r/mildlyinfuriating 5d ago

My gf pays €8,99 for 3 pieces of sushi and only eats the inside..



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u/SudhaTheHill 5d ago

Just get the fish next time haha


u/Individual-Arm-1720 5d ago

You’d think right…


u/bitches_love_pooh 5d ago

My friend's 5 year old daughter would only eat the hot dog part inside of a corn dog. She would peel off all the outer parts and throw it away. So she got her just a hot dog and she wouldn't eat it because it tasted different.

I'm guessing you're dealing with this.


u/BusinessBear53 5d ago

I guess the flavour of the batter is infused into the hot dog as it steams inside. Would be a bit different from a hot dog just boiled or fried.


u/MisterGoog 5d ago

This is valid. But the raw fish of sushi tastes exactly the same


u/keepyeepy 5d ago

The rice has mirin etc in it, and that gets on the meat for sure


u/StinkyTurd89 5d ago

Sushi is the rice the fish is not the sushi


u/MisterGoog 5d ago

Ppl know that if asked, but u absolutely understood what i was saying.


u/HeyLittleTrain 5d ago

Technically correct but practically no


u/StinkyTurd89 5d ago

Except sashimi is if you want nag iris filling


u/HeyLittleTrain 5d ago

To 99% of people sashimi is also sushi


u/Modest_Idiot 5d ago

Must be an US-american phenomenon. Never heard Sashimi being called Sushi when specifically referring to raw fish.


u/HeyLittleTrain 5d ago

I've never been to America. But in Europe if you went to a sushi place you would expect that they would serve sashimi too. If people told you their favourite form of sushi is sashimi no one would think twice about it. Only the highest level pedants would make the distinction.

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u/StinkyTurd89 5d ago

Not my fault 99% of people are wrong.


u/MisterGoog 5d ago

Common usage

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u/NDSU 5d ago

How can you consider that valid, but not sushi? The rice wine vinegar used in the rice will absolutely change the flavor of the fish


u/MisterGoog 5d ago

Bc ive had a corn dog and a hot dog before and the dog itself tastes different


u/FirstMiddleLass 5d ago

The hot dog part of the corn dog is the worst part, including the stick, but kids gotta be kids.


u/slizzard-sipper 5d ago

wrong, best part


u/Key-Department-2874 5d ago

Could also be the type of dog used to make it. Might impact the flavors.


u/KatieCashew 5d ago

I knew someone who would order pineapple pizza and pick the pineapple off. She liked the flavor pineapple gave to pizza but not the texture.


u/MartianInvasion 5d ago

The problem is you're making just the top! You gotta bake the whole muffin and then take the top off!


u/justanawkwardguy you do it like this 5d ago

Unless we boil it in corn water


u/Duke_Newcombe 5d ago

With any properly "skinned" hot dog, that taste would be minimal. However, I can sympathize with the struggle of batter-to-dog ratio, and often strip away a good portion of the batter, to make a more enjoyable corn dog experience.


u/kkeut 5d ago

yes, the batter  flavor that she hates lol


u/catfurcoat 5d ago

She hates the cornbread shell not that batter flavor


u/zxc123zxc123 5d ago edited 5d ago

Or it could be that:

  1. Our first world selves are a bit too spoiled to the point where we can waste food. It's so plentiful and so cheap that folks can and have gotten used to over ordering, over buying, not eating what they want, and not finishing what they have on their plates. The value of food being something that was alive and had to die to be on your plate is lost. Food is so cheap and abundant that folks will actively waste it as if it's worthless because governments subsidies keep it cheap purpose to prevent instability.

  2. Meanwhile modern self-interest-only capitalist ideology makes it so that folks feel it's OK to fucking waste food even if it's disrespectful to the lives taken to put that food there, disrespectful the farmers/harvesters/shippers/cleaners/cooks who make the food, and a waste of money for themselves. It does not matter. "Even the slightest inconvenience to ME is absolutely unacceptable" All the better for capitalists wanting to maximize production, sales, and revenue.

