r/FluentInFinance 5d ago

Seems like a simple solution to me Geopolitics

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u/NotThatSpecialToo 5d ago

Pelosi agrees with you and has put forward similar legislation at least 3 times.

Each time the Democratic bill was blocked by Republicans


u/Not_a__porn__account 5d ago edited 5d ago

That would hold a lot more weight if she stopped trading too.

But she hasn't.

She deserves recognition for trying.

She deserves condemnation for doing what she's trying to make illegal.

Edit: What a weird brigade of defense...


u/More-Acadia2355 5d ago

She's one of the few actually reporting her trades.

Most of the others are hiding their trades through shell companies.


u/JoelMira 5d ago

Is that 3 months after the trade itself?


u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

Yeah, and her trades are enormously successful. There are Twitter pages solely dedicated to tracking Pelosis trades so they can pick the exact same ones because, surprise, she has a crazy good track record.


u/shrike92 5d ago

Actually she's not even in the top 5. Most of those are republicans but you guys never seem to mention that for some reason. I can't imagine why.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

You guys? I've voted left or independent in every election I've been a part of. The topic was about Pelosi. So I spoke about Pelosi.

Maybe, just maybe, people like to call it out when they see it regardless of party. I know this is a shocker, but not everyone is polarized to one side. Another crazy idea, but maybe just maybe both sides of the aisle are corrupt, and we are run by corporations.........oh goodness, no, the left is perfect, apparently.


u/B8R_H8R 4d ago

You’ll get used to it.. say a bad word about any Democrat? Boom! Racist homophobe! Regardless of your stance


u/shrike92 4d ago

Hah, ok guy. No one believes your LARP except other right wingers.

And even your statement is wrong, she underperforms the S&P500.

So again, we can see you’re full of it because you’re regurgitating right-wing talking points.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 4d ago

She had a 700% return over a decade. The average SPY historical return is 10.26% lmao. In 2023 she had a 63% return against SPY. So again show me your facts because I have mine.

This is why the democratic party is so hard to support. Between the DNC rigging elections against candidates I like and people like you making people out as nazis if they even think about criticizing your own party.

The whole system is decaying with corruption and the left isn't any more immune than the right.


u/Wraithpk 1d ago

Having good returns isn't illegal. I know a guy who made a 600% return in a matter of months on crypto. He just had lucky timing.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 1d ago

Easy on crypto. And one stock. I also had a 600% return in crypto because i bought it in 2012.

Do it for a decade with a whole portfolio.

The average return rate for the average user is 10% with a 95% failure rate.

Some of her big wins have come on the back of making trades with big legislative changes coming shortly after. Your naiive if you think Congress isn't benefiting from insider trading.


u/Wraithpk 1d ago

That's not insider trading. Things up for vote in Congress are public knowledge. Even if she was pushing legislation that would specifically help her investment positions, that's still not insider trading. You could say it's a conflict of interest, and I would agree with you on that, but it's something pretty much everyone in Congress does because it's not illegal.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 1d ago

Yeah, they were before they were announced to any public at all. People have made documentaries following her entire trade history and suspected instances of insider trading. Interesting watch.

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u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

I'm anti fox and have never voted republican once in my life on any level.....lol


u/rydan 3d ago

Not in the top 5 out of 538. So not in the ultra 1% which is something at least.


u/AaronMichael726 1d ago

Can you tell me who’s those republicans are?

The ETF that tracks republican investments is current lagging behind the ones that track democratic investments. Every republican trade I’ve seen, is far behind democrats. But I’m happy to be proven wrong.


u/NotAnNpc69 5d ago

Hey guys look at me being transparent about breaking the very laws i enforce upon you. Don't you just love me?


u/More-Acadia2355 5d ago

Her trades are legal. Only an idiot didn't buy NVDA. No non-public information needed.


u/ArchAngel570 5d ago

Current law says they all are supposed to disclose their trades. The current laws are just not sufficient.


u/More-Acadia2355 5d ago

The law says they have to disclose their personal account trades. They don't need to disclose trades of companies that they own - so most just create a shell company or non-profit to trade under.


u/ArchAngel570 5d ago

That's why current laws are not sufficient


u/More-Acadia2355 5d ago

There's no evidence of a problem


u/ArchAngel570 5d ago

Really? They create shell companies to get around disclosing trades. And politicians getting rich off information the public doesn't have. That's not a problem?


u/More-Acadia2355 5d ago

Congresspeople don't really have that much inside information. This whole issue is overblown.

Nearly every report, every briefing, every blah blah, is reported on elsewhere beforehand.

They create a shell company to avoid the online drama (this attention to Pelosi is exactly the example because she's not even doing anything wrong), but they seldom have any tradable inside knowledge.


u/Economy-Cupcake808 4d ago

And politicians getting rich off information the public doesn't have.

No evidence that this is happening. Also, this is already illegal if a congressperson were to do this. No need for a special law.

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u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

She's definitely benefitting from insider trading. Look at her track record. There's people out there who only trade what she trades, lol. A lot of people have gone back and tracked her trades, and they are so peculiar. There's no way she didn't have knowledge. She doesn't even hide it.


u/Wraithpk 1d ago

Do you know what insider trading actually is?


u/Difficult-Jello2534 1d ago

Yes I do. Do you know what the average return for a regular trader is? 10% with a 95% failure rate. Pelosi had 700% return over a decade, 65% return last year.

700% return.....if you think she's that skilled, I have a bridge to sell you.


u/Wraithpk 1d ago

And you think she's actually making her own investment choices and doesn't have an investment advisor? Lol...


u/Difficult-Jello2534 1d ago

According to Vanguards research "A good financial advisor can increase net returns by up to, or even exceeding, 3% per year over the long term".

