r/interesting 5d ago

A mask made to block AI based facial recognition from all angles. SCIENCE & TECH

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u/Simple_Project4605 5d ago

Don’t worry, gait detection will get you way before your face even resolves on the cameras.


u/bickuribox 5d ago

Then you have to walk without rhythm


u/QuiveringChi 5d ago

But it won’t attract the worm.


u/xox1234 5d ago

You'll never learn


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/xox1234 5d ago

I clicked on that with hope, and now I had to make love to the angels of light, and my girl :(


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/obscurespirits 5d ago

Wait is weapon of choice secretly about dune?


u/VFives 5d ago


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u/AlludedNuance 5d ago

It was a little expected.


u/system_of_a_clown 5d ago

Listen to the sound of my voice


u/jonastman 5d ago

Check out my new weapon


u/Thenlockmeup 5d ago



u/xox1234 5d ago

Carefully loaded


u/nhocgreen 5d ago

When Dune 2 was released I listened to this song non-stop for like a week straight. It eventually drove my wife nuts.

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u/CommunicationBusy557 5d ago

You won't attract the worm

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u/Conroadster 5d ago

Put gravel in your shoes


u/GlizzyGulper6969 5d ago

Modern problems require prehistoric solutions


u/MotoFaleQueen 5d ago

Put gravel in one shoe, not both

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u/exexor 5d ago

For anyone who thinks this is a joke, it is not. Legs are complicated and compensating for pain throws everything into disarray, potentially causing new pains. But if you keep using the same spot, an insert for example, you’ll just have 2 gaits and still be tracked.

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u/Superb-Astronaut-371 5d ago

Or walk with a lot of it


u/leo_the_lion6 5d ago

Can't stop the pimp walk, sorry


u/Rude_Thanks_1120 5d ago

Finally, my stint at the Ministry of Silly Walks will pay off!

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u/Gersam79 5d ago

What if you put pebbles in your shoes? It'll change your gait


u/Simple_Project4605 5d ago

yeah but then you’d be walking around with pebbles in your shoes all day.

tbh I’d rather the feds get me at that point


u/LungHeadZ 5d ago

I agree. You reminded me of a time I went to a beach and turned out it was a pebble beach. Awful on ya toes


u/99blackballoonz 5d ago

If there's no sand it shouldn't be called a beach. Rock sea would be more appropriate


u/toboggans-magnumdong 5d ago

I think the term is rocky shore

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u/Jake0Tron 5d ago

Great golf, though

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u/Building_Everything 5d ago

Or as Steve Martin used to say, put bologna in his shoes before he does stand up so he feels funny.


u/Mountain_Purchase_12 5d ago

Weakness! You need to practice walking on rocks in order to strengthen your feet! Dont let the establishment win so easily

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u/janKalaki 5d ago

And gait detection will just learn your new pebble-in-shoe gait.

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u/XaeiIsareth 5d ago

Why not just break your ankles?


u/AWildEnglishman 5d ago

Annie Wilkes, is that you?


u/ChuckOTay 5d ago

You dirty bird!


u/Sgt_Nishi 5d ago

Lovely reference

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u/Savy_Spaceman 5d ago

w1n5t0n would be proud

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u/Lemonic_Tutor 5d ago

Yeah but then they get ya with the gyat detection. Ain’t no way to hide all that cake.

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u/Unable_Deer_773 5d ago

How accurate and scientifically well regarded is gait detection, surely unless you have a non-standard gait most people of the same rough dimensions will have a similar gait.


u/MisterProfGuy 5d ago

Well, a combination of gait detection and facial recognition lets China (at least claim) they can find anyone in the country in ten minutes and back track through their day.

Why, you may ask, do they still have unsolved crimes? SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU GO TO JAIL!


u/Unable_Deer_773 5d ago

I ask because there are some 'scientific' identification processes that are fuckin' bogus as hell and yet people put a lot of stock in them. Bite mark identification for one.


u/Archer1407 5d ago

Bite mark identification is such bullshit psuedo science.


u/GL1TCH3D 5d ago

Well I bought a car previously owned by the Jon Voight!

