r/interesting 5d ago

A mask made to block AI based facial recognition from all angles. SCIENCE & TECH

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u/rafalmio 5d ago edited 5d ago

Modern problems require modern solutions.


u/VividDoorway 5d ago

Cyberpunk fashion meets privacy tech. I dig it.


u/littlewhitecatalex 5d ago

Privacy tech is going to become a huge industry in the coming decades. 


u/TheRealGouki 5d ago

Turns out most of them are just selling your data


u/Weight_Superb 5d ago

Lmaooooooooooooo just because youre right doesnt mean youre right


u/FatFuckinPieceOfShit 5d ago

Here's some apostrophes to cut and paste into your comments in the future. '''''


u/NotFriendsWithBanana 5d ago

Thanks, I'll add that to my Apostrophe bag. That sounds like a camping gear company name.


u/FatFuckinPieceOfShit 5d ago



u/Weight_Superb 5d ago

Hey gave that back


u/NotFriendsWithBanana 5d ago



u/The_rowdy_gardener 5d ago

We know those aren’t apostrophes, we’ve got a scammer here


u/itsKramme 5d ago


[insert captain Jack Sparrow escape quote here]


u/Smart-Leg-9156 5d ago

Instructions unclear, added them to my colostomy bag.


u/TheLordOfTheDawn 5d ago

Pickle for the wise ones moment


u/mitochondriarethepow 5d ago

When you hard you hard


u/SacredRose 5d ago

All masks get registered to whoever bought them and if the company buys their special filter the camera can see a unique pattern on each mask that way they can still track the person wearing it.

Wouldn’t be surprised to hear a story like that somewhere in the future.


u/RainyLittlee 5d ago

Playing both sides so I always come out on top


u/actually3racoons 5d ago

You're not supposed to say you're playing both sides Mac...


u/Fr1toBand1to 5d ago

Different companies with opposing views owned by the same conglomerate? Been happening for decades.


u/Greedyfox7 5d ago

Unless you get caught, I believe that was Destro’s problem and the reason he became Destro. I realize he’s a fictional character but it’s a valid lesson


u/Inspect1234 5d ago

Like a lil tiny barcode


u/Banana_Cream_31415 5d ago

Ahh, the mark of the beast!


u/Horskr 5d ago

It's kind of funny they went to all the trouble. You could wear any of those cheap plastic masks from the dollar store around Halloween that doesn't cling to your face with a hoodie like the picture and accomplish the same thing. Maybe add mesh for the eyes to be super safe.

I'm not sure what this tech is really for if you're still having to wear a giant plastic thing on your head.. It'd be one thing if it was like those anti-paparrazi clothes that mess up photos, except this was a shirt that some how messed up facial recognition or something.. but literally just cover your face with whatever if you're wearing a mask anyway?


u/threevi 5d ago

If you wear a mask that only covers half your face, AI can still identify you from the other half, and if you wear a mask that covers your entire face, you end up looking like you're about to rob a bank. The mask in the photo is supposed to strike a balance where it protects your identity without making people run away at the sight of you.


u/Horskr 5d ago

Yes, my point is if you're wearing something to hide yourself from facial recognition, you're probably fine wearing a regular mask. You're not going grocery shopping in either one.


u/BringPheTheHorizon 5d ago

I believe the purpose of this mask is that you can go shopping or to the bank with it because your face is still visible but protects you from facial recognition.


u/Horskr 4d ago

Yeah, I do get that. But still, that is going to take a whole lot of societal change to get used to something like that. At the moment, if a bank teller saw you walk in with this, it would be the same as one of those clear plastic masks and they'd certainly assume the worst.

I don't know if we'd ever get to that point to begin with though without a very big change because a huge portion of the population is thinking, "Why would they need protection against facial recognition, unless they're planning to commit some sort of crime?" So that's my point. I am not advocating for face recognition everywhere. It is weird and dystopian to me in some aspects, but for this tech from OP's post to work you have to some how convince the general public of the same thing.