So that's explains a 3% bump. How do you explain the other 687% over average?


u/Wraithpk 1d ago

So you think the best investment advisor will only beat an uninformed investor by 3%? Lol.....


u/Difficult-Jello2534 1d ago

That's what the study said a good advisor will get, not great. I'm open to your counter evidence that shows differently.

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u/Uncle_Bobby_B_ 5d ago

She’s a pos that does a shit ton of illegal trading.


u/DrillWormBazookaMan 5d ago

Prove it.

I dislike Pelosi as much as the next guy but I'm so tired of people spewing bs because of feelings rather than facts.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

The information is there. They have Twitter pages dedicated to tracking Pelosi trades because she never misses and many have gone pretty deep into her trades and dates and correlated them to other events, where either she'd been consistently one of luckiest people, or insider trading.

If anybody could prove it, they'd probably be dead lol. If everyone was actually caught of illegal activity, we wouldn't even have a government.


u/DrillWormBazookaMan 5d ago


"They have Twitter pages proving it."

"If anybody could prove it they'd be dead lol"

My brother in christ wtf are you talking about.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 5d ago

Well, that's not even what I said. I said they had Twitter pages tracking her public trades because it's pretty obvious she does extremely well on the stock market from insider trading. It's not that hard to understand.


u/DrillWormBazookaMan 5d ago

As I said, I dislike Pelosi. She is probably insider trading. But what you have are a laundry list of coincidences, no proof.

Just as I wouldn't definitely say Trump is a Russian asset, despite his clear cozying up to putin, his clear defense of Russian interference, we have a lot of coincidences pointing to Trump being a Russian asset. But I wouldn't make the claim that he is until we have proof. We do not.

Pelosi should be investigated. I'm with ya 100%. I'm just really tired of people equating suspicion with proof.


u/Difficult-Jello2534 4d ago

People have done a lot of extensive research into her trades, I don't have the energy to go through all my saved videos and do a write-up for you. It's Saturday and I'm relaxing. But the information is out there for you to decide your own opinion.

In a system where you are never going to get an agency to actually investigate any of these crimes or ever going to get substantial proof, I gather as many facts as I can and make the most informed opinion I can. I'm not testifying in a court of law. None of these people will face consequences or ever be investigated, so your opinion will be the most you'll ever get.

I'm sure you hold many, many beliefs on things that haven't been proven 100% true. I'm just not resting my opinions on whether a government agency is going to investigate a high-ranking government official of the ruling party who was 3rd in line for the presidency.

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u/danceflick 5d ago

Yeah let's just cherry pick and say this one specific obvious trade was ok but ignore all the rest.


u/fleegness 5d ago

Do you have examples of suspect ones then?


u/danceflick 5d ago


This isn't the tracker I normally follow but it looks about the same. You can see how much gain/loss she makes on trades.


u/LrdHabsburg 5d ago

And do you have an example of one that’s insider trading? Or are you just jealous she’s a savvier investor than you lol


u/danceflick 5d ago

Her NVDA calls in 2022 are the most outrageous ones. You can find some detailed reddit posts about why these specific trades are just nuts. But no just dick ride the lady who takes millions by being corrupt. I don't understand people like you, do you guys crave being screwed over? Is it a fetish or something?


u/Liasary 5d ago

Asking you to provide proof of her actually doing something bad isn't "dick riding". Stop being so childish and people might take you seriously.


u/LrdHabsburg 5d ago

Are you able to link these Reddit posts? Are they in the room with us right now?

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u/fleegness 5d ago

Which ones are suspicious to you?


u/danceflick 5d ago

Her NVDA calls in 2022 are the most outrageous ones. You can find some detailed reddit posts about why these specific trades are just nuts


u/Liasary 5d ago

You said the NVDA stuff was "Cherry picking" a fine trade and now it's the worst one? Do you even read what you type?


u/danceflick 5d ago

Alright I guess I can explain this also. The comment I was replying too mentioned that everyone is buying NVIDIA just like her which is true but this only makes sense in 2024. So it's cherry picking to say that her NVDA buys are not insider trading in 2024 because everyone was doing it. but in 2022 no one was doing it because no one knew about insider information.

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u/Sea-Cupcake-2065 5d ago

Why the donvotes? It's true. Rules for thee, but not for me.


u/Xapheneon 5d ago

You don't understand what rules for thee, not for me means


u/Sea-Cupcake-2065 5d ago

It's illegal for anyone to commit insider trading. tell me how so many politicians get rich shortly after being elected? If pelosi is trying to prohibit this from happening, then why is she still trading? Seems hypocritical.

Just to be clear. I'm not attacking pelosi for no reason. This goes to all and any politicians who do this


u/Xapheneon 5d ago

It's only insider trading if they use publicly not available information. This is hard to prove, but even the appearance of it should be avoided. So in my opinion members of congress, heads of departments, presidents or their families shouldn't trade.

If there is no legal requirement, then stopping all your trades and your husband resigning from his job would be a big step. Nancy isn't Bernie, her ethics don't stop her from earning money if she can't get in trouble for it.


u/Sea-Cupcake-2065 5d ago

Just because it's hard to prove doesn't mean it's not obvious. And I'm not saying she's Bernie, I'm saying she's hypocritical. Saying one thing and then doing another is very much so "rules for thee"


u/Xapheneon 5d ago

The rules aren't enforced for her or other members of congress. She is playing by the rules, just like her colleagues, but wants those rules to be changed.

Personally I would accept if Clarence Thomas started to push against corruption in the supreme court too.

Also she is probably hypocritical, but I hope her better politics are because the attack on her husband made her overthink her morels.


u/NotAnNpc69 5d ago

Cause its reddit. People cant see past colors of ties.