r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?



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u/WomanInQuestion 6d ago

YTA - You’re shitting all over Casey to protect Alana from the consequences of her actions. If her condition is that bad, why was she allowed to drive in the first place?


u/Key-Pickle5609 5d ago

All indications are that this is a single vehicle accident. I’d ask why on earth a fresh 16 year old driver was allowed to blaze off on her own and wreck a car, but it was Casey’s car so it didn’t matter to OP.


u/bren_derlin 5d ago

Maybe OP should give Casey his car until they can replace hers. He can take the fucking bus or something.


u/sharkeatskitten 5d ago

this is exactly it. i asked for a mac when i was in high school, before i knew how much such things cost. completely valid response was that i could get one with my own money if i saved up for it, achieved that, and then my dad's girlfriend nuked the family computer by clicking on every ad ever and opening every link she ever received in an email. she wanted my mac to replace the family computer (that her young kids used) until they could replace it and then i could have it back. my dad said they could use the one he bought her that went unused while she broke the one meant for everyone else. it used to annoy me that he didn't make her save up for her own but that reaction to a problem she created made up for it, because he protected the first big purchase i made for myself. had it gone the other way i would have wondered what the point of working and saving was.

as a side note, prior to that i helped both kids with their homework on mine because it was a lot easier to use (without the trojan horses and malware) and i was right there. letting someone use it doesn't mean they get to be careless with it


u/nocturn99x 5d ago

W dad!


u/dragoono 2d ago

Not the same at all but I used to let the kids I would babysit use my laptop to play video games. They always wanted to play Minecraft but I was hesitant to let a 4 and a 6 year old, respectively, use my gaming laptop. But I would tell them what buttons to press and let them sit right next to me while they used it.

I really doubt the dad was even in the car when his daughter wrecked it. Which is insane. It doesn’t sound like it was Casey’s idea to teach her how to drive, so what the fuck was even going on that she ended up behind that wheel? Very weird.


u/dragonheals12 4d ago

Or carpool! I came to suggest this.


u/ChaoticMomma 3d ago

This 💯

My mom wrecked my car in April. Guess who loaned me her vehicle anytime I needed it, until she was able to replace my car? Yeah, my mom.


u/WorldlinessHefty918 4d ago

There’s no reason to be disrespectful to the parents. Their parents, parents make errors just like everyone else. I know I raised three boys so take it easy on the parents. They may have errored, but you know that’s only human.


u/bren_derlin 3d ago

There is when the parents are being grade A jackasses. You sound like the kind of parent who always told your kids “because I said so” when they dared to question you.


u/Pitiful-Pension-6535 3d ago

Silence is, by far, the most respectful form of protest.

Why do so many parents think "Do everything I say and pretend you enjoy it or it's disrespect"


u/Freedom1015 2d ago

As a parent, it is absolutely my job to own up to my mistakes and do my best to set them right. This example is two parents completely disregarding their child's hard work while excusing the mistakes of the other.