r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/WilliamJamesMyers 5d ago

this is a good learning opportunity because its what she wants, she will be excited finding sashimi


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

The problem with Sashimi is that it's only fish. If she wants avocado and other stuff as well, that's not in the sashimi.


u/gulleak 5d ago

Poke bowl?


u/t_hab 5d ago

Without the rice.

Sometimes people want something that a restaurant doesn’t have on the menu. I’m not sure what the issue is that she didn’t eat the cheapest part of her meal that she clearly didn’t want. It’s akin to not finishing your fries at McDonalds.


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

Because it's more like she ordered a burger but only ate the meat patty.


u/Randyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 5d ago

This isn't that abnormal, most burger places will offer it in a bowl or on lettuce etc. if you ask.


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

And that's a good thing!

Ordering something with zero intention of eating half of it is wasteful.

Ask for just the parts you want if that's the case.


u/JasperJ 5d ago

Supermarket sushi is not that customizable.


u/a44es 5d ago

So don't buy it just to throw it out


u/PetakIsMyName 5d ago

The supermarket usually has fresh fuckin salmon though, if she only wants raw fish she should buy raw fish, scampi or w/e.


u/PlanetMeatball0 5d ago

Then don't buy it, not rocket science. Buying food knowing you're not gonna eat it is stupid and wasteful


u/MVRKHNTR 5d ago

You can't do that if the food comes pre-prepared like this.


u/AwarenessPotentially 5d ago

Lot of people on low carb do this. I'm one of them.


u/TheJAY_ZA 5d ago

Or between two huge grilled brown mushrooms, brushed with garlic butter. IMO the best way to have a burger


u/KlossN 5d ago

No... It's like she bought a burger and left the bread, which isn't that uncommon, and certainly isn't a bad move


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

It’s sort of weird. You can just ask for your burger served “bunless” if they don’t offer lettuce “buns”.

She should ask for a poke bowl, “no rice”.


u/KlossN 5d ago

Noone would bat an eye around here if someone ordered a burger sans bread


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

Exactly the same here. It’s why this comparison to ordering a burger and not eating the bun makes no sense to me.

No one bats an eye at it, so just do the same with a poke bowl “no rice”. It’s better than wasting food.


u/a44es 5d ago

Casual food waste


u/KlossN 5d ago

Get bent


u/a44es 5d ago

Please grow up and change


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 5d ago

It’s certainly healthier to not eat the bread


u/t_hab 5d ago

Some people do that. A lot of people are trying to cut empty calories and not all burger places offer lettuce wraps. Again, I don't see why anyone would be even slightly annoyed that somebody doesn't want to eat the cheapest part of their meal...


u/CanuckPanda 5d ago

No lettuce wrap just means you ask for “bunless”. It’s unnecessary food waste and 95% of restaurants will give you bunless (even McDicks).


u/Terrible_Children 5d ago

Intentional food waste annoys me.


u/red__dragon 5d ago

We should be getting after the establishments for that, not the customer.


u/TrekForce 5d ago

Not that hard to ask them not to bring the part you don't want (I.e. order a bunless burger, don't just order a burger and throw away the bun. That is 100% on the customer and not the establishment)


u/red__dragon 5d ago

Don't ever work in food service, then, or you will discover a lot more things that are not hard to do and yet are done. The food waste by restaurants is REAL.

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u/kirby_krackle_78 5d ago

That’s a ridiculous analogy.


u/t_hab 5d ago



u/G-III- 5d ago

Sushi is about the rice


u/raggedsweater 5d ago

Technically “sushi” is the rice, but when people get sushi it isn’t really about the rice.


u/G-III- 5d ago

Good rice is absolutely key to good sushi, not even referring to the definition it’s a huge component. It’s not like the fish is everything and then you just get some rice, the flavor has to be right, the texture. It’s a whole thing, and it really impacts the overall quality.


u/raggedsweater 5d ago edited 5d ago

For sure. I’m just saying that you don’t see people ordering just the rice.

To get really technical, sushi rice is also about how it’s seasoned. I have three brands of short grain rice in my pantry. We’ll eat it regularly steamed plain. I’ll season it with mirin, sugar, and rice vinegar if we want “sushi” rice - but never without raw fish or shellfish accompanying it. When I make sushi at home, the star isn’t the rice.