  3. These 1st world girls (it's not always girls but less common for boys) to be picky eaters or outright waste food because they are spoiled by society and those around them. But I don't see folks of either gender wasting food in Japan because society teaches them not to. I don't see women wasting food in 3rd world countries wasting food (if anything they maximize all calories they can get). But I see folks of both genders leaving tons of food behind at restaurants here in the states. Why? Because folks are spoiled. So spoiled by cheap food they could pull that bullshit, so fucking spoiled by their parents that they never knew a day of hunger let alone fucking starving, so reinforced by their BF/peers who would do the same bullshit or not say anything about it, encouraged to do so by corporations looking to maximize sales, and no one calls them out on their bullshit because too many folks do the same.


u/norfolkandclue 5d ago

I used to peel my chicken nuggets when I was little because I didn't like the batter but wouldn't eat plain chicken so yeah, it's almost definitely the flavour of the part she "doesn't like" that she likes.


u/Realistic-Sherbet-28 5d ago

My sister can't have cheese but she likes pizza, so for her whole life she's peeled the cheese off (and another family member eats it). But one day we were like "Why don't we just get a pizza made that's only sauce??" And we got one and she didn't like it because it tasted different haha.


u/MikeTheBee 5d ago

Corn dogs do taste different than hot dogs, maybe there is a brand out there that is the same. I never cared much for the corn part of corn dogs, but enjoyed the hot dog part. As an adult I can eat both, but it isn't my go to meal.


u/AGemOrSomething 5d ago

If you’re getting the Foster Farms corn dogs, the hot dog part is made with chicken and not beef or pork. I have to be careful what hot dogs I eat since I have a pork allergy, and the Foster Farms ones are the only ones I have found so far that I can eat


u/Blue_Bird950 5d ago

Give her a hot dog weiner and a corn dog weiner, and have her tell them apart. Repeat it around 3 times to prevent the 50/50 from ruining the argument, and use it to show her that they’re the same weiner


u/Better-be-Gryffindor 5d ago

I peel the pepperoni off any pizza I get and give them to my partner. I don't like eating pepperoni but I like the flavor of it on the pizza. When I try getting just cheese pizza it doesn't taste right, so I get what the kid is saying. It's a win win in our situation though, my partner loves pepperoni.

Though I will say, depending on where they get sushi from if it is a seaweed thing, couldn't she ask for the soy wrapper? That's how I get my sushi when we go out and it's actually allowed me to learn to love it!


u/xBerryhill 5d ago

Literally me as a child (and still a little bit now)


u/Devil_Fister_69420 5d ago

I love how apparently a 5yo and a grown woman have the same problems


u/poopybuttholesex 5d ago

Yes but your friend has a 5 year old, OP probably has a 25 year old


u/underthesea345 5d ago

I used to do this as a kid lol


u/johnshall you can make your own flairs 5d ago

I really hope he is not dating a 5 year old.


u/LostClover_ 5d ago

I did the exact same thing with corn dogs as a kid lol.


u/Pls-Dont-Ban-Me-Bro 5d ago

You mean they’re dealing with a child? lol


u/ChillyNobBillyBob 5d ago

This i understand - I used to love cheese sticks, but only after I took the cheese off. The oil makes it taste so much better


u/Terrible_Snow_7306 5d ago

She’s a treasure. She prefers the original version against what Germans in the USA changed to sell the original Frankfurter Würstchen in the USA including changing the name to Hotdogs.


u/OranguTangerine69 5d ago

? a corndog is literally a hot dog on a stick r u ok


u/Sexual_Congressman 5d ago

I only ate the breading off corn dogs and threw away the meat. A corn dog is deep fried and you're never going to be able to get a plain weiner to taste like a corn dog without dipping it in batter and frying it. And just to be clear, those microwaveable corn dogs are precooked.

E: just wanted to add I would still never eat weiners so thankfully I don't have anyone trying to force me to eat something I don't want like your moron friend's daughter.


u/MrBlizter 5d ago

Wtf is this edit?! Why are you so mad at their friend?


u/Just-Round9944 5d ago

Does she know sashimi exists?


