r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/JarmaBeanhead 6d ago

From what I’ve seen it’s because people auto-propagandize themselves by watching Fox and literally nothing else. It’s amazing how often you see screencaps on here of some breaking news headline covering the same topic between all these other outlets… Then Fox is like “Is water turning you gay?”


u/BoomZhakaLaka 6d ago edited 6d ago

Jesse waters: if you're a man and you vote for a woman you become trans, scientists told me that

(He actually said this I wish I was lying)


u/spicymato 6d ago

That was fucking wild. I swear, rarely are any of those folks held accountable for the bullshit they spew.

Like, how is that man not relentlessly mocked for that claim? Seriously, from that moment on, anytime he starts to speak on anything, someone else should have been saying, "Oh, shut up, Mr. Trans-by-vote. The fuck do you know?"


u/InterestingTry5190 5d ago

This is starting to make sense about schools giving trans surgeries. The schools are giving tools to young men to vote for the better candidate which can be a female.


u/treefox 5d ago

Wait, just government elections, or do Reddit polls count too?


u/Bravot 5d ago

It's the Firehouse of Misinformation. They say this shit so much, it's impossible to attack every single one.


u/spicymato 5d ago

At a certain point, you need to clap back and shut them down.

When they start to talk, cut them off and bring up the bullshit. "Is this more trans by voting? Is this going to be like the cats and dogs in Springfield? Shut the fuck up."

It does not matter if what they were about to say was going to be legitimate or not. They have literally cried wolf for so long, we should simply not listen. There are enough other people out there that will call out "wolf" that we don't need to rely on these unreliable clowns.


u/Bravot 5d ago

I should have gestured vaguely. You're right when you talk about 1:1 interactions. When the person on the TV says a thing, obviously you aren't there to immediately clap back. If I see me in-laws once per week, I have 30 things to refute every week before they decide to kick me out of their house for being confrontational.

I'm saying you're right and I'm also saying it's way more complicated.


u/spicymato 5d ago

They managed to get Tucker out (ish).

Keep going.


u/PraximasMaximus 6d ago

It's true I voted for my best friend in 6th grade to be class president and poof here I am prescription, boobs, and all


u/Breadback 6d ago

Fuck, I voted for HRC in the general election, am I next? Give it to me straight, doctor.


u/TheTerrasque 5d ago

Give it to me straight, doctor.

I'm sorry, but straight is not an option for you any more.


u/okaybutnothing 5d ago

Has your penis dropped off yet?


u/Rizzpooch 5d ago

Prescription Boobs


u/PraximasMaximus 5d ago

If you can not make your own estrogen store bought is fine


u/Debs_4_Pres 5d ago

"There's no fucking w.... Son of a bitch"


u/Ezio4Li 5d ago

Too dumb to be satire, not even something you’d hear on a radio station in an old GTA