r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/JarmaBeanhead 6d ago

From what I’ve seen it’s because people auto-propagandize themselves by watching Fox and literally nothing else. It’s amazing how often you see screencaps on here of some breaking news headline covering the same topic between all these other outlets… Then Fox is like “Is water turning you gay?”


u/derpandderpette 6d ago

This is why the CBC is fucking important in Canada and terrifying that the likely next Prime Minister plans to defund the service.


u/Crazy_Exchange 6d ago

Are you referring to Pierre Poilievre?


u/hotasianwfelover 6d ago

Yes he is. The far rights are taking over the world (if we don’t stop it). Germany just fell to them. The US is in serious contention and we’re (Canada) not far behind. The f*ck Trudeau crowd is massive and everyone seems to be turning toward PP. Why the Liberals haven’t tried to find a new leader is beyond me. Trudeau is covered in tons of accusations and whether they’re true or not he needs to go. He’s bringing his party down.


u/strassenkoeterin 6d ago

Germany just fell to them is a bit far, especially considering that there are still huge amounts of people here fighting against it. Yea they got 30% in two state elections which is genuinely sickening and worrying, especially when you live in one of them but they aren't as strong on a national platform


u/El_Batano 6d ago

but it is not a good look on us that our governing parties - who should really take a strong stance against the far right - are starting to apply their ideas... so while the Far right maybe not has a governing platform unfortunatly they have the upper hand on setting the discourse right now...


u/aqa5 6d ago

Des Pudels Kern, Right here.


u/BoringBob84 5d ago

As climate change worsens, migration will only increase.

"Closing the borders" is naive. Countries need smarter strategies.


u/weirdo_if_curtains_7 5d ago

The Nazis only got 33% of the vote.


u/DulceEtDecorumEst 5d ago

In a perfect world The Nazis should only get a kick in the ass and not seats in government


u/weirdo_if_curtains_7 5d ago

Not only in a perfect world, this should be true in a halfway decent world


u/CadenVanV 5d ago

It is never not ok to punch a Nazi.

We should always be the better person, but with Nazis that gives us a wide range of potential actions


u/spudmarsupial 5d ago

The far right is absolutely focused on introducing and cementing authoritarianism. You can reverse moderates with politics. You can only get rid of entrenched right wingers with violence, and they get off on that.

Once they control the laws, the cops, the courts, the government, and the military how are you to slow them down?


u/flanschdurchbiegung 5d ago

oh and Thüringen and Saxony have a combined poulace of around 4.1 mil and Thüringen only has 2.1 mil. Now lets assume eveyone of those 6 mil is voting age and voted, thats 2 mil people in total who voted for afd. Not even 3% of german population. (Number is much lower in real life cos not everyone voted and not everyone is of voting age or a citizen)

I think it would be scarier for the AfD to get the same number in NRW or BaWü. Still kinda scary but far from "Germany has fallen".


u/remmij 6d ago

What are the controversies surrounding Trudeau?


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN 6d ago

Honestly most of them are old. Im going to list a few more common ones that come to mind with no extra research, and am not defending any of them just listing them. One was about a fed contract that went to a group he had connections to, another from his first run/election was a really old photo of him in costume that included black face makeup, most of the more recent ones that gain enough traction for me to notice are things like "He took a vacation" or things he doesnt really determine personally, like total food cost for an entire delegation on a trip overseas, or the cost of hotels at the queens funeral. There are plenty of others, with varying degrees of legitimacy, just because he has been the Pm for nearly a decade but these are what immediately come to mind when someone says "trudeau scandal"


u/Mysterious_Khan 5d ago

I'm not Canadian but I have a feeling that the anti-Trudeau crowd is not larger just louder.


u/josh_the_misanthrope 5d ago

Oh they're large enough that the conservatives are projected to win a majority government.


Which is sad because their entire strategy is "Fuck Trudeau".


u/DCS30 5d ago

that doesn't mean the trudeau fuckers are large. we just keep switching between libs and cons every so many years, because we always vote people out and choose the other party, instead of looking at "ok, what do these people really stand for" or "maybe instead of being stuck in abusive relationships between two ex-partners, we should try a third option".


u/Smarterthaniwas 5d ago

It's waaaay larger and has a huge populace within his own party. He's regarded as a handsome buffoon by the rest of the world.


u/Smarterthaniwas 5d ago

Also, understand that almost all the media here is literally a mouthpiece for the Liberal government, when they want to deseminate something. Our bias meters are waaay Left.


u/thrawnsgstring 5d ago

90% of Canadian print media is owned by the right-leaning Postmedia Network which is in turn owned by an American hedgefund, Chatham Asset Management. (Which has close ties to the Republican party.)