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

She can go up to quebecs and get some fresh sushis and sashimis


u/PuzzleheadedEarth561 5d ago

I’m surprised we’re not going up to quebecs and gettin us some fresh sushis and sashimis right now!


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

Throw on some smoked meats Frankie, I’m gonna be in your kitchen all night


u/RetzTheAnathema 5d ago

HEY! Walleye... perch... and whitefish... are not shusi... or shasimi... grade


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

Down the hatch


u/Rudy69 5d ago

If you’re coming all the way up here, just get a poutine instead


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

Is that where you eat McDonald’s French fries in a hot tub of KFC gravy?


u/Plastic_Pinocchio 5d ago

I don’t know what Quebecs is but I don’t think they have that in Germany.


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

Oh with you guys’ experience invading France I figured you’d know all about French Canada


u/Plastic_Pinocchio 5d ago

I’m not German, but I don’t think the Germans will do any invading anytime soon, with their grossly neglected army.


u/Ok_Figure4869 5d ago

Maybe they still have some diesel U-boats laying around 


u/Wafflelisk 5d ago

Great fishin in Keebec


u/ShadowMajestic 5d ago

Has she not seen the Scary Movies?


u/Affectionate_Home247 5d ago



u/dudemanguylimited 5d ago

Careful this man knows KARATE!


u/The-Fox-Says 5d ago

Kikoman….it’s a soy sauce


u/LuxNocte 5d ago

Sashimi does not exist at any grocery store I've seen. Why are people acting like she went to a sushi restaurant when the package is in the picture?


u/Rogue_Compass_Media 5d ago

Every grocery store in my city has sushi, sashimi, nigiri, poke, and tempura. It’s not uncommon at all lmao.


u/MrWildstar 5d ago

Depends on your area, I've never seen those in any store in my area, he'll, even sushi is a nightmare to find in grocery stores


u/remotegrowthtb 5d ago

Any area with a Publix will have em


u/MrWildstar 5d ago

I don't there are any of those in my state lmao


u/Heathen_Mushroom 5d ago

Most Kroger or Kroger affiliates will have sushi in store. That covers 35 states, then of course there are states with no Kroger/affiliates, but have stores with sushi, such as all the northeastern states.

I would say if you live in a state with no grocery store sushi, you are in a vanishing minority. Hell, even gas stations sell sushi enough that there is an expression, "has station sushi", to refer to mass produced, low to middling quality sushi as sold at places with no on-site sushi chef.


u/MrWildstar 5d ago

Yeah, I live in Vermont and we don't got much here, unless you live in Burlington. There is a grocery store with sushi near me, but it's about the only one within a 90 minute drive and even then, it's fairly low quality


u/ChrispyKill 5d ago

Well you said grocery store which likely indicates you are in America. They used a euro so they are in Europe somewhere. In the uk you would be hard pressed to find an average supermarket that had sushi that wasn’t pictured as above


u/5redie8 5d ago

I can assure you that I live in the United States and could close my eyes, pick any random supermarket, and get sushi from it lol. I'm on the East Coast though, maybe it's different further west?


u/ChrispyKill 5d ago

But that’s what I mean in the US is going to be different than a European country OP seems to be within


u/Shot_Leopard_7657 5d ago

Sainsburys have sushi counters that sell sashimi in the UK.


u/SystemOutPrintln 5d ago

I'd put money down that they are specifically west coast of the US. That's the only place I've seen that kind of availability in "every" grocery store.


u/BJNats 5d ago

I’m from a tiny town in rural southern Virginia and we had a sushi counter at Kroger 20 years ago. It’s a big, varied country out there


u/Heathen_Mushroom 5d ago

Every major chain store in New York, New Mexico, and Florida, as well in my personal experience.


u/mlYuna 5d ago

Bad bet when they're putting euro in the title. I'm in a very small country in Europe and every grocery store has Sushi, Sashimi, ... available exactly like in the picture. It's def not only US.


u/SystemOutPrintln 5d ago

I'm not talking about OP


u/mlYuna 5d ago

Even then, in my little unknown country in Europe we have these everywhere with Japanese chefs making them right there in the grocery store...


u/Irsh80756 5d ago

Well now I'm deeply curious about which country that is.

