r/msu 15h ago

General Was hit by motorcycle recently near Breslin. Looking to see if anyone knows anything.


Hi! I hope you might not recognize the scenario but if you do, I was riding my skateboard and apparently was hit by a motorcycle. I suffered a concussion and was unconscious for 30 minutes so I don’t remember anything of the event.

If anyone does know what happened please let me know! It’s been bugging me endlessly, especially when I’m not sure if I’m at fault.

r/msu 19h ago

General Trees cut down in front of Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building


Well what can I say. Mourning for the loss of the trees that gave us a lot of shades while waiting for bus 25/32/33 during burning sunny days. It's so painful to see so many trees at MSU being cut down this year.

r/msu 19h ago

General Studying...


If you're like me and can't focus for the life of you while trying to study. I recommend Nintendo music, idk why it helps, it just does. So I suggest trying it.

Nintendo Study Playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6zMRZ56bx8-KFWIS_j60uTkZg1Hha-L&si=fJjEwH73JKMSKys1

r/msu 11h ago

Clubs where is the asl club meeting


i’m trying to join the club yall but i can’t find the room in wells hall!! someone help me out so i can make it to this meeting before 8 🙏🏾

r/msu 7h ago

General Where to Get Vaccines?


So I realized around a week before moving to campus that I forgot to get my second round of my meningitis b shot and I really need to do that. Does anyone know where I can get this locally?

r/msu 17h ago

General Questions about the GRE (from a Canadian 😯)

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I know this isn’t specifically about MSU, but I’m applying to MSU for my masters, and I have to take the GRE as part of the application process (and being from Canada I haven’t had to take one of these general tests since the literacy test in like, grade 10?!)

I’ve taken some practice tests and I’ve been consistently EXTREMELY humbled by the verbal portion of the test, especially the questions where I have to fill in the blanks with the proper words.

As my test day approaches (online), I guess I just wanted to ask how you all studied for the verbal portion, because I’m not sure how to broaden my vocabulary when I don’t know what words they are going to use (and there are just way too many to choose from LOL).

Or as another follow up question, how much did your GRE scores matter when applying to MSU?

Thank you for the help and I’m so excited and nervous to apply (I hope I get in ahhhh)!!

r/msu 4h ago

General Can I park in visitor parking centers as a student?


I’m about to get a car up here and I’m looking for permits… looks like there’s only one available (lot 89 I think). This is super far from my dorm so I’m wondering if I will get penalized for parking overnight in certain places (Ramp 3 to be specific). My bf parks there every weekend and is just fine, so I’m curious if the same applies to weekdays.

Any additional info about parking/car registration etc would be great too!

r/msu 4h ago

Housing Does anyone know if there are residence apartments open?


This may be a long shot but I’m looking to move into an apartment or any sort of living situation with a kitchen. I have a lot of food sensitivities to the dining halls around me and would prefer to cook my own meals. (Plus more issues with dorming/my roomie but that’s the main one). Im also okay with roommates but would obviously prefer a single. I submitted an application to move out of my dorm and got put on a waitlist. (Just for reference I’m a sophomore + transfer student, and would prefer something in East neighborhood by my classes).

I mainly just wanted to ask you guys if you know anything about moving mid-semester… does anyone know if these apartments are even available, how long is the waitlist, what are my chances of being able to move asap, etc. Also, if anyone has any info about possible refunds for my meal plan if I cancel it that would be greatly appreciated!

r/msu 9h ago

General DnD group or club?


2nd year, looking for a dnd group on campus. Saw the tabletop club on the organizations website but there was no info on how to join.

r/msu 5h ago

Scheduling/classes Studying Abroad


I am currently a freshman wanting to study abroad my junior year, and I keep seeing information on studying abroad and all of the programs. Knowing that I want to study abroad in my junior year, is this something I need to be worrying about right now?

r/msu 6h ago

Social Lansing DIY Show

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InsearchofBastila Is coming to Lansing on friday Sept 27th with some other rocking bands. FFO Punk, Metal, and Hardcore.

r/msu 1d ago

General Can bikers please be more careful?


Is it really that hard to stay on the bike lanes? ESP on the walkway by the river. There are literally bike lanes directly next to the sidewalk. Bikers do not need to go barreling through a group of people walking on the sidewalk. I literally saw someone get hit by someone on a bike on my way to class because a lot of bikers seem to have forgotten that other people exist on the sidewalks and have a chronic inability to stay on bike lanes.

Same goes for people with electric scooters or those electric bikes. Just because you're going faster doesn't mean you have to be a complete dick about it.

Just pay attention to your surroundings? It's literally not that hard?

r/msu 7h ago

Scheduling/classes offering tutoring in CSE classes (maybe ME classes if you are interested)


Hi everyone, just putting this out here just in case anyone is interested.