Historically, the media has endorsed the Conservatives in federal elections way more than the Liberals.

i.imgur. com/haP6Rdf.jpeg

readthemaple. com/election-endorsements/

(Sorry for the link format, not enough karma here to post actual links.)


u/remmij 6d ago

Straight out of the right-wing playbook.


u/Fireinthehole13 5d ago

Canada is falling for Russian Propaganda much like most of the democratic world ..Russia has found that people are not that smart so the best way to attack them is prey on the weak minded with online misinformation, divide them and watch them implode in anger and disdain for each other.


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN 6d ago

A lot of it yes. Unfortunately Trudeau has done enough sketchy shit that is a valid concern it just lends weight in Canadians minds to all the Cons BS claims, however ridiculous


u/cgydan 5d ago

Trudeau’s problem is that, like all Canadian Prime Ministers, they have a shelf life. The populace gets tired of them but they try to hang on too long. Then the opposite party wins an election and the cycle starts again.


u/ryanrockmoran 5d ago

It's largely the same in the US. It's rare in modern history for one party to hold the Presidency longer than two terms. People tend to get sick of that party and want to try the other one.


u/Ok-Physics-5193 5d ago

When I asked my grandfather about politics 20 years ago when I was in high school he told me that one party can’t always do everything and make everyone happy. His example at the time was military one party doesn’t spend a ton so things get outdated then people need a change and the next group spends a ton on military but then hospitals and school get outdated and then it starts all over again. He said the most important thing was they were competent because otherwise it didn’t really matter lol


u/remmij 6d ago


u/axelrexangelfish 5d ago

You get all my upvotes for the whole day.


u/Additional_Brief8234 6d ago

For me personally as someone who lives in BC.. my biggest gripe with him is the money he made from covid due to owning Pfizer. Profiting off of a pandemic to me especially when you're the person who controls a countries purchases just screams conflict of interest and corruption. He could have done everything right but because he made that money my brain is screaming red flags.


u/thrawnsgstring 5d ago edited 5d ago

Even the National Post defended Trudeau against this claim, and that's saying something.

nationalpost. com/news/canada/no-trudeau-foundation-doesnt-own-firm-supplying-pfizer-covid-vaccine

(Sorry for the link format, not enough karma here to post actual links.)


u/pizzaaddict-plshelp 5d ago

The fact that this thread is about right wing misinformation and then Additional-Brief8234 comes in to confidently share that misinformation is too perfect.


u/Additional_Brief8234 5d ago

Hey man just look at the facts /s

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u/lemonylol 5d ago

To be honest that guy used very "opinion" based examples.

There are more concrete actual examples, like the SNC-Lavalin scandal and the WE charity scandal.

There's also the use of the Emergencies Act during the Convoy protests but that is more of a partisan issue, most people consider it justified.


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN 5d ago

I literally mentioned the charity scandal. I didnt recall the name, but the whole scandal was his connection with them after they won a bid for some federal contract. And you are correct the most pushed, and most memorable as a result, are absolutely opinion based because thats the best the cons have. And it is working well for them.


u/SoloWing1 5d ago

My only problems with Trudeau is him immediately backpedaling on electoral reform, seemingly not doing anything about the housing crisis, and just not really doing anything about how bad ISPs are up here in Canada.

He's been adequate in most everything else.


u/The_LePhil 5d ago

Housing crisis is really not part of the federal jurisdiction. Or at least, any proposed solution would need to be done by provincial legislation.


u/kile1155 5d ago

I understand your point, but when an issue affects ALL provinces and territories without exceptions, it becomes de facto of federal concern. And it's been going on for years.

And the federal gov has lots of tools they could use to help fix this problem.


u/HunterSThompson64 5d ago

when an issue affects ALL provinces and territories without exceptions, it becomes the facto of federal concern.

It literally cannot be. There are many, many issues playing into all of this. Housing being seen as an investment, rather than a right. Overseas investors buying large amounts of property. Municipal zoning restrictions. Lack of building of homes in general. Lack of building of starter homes (cheap townhouses). Lack of building apartment complexes in favour of sprawling suburbia (zoning related.) NIMBY's. The Bank of Canada continually inflating the bubble since the early 2000's, ever preventing a burst.