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u/machinetechlol 5d ago

A surprising amount of criminology and forensic science is pseudoscience.


u/vapidspaghetti 5d ago

Bite mark identification is not admissible as evidence in court. It is also not considered a legitimate practice in forensics. Criminology itself does not even come into the equation as it is not relevant to the field.

Source: Criminology degree

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u/Labhran 5d ago

I mean, polygraphs are still used by law enforcement and many others and they’ve always been bogus as hell.


u/FapToInfrastructure 5d ago

True, but in terms of legal evidence in a court settings; polygraphs have been considered not sufficient for some time now. In those law enforcement settings its more about intimidation and manipulation and used for interviews not interrogations.


u/Private-Public 5d ago

Which may be true in the future for gait detection, as well. Even facial recognition is far from 100% reliable, accurate, and unbeatable identification. But hey, as long as it can be used as convincing enough evidence before a jury to pin charges on someone in the present, then what's the harm, right?

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u/MrWeirdoFace 5d ago

Are they really? I just kind of assumed that they stopped using them a couple decades ago. Then again I've never been interrogated. That's what I still see the occasional store using the fake money detector pen, when if you shove a piece of tape or some sort of sealant on any piece of paper the pen will detect it as legitimate money based on that criteria.


u/Kevin_Wolf 5d ago

Are they really? I just kind of assumed that they stopped using them a couple decades ago.

They absolutely did not just go away. They're very common in security clearance checks still. Top Secret often requires a poly. And even though they're generally not admissible as evidence in court, law enforcement still uses them as an intimidation tactic in interviews, especially if they're talking to the media and want to paint someone in a bad light.

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u/xox1234 5d ago

What's this bite radius crap?


u/Unable_Deer_773 5d ago

Bite mark identification is a pseudo science used to match someone's dental records to a bite they may or may not have left on their victim.

Thing is a bite will swell up and ooze and have a bunch of different responses VERY quickly which would distort the mark left behind in addition to any bad angles, movement and other factors that happen in a heated situation.


u/xox1234 5d ago

[it's a quote from "Jaws"]


u/vapidspaghetti 5d ago

Which is why bite mark identification is not admissible as evidence in court...


u/MisterProfGuy 5d ago


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u/CardiologistBorn1697 5d ago

A good example was the Amazon Fresh store that claim they can recognize the customers and you can just walk in and out of the store without going through the counter to pay. The AI will recognize who you are and what you took and auto charge you.

TURNS OUT they hired a bunch of people in india to manually review the cameras to see who bought the items and what the items were 😭


u/WorthTimingPeeing 5d ago

there are some 'scientific' identification processes that are fuckin' bogus as hell and yet people put a lot of stock in them.


Which means, who cares, the court will find you guilty because you were limping that day in that area and fit the profile.

All good, we'll free you after 20 years.

Because the jurors had faith in what was presented.

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u/randompersonx 5d ago

There are easy explanations for this… it’s entirely possible it does work, but is computationally expensive… so they only do it when it’s to track someone the government actually cares about.

Steal someone’s iPhone? Who cares.

Hold up a sign that says “Xi looks like Winnie the Pooh”, and now it easily justifies the cost of running their gait detection AI.


u/Fun-Dragonfly-4166 5d ago

They also don't care that much about false positives.

If someone A holds up a sign that says Xi sucks and gait detection identifies someone else B as the sign holder then everyone who matter (neither A nor B matter) is happy with B being shredded.

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u/TraumaBoneded 5d ago

I work in cybersecurity, gait detection is no more expensive then facial recognition. It's essentially the same thing. Its also similar in FRR to facial recognition, its used by many companies that require clearances. The benefits to using gait detection are that you can use very low quality resolution to recognize someones gait and from a MUCH farther distance.


u/kimchifreeze 5d ago

Also, gait detection won't be the smoking gun, but it can be used to corroborate with all the other recorded data they have on you. Like with cellphone surveillance to confirm you were in the area. Enough evidence to justify getting even more evidence on you.