As it is now, a person wearing that is just as scary at first glance as a person wearing a Halloween mask.

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u/thunderfrunt 5d ago

AI can detect you by your gait, your face doesn’t even matter.


u/pattywack512 5d ago

Couldn’t this be circumvented by just swapping the masks with others?


u/pikameta 5d ago

I'll do one dystopian better. Not only is it registered, but on a subscription service. Failure to pay your monthly fee renders the mask useless.


u/LovemesenselesS 5d ago

Black market, fake email.


u/righthandofdog 5d ago

IR leds will blind the hell out of every digital camera in range and are very discrete to the eye.



u/Incognitowally 5d ago

the mask will just have an RFID tracking chip in it


u/mozgw4 5d ago

You just buy the mask for someone else.


u/badaadune 5d ago

Wouldn’t be surprised to hear a story like that somewhere in the future.

Happened in the past and present, too.

Who do you think owns all the VPN services or encryption companies? Intelligence agencies have been known to force those companies to play ball, and keep them quiet with gag orders.


u/_heidin 5d ago

Then we buy them for each other


u/somedelightfulmoron 5d ago

You joke but I'm sure that's going to happen


u/Radeisth 5d ago

Buy a mask for a friend. Receive one in turn.


u/Beard_o_Bees 5d ago

For this thing to be effective - they would have to be worn by a significant number of people in any given crowd.

Otherwise it's not much more than a 'hey officer! over here! i'm looking for extra scrutiny today!'

It could be funny-not-funny to see the TSA's reaction to this thing if someone were brave enough to wear it at a security checkpoint.


u/lakmus85_real 5d ago

I cackled!


u/LonelyTurner 5d ago

To advertise on your phone for the very fucking thing you bought last week


u/drakgremlin 5d ago

Ah, the true dystopic cyberpunk future at it's best .


u/Greedyfox7 5d ago

Imagine those same people selling privacy tech, it doesn’t really do anything but let them know ‘that one is safe, we won’t sell their data’


u/ElevenIEleven 5d ago

Dont worry, governments quickly will ban all of it to prevent “terrorist threat”


u/billymurray7 5d ago

All while issuing said masks to their agents for “their protection”. Gotta love hypocrisy


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/ElevenIEleven 5d ago

And again, kgb lover hides behind “caring for children” Buddy, dont even try it, I live in Russia, I know what face recognition is and what for is implemented


u/Nyorliest 5d ago

But do you know what sarcasm is?


u/Kalvale 5d ago

To be sarcastic you must have something separating your statement of parody from what someone saying the same thing genuinely would say. Right now, someone who actually believes this would say the exact same thing with no changes in word form, structure or message. This doesn't qualify as sarcasm.

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u/ThrowRA_1234586 5d ago

Ehm.... You actually think I was serious?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/ThrowRA_1234586 5d ago

Ha! With my new government approved direct-oxi-in-blood-with-free-tracking-for-your-safety-device I'm way ahead of you


u/Miserable_Diver_5678 5d ago

that's a bit of a leap


u/Building_Everything 5d ago

The kind of logical leaps US politicians make in service of selling fear you’d almost think they have frogs legs.


u/Significant_Donut967 5d ago

Well, if you've got nothing to hide, then why are you breathing?

Security theater is just there for surveillance and compliance. Do what whoever in charge says to do, or face the consequences of the masses.


u/kaytin911 5d ago

I think he's being sarcastic. The usual privacy invasion arguments go exactly like he said.


u/basal-and-sleek 5d ago

Don’t know why you got downvoted ? It was clearly sarcasm. Geez people.


u/ThrowRA_1234586 5d ago

It's reddit :)

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u/StuffedStuffing 5d ago

Poe's law strikes again

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u/No_Rich_2494 5d ago

The open source community beat them to it, by years. That's one thing capitalists will never own.


u/mOdQuArK 5d ago

I always wondered if the anti-government zealots felt conflicted about wearing medical masks, since it was mandated by the government, but they help block image recognition.