Canada's housing market never crashed alongside the rest of the world during the '08 recession. Instead, it's continued to grow with the BoC eating large amounts of loss for low interest rates, and they're cashing in on the skyrocketing valuation.

Mortgage rates rose to >20% in the 80s, and has been on a steady decline since. This breeds a market where investors are more likely to acquire properties because the annual cost is low, and they can prop the market up with cash. Buying more and more property, allowing the BoC to keep mortgage rates low, which in turn feeds this sickening cycle, until all the houses are purchased, building cannot meet the demand, NIMBY's refuse to allow anything but endless suburbia, and the average Canadian is without a roof over their head.

Once no one can afford to live anymore (Let's not forget about Gougin' Weston), the bubble will burst and if investment companies, private equity firms, overseas buyers, and private investors (owners) aren't willing to liquidate, we'll just see it all pick back up at a slightly higher interest rate, and those lucky few who were in a good spot to purchase housing during the burst will make out like bandits just like in '08.


u/rcfox 5d ago

The federal government tried to give money to Ontario for affordable housing, but the Ford government wouldn't commit to using it properly.



u/WeirdIsAlliGot 5d ago

It’s sad uninformed Canadians confuse Doug’s horrific governing with Trudeau’s. Similar to Floridians blaming everything on Biden while DeSantis goes scot-free.

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u/freshoilandstone 5d ago

That's a slow Tuesday afternoon news cycle in maga-land


u/PlotTwistin321 5d ago

Don't forget he was accused of sexually assaulting a reporter (who reported it to her boss and police 3 days later and was blown off)


and was reportedly previously mysteriously fired from his job as a substitute teacher at West Point Grey Academy in the middle of the semester, forced to sign an NDA, and pay a former student 2.5mil. Keep in mind the author of these accusations is no kess than Warren Kinsella, acclaimed journalist and someone who worked on behalf of the Liberals, and directly on behalf of Trudeau's father, for almost 25 years.




u/Chris266 5d ago

I'd say the biggest issue is his government allowing in an unsustainable amount of immigration over the last 9 years and instead of actually addressing it, they think it's just a communications issue.


u/Onionbot3000 5d ago

He’s also forcing striking workers back to work. He’s coming across as a corporate lackey. But the Cons are just as bad.


u/NN11ght 5d ago

The last big thing I saw was the week Canada news outlets were writing stories about Foodbank lines or something similar, Trudeau flew on his private jet and had a dinner worth 126k during that flight


u/hotasianwfelover 6d ago

Honestly I’m following the US BS more right now because I feel it’s actually a bigger threat than our own politics but there’s a ton of them. Money laundering or something, using charities and others.


u/J0hnDvorak 5d ago

This reply exemplifies the problem with Canadian politics. "I'm not actually informed but I'm totally convinced that there's an issue. I've picked up a few keywords from Canadian media, of which (apart from the CBC) 90% are majority-owned by American conservative organizations. I'll smugly laugh at Americans who watch Fox News, while uncritically accepting as fact anything from the myriad publications I don't even realize are controlled by the same interests."


u/deathorcharcoal 5d ago

A lot of the “F**k Trudeau” crowd (there are stickers and flags everywhere) don’t like him because “he’s a liar” or “he ruined this country” or “durr durr durr” with no actual reasons on policy. Many will blame him for inflation and our housing shortage, some of which could be put on him, but a lot of it, in my opinion is that he’s a pretty classic politician - smooth and smarmy - and they don’t like people like that. It’s not all that different from why many Americans gravitated towards Trump, I.e “he’s not a politician and says what’s on his mind!”


u/drivingthelittles 5d ago

Put it this way, if you stubbed your toe on the coffee table in Canada last night it is most definitely Trudeau’s fault.


u/lemonylol 5d ago

There are quite a few non-partisan controversies surrounding him, some key ones would be the WE scandal, the SNC-Lavalin scandal, renegging on reforming the FPTP system even though it was an election promise many voted for, and his embarrassing stalemate in the snap election he called himself.

There's also his party simply tanking in public polls for the past year or two and doing nothing to alter that. And it's not like "oh well Liberals are like 5 points less CPC", there is nearly a 20 point lead in polling that the CPC have compared to the Liberals right now. This is compounded by the very anti-immigration sentiment right now following the past two years of record immigration numbers post-COVID that caused a huge shock to our economy.