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u/LemonBoi523 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yeah the UK is a country kind of known for being bad at having foreign food options, so let's not make it the representation for an entire continent. Italy (Toscana) has sushi galore, and honestly more options than most spots on the east coast USA. Even if it wasn't readily cut bits, you can get sushi grade fish at just about any fish market.


u/WestLoopHobo 5d ago

You have absolutely not been very many places then — sashimi and nigiri, sure, I see these everywhere in every major metro but not much outside of that. These little sushi roll boxes I’ve seen at any random chain grocery store in a town of 10000 people.


u/SystemOutPrintln 5d ago

I don't think you understood my point, the only places I have been that EVERY grocery store in a city has sushi, sashimi, nigiri, poke, AND tempura would be west coast and even that is a stretch. I've seen them plenty of places in general.


u/WestLoopHobo 5d ago

Yeah, I don’t think anyone is going to infer all of that because there’s no context where that would make sense from a read of your comment, lol

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u/Rogue_Compass_Media 5d ago

I’m in the middle of the US, but I’ve lived and travelled all over the country. This is everywhere at every chain grocery store, at least if you’re near any kind of midsize city.


u/SystemOutPrintln 5d ago

I just did a quick search on nigiri at Walmart, Costo, Kroger, Giant, Publix, Albertsons, and Food Lion (just picked some of the largest ones I know of to get a good spread).

Only Kroger seems to have it as a ready to eat option while Walmart has a kit (for $40 which seems crazy I might add).


u/c0ltZ 5d ago

I've work at a couple grocery stores. And walmart only had normal sushi that they shipped in already made. Which I would not trust.

But Kroger/smiths made their sushi in the building and was fairly good. But I never saw them sell sashimi.


u/LemonBoi523 5d ago

They almost always just label it "Sushi Asst." East coast here and Publix and Walmart have it.


u/SystemOutPrintln 5d ago

I guess that works but then you are probably left with something you don't want if you were just looking for nigiri

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u/Rogue_Compass_Media 5d ago

I realize that, but I’ve spent enough time in the UK and Europe to know it’s similar there in most places, although not as common as the US. There may be less selection but there’s almost always sushi and sashimi.


u/JasperJ 5d ago

There might be a sashimi option or two — tuna and salmon at most — but it’s not all that likely.


u/LemonBoi523 5d ago

Tbh even sushi restaurants are mostly salmon or tuna. The other ingredients like vegetables, roe, etc. are usually what changes the options and those are gonna be for rolls.


u/pillbuggery 5d ago

That's not common at all in many places.


u/Rogue_Compass_Media 5d ago

I’m in the US, but it’s common all over the country at chain groceries here.


u/PatientFM 5d ago

I recognize this sushi as I buy it somewhat regularly. It's from Rewe, German grocery chain, and I personally have never seen sashimi anywhere outside of a restaurant here. You can get basic rolls, maki, and nigiri but that's about it.


u/Raisedbyweasels 5d ago

Not everyone lives in a metropolitan area. In fact, most people don't.


u/RagingTide16 5d ago

That is absolutely not common in most places. Even finding sushi is hit or miss, I have never in my life seen fresh sashimi in a grocery store, amd I've been around a bit.


u/TheSinningRobot 5d ago

If they are paying €9 for 3 pieces of sushi, they are probably somewhere it's uncommon


u/SuperFish432 5d ago

Never in my life, after living in 3 different states and multiple different cities, have I ever seen sashimi in a grocery store. So "not uncommon at all" seems a little misleading. There is only one grocery store here in Texas that I can find Sushi at, much less sashimi.


u/Aint_EZ_bein_AZ 5d ago

It's extremely common here in Washington State. I bet Nebraska doesn't have poke lol


u/MisterGoog 5d ago

Every grocery store in the last three cities ive lived had it


u/LOS4417 5d ago

Haha so confident on the answer I had to lol.