I’m not great at assembling sushi, but I make nice flavors 😁 This is uni and scallop with a ponzu soy reduction and plum vinegar in the rice


u/t_hab 5d ago

I’m pretty sure that sushi is more about the fish than the rice… Cheap, bad sushi emphasizes the rice…


u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 5d ago

"I want to eat a taco, but only the meat"

just because it's what a person wants doesn't mean what they want isn't fuckin stupid


u/Soggy_Ad_9757 5d ago

This is reddit, anyone doing anything I disagree with is the death of society and signs for divorce


u/t_hab 5d ago

Wanting to hate on other people for their preferences that have zero impact on you is what's fucking stupid.


u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 5d ago

I never said I was smart.

You're arguing with a stupid person

What does that make you?


u/t_hab 5d ago

A person who needs more coffee?

(Coincidentally, I love your reply! Kudos and I hope you have a most wonderful day)


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 3h ago



u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 5d ago

"sushi is easy to make"

bro just committed a hate crime in Japan


u/TheOnlyBongo 5d ago

If you want perfect sushi it takes years of dedicated practice towards souring the right fish, cooking the rice, preparing the filets, and plating properly consistently.

But at-home sushi is really easy if you lower expectations. So long as you can source good quality frozen fish you're set. Sushi rice can be bought in most stores alongside soy sauce and dried seaweed. I've done nigiri, rolls, and poke bowls at home and it's tasty and cheaper than buying out.


u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 5d ago

at home anything is easy if you lower your expectations


u/TheOnlyBongo 5d ago

Which is fine imho. Cooking is fun and getting close to restaurant quality is something to strive for, but ignoring home cooking entirely or beating yourself up over imperfection should not stop anyone.

I would heavily recommend Adam Ragusea to people who wish to cook more at home but are apprehensive due to issues like imperfections ot complexities. He really broke down how easy home cooking can be and how you can achieve restaurant-esque flavors at home without too much struggle. Because cooking at home is an entirely different ballpark with different expectations. And that's okay.


u/BranTheUnboiled 5d ago

Do you do anything to season the salmon?


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 3h ago



u/raggedsweater 5d ago

Plenty of resources say farmed salmon is safe for raw consumption. Try searching for it.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago


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u/DoctorMedieval 5d ago

Is sushi a sandwich or a taco? I’m going with taco. One continuous carbohydrate around filling.


u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 5d ago

technically a taco only cover 3/4 of of the meat

so sushi is more like a Japanese burrito


u/WasabiSunshine 5d ago

It’s akin to not finishing your fries at McDonalds.

Death Sentence, got it


u/mordacthedenier 5d ago

Every poke place I've been to also have noodles and salad.


u/Jaded_Aging_Raver 5d ago

The good thing about her rice-less preference is that most cities with reputable sushi restaurants also have at least one quality fish supplier/store. There is one a few miles from my house which virtually all the sushi restaurants in my area purchase their fish from. So she could actually save a ton of money by buying quality fish and other seafood that is safe to consume raw, directly from the supplier. If she finds a store like this, they probably also carry everything else needed to make sushi and other japanese food (like avocado, seaweed salads, etc.)

Finding my local store changed my life. It's about 25 - 30% cheaper than eating sashimi at a restaurant, excluding gratuity, and no one can judge me for the obscene amount I will eat in one sitting.


u/Noladixon 5d ago

Blasphemy. This is more like not eating the useless middle bun in a big mac. The fries at mcdonald's is the best part.


u/t_hab 5d ago

Hahaha amazing!


u/explainlikeim666 5d ago

Chirashi bowl


u/raggedsweater 5d ago

That’s my go-to. Korean hwe dup bap is even better, because it comes with sides and other things in the bowl.


u/Special_Draft3132 5d ago

We shouldn't judge people, we should always say that's right about anything anyone does.


u/No_Research_3628 5d ago

Food waste is still food waste even if it's cheap food, and should be avoided.


u/t_hab 5d ago

Anyone eating at restaurants is not concerned about food waste. And whether or bot you force yourself to eat the extra calories the food has been produced. I’m not sure why some people think it’s environmentally friendly to overeat. If you don’t need it, don’t eat it. And don’t let anyone guilt you with false ethics.


u/alchemycraftsman 5d ago

Maybe it’s pre packaged from grocer?


u/chickinflickin 5d ago

Do you even realise how much more raw fish you can get for 9$?

This is stupid


u/Jumpaxa432 5d ago

Sounds like a salad


u/Grilled_egs 5d ago

Does McDonald's in America just give fries for free with every burger?


u/t_hab 5d ago

I’m not from the USA but when I visit there restaurants (including McDonalds) often give ridiculous sizes for fries and drinks in their standard meals so not finishing them seems reasonable, even if you want some.


u/PlanetMeatball0 5d ago

It’s akin to not finishing your fries at McDonalds.