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u/neko_mancy 5d ago

I feel like people probably change their gait depending on too many things.. what shoes they're wearing, what pants they're wearing, how much stuff they're carrying, whether they're in a hurry, and obviously you can actively try to walk weird in plenty of ways

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u/JK_Chan 5d ago

nah idk about that. I never thought gait was recgonizable, until one day while walking through a supermarket I thought hey that person in the next aisle walks like my girlfriend. I went to check and it was indeed her. She doesn't even have a distinct gait, but my brain just recgonized it on that particular day. I don't even notice it usually.


u/unrebigulator 5d ago

I used to be able to tell who was approaching my desk at work from behind me just by the sound of their walk. Only 50 or so people, still I found it interesting.

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u/Boom-de-yada 5d ago

Ive got terrible near-sightedness (I get by fine enough without glasses so I've been too lazy to get some - it's been several years) and I can usually recognise people by gait far further out than I can see their faces. It's not something you think about, but it definitely is recognisable.

I'm not saying computers can definitely do it, but I absolutely would not be surprised if they could

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u/MarekitaCat 5d ago

plus for me personally, if i’m wearing pants that are pretty wide-legged at the bottom, i tend to change my gait. i walk with my legs slightly more apart to avoid the distracting swooshing sound of the fabric.

maybe it’s obsessive but this thread got me thinking that might change things up a bit for a detection software.


u/Unable_Deer_773 5d ago

Post that in the sub for "New anti-AI gait detection pants" swishy fabrics alter gait to prevent identification.


u/lakmus85_real 5d ago

Dude. All the government agencies and then some use polygraph when hiring. Don't start on the "scientifically regarded" crap.


u/Fnordinger 5d ago

The results show that the method proposed in [48] currently provides the best recognition results on CASIA-B (average performance result of 90.4%) and OU-ISIR (performance result of 99.9%). Concerning the OU-MVLP dataset, results show the superiority of the method proposed in [46] (performance result of 89.18%) over other methods.

Despite the strong performance of deep learning solutions in computer vision, such solutions have been surprisingly vulnerable to adversarial attacks [178], [179]. These attacks introduce perturbations in visual content that can manipulate the predictions of deep models by resulting in embeddings capable of fooling the classifiers [180].

CASIA-B and OU-ISIR are the datasets used to test the models.

Source: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9714177

So pretty solid if you don’t perform an adversarial attack, but opposed to what China claims, vulnerable to being tricked.


u/SaxAppeal 5d ago

It’s just like any other human characteristic. It’s not measuring “roughly the length of your gait,” it’s pattern matching micro-variations in your gait that are entirely unique to how you as an individual walk. No two people move their body identically when they walk; the length of your limbs and torso, the way your joints and ligaments interact and stretch, the pace you walk, rhythmic movements you produce and aren’t even aware of, these are all unique based on your individual characteristics and affect your walking “signature.”


u/Zoloft_and_the_RRD 5d ago

Even if it is well researched (and it seems like it might be?), that doesn't mean courts have to use it accurately or scientifically to treat it as evidence :^)


u/Dongslinger420 5d ago

It's incredibly reliable. You also can't just cheat it with pebbles.


u/Unable_Deer_773 5d ago

I can't fool it by walking like a cowboy?


u/Whyeth 5d ago

You have to alternate between walking like an Egyptian and doing the worm to fool this shit


u/Stochastic_Book_Fair 5d ago

Wait a minute. I was told that if I walked without rhythm I wouldn't attract the worm, now I have to do the worm? I think that the AI has won at this point.

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u/asda567 5d ago

It's incredibly reliable. 

It depends, it's wrong sometimes, sometimes it's right. How often errors occur depend on the methodology used to assess the technology. Something tells me it's not "incredibly" relieble. 

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u/ShitstainStalin 5d ago

says the incredibly reliable™ redditor

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u/probablyaythrowaway 5d ago

Problem solved.


u/Phoebebee323 5d ago

Now your gait is incredibly identifiable


u/probablyaythrowaway 5d ago

Watch the whole sketch, “Ministry of silly walks”


u/withmyusualflair 5d ago

was about to say, my mfa in dance wasn't such a bad idea now, was it?? i was already a silly walk pro, and now I'm safe from gate detection!