Where do you live that you don't have or see this option?


u/Moonshine_Brew 5d ago

OP is in Germany and bought the sushi at REWE (receipt tells us that much).

Which also means it was 100% made by "eat happy" and they actually began selling sashimi some time ago.


u/CX316 5d ago

I'm more worried about paying $9 for grocery store sushi

I worked at a grocery store that got sushi for about 2 months and it never sold because it was dogshit and we had three sushi places in the same mall as us


u/Equivalent_Alarm7780 5d ago

Grocery-store sushi sounds bit sad. Especially for the price.


u/Halftrack_El_Camino 5d ago

The Hannaford's five minutes from my house in suburban New Hampshire (not exactly a paradise of adventurous gastronomy) has sashimi in their sushi section.


u/Heathen_Mushroom 5d ago

My local grocery store, which is not super fancy, but does have a full time on-site sushi chef, has sashimi. I do realize that most do not, though.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

I’ve also seen sashimi and sushi in a grocery store and they’re actually pretty common. So I wouldn’t just use your anecdotal experience and apply it to everyone. Why do you think that they’re never in grocery stores lol?


u/LuxNocte 5d ago

Point being that it's pretty common for grocery stores not to have sashimi, so it seems pretty likely that was not an option.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

Sure I can see that, in my experience it’s pretty common but I can’t speak to your area, though unless you’re also from Germany I don’t think you can speak to whether grocery stores there have sashimi or not (if you are I apologize).

I also don’t really understand why you’re sure it’s a grocery store. It’s pretty common packaging for take out sushi. When I was in England I would buy sushi from a chain and it would look like that. Similar to Asia or America where I’ve gotten take out sushi.


u/JasperJ 5d ago

That is fucking not packaging for take out sushi. At all anywhere.

Take out sushi comes in those kinds of plastic trays — but not with sticker labels on it.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

Really? Anywhere? How many countries have you travelled to great one?

How the fuck you gonna tell me that it’s never used for take out sushi. Are you actually dense or something?


u/JasperJ 5d ago

Show me the take out sushi that comes in that plastic packaging, with a label over it, and that provides you with a receipt like the one that’s also in the photo. I’ll hold.

(Also, the receipt is for Rewe, a German supermarket.)


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yeah sure I’ll go out right now at midnight my time to get sushi so I can prove a point to you. What the fuck are you even talking about.

The fact is you can’t fucking definitively say that no takeout sushi is in that packaging. I’ve definitely had take out sushi in packaging like this. You realize that some restaurants have sushi that’s premade for takeout like grocery stores right? Sorry you haven’t travelled enough and seen places like that.

I don’t know why you’re trying to even argue this. Are you actually stupid? Do you believe your lived experiences is representative of every fucking person and restaurant out there? Just sit back and think about how stupid you are before you reply. Or better yet don’t reply lol.

Edit: if you really wanna hold til I get sushi next time I can dm you so you can shut the fuck up lol. Wait a week or so I guess.

Edit: actually here you go. This is sushi express. Not a fucking grocery store but a sushi shop. Sorry the stickers aren’t as big I guess lol. Are you gonna admit you’re wrong now? Literally took me 2 minutes to find a picture. When I swung by my local sushi express I’ll send you a picture too.

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u/TacoTaconoMi 5d ago

Good question. Why are you assuming that all grocery stores are like yours and don't sell sashimi? I've seen it before, it's just not common because sashimi is like 2-3x the price of the cheap rolls and the people who like it will generally skip the store and go straight to the restaurant.


u/LuxNocte 5d ago

I feel comfortable assuming that because she didn't buy sashimi.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Clearly what she does may not follow logic


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Indivillia 5d ago

Where? I live in California and have never seen sashimi at a chain store


u/LebrahnJahmes 5d ago

I know 2 chains that sell sashimi


u/Indivillia 5d ago

It might be kinda helpful to mention the chains or location. 