u/dr-doom-jr 5d ago

Doubt it. Privacy has been a long standing issue. Ultimately the reason it has become such a problem is because no one really cares. Dont see why they now suddenly would care


u/ACcbe1986 5d ago

How can I make money off this industry? I'm tired of being poor. 😆😮‍💨


u/littlewhitecatalex 5d ago edited 5d ago

Get in on the ground floor! Open a startup, run it successfully for a few years, sell to a venture capitalist for $$$ and ride off into the sunset while they gut your hard word and wring out every last penny before shuttering operations for good. 


u/ACcbe1986 5d ago

If I had the acumen for running a business, I'd have much better financial security.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Doubtful. Outside of a very small group of people, privacy is pretty much a non issue. Look at the amount of people that carry smartphones around with them, constantly use social media, and don't even take the most basic steps to secure their privacy.

99% of the population just doesn't give a fuck.


u/deg_deg 5d ago

The low end of population estimates puts the US population at ~336m people and 1% is 3.36m. If you could capture even half of that market you have a pretty sweet business.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

50% market capture rate is basically unheard of though outside of hugely complex items like the iPhone. I think if you had something like 2-5% of the market you would be considered a 'major player'. Sure you could make a nice living off that but I would still be willing to bet it will never become a 'huge industry'.


u/boutrosboutrosgnarly 5d ago

Gen Z don't give a fuck.


u/Rude_Thanks_1120 5d ago

Many states are trying to make mask-wearing illegal


u/agumonkey 5d ago

Wait for luxury "wireless free zones"


u/HelpfulJello5361 5d ago

"Privacy tech" for people who voluntarily give up their rights to privacy when they use any number of apps.

They don't even read the EULA


u/littlewhitecatalex 5d ago

There are dozens of us who are legitimately privacy-conscientious. 


u/Mobile-Bar7732 5d ago

Lol...They couldn't get people to wear masks during covid, but now their privacy is in danger...

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u/SumDopeDude_121 5d ago

Tbh I hope we get normalized cyberpunk fashion because that would be so awesome


u/bloopyblopper 5d ago

just wear it anyway if you want to, why does it have to be normalised.


u/WanderingAlienBoy 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yeah this is the cyberpunk gadgets we need lol, also reminds me of anti-recognition glasses I saw a while back, they reflect light in a way or something that blocks out your face as a bright spot (though this looks way cooler)


u/ToHerDarknessIGo 5d ago

Spot on. In Cyberpunk 2077, you get an eye implant that scrambles your character V's face whenever you are seen by a surveillance camera. One of the in-game gangs, who like to harvest people for cybernetic implants, wear masks very much like the one above. I'm sure other cyberpunk media has referenced these things as well. Feels bizarre seeing "future tech" become a reality in such a relatively short amount of time.


u/Dry-Smoke6528 5d ago

Privacy tech IS cyberpunk fashion. Movies and games showing a dystopia future tend to have masks as fashion accessories, but the purpose is twofold. Hide your identity, and purify the very poor air quality. Plus, they look cool


u/TheGisbon 5d ago

This is dystopian cyberpunk as fuck


u/rakfe 5d ago

I don't think I've seen any cyberpunk concept/story that wasn't also dystopian. The entire concept seems like a sub-branch of dystopia to me, derived from poor/oppressed/shunned part of a totalitarian/aristocrat/corporate society trying to fend themselves with scraps.


u/kytheon 5d ago

We had cyberpunk fashion in 2020. Makeshift masks, contraptions to keep people at a distance, tools to grab or hold objects without really touching them etc.


u/MEYO6811 5d ago

Take my money


u/Greedyfox7 5d ago

I’ve been waiting for cyberpunk fashion to become a trend for years, let’s see what they come up with


u/ScootyPoof 5d ago

Don’t mind me, just putting on my scav mask to go to the GIM and grab me some spherical chicken for cyberlunch


u/showtimebabies 5d ago

I was kind of hoping face paint would become the norm, but this is probably better. Shame this "from any angle" post features only one bad angle.


u/Ooops2278 5d ago

that's how you get the punk-look into cyberpunk...


u/Wurun 5d ago

not cyberpunk enough: wear this and get blasted by adds from the hud inside.