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u/YotaTota07 5d ago

Well you can tell by the way I use my walk

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u/a_random_peenut 5d ago

I'll just have to start dancing. Everywhere I go, I'll be dancing dancing dancing


u/Shcoobydoobydoo 5d ago

Our AI has detected the dancing man down on the corner of Main Street

Let's gettim boys!

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u/Vanjealous 5d ago

That’s why you do the sand walk from dune

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u/Dangerous-Traffic875 5d ago

Serious question do all 7billion people on earth walk differently enough for it to identify all of us individually?


u/Simple_Project4605 5d ago

Maybe not (it depends on image resolution too).

But you can filter out 99% of them based on likely location / last use of credit card location / chain of movement from other sources like traffic cams and bus stop cams.


u/_MooFreaky_ 5d ago

No, but when used as one of many identification points it is very useful. When a computer is doing the comparisons it doesn't need to be hugely different to be identifiable.

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u/Prestigious_Pain_160 5d ago

This is actually so true. I remember being able to tell who I was seeing in the military under night vision based off of how they were walking. Every person in my platoon had an incredibly unique gait and they were instantly identifiable.


u/El_Lanf 5d ago

Yup, as a security guard, I've always been quite good at recognising gaits and with low resolution or long range captures, gait is much easier to pick up on CCTV than a face as long as it has enough IPS. I often recognise people on the exclusion list from a good distance or from behind purely by gait.


u/Roonie222 5d ago

I heard there is a Ministry of Silly Walks that can help with this.


u/GrumpyButtrcup 5d ago

Try our new line of anti-ai shoes! With oversized and unstable gel pockets in the soles, AI won't be able to detect your gait as you struggle to walk along during your journey.

Comes in 13 different colors! Buy yours today!

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u/stupiderslegacy 5d ago

Walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm


u/sabin14092 5d ago

When will we talk about the real issues: the need for a Ministry of Silly walks


u/RedOakMtn 5d ago

And don’t forget ears.


u/ShrimpCrackers 5d ago

Plus in reality, when outside or in colder weather, the actor is actually holding their breath otherwise you'll see it. In every sci-fi shot using these lenses really up close, they're always controlling their breathing OR the lens is digitally inserted like in modern day astronaut suits. There are shots that they have it, and many where they don't. It's a pain in the ass.

It's why it's easier to CG the helmet coming off than actually leaving it and the lens on all the time or dealing with glass lenses.

Even in Cosplay it's a giant pain in the ass.


u/Simple_Project4605 5d ago


And it assumes even near future AIs will go - “oh this is a person shaped individual that is moving, with a raised hoodie and no god damned face - probably fiiine, no need to track this as mega suspicious and dedicate 10 more cameras to them right now”


u/UsernameAvaylable 5d ago

Also, wearing that mask would be the fastest way to get into "person of interest" tracking lists...

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u/alice-in-blunderIand 5d ago

Throw off the gait detecting by walking like a seal: hopping across the ground on your stomach.

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u/Ok_Channel1582 5d ago

Always walk with the pink panther theme tune... if everyone does it AI is fucked''' da dum da dum dadaum dadum dadum daaadum dadadada dum.. Repeat

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u/Original_moisture 5d ago

You would think that, until we remember that we haven’t caught the mysterious masked pipe bomber on Jan 6.

Really wish gait detection would work cause I’ve been curious on who that was.

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u/avspuk 5d ago

You'd be able to tell who was a 'woman's man', according the Batry, Maurice & Robin, innit!


u/I4Vhagar 5d ago

They’ve started amassing all of our biometric data and can develop a unique profile from them (ie HR variability, gait, etc). We agree to this in the terms and conditions when we wear Apple Watches and such


u/Ok_Albatross8313 4d ago

Well you can tell by the way I change my walk, got an AI mask, no time to talk


u/Silpher9 5d ago

Well thank God for the ministry of funny walks. Time to up the budget.

