r/h3h3productions 6d ago

uh oh calling out hasan

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u/javierich0 5d ago

Oh, oh, does Ethan wanna debate Hasan again? It went horribly for him last time, dragging him into an argument where Hasan has nothing to do with is soo dumb. I will never forget. "Jews for Palestine are as bad as Jews who helped the Nazis." And the little "lalalalala can't hear you" move.


u/empyreanmax 5d ago

I'll personally never forget "find me ONE Jew" and Hasan going "...ok I don't see what this accomplishes but like, here" and Ethan immediately flipping out that Hasan was trying to tokenize Jews by showing him a picture that he LITERALLY just asked to see 15 seconds ago


u/javierich0 5d ago

Absolutely insane, thank you. I forgot about that one. Mf literally went "you are tokenizing jews" after he asked Hasan to name one jew and Hasan not wanting to go there. Ethan is absolutely braindead when it comes to US foreign policy. He better bring up raising hate crimes against jews again.