r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/SnooSuggestions718 6d ago

Its called the Electoral College, it makes some people votes worth more than other because...


u/Venelice 5d ago

Italian here. The electoral college is the most insane concept I've tried to wrap my brain around. What do you mean that the one with the most votes doesn't necessarily win? Wtf is up with that? Why isn't modern America rioting against that bullshit?


u/Highway_Wooden 5d ago

It takes a lot of votes in Congress to overturn the Electoral College thing. But the problem is you need Republican support and they are never going to support something that will never put them in power again.


u/doctorgoulash 5d ago

This. And not to forget, Republicans continue to gerrymander the fuck out of this country for that exact reason.


u/Venelice 5d ago

Consider that I'm completely ignorant about the USA way of doing things: don't you guys have ways to call for a referendum on these kind of things? Like, I don't know, can't Americans collect signatures to ask for a change in how things works?


u/Highway_Wooden 5d ago

Not really. People can push for different rules for the EC in their state. I think like 2 of the states already do that where the electors are split based on the peoples votes whereas the other states has 100% of the electors going to the state's popular vote. But even then, that's only for a single state. So, as you can imagine, a state like California who is very Democratic would not want to split the electors because then they would end up giving Republicans some votes. Meanwhile, Kentucky doesn't change anything and therefore 100% of their electors vote for Republican. Changing the way it works now only damages republicans so they aren't going to do anything.

You can abolish it federally, but again, Republicans lose power. You'd need most states to vote for it and that's just not going to happen. We are just kind of stuck with it.


u/Taboe44 5d ago

Canada does it similarly. Our PM is basically decided when Ontario is finished being counter (votes start east coast to west).