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u/Askir28 5d ago

We'll just walk like fremen!

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u/magnament 5d ago

Just roll them


u/Over-Wall-4080 5d ago

Just take your spazz pills


u/glitchcrush 5d ago

High heels


u/scribbyshollow 5d ago

Easiest thing to change in the world though lol especially if you k ow there's cameras in a place. Just frigging slump your shoulders, walk with a limp, purposefully change your stride lol


u/bucky-plank-chest 5d ago edited 5d ago

Someone made this comment without getting downvoted to hell - a few years back I commented the same, no one thought it was possible

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u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 4d ago

school dinosaurs oil summer birds versed saw busy workable badge

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Diplozo 5d ago

Monty Python silly walk it is.


u/Dorkamundo 5d ago

Ahem, that's called "Gaitdar".


u/TetraThiaFulvalene 5d ago

Jokes on them, I'm recovering from two different injuries on the same foot. I have a new gait every week.


u/monster_lover- 5d ago

Gonna have to do the fremen sandwalk to the shops


u/E1usive0ne 5d ago

That's why I walk like on Arrakis


u/palebd 5d ago

Walk like an Egyptian


u/Abundanceofyolk 5d ago

Naw they have that!?


u/shockerihatepasta 5d ago

Havent you seen Dune? Simply Sand Walk like a Fremen


u/BimmyFoFimmy 5d ago

Gyatt detection is gonna be unhinged.


u/Murph-Dog 5d ago

gyatt identification


u/Additional-Story6206 5d ago

Im gonna wear a big plastic cone to hide my gait and my body. no body, no gait detection. f*ck em


u/SlothShitStacker 5d ago

Gotcha Frodo !


u/King_Owlbear 5d ago

Worked for Keyser Soze


u/pinchhitter4number1 5d ago

Oh yeah. How about I, a 6'5" man, decide to wear high heels? Try matching my gait after that.


u/Wheresbarrysanders 5d ago

Wait, so now we have to walk around like those guys from Dune? So the feds are worms?


u/m20cpilot 5d ago

People in wheelchairs will be immune.


u/aelosmd 5d ago

Learn the sand walking technique from Dune.


u/RatherOakyAfterbirth 5d ago

Gait detection is easily tricked. Lock your one knee and walk as if you have a fake leg, slight limp and slightly hunched. 

This is basic evasion training. 


u/InstantLamy 5d ago

I do not understand how whoever invented gait detection systems isn't in jail for the rest of their life yet for crimes against humanity.


u/ProphetMoham 5d ago

I don’t think many people walk alongside their livestock on the streets these days.


u/Mysterious-Plum-6217 5d ago

Jokes on you my lower back is so destroyed I walk different day to day(if I can walk). Take that ai overlords!


u/Aldemar_DE 5d ago

Sooner or later there will be shoes that make you walk funny but are still comfortable just for this purpose.


u/Bender-BRodriguez 5d ago

We will all be wearing dress type clothes that extend out to hide our gate then.


u/hellyeahimsad 5d ago

Gyatt detection?!


u/Empty_Ambition_9050 5d ago

I really hope that’s not a real thing


u/Sweet-Assist8864 5d ago

modular shoes where i can move around the little nubs inside each day to produce a different gait.


u/ItsGarbageDave 5d ago

Shoes with different levels of padding in the soles and tread. Rotate through them.


u/LadyTantrum 5d ago

Take ketamine all day


u/Unable-Ad-8871 5d ago

It's the Gyat detection I'm worried about 😅


u/yaoiphobic 5d ago

What if I’m in a wheelchair, am I safe?

