r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/fivefingerseeingthis 6d ago

Sometimes I wonder how people followed hitler. Then I see MAGA and I don’t wonder anymore


u/FrysOtherDog 6d ago

It's fucking eerie seeing it happen so quickly and so obviously, isn't it?


u/Key-Pickle5609 5d ago

And having others tell you to stop overreacting! Like, am I taking crazy pills


u/I-Am-NOT-VERY-NICE 5d ago

No, you're not crazy....but they want to convince you that you're crazy for not wanting things to suck ass. Makes it easier to just accept the status quo (or make it even shittier)


u/reddit_anon_33 5d ago

This same exact thing happened in 1939 Germany.


u/FrysOtherDog 5d ago

Do you what I said to my wife after the debate? 

"I feel validated". Kamala just took him to task for everything I've been thinking and worrying about. It was just damned good to see him get called out like that.


u/Key-Pickle5609 5d ago

Exactly! Also, username is gold


u/fire2374 5d ago

We all feel that way.


u/rantheman76 5d ago

If you read up on history, you’ll see even more parallels to Mussolini’s Italy in the 1920s and ‘30s. But the idea (and propaganda) are very much the same (think “Jews kills your children” and “Illegal immigrants get gender surgery and eat your pets”).


u/Chemical-Neat2859 5d ago

He's trying to go Nazi-lite and it's really not working because his goons are not bitter and resentful off the back of WW1 and war reparations. We're not as hesitant towards conflict in the same ways Germany post-WW1, so more people are willing to talk tough. However, without conflict experience, they lack the trauma to push them over the edge easily. Only after 4 years did they cross the line and it resulted in a lot less conflict than expected, but a single death spooked the shit out of them.

It's a good thing Trump was 20-30 years younger or we'd be so fucked.


u/arachnophilia 5d ago

his goons are not bitter and resentful off the back of WW1 and war reparations

yeah, but a lot of them are bitter and resentful off of social isolation.


u/rantheman76 5d ago

Yep and/or if he wasn’t lazy af. Imagine if in his first term he would have done what he now says he will do.


u/arachnophilia 5d ago

think “Jews kills your children”

i would like to point out the popular Q anon ideology that influenced the insurrection and a lot of the stochastic terrorism in the past decade is that "elites" are abducting and torturing babies to harvest "adrenochrome" from their blood. this is literally just the blood libel, except they're using dogwhistles for "jews".

there's another idea which is frequently overlooked, because quite frankly too much of america agreed with it, which is the "marxist" conspiracy theory. we were not taught in schools that the nazis were anti-marxist first -- we were all taught modified versions of the poem, "first they came for the marxists". but if you actually sit down and read mein kampf it's "marxists this" and "marxists that" -- obviously as a jewish conspiracy to degrade german national heritage and culture. but you hear this same idea in guys like jordan peterson. he's not talk about an economic theory. and you heard in the debate, when trump called kamala and her father marxists.


u/Bravot 5d ago

It's eerie, but it wasn't quick. This has been conditioned for decades - really coming out into the public with those W stickers


u/NuSurfer 5d ago

It became quick when trump was the first one to give them permission to say aloud what they had always thought privately, thus the sweeping of the old guard GOP politicians into the dust bin in one election.


u/NuSurfer 5d ago

A line from the movie Judgment At Nuremberg, "The ritual begun in this courtroom swept over the land like a raging, roaring disease. What was going to be a "passing phase" had become the way of life."


u/Powerfury 5d ago edited 5d ago

The Jews (illegal immigrants) are eating your cats and dogs in the streets!

/s obviously

But if you actually hear translated scripts from Hilter, they are powerful and articulated speeches. Obviously terrible and terrifying messages.

Trump is just a complete moron and a mess. I don't know if they would be more rabid or less rabid if they actually had a competent leader on their side. At least with Hitler, I get it. He has plans, lays out those plans. Trump? He has a concept of the plan, and the Republican party cheers for having a concept of a plan.

God damn wild. I'd say they are more radicalized than the Nazi's.



u/arachnophilia 5d ago

The Jews (illegal immigrants)

so, there's definitely some antisemitism deep down in these movements, because i think all bad ideas roll downhill into antisemitism.

but it's not clear that they actually literally mean "jews" there. i think they're more concerned with hispanic and black people. it's just the same rhetoric that was weaponized against the jews in germany.

now, the "elites" and "globalists" and "marxists" etc, that's "jews". the people repeating these claims may sometimes be ignorant of it, but that's what it is.


u/Powerfury 5d ago

I should have been more clear. The point of it is that you can just substitute illegal immigrants for Jews in and it would be pretty on par with Hitler's rhetoric.

Except it is just more senile and dumb.


u/arachnophilia 5d ago

a lot of it you don't even have to substitute. hitler also ranted a lot about marxism (which he believed was a jewish conspiracy). conservatives today are still ranting about marxism, and in exactly the same ways.


u/arachnophilia 5d ago

it's not quick. we've been sounding the alarm for years, and we kept getting told we were overreacting.

it can't happen here, right?


u/Early-Cicada5320 5d ago

Yeah I mean for Germany is was less than a decade and it went from "meh I guess they're a bunch of angry people" to "oh fuck they're actually killing everyone".


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka 5d ago

People are too dumb to realize that voting doesn't stop people from voting for really bad shit.


u/Jess_the_Siren 5d ago

And not voting does?