r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/DizzyDragonfruit4027 6d ago

I think its ridiculous too how high the bar is set for kalmala that this is a close race and how low it is for trump. One wrong move and they would tear her up. She has to work 4x as hard where he is just like i better economy and people think he may be right there.


u/Reddsoldier 6d ago

It's worse than that though. He'll say something objectively false and rather and be called out on it and his supporters rather than accepting he may have taken an L, will start bending reality to fit whatever he says is happening.


u/complexevil 6d ago

Example, he's doubling down on the immigrants eating pets thing.


u/KarmelCHAOS 6d ago

So are his followers. My dad posted that video of the woman getting arrested for eating the cat on his FB. I commented that she's a natural born American, raised in Ohio, actually in Canton not Springfield, and she's not Haitian.

He blocked me and left the video up. This is what we're dealing with.


u/iWolfeeelol 5d ago

same discussion with my uncle. provided factual information and it was just the common MSM is lying. then went on a rant about how illegal immigrants are all criminals but he literally is a convicted felon that sat in prison.


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

It’s also stupid because being undocumented isn’t a crime. Only half the people they call illegal immigrants have committed a crime, and it’s not even a felony but a misdemeanor.

Being here with no documents is a civil violation punishable by fines and deportation, but not a crime

Crossing the border illegally is a crime, but it’s only a misdemeanor with a penalty of either 6 months of jail, a fine (not sure how much I don’t know where it is in 18 US Code), or both for the first time

Either way, somebody who has illegally crossed the border has only done about as much as someone who’s smoked marijuana, while , arguably even less since there’s a higher federal penalty for weed then there is for the illegal crossing. Not to mention undocumented immigrants are only about 3% of our population, while weed users are 16%.

Hell, up until the IIRIRA in 1996, someone who was undocumented could just pay a fine and become permanent residents of the US, but then Clinton screwed that part over.

So if you ever want to argue with your uncle again, point all this out 😉