r/news 5d ago

Passenger ordered to pay more than $5,000 in fuel costs after flight diverted due to bad behavior


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u/Big-Heron4763 5d ago

In 2021, the US Federal Aviation Administration announced that they would be introducing a zero-tolerance policy for fliers behaving badly on planes.

The single highest individual penalty, $40,823, was issued to a traveler who brought their own alcohol on board, was intoxicated, attempted to smoke marijuana in the lavatory, and sexually assaulted a flight attendant – all in a single flight.

What the hell is the matter with people? Seems like the last few years have been nonstop stories of passengers acting up on planes.


u/rraattbbooyy 5d ago

You’re not wrong. Things have gotten worse since the pandemic.


But it’s good to see action being taken. These fines need to be well publicized. I would put warning signs at the gates of every airport telling people exactly what being an asshole would cost them. I’m not sure what would deter people from acting so poorly but this couldn’t hurt.


u/SocraticIgnoramus 5d ago

The pandemic definitely broke the people’s brains. I’m sure Covid did a lot of actual brain damage, but I honestly believe it had a lot more to do with lockdowns, restrictions, and everyone realizing just how fragile society is. It certainly exacerbated a lot of underlying mental health issues. One of my good friends from college went full conspiracy nut and absolutely wrecked their own life a full year before actually catching the virus.


u/werofpm 5d ago

Also, more than a handful of powerful world leaders and billionaires who reinforce daily that being a complete asshole is just fine. So if they can, why can’t I?