r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/Excellent_Major_3177 5d ago

Why is 3 pieces of a roll like 10 dollars????


u/Odlavso 5d ago

Supermarket sushi is $9.99 for 15 pieces in Houston Texas, paying that much for 3 pieces is crazy


u/thesoutherzZz 5d ago

Yeah it's something that struck me as an odd thing in Germany. In Finland, a country that has usually higher food cost that Germany you can get fresh made sushi from a supermarket for like 9.99€ for 12 pieces


u/Intelligent_Jelly436 5d ago

Tbf, this strikes me as a weird thing as a German. The sushi in my local Edeka is cheaper than this. I'd never pay 8.99 for three pieces.


u/yukon-flower 5d ago

Germany is far from the ocean.