Please drink verification can to regain vision.


u/Smart-Bandicoot-922 5d ago

Pretty nova, choom.


u/avspuk 5d ago

There's a Judge Dredd story about this sort of thing from the late 70s

Perps start getting surgery to give them totally blank faces & it becomes a fashion trend, IIRR.

Also here in Birmingham UK about 10-15 years ago I saw lots of ppl wearing a tinsel 'curtain' hanging from the brims of their baseball caps in order to 'hide: from the city centre survellience cams.

Just made them stand out this, too few ppl doing it really.

But nice try, ahead of the trend etc


u/PickleWineBrine 5d ago

In one of Neal Stephenson's books, a character comes up with a veil that has tiny mirrors and lasers that blocks facial recognition.

It was aptly called the VEIL... the Virtual Epiphantic Identity Lustre

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u/alienlizardman 5d ago

Wear a shirt with pictures of someone else’s face


u/IncomingAxofKindness 5d ago

Wear someone else's face


u/AStove 5d ago


u/Gorrila_Doldos 5d ago

I was hoping this was posted underneath


u/DESKTHOR 5d ago

Didn't they have to pay like $700 to replace the damaged CPR doll?


u/AStove 5d ago

I'm sure the production took care of it.


u/DESKTHOR 5d ago

No, in the show itself.


u/Legitimate-Yellow98 5d ago

It’s actually $3500. I am so sad I remembered that. I rewatch that show too much.


u/DESKTHOR 5d ago

At least it was funny.


u/One-Earth9294 5d ago

That'll show em.


u/damnedspot 5d ago

Found Ed Gein!


u/AnAdorableDogbaby 5d ago

Say I could really use a couple of hands, to complete one hell of a plant stand.


u/Budget-Tea-5584 5d ago

Oh, and don’t you know that I’m caught here in the middle Making rib cages into coffee tables?


u/IronLordSamus 5d ago

He could have made killing on selling muscle t-shirts.


u/Card_Board_Robot5 5d ago

How could you see him? Did you turn on the lamp with the human skin shade?


u/TheMike0088 5d ago

Thank you for your contribution to this conversation, Joker.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 5d ago

I believe I’ve seen that movie.

Definitely read Today We Choose Faces by Roger Zelazny.


u/Pickledsoul 5d ago

I'm surprised more people aren't buying those hyperrealistic silicone masks to commit crimes


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/rafalmio 5d ago

SYSTEM FATAL ERROR: Human in 10 places at once. I was not trained for this quantum shit.


u/spinrut 5d ago

Or be sting and wear a mask of sting. No one will think it's you


u/eekitsemily 5d ago

That’s truely a great idea!! I’ll wear Steve Irwin


u/TomCorsair 5d ago

Instructions unclear, now waring someone else’s face as a shirt


u/MushroomsAreAliens 5d ago

There were people in LA wearing traffic come shirts that messed with AI cars


u/No_Reindeer_5543 5d ago

Medical mask, sunglasses and a hat achieve this, without looking like as much of a loon.

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u/pedpablo13 5d ago

I swear I think the 'anti-mask' movement during the pandemic was secretly backed by mega-retailers like Walmart and Target

Their AI face recognition couldn't deal with it, and they were afraid of losing to theft and needed it for their marketing.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/HueMannAccnt 5d ago

In a surveillance state, you think wearing a mask was impinging on freedoms?