I am a graduate student with a BS in mechanical engineering undergrad, with minor in CS and Linguistics.

I am the most comfortable with tutoring CSE 231 and CSE 232, although the class has changed since I took the class, ie, the exams have changed formats, so please be patient with me. I am the best at working on projects and explaining code, but I can also help with exams as well. I don't know how much CSE 260 the class has changed, I took it with Dr. Kulkarni, and did well in that class, so you may also inquire about that.

If you would like mechanical engineering tutoring, you can dm me about a specific class, and I can see if I would be able to help. Although there is an ME learning center in the EB with people that can help with ME classes for free, so you can try that first too.

This would be my first time trying to tutor people on the side, so I would like to offer a free 30 minutes and you can see if I'm good at tutoring or not. We can negotiate a rate if you are interested in more lessons.

r/msu 13h ago

General Film collective help?


I'm currently in film collective and I'm really interested in the past collective. I'm trying to make a master list but I'm missing some info. does anyone know when collective started? the farthest back I can trace is fall 2012. Also, does anyone know what films were shown in fall 2012? Finally, does anyone know what films were shown in Spring 2013? the poster is incredibly blurry for that semester. Thank you!!

r/msu 17h ago

Freshman Questions Why Does MSU give 3 credits for a 1 on the AP CSP exam


Hey everyone, I am thinking of going here next fall. As Freshman my friend Joey-who was a senior-wanted to go to MSU and me and him were both in AP CSP, but he was trash at it lmfao. But he found out that even if he got a 1 on the AP exam he would still get 3 credits. Do any of you know why this is?

***Note he got a 2 but still got credit in the end.

r/msu 17h ago

Freshman Questions FREE WSJ Access



Here is my referral link for WSJ refer a student from MSU. If anyone is interested in joining the business school, wants to learn about world news, or enjoy reading sign up with the link above with your MSU generated EMAIL for free 1 year access.

r/msu 14h ago

Housing Emmons HAll


Have a chance to move into a single in Emmons. What's the vibe? How's that neighborhood? I'm currently in South Neighborhood. Half of my classes are in the BioMed & Chemistry buildings, and the others are in Wells.

r/msu 1d ago

General Petition to reopen investigation into Brendan Santo’s death has over 5,000 signatures


r/msu 18h ago

General Want to buy skateboard near MSU


Hi everyone; I was thinking it might be a good idea to get a skateboard to make some of the walks to class I normally take go a bit faster;

are there any good places near MSU to buy a skateboard/beginner skateboard equipment? Or would it be best to buy it online and if so, any recommendations? Thanks!

r/msu 12h ago

Scheduling/classes Easy IAH honors substitution classes?


Anyone have any suggestions for easy IAH honors subs? Like classes that aren’t too time consuming (I have a heavy schedule next sem)?

Thanks in advance and go green!

r/msu 1d ago

General I’m so sick of msu getting rid of green space


MSU has gotten rid of so much green space on campus in the past few years and I’m sick of it. First it was the area by south neighborhood where sparticipation used to be held and people hung out on a regular basis. Then it was part of center campus for the new multicultural center and now they’re going to build a new building in the space behind the biomedical physical science building which has one of the main pathways of the area. One of the major selling points of msu for a lot of people was the campus and the amount of area that wasn’t buildings where people can hang out and do homework but now it’s hard to find an area where there isn’t construction and it’s not packed.

Edit: yes I am well aware that msu is a business and needs to grow. I know that they are replacing old buildings and that this is important for the future but these are areas that I used. I had picnics in the cherry lane field with friends, I played volleyball where the multicultural center now is. I studied physics where they’re putting in the ecology building. I’m not making this post because I don’t understand that msu is making progress forward. I made this post because I enjoyed these spaces and I wish that I was still able to. I know that these new buildings are places that future students can enjoy and that the areas I’ve mentioned used to be buildings themselves. That doesn’t stop me from being disappointed when the areas that I spent time are now construction zones.

r/msu 15h ago

General Hello to Grad Students in Computer Science and Information Science


Hello from an English grad student! One of my colleagues has a wiki data event to share from Graphic Possibilities! Are there any specific groups of Computer and Information Science Grad Students where she could share an invite and flyer for the event?

(She doesn't have reddit, so I am posting on her behalf).

r/msu 1d ago

General So who wants a button?

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Did you know the MSU library has a button maker? $0.17 a pop!

r/msu 1d ago

General what’s going on right now?


r/msu 1d ago

General Low Water Levels are once again revealing the Red Cedar’s secrets


Pictures taken on Harrison bridge