the big legislative ideas from a couple of years ago.


u/ProgrammingPants 5d ago

If you think "not being allowed to own any asset of any kind" is a reasonable requirement for all elected officials then you're fucking insane bro


u/BourbonGuy09 5d ago

It's obvious no one is saying that. They should not be allowed to invest in areas they can influence with their status like has been done.


They passed a failed act a while back that did nothing to help.



u/ProgrammingPants 5d ago

It's obvious no one is saying that

The person I was responding to was saying that.

It's completely reasonable to bar members of Congress from owning shares of individual companies, but they need to be able to invest in index funds and stuff. Otherwise it will become a job that only financially illiterate people would voluntarily do.


u/Most_Somewhere_6849 5d ago

It’s absolutely obvious no one is saying that. You can out money in index funds all you want but buying individual stocks as someone who can influence the outcome of those stocks should be illegal


u/Shadow368 5d ago

You say that like the clowns currently in office are financially literate?


u/Prometheusf3ar 5d ago

They obviously can own houses. Maybe large index funds but most other forms of investment. Absolutely not


u/Catrucan 5d ago

Then they’re just gonna put it all into the housing market if the only asset they can hold is property… what about asset backed securities? Are they allowed to buy those?


u/Extreme_Disaster2275 5d ago

If you think anyone should be allowed to do insider trading, you're wrong.


u/Odd-Buffalo-6355 5d ago

They should. The problem is they make decisions and get information then buy or sell stock based on that. A blind third party should handle their investments.


u/TequieroVerde 5d ago

Like a 10b51 plan.


u/NugKnights 5d ago

They should only be allowed ETFs like VOO or SPYD.

No individual stocks.


u/Boncester2018 5d ago

200% agree! You politicians get rich ONLY when all of the stock market gets rich.


u/MistSecurity 5d ago

I'm for something like the TSP. You can control what level of risk you are OK with in 4 different plans, but you have no control over what stocks your money is actually going to.


u/und88 5d ago

Or write a book? Inherent assets? We need to shine a light on lobbyist money in DC, but hanging is pretty extreme.


u/maltese_penguin31 5d ago

I don't know, the book A Planet for Texans seems to get it right.

/s, obvs


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/Wakkit1988 5d ago

Lastly, they technicality don't need 401Ks. Congress gets really nice pension plans which provide for a very comfortable retirement.

They are government employees. Any and all investments during their terms should be in TSP exclusively.


u/Subtotal9_guy 5d ago

When I was in finance I had a three week window to buy or sell the company's stock every quarter and I had to have all my investments with specific banks to track that. And I didn't have full access to the company's results, just my little area.

It's not just the c-suite that has controls on it.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago

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u/nihodol326 5d ago

It's a hypothetical, a completely legit thing to do with your income. I get this kinda unhinged response. Well okay then I can see I'm dealing with someone very serious here


u/RaisingQQ77preFlop 5d ago

term limits and advocating to execute a public servant because their house increased in value are two sort of different things and neither destroys the oligarchy.


u/Mission_Horror5032 5d ago

Back in the day, we had this thing called "humor" and "not being serious", and I interpreted Donohoed and TrueKing's statements as falling in line with that.

The meme, as I interpreted it is referencing the execution of a buy or sell order. Our "public servants" are robber barons, and if you don't see that, then I don't know what to say.


u/saaS_Slinging_Slashr 5d ago

Except, we actually have people actively trying to commit those acts against members of our government, so it’s not really a joke.


u/RaisingQQ77preFlop 5d ago

"I'm just joking bro". Why'd you delete your joke then? Cause I fail to see how "term limits" is a run on to the proposed execution double entendre.

humor still exists, there's plenty of examples in here that play on the double entendre. The above is simply not clever if it's attempting to be a joke and given the hatred in here just comes off as unhinged, but congrats on your joke about killing people you hate.


u/Mission_Horror5032 5d ago

I didn't delete anything, and words are not actions. Chill out. I'm not the one who started this thread.


u/The_Infinite_Cool 5d ago

Sure they can, but they should have fucking skin in the game, not just using their insider information to make themselves richer. Force public officials to liquidate their portfolio (compensate them for the taxes, if you fucking must) and convert it to only SNP500 shares.

There, now your stock performance is strictly tied to the country's economic performance.


u/maltese_penguin31 5d ago

A 401k is not what is going on here, and to suggest that it is shows a serious lack of understanding of the situation.


u/nihodol326 5d ago

The point was that they shouldn't be able to make any investment and I provided a simple counterpoint. Maybe you lack basic reading comprehension.


u/maltese_penguin31 5d ago

Or maybe the original reply got deleted. Maybe you check first before you insult people.


u/nihodol326 5d ago

You literally started the insults, Pot calls kettle black. Or maybe you just lack the understanding of what you typed.

Stop wasting my time or stop responding


u/bghanoush 5d ago

Well unless you're acting on inside information, buy-and-hold will usually beat out market timing anyway, even for professionals.


u/TRexIsMyWingman 5d ago

For federal employees it's a TSP. That type of account would be fine though since it's managed by an independent agency. I think this meme is talking specifically about making individual trades, which is completely different. If you want to see an example of why this is a problem look at the spike in trading of Novavax shares in the 48 hours before it was announced they would receive $1.6 billion from Operation Warp Speed.


u/nihodol326 5d ago

The comment I was responding too said they shouldn't be allowed any investments at all.

Thanks for your input tho


u/TRexIsMyWingman 5d ago

I can't read or write


u/PragmaticPacifist 5d ago

They should be allowed to invest in all the index funds they want.


u/Prometheusf3ar 5d ago

Honestly, no.


u/New_Doug 5d ago

Yeah, won't someone think about those poor members of congress, living on fixed incomes, having to scrimp and save for their retirement?


u/--JackDontCare-- 5d ago

These people sit on boards and have first hand knowledge of the deals that are taking place and play the stock market on the information they know. It becomes their focus to profit off this benefit instead of focusing on what they're job is really supposed to be about. It's corrupted delegation when your focus is on what profits best instead of what's good for the people.