r/h3h3productions 6d ago

uh oh calling out hasan

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u/tapatoru 5d ago

I don't even like Frogan, but is what she said really as bad as Ethan is making it out to be? She basically just told him to shut up. Ethan says far worse things about people on almost every podcast, and you'd think he'd have thicker skin.

Also, what does this have to do with him being Jewish? I used to think he was joking when he threw around antisemitism accusations on the podcast, but now I'm starting to wonder if he believes any disagreement with him is antisemitic.


u/Goober_Man1 5d ago

Ethan’s worst quality is he cannot handle being criticized which is quite ironic since his podcast is mainly calling out other content creators for being idiots


u/Cautious-Bank9828 5d ago edited 4d ago

Frogan is an antisemite.
Frogan is also an unhinged asshole.

When Ludwig, the most milquetoast and advertiser-friendly streamer imaginable donated money to the Palestinian relief fund, she shat on him not donating more (he donated 10k) and called his opinion on the matter a "cracker-ass take". Hasan let that slide as well, btw, even though he threw a fit when Ludwig joked about Hasan's "streaming is harder than a real job"-take.

Edit: I’m being downvoted because this sub is fully in the grips of Hasans deranged discord-brigade. Everything I said is documented and can be found on Hasan‘s own channels as well as Ludwig’s and partially on XQC‘s.


u/qzrz 5d ago

even though he threw a fit when Ludwig joked about Hasan's "streaming is harder than a real job"-take.

He didn't really throw a fit so much as pointing out that people didn't understand ludwig's video was a joke and just spread the same misinformation you are spreading. He didn't say streaming is harder than a real job. But then I see you also are crying victim being a destiny fangirl that is entirely justified. It's crazy how many times I look at a comment and think that's really messed up, go look at their profile and see it's a destiny fangirl with a post history filled with such comments.


u/Cautious-Bank9828 4d ago

Right… https://youtu.be/7DfxC0OlY2Y?si=fJIf7FouBvm4h5pp

He literally verbatim says it’s snakey and shitty behavior even though Ludwig clearly made a harmless joke about a dumb statement. Also, I would agree with Hasan, that streaming is a weird job, that can leave you empty and exhausted, because you’re basically under scrutiny by thousands of people for multiple hours a day. But of course you will resort to „Le Destiny fan le bad“, because you do NOT have the ability to address a person without taking a dive into their profile first, like the weirdo you are. If someone doesn’t share your values, he MUST have some other motivation. I’ve been part of THIS community for almost a decade, so I will voice my opinion no matter whom else I watch. In short: you lie, you obfuscate and you suck. I give you neither peace nor love.


u/qzrz 4d ago

But of course you will resort to „Le Destiny fan le bad“, because you do NOT have the ability to address a person without taking a dive into their profile first, like the weirdo you are.

This is the usual thing destiny fans respond with, address what? You made a baseless claim and then linked an hour long video I'm just going to assume you only watched the first 15 seconds of. When ludwig took the video down, people attacked him for it said he was spineless and that hasan told him to. He had to make a video addressing it.

You called someone an anti-semite, when you yourself say you are an anti-semite. If you are fine being an anti-semite why do you care to call someone else one?

I’ve been part of THIS community for almost a decade, so I will voice my opinion no matter whom else I watch.

And? No one said you can't. Just don't cry victim when you rightfully receive a response back.

It's like MAGA, you optionally choose to hitch yourself to that wagon. There are certain "qualities" you can infer from someone that is willing to douse themselves into that community and partake in its idiocy.

Like lol:

Edit: I’m being downvoted because this sub is fully in the grips of Hasans deranged discord-brigade. Everything I said is documented and can be found on Hasan‘s own channels as well as Ludwig’s and partially on XQC‘s.

Yes that's the reason you are being downvoted, it's the evil conspiracy group specifically targeting you for being a destiny fan!!!

This is why I check profiles, cause I want to know if I am going to be talking to someone normal that might have something rationale to say, or someone like you.


u/Cautious-Bank9828 3d ago

It's like MAGA, you optionally choose to hitch yourself to that wagon. There are certain "qualities" you can infer from someone that is willing to douse themselves into that community and partake in its idiocy.

Never in my life have I encountered a person so allergic to facts. So incredibly averse to looking at material that contradicts their biases. So unfathomably stupid, that the option "let's not look at the evidence and denounce my opponents based on vibes" is the only reasonable response to your shriveled mind.