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u/FatSpidy 5d ago

Truer words haven't been said. How dare they make everyone who were potentially unknown viral carriers or people ignorant of not going out while sick wear masks to protect against the spread of viral infections in the face of truely lethal potential thanks to unknown effects on the public en masse! Dictators, all of them!


u/Thisislife97 5d ago

lol if I don’t have to wear a mask for the flu I shouldn’t have to wear them for Covid point blank


u/FatSpidy 5d ago

certainly, you don't *have* to. But many other places also wear a mask for the common cold, because that's how airborne viruses work. If more people work masks when they were sick in general we'd have a much lower contagion rate for literally everything. But no, you just want to open up more avenues for people with potentially life threatening reactions to the virus to be that much more exposed to it all because you can't handle a little extra effort. Should I add the throw away of "if Furries can do it without complaint, why can't you?" Or for that matter the entire nations worth of people that already do this sort of thing out of common practice. But don't worry, you're the big strong independent one whose able to flex their defiance in such a profound way!


u/Thisislife97 4d ago

If you don’t get sick your natural immune system would be weaker


u/FatSpidy 4d ago

Oh for sure, I grew up in the outdoors. But science is science, and even if you eat nothing but dirt pies and live in filth to have the best immune system in the world, not everyone else does. Nor do they have the same ability to combat illness as you do. Which is the point, the mask doesn't help you. Especially since you likely didn't get the actual medical grade and viral rated masks. They're for other people not to breathe your exhales that can carry the disease; regardless of your own health. Which was also the point of the 6ft stuff. Closer than that and you're regularly breathing other people's breathes. And that's with a fabric mask of any kind covering everyone's mouth. Which I think you can understand why airborne disease is so communicable.


u/Thisislife97 4d ago

I had a good immune system Covid didn’t hurt me


u/FatSpidy 4d ago

Me neither. I did get the week long "can't get out of bed" once of the three times I had it. But my buddy has lost his sense of taste almost entirely, and unfortunately in such the way that to his own description "I can only eat this specific brand of yogurt for pleasure now because I have to fight back vomiting as literally everything else taste like actual shit." And that's not including cousins in my extended family that died from it two weeks after being some of the healthiest people I knew.

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u/FatSpidy 5d ago

Idk about target, but that requires Walmart actually giving a shit about theft in the first place and not just writing it off as loss and introducing even more locked shelves.


u/Silly___Neko 5d ago

This mask wouldn't be any better, the staff could just ask you to leave for having that mask on and call the cops on you for trespassing if you linger.


u/Regniwekim2099 5d ago

This solution is already defeated with gait recognition.


u/HueMannAccnt 5d ago

Do pebbles in your shoes not beat that anymore?


u/mementosmoritn 5d ago

Here's the real answer. There are ways around gait recognition, but the best solution is to dismantle the techno surveillance police state, the people who bought it, and the people who built it.


u/sudo-joe 5d ago

I'll have to bust out my wheelchair then!


u/CodingRaver 5d ago

Time for ministry of silly walks


u/KeppraKid 5d ago

We just need to train the entire public to walk with identical gait.


u/Aurelianshitlist 5d ago

This reminds me of the book Infinite Jest, where in the future people stopped using video phones because everyone used elaborate masks to change their appearance. Basically the low-tech prediction of our current world of filters.


u/TheMajesticYeti 5d ago

Modern recognition cameras can identify people based on their build and/or walking gait... so you would need to wear like a fat suit too.


u/Cardinal0I 5d ago

It's more like Modern solutions need modern problems.


u/sachin571 5d ago

ELI5 - what makes it "AI" facial recognition, versus simply facial recognition?


u/ehsteve23 5d ago

buzzwords. Facial recognition has existed for a long time but if you say AI it gets clicks

A few years ago it wouldve been "facial recognition powered by the blockchain" or "facial recognition in the cloud"


u/Low-Woodpecker-5171 5d ago

Being sold to us by the same side.


u/33ff00 5d ago

A mask


u/TumbleweedTim01 5d ago

Blocks AI recognition software absolutely owned by the human eye


u/olsmobile 5d ago

I'm pretty sure the concept of a mask is anything but modern. It's not like you need this ugly thing to hide you face from a camera.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/playballer 5d ago

