r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6d ago

We don't understand either

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u/badgerclark 6d ago

I don’t recall if it was a post or a comment that I read on Reddit the other day, but it answered your question in the best way possible. Someone said “In November we find out if America is too stupid to live.”

As an American it really just takes the wind outta your sails when you read that. You try to tell yourself “come on, people aren’t THAT stupid.”

Then you switch to Facebook as a palette cleanser, and the first post you see is an in-law claiming Google is censoring the “actual” truth about flat Earth, and you really just can’t come back from that. You die on the inside and turn off your phone, pour a drink. Then, you just stare into the middle distance hoping it’s all just a fever dream and you’ll wake up in the hospital bed soon.


u/glarbung 6d ago

I remember the times when we (Europeans) made fun of you guys for the "do not stick peanuts up your nose" labels and "freedom fries". Feeling nostalgic for a Bush sure feels horrible.


u/Lebowquade 5d ago

Even bush commented on trump saying "boy he makes me look pretty good, doesn't he?"


u/Hernameisruby 6d ago

Same, bro, same.


u/FrysOtherDog 6d ago

Damn that's too accurate... It's unsettlingly so.


u/Josh6889 5d ago

Then you switch to Facebook as a palette cleanser

Check out the book Broken Code. It talks a lot about how facebook failed at moderating their platform and let propaganda essentially run wild in favor of pretending to be a "free speech" platform. When all it really did was allowed anyone easy access to be manipulative. Facebook never was and never will be the platform to find unbiased information. Not that reddit is any better, but there's better documentation that shows facebook in a bad light.