It's hilarious that you call other people "like MAGA", when you are in fact basically left-wing MAGA yourself. You could present me with counter-evidence and I would take a look. You refuse to in the first place, because you perceive me to be a part of a group that you irrationally need to hate (for no good reason other than we rightfully make fun of Hasan and his insane posse). YOU are the one guided by prejudice.
I presented you facts for everything I said in form of a video link. It's your own fault for not looking at it, not mine.

You called someone an anti-semite, when you yourself say you are an anti-semite. If you are fine being an anti-semite why do you care to call someone else one?

I'm not. I'm an atheist and I think religion is stupid. That's not the same as being an antisemite like Frogan, who wants to minimize jewish voices on the internet and avocates for the death of Israeli jews.

Yes that's the reason you are being downvoted, it's the evil conspiracy group specifically targeting you for being a destiny fan!!!

Unironically yes, I'm not going to back down from that.


u/qzrz 3d ago

I presented you facts for everything I said in form of a video link. It's your own fault for not looking at it, not mine.

I mean I actually watched the entire thing, you didn't. Linking an entire hour long video isn't providing facts when if you watch the video it illustrates the opposite of what you are saying.

I'm not. I'm an atheist and I think religion is stupid. That's not the same as being an antisemite like Frogan, who wants to minimize jewish voices on the internet and avocates for the death of Israeli jews.

Yes it is, having a prejudice against something doesn't require you to take action and advocate against it. I find it interesting you are perfectly fine saying you are islamophobic with the same reasoning that you just hate all religion. Oh, but not judaism, of course. Not a coincidence your favorite streamer says the same thing. You've been taught that's perfectly fine to be islamophobic by your favorite streamer, and you willingly spread it with the same reasoning.

So if you are find spreading hate against one religion, and evidently fine with advocating for the death of people from that religion, then how do you not then see yourself as a hypocrite for (falsely) calling out someone else for doing the same thing, just for another religion.

Unironically yes, I'm not going to back down from that.

I mean, I know, you wouldn't have said it in the first place otherwise and sadly you won't learn, grow, and realize people in this community just disagree with you.


u/Cautious-Bank9828 3d ago

I mean I actually watched the entire thing, you didn't. Linking an entire hour long video isn't providing facts when if you watch the video it illustrates the opposite of what you are saying.

I don't believe that for a second, and I will provide timestamps with quotes the second I have access to a comuter to do so with.
You're either lying about having watched the video or your brain is broken.

Yes it is, having a prejudice against something doesn't require you to take action and advocate against it.

Absolute bullshit argumentation and a misuse of heavily loaded words for your own strawman.
I hate the working conditions at McDonald's, but that doesn't mean I'm anti-poor.

I find it interesting you are perfectly fine saying you are islamophobic with the same reasoning that you just hate all religion. 

So you're snooping in my profile and either misread me on purpose, or because you're brainbroken. Let me paraphrase my comment for everyone reading this comment chain:
I AM islamophobic, in the sense that I think religion is dumb, but Islam most consistently spawns the most anti-liberal and anti-western philosophies and sentiments. There's a reason Islam creates the largest amount of terrorists on the entire planet, no matter the country or value system they're in. If a statement of fact is Islamophobia then I will bite that bullet, yes.
Doesn't mean I think Frogan is a terrorist, but she IS a colossal fucking asshole with no morals.

Oh, but not judaism, of course. Not a coincidence your favorite streamer says the same thing. You've been taught that's perfectly fine to be islamophobic by your favorite streamer, and you willingly spread it with the same reasoning.

I have no idea what this is in reference to. Must be tough to wander through life with no opinion of your own and no ability to digest information in your own mind, without your favourite streamer-man telling you what to think.
I don't know what Destinys position on Islam is. Do you?

So if you are find spreading hate against one religion, and evidently fine with advocating for the death of people from that religion

I'm not, full stop. I have never indicated that, because I do not believe or even feel that.

I mean, I know, you wouldn't have said it in the first place otherwise and sadly you won't learn, grow, and realize people in this community just disagree with you.

I have zero reason to believe that since I've seen you and other user blatantly lie, go against their own positions and misrepresent the positions of your "opponents" at every step of the way. Case in point, though anecdotal: this entire exchange.


u/thoshi 5d ago

She also told him to take his donation back. Because she doesn't care about Palestinians. She's a virtue signaler.


u/RepulsiveFollowing39 5d ago

Lmao don’t be so dense. What do you think the implication of her telling him to shut up is?