At the moment Trudeau has a ~67% disapproval rate and a ~28% approval rating.


u/thetermguy 5d ago

Like most things political, the controversies are just a mask for the real concern. Trudeau is a pampered elite spoiled man-child. No connection to most people, and he governs in the same way. People just don't like him as a person. The controversies are raised simply to justify that. People want someone they like governing.

The ironic part to me is that his father was way more left wing than his son, but also a total ass-kicker. His father would eff your shit up. People hated his politics but man, he was absolutely a leader with a vision and would run your grandmother over with a bulldozer if he thought it was the right thing to do.


u/londondeville 5d ago

Ultimately people do not like the liberals in general because of our wildly high housing prices and terrible immigration policy. Even swapping out Trudeau wouldn’t help at this point and everyone knows it. 


u/Safe_Pack_7043 6d ago

He's terrible, mostly. Perhaps the biggest one is that his immigration plan has helped create a situation in which Canadians can't afford rent because there was no infrastructure to support an influx of folks. There's more nuance to that than stated, but Trudeau has always come across as the nepo baby that he is. Even bigger asshats like Danielle Smith and Peter Pepper emerge out of the kind of blind policy and arrogance Trudeau has embodied.

It sucks that the only real counter-punch to Trudeau is Peter. I miss you, Jack Layton.


u/okaybutnothing 5d ago

We were robbed of a PM who might have made a real difference in Canada when Jack passed away. I’m very happy to have Olivia as mayor now, at least.


u/GenevaPedestrian 6d ago

We (Germany) did not fall to them. 

You make it sound like the Reichstag was on fire again and it's 1933 all over. Don't worry, it's only 1931 yet. 

We'll see if our conservative party will abandon their principles, or whatever is left of them, anyway, to form a coalition with the far-right extremists next election. Some eastern states were already in a dysmal state years ago, the general election will be the real test.


u/gmishaolem 6d ago

Don't worry, it's only 1931 yet.

This is supposed to be reassuring? By the time it was 1933 it was too late. Are you just going to wait and see if it happens again, and if it does, go "Yep! It happened again!"? What's your big plan then?


u/Fishydeals 5d ago

What is our big plan? Fund public education, vote and denounce nazis at every opportunity. Does it work? Fuck no. But do you have a better plan? I‘d say we just give Eastern Germany back to russia at this point tbh.


u/el-huuro 6d ago

It won't happen because our society has fundamentally changed over the last 100 years. The Nazis won one election in a state of 2 million people, but they will not be part of the government. This is a problem, and we must all continue to fight against them.

However, we have also just witnessed the largest wave of demonstrations in our country’s history against the rise of the far right. I don’t like the situation, and it is dangerous. But the vast majority of people strongly oppose Nazi ideology and will not allow history to repeat itself.


u/AlabamaPostTurtle 6d ago

Obligatory reminder that the nazi soldiers were just regular people who, in the end, didn’t have the stones to go against their fascist leaders or actually agreed with the ideology.

Many people are pussies and when the time comes that it’s either stand up for what’s right and possibly receive a bullet to the back of your head or get your whole family killed for going against your new fascist leader, they will choose the safe route and do as their told.

I’m not trying to find myself in that situation. I actually get out and vote when the time comes so that we don’t fuck around and find ourselves in a very precarious situation with alt-right people gaining even more power. I beg all Americans to do the same before it’s too late.

(This is not directed only to the Germans or the guy I replied to specifically. Just seemed like a good comment thread to add this to.)


u/turbo_dude 5d ago

Other countries should take a page out of Germany's book in terms of facing up to what happened and teaching the truth about it.

Did 'come on in Mr Hitler sir!' Austria ever go through such an exercise?


u/william4534 5d ago

I think the argument here is that, given what we know now, if they went back to 1931 they could and would change course, and still had the time to do it. Now it hinges on the principle that those lessons are remembered, but given Germany’s close (to put it lightly) ties to the rise of the nazis, they should understand.

That said, I am still exceptionally concerned.


u/StrobeLightRomance 5d ago


We'll see if our conservative party will abandon their principles


or whatever is left of them, anyway

So, in reading this, you say (to paraphrase) "it's not that bad", and immediately follow up with "except for all the steps they have already taken and the ways they are already a shell of who they previously were as they continue heading toward a make or break moment that makes them worse."