u/LebrahnJahmes 5d ago

I did that on purpose, I want to be a gatekeeper


u/Indivillia 5d ago

Gatekeeping grocery store sashimi is a new one lol


u/LebrahnJahmes 5d ago

I kno right, I found something not super important but moderately annoying to gatekeep


u/remotegrowthtb 5d ago

Publix is one


u/Enlight1Oment 5d ago

looking at the grocery store looking package this is in, I'm not sure they'd have sashimi. Just whatever's on the shelf.


u/dookieshoes97 5d ago

Does she know sashimi exists?

I very much doubt it.


u/SqueakySniper 5d ago

Looks like they're on public transport, sushi rolls are much easier to find in shops than sashimi.


u/S0RRYMAN 5d ago

There is a big diff btw sashimi and the negeri rolls she eats. Fish in sushi rolls tend to be minced tuna very akin to tuna in a can. Sashimi is literal fish and I find it tastes completely diff from the tuna in sushi rolls, taste wise as well as texture. Also often sushi rolls will include other stuff like avocado and such.


u/DannyVich 5d ago

What? Tuna in a can is precooked. Are you talking about like California rolls with shredded crab meat?


u/kontrolk3 5d ago

He was talking about the texture


u/DannyVich 5d ago

Raw Sushi tuna is no where comparable to cooked canned tuna. It’s almost the same as raw sashimi tuna. Probably because they’re both raw tuna.


u/kontrolk3 5d ago

I've had it both ways. Sometimes it is almost mushy when mixed with a spicy mayo (I assumed that is what he was talking about), sometimes it is more like raw pieces. You probably know more about sushi than me though so I'll bow out


u/Tachyonparticles 5d ago edited 5d ago

So I worked in a sushi place for a long time and it really just comes down to how the fish is butchered. If you think of the tuna like a cow, the firm sliced tuna you get is the steak part, and there's different cuts depending on what part of the fish you're cutting from that get used for different things, maki rolls, nigiri, sashimi, poke, etc.. This all comes off cleanly and is sliced down into its different cuts. Also sushi fish is expensive AF and you want your waste to be almost negligible. The pretty parts get used for sashimi/nigiri, the not so pretty but still good quality parts go in rolls, the trimmings from cutting the pretty parts get used for various things, not always sushi.

The tuna that is usually called "spicy tuna" *is all the rib meat that is harder to cut off cleanly and instead gets carefully scraped off the bone/cartilage with a spoon or some other tool. It gets minced down like tare tare, sometimes with the trimmings from butchering, and mixed with whatever the "house spicy sauce" is, this usually gets made fresh every day at a good place.

So all in all it's the same quality fish, just different parts of the carcass.


u/kontrolk3 5d ago

Huh I never really thought of tuna having different cuts, but that makes perfect sense!


u/signpainted 5d ago

Uh, what? Tuna maki is not usually like tuna from a can. 


u/jetklok 5d ago

Never had cooked or minced fish in maki. Unless you count (imitation) crab.

I don't doubt it exists, but it is not common.


u/saaS_Slinging_Slashr 5d ago

What kind of shit sushi are you eating? I’ve never had minced tuna in a roll


u/S0RRYMAN 5d ago

Lol people get so angry because they don't like the way I describe it. Obviously I described the way I see it. I eat them mainly at buffets and whatever. No I can't afford to go to them fancy places that cost per piece. But the ones I have eaten never have a whole slice of fish in it. It is usually cut up. Also it never tasted anything close to sashimi. Probably because they usually have that sauce or other ingredients mixed in. When I ate sashimi, it was often just with soy sauce and a bit of wasabi.


u/saaS_Slinging_Slashr 5d ago

Dude I get my sushi from Sam’s club most the time, and it’s still whole, literal fish.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

I mean no one is giving you shit for not being able to afford to “go to them fancy places” for sushi. But if you’ve only had buffet sushi maybe don’t go around educating people on what usually goes into sushi.