No it isn't. It's more akin to ordering fries at McDonalds just to bite the tips off of each fry. Which would be just as ridiculous and wasteful


u/t_hab 5d ago

I think you are misunderstanding the analogy. She has ordered a meal with predetermined ingredients but only likes some of those and only eats what she likes without the empty calories of the rice.

It’s almost identical to people finishing their burger but not their fries (or eating the middle of their burger but not all the bread).

Your analogy ignores the fact that the moddle of the sushi is literally different ingredients.


u/PlanetMeatball0 5d ago

Your analogy rests on them being separate food items, which certain portions of sushi is not. She's ordering one thing and only eating a portion of it. Based on that, my analogy is better. Yours was never good even if you don't agree with mine, which is why all the top comment replies to yours are saying your analogy is bunk


u/t_hab 5d ago

Analogies aren’t supposed to be perfect. They are supposed to illustrate a point. My analogy does that. You can oretend it doesn’t all you want but now that’s on you. I can’t make you understand a simple concept.


u/PlanetMeatball0 5d ago

No your analogy makes no sense in this regard. I'm not pretending anything, it just simply doesn't work. I can't make you understand a simple concept. Apparently no one can. Notice you got zero comments agreeing your analogy works and several saying it doesn't.


u/t_hab 5d ago

Also notice that it has way more upvotes than downvotes. People replying are largely the ones who are upset that they are getting called out for judging other people's food preferences.

The analogy not only works to explain what I'm talking about, but it's incredibly easy to understand. Your analogy is so bad that it has to be a troll-job.

With sushi, there are literally difference kinds of foods all wrapped into one. It's perfectly reasonable for somebody to like part of it and not other parts. If you want to make a useful analogy, you need to pick a food or meal with different components. I picked a burger and fries, somebody who replied to me used a burger (dividing the bread from the meat), and you could use anything almost anything else like eating a pizza but leaving the crusts.

What you can't do is take a food with a single component and compare it to eating bits of each, like your french-fry example. If you do that, it's because you completely missed the point. You failed to understand a ridiculously simple concept and doubled down in order to highlight just how badly the point flew over your head.

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u/Taste_My_NippleCrust 5d ago

Just eat a fucking salad at this point


u/FieserMoep 5d ago

That was the moment they put salad bowls on the menu.


u/Exciting-Ad5774 5d ago

How about guacamole minus the avocado


u/codru-critter 5d ago

Maybe she’d like a poke bowl?


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

Yeah I thought that as well. If she likes the sauces and the toppings. Anyways she can ask them without the ingredients she doesn't like.

Also temakis and nigiris. Temakis are big, so it's easy to take the inside and leave the seaweed. I'd enjoy eating the seaweed she'd leave lol.


u/jesus_does_crossfit 5d ago

Yes.. people who avoid seaweed LOVE raw fish. She's obviously getting california rolls lol


u/cnuggs94 5d ago

so just avocado and cucumber


u/lucamew 5d ago

And crab, either imitation or not


u/lars330 5d ago

It says "sake avocado" on the receipt


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago edited 5d ago

You can totally order avocado, cucumber, etc to go with sashimi

Or, if not available with your order, and you’re eating at home—and hear me out here—buy and cut up a cucumber to eat with your sashimi. Takes 2 minutes to wash and cut. Same with avocados, though it’s hard to get a ripe one of those motherfuckers on demand


u/WeirdSysAdmin 5d ago

Or chirashi. Usually comes wish some sort of fruit and vegetable in my experiences.


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago

Right there are so many ways you can eat sushi grade fish and associated vegetables while avoiding the rice and nori


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago edited 5d ago

Chirashi! That's new for me. Is it like a poke consisting on the sushi ingredients?

I like that. Whether it's white rice or sushi rice. At home I prepare a bowl with white rice, salmon, avocado and sesame seeds as topping. I enjoy it quite much.


u/WeirdSysAdmin 5d ago

Kind of like poke. But fish slices are cut bigger than sashimi. They are actually quite large slices everywhere I’ve gotten one. Not diced up like poke. I don’t like the mackerel cut that large in the one I get near me but it comes with like 6-7 different types of fish. I cut the mackerel up and eat it on the rice.

