r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

The problem with Sashimi is that it's only fish. If she wants avocado and other stuff as well, that's not in the sashimi.


u/gulleak 5d ago

Poke bowl?


u/t_hab 5d ago

Without the rice.

Sometimes people want something that a restaurant doesn’t have on the menu. I’m not sure what the issue is that she didn’t eat the cheapest part of her meal that she clearly didn’t want. It’s akin to not finishing your fries at McDonalds.


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

Because it's more like she ordered a burger but only ate the meat patty.


u/Randyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 5d ago

This isn't that abnormal, most burger places will offer it in a bowl or on lettuce etc. if you ask.


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

And that's a good thing!

Ordering something with zero intention of eating half of it is wasteful.

Ask for just the parts you want if that's the case.


u/JasperJ 5d ago

Supermarket sushi is not that customizable.


u/a44es 5d ago

So don't buy it just to throw it out


u/PetakIsMyName 5d ago

The supermarket usually has fresh fuckin salmon though, if she only wants raw fish she should buy raw fish, scampi or w/e.


u/PlanetMeatball0 5d ago

Then don't buy it, not rocket science. Buying food knowing you're not gonna eat it is stupid and wasteful


u/MVRKHNTR 5d ago

You can't do that if the food comes pre-prepared like this.


u/AwarenessPotentially 5d ago

Lot of people on low carb do this. I'm one of them.


u/TheJAY_ZA 5d ago

Or between two huge grilled brown mushrooms, brushed with garlic butter. IMO the best way to have a burger


u/KlossN 5d ago

No... It's like she bought a burger and left the bread, which isn't that uncommon, and certainly isn't a bad move


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

It’s sort of weird. You can just ask for your burger served “bunless” if they don’t offer lettuce “buns”.

She should ask for a poke bowl, “no rice”.


u/KlossN 5d ago

Noone would bat an eye around here if someone ordered a burger sans bread


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

Exactly the same here. It’s why this comparison to ordering a burger and not eating the bun makes no sense to me.

No one bats an eye at it, so just do the same with a poke bowl “no rice”. It’s better than wasting food.


u/a44es 5d ago

Casual food waste


u/KlossN 5d ago

Get bent


u/a44es 5d ago

Please grow up and change


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 5d ago

It’s certainly healthier to not eat the bread


u/t_hab 5d ago

Some people do that. A lot of people are trying to cut empty calories and not all burger places offer lettuce wraps. Again, I don't see why anyone would be even slightly annoyed that somebody doesn't want to eat the cheapest part of their meal...


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

No lettuce wrap just means you ask for “bunless”. It’s unnecessary food waste and 95% of restaurants will give you bunless (even McDicks).


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

Intentional food waste annoys me.


u/red__dragon 5d ago

We should be getting after the establishments for that, not the customer.


u/TrekForce 5d ago

Not that hard to ask them not to bring the part you don't want (I.e. order a bunless burger, don't just order a burger and throw away the bun. That is 100% on the customer and not the establishment)


u/red__dragon 5d ago

Don't ever work in food service, then, or you will discover a lot more things that are not hard to do and yet are done. The food waste by restaurants is REAL.


u/TrekForce 5d ago

That's like saying that we shouldn't recycle, because companies are are just going to keep making plastic items.

Just cuz a restaurant wastes food, doesn't mean you should as well by ordering more than you want? That's silly. Order what you want. If you know you don't want a bun, order without a bun. That way when they drop your food, they don't use 2 patties AND 2 buns. Just 2 patties.

Saved 2 buns instead of just 1 by ordering bunless that time.

Imagine if 1% of US citizens like to eat bunless burgers a day. That's 3.3millon buns wasted every day.

Idk what the real number is, but even if it's 0.01%, which I would guess is extraordinarily low, that's 33,000 buns thrown out every day for no reason.