Actually lowkey genuinely asking if anyone is scrolling and happens to know, are the people who are designing this technology taking wheelchairs into account? Like are they finding ways to identify me just by tiny differences in how I push my wheelchair vs how other people push theirs or is being in this thing finally about to pay off when we reach peak cyberpunk hellscape?


u/Default_name88 5d ago

I am at the age where I hurt myself in uniquely different ways each week. They would never be able to catch me on gait alone!


u/BitCoiner905 5d ago

Leg day will change my gate well enough to confuse the AI.


u/DaDivineLatte 5d ago

damn. Now I feel like coming up with a new gait every few days 😵‍💫


u/Raus-Pazazu 5d ago

The issue with that is you generally need good clear video for the system to compare it with, and the equipment and expertise isn't cheap. It also is rarely used by itself, since most video artifacting inhibits clear comparable results. It's mostly used in conjunction with other recognition systems, where each one gives an almost positive result on it's own, but a definitive positive in tandem.


u/Hopeful-Zombie-7525 5d ago

Mask + Fremen walk, got it.


u/LotsOfGunsSmallPenis 5d ago

Blows my mind that peoples gaits are different enough that they can be used to figure out who you are.


u/added_chaos 5d ago



u/random-andros 5d ago

I John Cleese it every time I step out the door.


u/heading_to_fire 5d ago

Hoverboard ftw


u/Unable_Basil2137 5d ago

Just sand walk


u/South-Amoeba-5863 5d ago

Ear buds. It's proven that music affects your gait


u/Marcuse0 5d ago

Make your own and brand it gaitdar


u/ItXurLife 5d ago

Clearly you've never seen the Ministry of Silly Walks?


u/Jman15x 5d ago

Won't catch me after leg day!


u/SkepticalZack 5d ago

They thought of this in the 60’s, pebbles in your shoes


u/Cautious_Tax_7171 5d ago

just randomly start walking all goofy and whimsical


u/85_Draken 5d ago

Put a pebble in one shoe or adopt a silly walk while in public. What are they going to do, pass a law that you have to use your natural walk? Good luck enforcing that!


u/Adventurous_Smile_95 5d ago

That’s when you do the robot 🤖


u/Reppotimus 5d ago

Ministry of funny walks the ai


u/newsflashjackass 5d ago



u/iamveryassbad 5d ago

Stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl


u/EmmThem 5d ago

Wear the mask and crip walk everywhere problem solved. Worst case scenario they accidentally arrest Snoop Dogg.


u/bizbizbizllc 5d ago

Gaitdar is the future


u/helloholder 5d ago

Ministry of silly walks has you covered


u/mew905 5d ago

Ahhhh thats a thing? I always thought it was weird I could tell who was coming just by the sound of their walk

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u/ThePublikon 5d ago

Ministry of Silly Walks and Disinfo ftw!


u/MistaOtta 5d ago

Walk with uneven stilts as well.


u/Illeazar 5d ago

That's why every day I grab a different sized random rock and put it in one of my shoes.


u/Locilokk 5d ago

No fking way that's a thing


u/moakster0 5d ago

I brought my skate for that


u/trebblecleftlip5000 5d ago

I once had a friend I hadn't seen in a while greet me in public and they told me the only reason they knew it was me was because of my posture.


u/Msefk 5d ago

thank god i've formally studied many different walking patterns.



u/Enderwiggen33 5d ago

So many bank robbers are going to be skipping in and out of that vault


u/emilio911 5d ago

Minority Report 


u/Ephemere 5d ago

That's why you've always gotta keep a pebble in your shoe, and swap out where exactly it sits from time to time.
Plus puffy jackets to make you hard to identify based on your body configuration.


u/decoycatfish 5d ago

Powered heelys 😎


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/FlyNeither 5d ago

Chinese citizens have already found a workaround for gait detection. They put a small rock in one of their shoes to make them just uncomfortable enough to completely alter their gait.


u/SensitiveArtist 5d ago

Walk without rhythm. It won't attract the feds.


u/xSuperZer0x 5d ago

Nothing a little gravel in the shoe can't fix. That's one of the things I remember from Little Brother. That book was surprisingly ahead of its time.


u/suckitphil 5d ago

Ministry of silly walks is already the leader against gate detection. 


u/FlyingRhenquest 5d ago

Yes, the Ministry of Silly Walks will catalog everyone!

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