Agree. The ai should be able to identify you by your body shape and movement without needing to see your face. We all have unique gaits and other locomotion quirks that could be analyzed


u/CMDR_Fritz_Adelman 5d ago

There will be AI trained to counter this mask

Then there will be another AI trained for a better mask


u/Proglamer 5d ago

Moderns solutions will be soon banned for 'public safety' (#14 in authoritarians' manual)


u/Manueluz 5d ago

We want to protect the identity of the child kidnapper after all.


u/Borkz 5d ago

Not really, an old fashioned regular old mask would also work


u/KarlosTalon 5d ago

Don't any mask do the trick?


u/swamp_fever 5d ago

Surely any mask will block AI recognition though?


u/Mr_RogerWilco 5d ago

What would your visibility be from this? A balaclava also stops it right? (Happy to be corrected)

Edit: I didn’t zoom in - I see eyeholes!

So it’s an interesting balaclava?


u/pianoguy121213 5d ago

gov't will prob ask you to remove something like this tho, maybe just wear a regular mask


u/professor_bogo 5d ago

Imagine the AI models then get trained on the "scrambled" facial images. Seems possible. What a time to be alive



“Let’s track that guy with the weird mask”


u/Jordan_1424 5d ago

Some dumbass is going to rob a bank in one of these and leave their phone in their pocket.


u/VirtualGab 5d ago

I solve practical problems,


u/SpaceDantar 5d ago

This is very similar to A Scanner Darkly. How horrible.


u/enchiladasundae 5d ago

Modern solutions = dismantling a hostile system designed to exploit us for profit solely to benefit the few


u/PartRight6406 5d ago

Reality is becoming A Scanner Darkly


u/Ok-Engineering9733 5d ago

Really useless. If government wanted to they can track you with more than just your face. Hell even with how you walk thanks to gait recognition. Your phone is a wiretapping device everyone carries on their person at all times.


u/HurasmusBDraggin 5d ago

☝🏿 this is the way


u/Eliseo120 5d ago

A crazy stupid solution. Just wear a mask, or any number of things less crazy, and probably cheaper.


u/hygsi 5d ago

Tbh, I'm sure the good ol' skying mask would work for this purpose as well


u/peolcake 5d ago

Such a non-creative AI style comment.


u/Various-Passenger398 5d ago

Why not just use a regular mask?


u/The_Humble_Frank 5d ago

'cept its something pretty easy to train an AI to defeat it.

it works now for faces, but it won't always work, and you don't even need a face for many recognition tools.


u/SluttyLittleSnake 5d ago

I don't know if this mask will work in the long run or if AI will adapt, but it looks wicked cool.



Wouldn’t this mean you have to wear this mask, forever so that no one ever sees your face? Seems kinda pointless to the people it would matter most to, who’s faces are well known lol


u/Ascension_Crossbows 5d ago

Yeah and now another "modern solution" would be making masks like this illegal.


u/No-Criticism-2587 5d ago

Facial recognition isn't a modern problem, it's a 5 years ago problem we've moved past. Now we are at the point where ai can just as easily monitor your gait as it can your face.

Combined with ai monitoring your location through cameras and cell phones, your cars gps and traffic cameras, purchase history with clothes and shoes, your face is just one more thing for it to add to a pile of things it can use to identify you.


u/Brilliant-Ranger-356 5d ago

You could get the same effect from a box with eye holes.


u/chrisbaker1991 5d ago

How are you going to defeat gait recognition? Put a lift in just one shoe?


u/AccurateCrew428 5d ago

Does it tho?


u/Darklyte 5d ago

Pretty sure a regular mask blocks AI facial recognition


u/pantiesrhot 5d ago

A more popular version of this is to just wear a regular hat, but install IR lights in the brim. It effectively blinds the camera when it's looking in your direction.


u/Acceptable-Bat- 5d ago

I thought you said “modem problems require modem solutions” and realized huh, same same


u/syhr_ryhs 1d ago

The veil from "Fall; or, Dodge in Hell" by Neal Stephenson

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