You're moving the goal for what society should be able to tolerate, just like they do. They're already worse than what should be allowed, but because they plan on becoming even worse than this, you're desensitized response is "let's just see how bad it can get before we take it seriously"

You, and attitudes like yours, are why we are losing the globe to these turds.


u/No_Opportunity_8965 5d ago

Third time is a charm.


u/turbo_dude 5d ago

Hopefully Babylon Berlin doesn't run for 27 seasons


u/PossibleDrive6747 6d ago

His biggest fuckup was not making electoral reform happen and moving us past this stupid first past the post system.

Because now, as inevitably happens with any leader, he's alienated himself and his party from a ton of voters. And those of us on the left side of the political spectrum who've been plugging our noses and voting for liberal candidates ONLY because they have a better shot of beating the conservative in our ridings, have finally had enough of doing that.

Hopefully if the conservatives win, it's with a minority. This will force them to work with the other parties and better represent the majority of Canadians. The NDP were able to get a decent amount of their promises (such as dental care) passed because of the minority government this time around with the liberals. 


u/josh_the_misanthrope 5d ago

As polling stands the conservatives will win a majority government and do untold damage to progressive causes.


u/PossibleDrive6747 5d ago

This is the fault of the liberals, sadly. Electoral reform would have led to better representation which would have been bad for their party in particular. They benefit hugely from strategic voting, which would not be a thing anymore.

I've written my (liberal) mp on this several times since 2015 or whenever it was they decided they weren't going to change the system. They don't care, as they'll be back in power in the next flip flop cycle after we tire of the conservatives ruining things or having scandals. 


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/PossibleDrive6747 5d ago

Can you link me an article or news story where Jagmeet let religion take (or advocated for it to take) precedence over his or others' duty to country?

I've not heard of this before and my admittedly hasty google search didn't turn up anything substantive! 

Religious freedom is important in Canada. I don't really care about his Sikh faith or how anyone else does or doesn't pray so long as they're not plugging their ears and ignoring science or advisors, or using religion as a wedge to divide Canadians.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/MaximusTheGreat 5d ago

Wait, am I understanding correctly that the reason you don't like Jagmeet is because he wears a turban? Nothing else?


u/PossibleDrive6747 5d ago

Uh huh... if he wore a Blue Jay's hat instead of a turban, I'd have to assume based on your logic that you would think he puts baseball over his duty to the country....


u/watchtoweryvr 6d ago

JT is the new Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Joe Biden that can walk.

Problem is if we wake up tomorrow and he steps down, who replaces him as leader? They need to do it last year.


u/SnidelyWhiplash27 5d ago

Mark Carney


u/WilliamNilson 6d ago

I mean, in France Macron called for an election at the peak of far right popularity. And even though the left won, he's now refusing to work with them to defeat the far right. Instead he's meeting with far right leaders. That should tell you enough about why for the past hundred years liberals keep underestimating and thereby helping fascists into power.


u/whyyou- 5d ago

To be honest; the left leaning parties in Canada and the EU have been shooting themselves in the foot with their migration policies


u/Kabopu 5d ago

The far rights are taking over the world (if we don’t stop it)

It's as letting America big tech social media companies, that have almost zero oversight, taking over the main form of communication around the world was a very bad idea.

Social media imported Americas first amendment bullshit to the rest of the world and we see how this plays out everywhere in the world 🤡

Yes TikTok is a problem too but the shit started mainly with American big tech.


u/turbo_dude 5d ago

Germany didn't just 'fall' to them. Get your facts straight.

No it's not great that the AfD did well in a region which was part of former DDR. For more detail read this https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2024/09/far-rights-triumph-has-left-germany-mess-afd


u/katie4 5d ago

Reminded of the quote, “Canada isn’t Gilead” “America wasn’t Gilead until it was, and then it was too fucking late”


u/oceanduciel 5d ago

While I objectively knew this to an extent, the way you phrase it makes me feel so hopeless about the future of our country. I don’t like Trudeau, never have but I’ll gladly take him over Pierre Poilievre. Poilievre cannot become prime minister.


u/kadauserer 5d ago

As a German seeing "Germany just fell to them" seriously upvoted makes me cringe. I guess this is a meme sub but come on.

They won a state-level election and took second place in another, but likely won't even be part of the government there.

