r/news 5d ago

Passenger ordered to pay more than $5,000 in fuel costs after flight diverted due to bad behavior


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u/fulthrottlejazzhands 5d ago

$5000 is a paltry amount compared to the hourly running costs of a commercial flight, not to mention the severly inconvenienced passangers.


u/Maxpowr9 5d ago

It's also getting put on a "do not fly" list. That's a much bigger punishment than the fine.


u/nutitoo 5d ago

They should introduce something like that to cars, if you cause harm to others because you got angry at someone and break checked him, you should be banned from driving vehicles for at least 5 years


u/Maxpowr9 5d ago

Road ragers should be treated as harshly as DUIs.


u/Kaexii 5d ago

Have you seen DUI punishments recently? The number of drunk drivers who end up killing someone and who also have NUMEROUS prior convictions for driving intoxicated is ridiculous. I just did a search and this article is like half an hour old. Guy had 3 priors? 4? And then killed a grandma while he was driving around in a pile of empty beer cans. 


My point is just that drunk drivers are treated with entirely too much lenience and I wouldn't want to see road rage handled similarly. 


u/zamboni-jones 5d ago

I had to brake check someone following too closely. It was a snowstorm, driving 30 down the highway, we're the only two vehicles for miles, and the idiot decided to tailgate me. I had my hazards on and everything. I brake, they back off a bit, then come right back up on my bumper, repeat at least 6 times. Couldn't pull over because there was so much snow there was no "over." Plus if I stopped for long enough, I probably would have been stuck.