r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/Individual-Arm-1720 5d ago

She said the seaweed taste was too strong 😂


u/at0m71 5d ago edited 5d ago

But... but the seaweed has very little taste at all, by itself - hence it being an ideal means of wrapping up the sushi! Your GF is making my brainmeats hurt, bro! 🤯

[Follow-up comment: I certainly didn't have any interest or intent in starting any kind of palate-based dust up over the strength - or lack thereof - of seaweed [pardon me, not seaweed but nori, my mistake!] taste, folks. I'd assume everyone's sense of taste (and opinions thereof) vary along what's probably something of a wide spectrum. While I agree with all of you replying to this comment seeking to correct my ascertation of seaweed having a mild taste, all I have to go on is my own personal palate here. And while I can certainly agree to seaweed possessing a somewhat green, mineral-esque, and undefined combination of earthiness AND the brine of the sea... but to me, personally, it's definitely a very subtle flavor (but then yet again, I'm a smoker, so what do my compromised, deadened old taste buds know? Selah...). But absolutely NO OFFENSE was intended by my comment, nor was there any intention/design/any other ulterior motives on my behalf to create an argument over ithis... I was simply trying to make a dumb lil joke and/or offer my own perspective on OP's starting post. Thanks for all the unexpected upvotes -LOOK MA, I'M FINALLY A SUCCESSFUL REDDIT POSTER! ARE YA FINALLY PROUD OF ME NOW, MA? ...MA? ...MA?]


u/SmashPortal SmashPortal 5d ago

but the seaweed has very little taste at all

They said that about lettuce, but lettuce is all I taste when I bite into something with even the smallest shred of lettuce on it.


u/at0m71 5d ago

Damn! You must have some ultra-sensitive taste buds on ya if you find the taste of lettuce to be overpowering! 😆


u/SmashPortal SmashPortal 5d ago

I'm convinced it's some sort of recurring compound in nature that I'm sensitive to, because I have the same issue with onions, celery, and seemingly all citruses.


u/at0m71 5d ago

I can understand the onions & the citrus. BUT CELERY, TOO? Wowzers... does spring water have an overwhelming taste to you as well? I mean, such an extremely sense of taste like YOUR'S might be a super power. AND THEN YOU COULD WEAR SPANDEX AND FIGHT CRIME, AS A CULINARY VIGILANTE!


u/SmashPortal SmashPortal 5d ago

I couldn't really tell you about water, since every bottle leeches into the drink differently.

Who says I can't already wear spandex?


u/at0m71 5d ago


whispers: god I want to be you.


u/SmashPortal SmashPortal 5d ago

You really don't. I'm very picky.


u/at0m71 5d ago

Well, apparently, I'm an "annoying dumbass" according to some replies to my comment, so I guess anything would be an improvement on that! 😅


u/SmashPortal SmashPortal 5d ago

But a Reddit mod? Really?!

Look me in the eyes and tell me that's where you want to be in life.


u/at0m71 5d ago

Hey, I don't judge. Be kind to yourself, ok?

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u/yorkiewho 5d ago

Celery for sure is very overpowering. I can’t even do celery seed on things because that’s all I taste


u/at0m71 5d ago

Huh, I guess taste is even more variable than I'd thought. Interesting stuff.