But I guess we fell. Just heard reports that the SA got revived and is rounding up people as we speak. /s


u/MrRye999 5d ago

And the liberals not seeking to replace PT is why the far left is taking over. The right is far right. One too soft. One too hard. Goldilocks would never get any sleep.


u/dnchristi 5d ago

Trudeau needs to look at what Biden did and how it’s saving their country.


u/Chris266 5d ago

Wait, you think the Canadian conservatives are far right?


u/lemonylol 5d ago

Probably important to distinguish that Pierre Poilievre is right wing and dips into far right social issues, but he is not far right. There is a clear difference between him and Maxime Bernier, and if you don't acknowledge that difference, you are just going to be duped by someone who wants you to not understand it (i.e. "everything even the slightest right of this line I arbitrarily drew is far right neo-nazism").


u/marco918 5d ago

PP isn’t far right lol. The Liberals have destroyed the Canadian economy and the future of middle class youth.


u/DCS30 5d ago

i don't think the trudeau fuckers are as massive as you think. they're just the babies who make the most noise and crave the most attention.


u/DistractedAttorney 5d ago

What are the Trudeau accusations?


u/supfiend 5d ago

Trudeau has had his time to make a mark and he sure has, but most has been negative


u/Boring_Insurance_437 5d ago

Pierre isn’t “far right”


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/iStayedAtaHolidayInn 6d ago

It’s not hysteria. They’re a legit threat to democracy


u/BrassMonkey-NotAFed 6d ago

If the voting bloc chooses the party, isn’t that enforcing democracy? Yall want democracy until democracy doesn’t want you.


u/SharpPerception8815 6d ago

TIL electing Hitler could never be bad because it would be Democratic.


u/BrassMonkey-NotAFed 5d ago

Democracy is a terrible political system, and the rise of Hitler is the perfect example as to why. The general masses are fucking idiots.


u/Aerwynne 6d ago

It's just part of the political cycle


u/Slow_Fish2601 6d ago

I wouldn't say that Germany fell to them. The German far right party is far from seizing power, I don't know who's saying that. But it's a warning sign that fascism and Nazism need to be fought and their influences need to be cut out.


u/shggy31 5d ago

I have a theory. I think the liberals know they’re going down, or maybe can scrape together a coalition. Either way, there’s no sense in bringing in a potential top candidate at this point because they will get wasted on the current electorate status.

Why would you burn a great candidate with slim chances of success?

They’re gonna wait it out, then hopefully produce a new vision.

The liberals have fumbled the football at every step (it’s a CFL football so harder to catch I guess).

Their communications are awful and as hard as he try’s, Trudeau has never been a blue collar man of the people. The way he talks is aggravating.

I’ve never voted liberal, but I don’t think their tenure has been all fire and brimstone. They’ve done more for middle/lower class families than the cons ever would consider, but their messaging is absolute garbage. Nobody seems to even know they’re making more off the carbon tax than spending or don’t notice their child tax benefit out of ignorance or bad budgeting.

So we’re gonna cycle again. Canadian politics is a pendulum more reliable than a Rolex


u/KwazyWork 5d ago

i generally don't vote but i'm not doing another 4 years with JT ill try someone else, will it matter for my like probably not a whole lot because it's all big lobbyists who tell them what to do anyways so they can get more profit. Even his wife didn't want to stay with him why should we.


u/Eringobraugh2021 5d ago

Don't get me wrong, one facist getting elected is to much. But Germany has elected just one. We, Americans, have several in power that were fighting against & we haven't fallen.


u/Starryeyedsweetiepie 5d ago

If the NDP replace Singh (he’s too tied the lib’s track record) with someone charismatic, I think they’d have a real chance for once.


u/mischling2543 5d ago

Bro you're delusional if you think it's far right to

  1. Dial immigration back to sustainable levels

  2. Roll back Trudeau's gun control bills for which there is no evidence of reduced gun crime

  3. Stop giving government money to a clearly biased broadcaster

Poilievre is very moderate.


u/BrassMonkey-NotAFed 6d ago

Lmao calling Pierre a ‘far right’ member is absurd and really shows your disconnect from reality.


u/londondeville 5d ago

He isn’t as far right as Trump that’s for sure. But he absolutely appeals to the same demographic with the defund the CBC bs. Also he won’t curtail immigration. He loved big business and they love a growing population.