If you like the fish part of sushi the most, it’s basically the ultimate sushi-like dish.


u/cailian13 5d ago

its sushi rice topped (usually) topped with slices of sashimi style fish, something with some other veg/toppings. sounds like you're pretty much making it at home already, I do the same.


u/zahhax 5d ago

Chirashi is absolutely my favorite thing to order anywhere they have it. Eating a giant bowl of fish and rice is just my heaven


u/greg19735 5d ago

This person is clearly eating in the car.


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago

Yes, clearly.

Not hard to order cucumbers at wherever this person bought the sushi, whether it's from a restaurant or a grocery store.


u/TheSinningRobot 5d ago

Somebody eating sashimi and between bites biting into an uncut cucumber is way more wild than what OPs GF is doing


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

That's good to know, but if you're in a car it would be difficult to prepare the cucumber.


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago

You don’t need to prepare it in the car lmao


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

I think that the picture is in a car. Not necessarily a car, but in some places it's hard to do that. Of course at home there is no problem to do it.

The advantage of makis is that they are very easy to eat. You can even eat them while walking. You buy them, everything is prepared, you don't have to do nothing, and you don't even get your hands dirty.


u/Duke_Newcombe 5d ago

Fan blade. Done and done.


u/KlossN 5d ago

May I ask where you live? And if it really is hard to find ripe avocados? I don't really live in avocado climate but I've never seen a shortage of ripe avocados? Cheap ones sure, but not ripe. Curious of why it is different were you live


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago

In a major city in the US

By “hard” I mean that you can find avocados that are 1 or 2 days away from ripeness easily, but in a pinch, it isn’t a guarantee you’ll find one at your favorite grocery store that’s currently ripe.

That’s really a very minor thing, and not hard to account for by buying in advance. But since we’re talking about convenience, I understand not wanting to buy an avocado yourself.

Cucumbers are always ready to eat where I buy them.

Do you live somewhere where it’s always easy to find ready to eat Haas avocados? Or is it a different variety? (I just haven’t tried the non haas ones, which are by far the most common in the U.S.)


u/KlossN 5d ago

Ah fair enough. I'd still say at worst it's 2 hours by the window for it to ripen (obviously there are green avocado's aswell).

As for the last part, I live somewhere where it's only "avocado" 😅 just one variation, might be a special one that stays ripe for longer? Making it more viable for our climate or something


u/Acrobatic-Buyer9136 5d ago

Put it in a brown paper bag over night. Your welcome


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago edited 5d ago

Why on earth would you do that?

Many workplaces have refrigerators for people’s lunches. Or you eat it at home. Or you can just bring the previously refrigerated cucumbers in a plastic bag in the morning, they’ll be fine until lunch.

If someone is bringing day old unrefrigerated raw fish to work for lunch, that’s a completely separate issue.


u/cailian13 5d ago

I think they're talking about ripening the avocado and paper bag is indeed correct! The gases are contained and speed the ripening up a bit.


u/Duke_Newcombe 5d ago

I think they were referring to the difficulty to get a ripe avocado on demand.


u/JasperJ 5d ago

You can order that in places that prepare food specifically for you, or you can make it. You can’t buy it as is in a supermarket.


u/PsychologicalLuck343 5d ago

She can get the low carb rolls wrapped in thin-sliced cucumber.


u/spicolispizza 5d ago

Maybe buy an avocado for €1?

I realise that is a ton of work though.


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

1€?! Where? Here it is 2-3€ 😭

(1,80€ at its best)


u/spicolispizza 5d ago

I can get a bag of 5-6 avocados for $5 (Canadian) pretty consistently where I live.

If they're on sale, around $1 - $1.50 each and the regular priced single Avocado is usually $2.


u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

Oh, that makes sense. In packages, they are cheaper here as well.

Single avocados here (a city in Spain): 1.8€ the lowest, 2.50€ the average prize.

Small ones, you can find them in packages of 4 units or so. Not alone... Cheaper by unit (2.50-3.50).

It looks similar, but the currency values are a little different.


u/thissexypoptart 5d ago

Maybe a poke bowl?


u/Bimbartist 5d ago

I add shit all the time, as long as you know to cut them thin enough that they’ll conform to the sashimi.


u/KaozawaLurel 5d ago

Poke or sashimi salad


u/Duke_Newcombe 5d ago

"Ewww...that's raw fish"/"this tastes funny!!" -- OP's GF probably, after eating sashimi.


u/Rude_Thanks_1120 5d ago

Maybe she just likes eating the middles of things, so she would just eat the center of the sashimi. You should see her with a donut!