Edit: also I’ve been to plenty of cheap buffet places with real sushi. So I don’t really think it’s a matter of whether you can afford really nice sushi or whatever issue you conjured up in your mind


u/S0RRYMAN 5d ago

Lol buffets sushi is still sushi. Yes it's lower quality but it tastes fine to me and fills me up for a fraction of the cost. And nobody is educating anybody here. It's just reddit ffs. Me giving my opinion on my own experiences. A different perspective.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

Yeah buffet sushi doesn’t equal all sushi. Also there buffet sushi that doesn’t used canned tuna.

Another thing is she’s clearly not eating buffet sushi since she’s obviously not in a restaurant. Must be a pretty generous buffet you go to if they let you do take outs lol.

You also didn’t say that it’s in your experience. You jsut explained that there’s a “difference between sashimi and negeri rolls”. So yes you were trying to educate people on it. Stop trying to backtrack lol.


u/S0RRYMAN 5d ago

You do realize I only used the canned tuna just as a reference for texture and size similarly. I just Google pictures of tuna sushi rolls and first picture literally had small slices of tuna in a roll. It is not one whole slice of tuna. Slices akin much like what you see in a can of tuna. Obviously they are raw not like tuna in a can. Not sure if I can post pictures here so I won't bother but you can Google it yourself. Sushi rolls pictures. As for how I said it, that's just how I talk. I am in no way some sushi expert. Just expressing my thoughts as to possibly explain why she might not want sashimi. It tastes very different from tuna rolls in my experience.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

I mean I’ve never had raw tuna, even when they’re cut up into bits, be at all similar in texture to canned tuna. I don’t know what you’re talking about anymore tbh. Go and enjoy your canned tuna sushi.

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u/FedoraWhite 5d ago

Here, the tuna used in rolls and in sashimi is the same. The sushi shop I used to go, I could see how they prepared it, it was open. Sometimes I got there when the fish supplies arrived, and I saw how he cut it in different shape pieces to keep it prepared later. It was just thin and long cuts for the makis and californias, and thin rectangles for the sashimi. But it was the same piece in origin.


u/Dontbeacreper 5d ago

I would say most of the rolls I get are either minced raw fish with some sauce added, faux crab, or just a sliver of sashimi. At least where I’m at the majority of the rolls have spices of raw fish not minced fish. The minced ones are always considered of less quality.


u/hotchillieater 5d ago

I've never seen a sushi roll with tinned tuna or similar to it - just pieces of raw tuna, as you'd get with tuna sashimi.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

All I can say is that you need to try some real sushi. I’ve never had a roll with canned tuna. That sounds like something that would only happen in towns where there are no Asian people in sight.


u/Astrosomnia 5d ago

It's hugely common. I've never not seen it on a menu. And that's in both Vancouver and Sydney, which have massive Asian populations.


u/No-Sea-8980 5d ago

Really? Canned tuna in a sushi roll? Okay man let me know which ones you’ve been to so I can avoid them lol.


u/SuicideSonata 5d ago

See if they can use one of those clear wraps for her rolls instead


u/DervishSkater 5d ago

Or, if you are lucky, I’ve had maki rolls wrapped in shaved cucumber. No rice, no seaweed, just a cucumber wrapper


u/VillageLess4163 5d ago

Based on her responses here, she did but it also came with the rolls. Why are you painting things otherwise?


u/Bauser99 5d ago

OP, why is it infuriating that somebody else spends THEIR money on food THEY like and then eat it the WAY that they like?


u/Cool_Client324 5d ago

She dosent like fish I guess?


u/FabulousAntlers 5d ago

That makizushi might not have any sashimi (it might, though, depending on the restaurant). Makizushi will often have flavored (cooked) egg, cucumber, Kamaboko (traditional steamed fish paste), kampyo (flavored dried gourd), takuan (yellow pickled daikon radish), and other ingredients.


u/Crayjesus 5d ago

This is a red flag if she is that wasteful with something like that, I would leave man.


u/Scott2G 5d ago

Is your girlfriend restarted?