r/TwoHotTakes 6d ago

Update: My supervisor met my boyfriend and now she wants an HR meeting Listener Write In



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u/Legion1117 6d ago

Additionally, since the school represented the church, the staff could only have relationships with people who upheld a dignified image

I either missed this in your first post or you neglected to mention this was a private school affiliated with religion.

You're screwed.

Start looking for a new job. NOW.


u/Creepy-Candidate8669 6d ago

Lol yea. That was a HUGE piece of information left out of the original post. I wrote a larger reply above but her only option is to go scorched earth and threaten mutually assured destruction.


u/HiphopopoptimusPrime 5d ago

As someone who worked in education I was able to infer it was a religious school.

Is this treatment unfair? Absolutely. Is it a surprise? No.

I’ve worked in schools were excellent teachers were forced to leave because they were in a relationship with another teacher. Even though it was genuine and they were getting married. Yet useless teachers were retained because they were the principal’s cousin.

Teaching involves a lot of politics.

Again. Was this treatment unfair? Yes. Is it a surprise? No.


u/Creepy-Candidate8669 1d ago

Yea. My best friend from college taught for 15 years. I've heard what it's like. It really is just glorified high school politicking but with adults. A lot of petty BS. Religious schools are even worse because they have a built in clause to their contracts that amounts to ultimate power because all they have to do is claim impropriety. With how subjective that is they don't need a reason to fire anyone. They just apply it to anyone they no longer want teaching there.


u/_Fun_Employed_ 5d ago

Yeah, I definitely feel like it was intentionally left out, as people would be nowhere near as sympathetic if they knew she was working for a catholic school.


u/Wide_Combination_773 5d ago

Yeah it was a sympathy farm - but also could be an account reputation grind. OP is probably going to use their account to astroturf when it gets closer to Election Day in the US.


u/_Fun_Employed_ 5d ago

I mean, it’s not that I don’t believe them, it’s that I think they knew working for a private school they had less options and protection and that people would be less likely to be helpful or sympathetic because honestly what do they expect when they work for a catholic school?


u/Specific_Frame8537 5d ago

Yea gtfo, dignified people don't associate with the church anymore..


u/brildenlanch 5d ago

Yeah, that popped out at me as well. People's responses would have been waaaaay different as far as advice.


u/syopest 6d ago

Doesn't even matter that it's a religious school if it's in the US. Absolutely lawful to fire someone for dating a sex worker in every state even if it's a normal company.


u/BiteEatRepeat1 5d ago

That's so fucking weird dude...America, land of freedom! (To the companies)


u/Wide_Combination_773 5d ago

It's not weird. Almost all states in the US are legally structured for at-will employment meaning an employer can fire anyone for any reason that does not fall under a protected class, and "dating a sex worker" is not a protected class.

At-will employment also protects workers to some degree, as in other systems, it can be difficult for an employee to quit without penalties. At-will employment ensures workers can quit a job suddenly and without notice, with zero penalties.

There are countries in which businesses can legally withhold an employees last paycheck if that employee quits suddenly and without notice. Among other things.


u/Arcane_76_Blue 5d ago

At-will employment also protects workers to some degree, as in other systems, it can be difficult for an employee to quit without penalties.

Very few systems allow you to punish a worker for quitting. At-will hardly protects us against something so rare. Its entirely for the benefit of the employer.


u/jamie1414 5d ago

Anyone saying it's also a good thing for the workers is huffing some premium copium. Outside of some crazy contract shit most people can quit their jobs on the spot without any penalties. Or they can "quit" and basically do nothing at work if the employer is forcing them. This kind of shit is why unions are important.


u/K_N0RRIS 5d ago



how f*cking ironic lmfao