r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/Excellent_Major_3177 5d ago

Why is 3 pieces of a roll like 10 dollars????


u/Taurius 5d ago

Human psychy. Sushi is considered still to be a "luxury" item or at the least exotic. Seeing a pack for $3.99 would make people think it's going to make them sick. Seeing $11.99 range would make people think it is high quality, safer, and tastier even though it has the same ingredients as the $3.99 one.


u/spicolispizza 5d ago edited 5d ago

It might have "the same ingredients" but a $4 sushi roll in my area will clearly have about 50% more rice and 50% less protein than a $12 sushi roll. And the wasabi is usually of higher quality and potency.

Same ingredients, different portions.

At least, that's my experience in my area.


u/Local-Name-8599 5d ago

So you are saying that for $8 you can get same protein, 2x seaweed and 4x rice compared to the $12 option?


u/spicolispizza 5d ago

Generally speaking, yes, probably.

But I do not like my sushi with a lot of rice, and the quality of the ingredients just seem better.

There's clearly a market for both though as neither place that I am referring to seems to struggle for business.