r/TwoHotTakes 6d ago

Update: My supervisor met my boyfriend and now she wants an HR meeting Listener Write In



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u/Flimsy-Car-7926 6d ago

No idea how OF works. But if you could look I definitely would. Blow it up. 


u/SleepingWillow1 6d ago

Get another job first. put in your letter of resignation and report to HR that the principal is not a valuable representative of the religious school and put in a complaint.


u/Rosemoorstreet 6d ago

I’d go a step further. I’d sue them for forcing me out and having a double standard. Pretty sure they would not want the publicity of their Principal’s behavior going public. First she’d have a really tough time lying under oath and risking perjury charges. Secondly discovery can be brutal. Your lawyer could definitely subpoena her credit card statements to prove her actions. And who knows what else comes up when that happens. My point being is I have no doubt they would want to arrange a very quiet settlement with you.


u/4E4ME 6d ago

Your lawyer could definitely subpoena her credit card statements to prove her actions. And who knows what else comes up when that happens.

Oooohhhhh, I am here for it!



What judge would grant you that subpoena? Even if they were inclined to do so, you'd at least need a law suit on foot.


u/total_bullwhip 5d ago

IANAL - It’s not a true subpoena I don’t think, it’s called discovery. Once a suite has been filed I think they have to include that data in the discovery process.

I also could be wrong 😑



Ya maybe if you were suing her and not the school.


u/DPlurker 5d ago

Not a lawyer, but that is something that would probably come up in discovery. Any texts or emails about the subject, how they actually found out that he has an OF.


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

If the standard for unacceptable behavior at the school is "immoral associations" and JAN claims to "recognize" the immoral guy, it seems like a fair inference to assume she is a viewer and subscriber! How else would she know him?



That's not enough for a subpoena


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

I think a lawyer could find a way to get there.



I am a lawyer and it's not that easy. You could make a very weak argument you're entitled to know who exposed you but it really would be immaterial if you're suing the school. Doesn't really matter how they found out. Maybe if you're pointing out the double standard but still a tough get


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

Keep at it!! Pretend I'm the disdainful law professor in the Paper Chase, so ably played by John Houseman, hectoring you with robust sneers until you solve this legal conundrum!!!

Our client deserves justice! 🤣🤣🤣

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u/Nola-photo 6d ago

Yep. This hear. The Churches are used to paying out hush money. But you usually need to show damages. Consult an attorney and have them read your contract for a "mortality clause."


u/herwiththepurplehair 6d ago

Shouldn’t that be “morality”?


u/Nola-photo 6d ago

Lols yep


u/rietstengel 5d ago

Yes. I think its Disney that puts Mortality clauses in their contracts


u/Inside_Potential_935 5d ago

Surely you're not suggesting hypocrisy may be taking place under the guise of religion????


u/herwiththepurplehair 5d ago

I interviewed for a job at a religious school once. Didn’t take it. Some seriously dodgy vibes.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

For sure. I agree completely. They are playing for keeps, but have probably gotten away with it before. The OP is not the first one. However, you can be the first one that takes them down.

A good lawyer will make them want to " disappear" this quietly and discreetly as soon as possible.

Don't be surprised if the principal gets some medicine about being forced to resign. Once a lawyer gets involved, the knives will be out for the principal. There are always rivals in the wings ready to pounce.


u/swagn 5d ago

Yup, I’d contribute to cost of the lawyer just to see the news articles.


u/mightyminnow88 5d ago

This is maybe the least factual post I read all year. Use this as a warning as to Reddit advise.


u/iordseyton 5d ago

That and the schools. If they paid for


u/jeroenemans 5d ago

They're going to find the donkey Pics too


u/Emesgrandma 6d ago

First find out how she knows the bf and how she knew to go on his OF site? That may be something the school board, or whomever deals with her, would want to know! Is there any way to connect her to the site and that’s what she’s afraid of if she lets your bf come around or let’s you keep your job? I think this is coming from a very scary place for her! She may be the next one “putting in her resignation,” but not by choice! What does HER behavior say to all those Christian parents and kids?


u/Quirky-Employee3719 6d ago

It's infuriating. I worked in a Catholic School. 2nd grade teacher was fired for marrying a divorced man. Frowned on by Catholics. The principal of the school lived in a different stare from her husband. They no longer lived together, but they didn't divorce. The teacher got a lawyer. After a couple thousand out of her pocket, she was told she had ZERO recourse. At will, right to work state, religious school, nothing could be done. There's no board! Lol. The appeal goes to the pastor. He was the final word. I don't know why people work for religious schools. Depending on the state, they have no rights. At will employers do NOT have to give a reason. They can just fire people. I understand every one wants to argue and fight. It's one of reasons why working people, unions and left wingers fight so called right to work and at will states. It's one of the reasons why corporations, religious institutions, and right wingers LOVE them.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

A fair lawyer would love to open this Pandora's Box.. BEHOLD... 🙌🏾


u/AfricanusEmeritus 5d ago

That's a BINGO... Always get another position first, then drop the hammer. I have been on both sides of this, and I always welcome moving on.

I went as high as vice president and finally retired as a graduate professor. Religious institutions can be great places to work at, and it pays to know the parameters. Welcome, moving on and enjoy your life.

I also had a labor lawyer on hand ( not as expensive as people fear) on retainer for one of the jobs that I sued, and my lawyer obtained two years' salary from them.

Always retain every scrap of information. I doubled up on the job email by having it simultaneously sending all job emails to a private email of mine. Even the most trivial information is important to lawyers. Blessings and good luck, Original Poster.


u/ErraticDragon 6d ago

OnlyFans users have a username, a display name, and a profile photo. Creators can see that information whenever someone purchases/subscribes.

You'd imagine that anyone with half a brain would use fake info in this type of scenario.

(OF itself gets your real name and payment info -- both Creators and Viewers -- but that's not shared.)


u/Minoskalty 6d ago

Whelp Jan's will be the most recent one that cancelled their subscription...


u/jennifer_m13 6d ago

Or she might not, to you know monitor the “situation” in case OP decides to participate in OF.


u/Solace1nS1lence 6d ago

Choosing to participate in a video and then saying her name and that she hopes she enjoyed the view after she gets a new job sounds hilarious to me, no matter how potentially wrong it may be.


u/New-Bar4405 5d ago

No, she shouldn't do any sex work on camera.She should just hop on the OF and just be like Hi Kan now .I've left the school , I just want to say goodbye and howbypu were abgreat pinvipal until you dragged me into hr bc I was dating someone you follow on OF

Not have any sw on the video


u/crapheadHarris 5d ago

Methinks Jan wants to participate in a video.


u/iDeNoh 5d ago

Actually not a bad idea, Not saying to have Jan participate but.. he could have a facsimile of a Jan. I don't know the nature of his content but if he uses toys or things like that he could totally just name drop constantly and that could be the name that he drops.


u/Unhappy_Role_8664 5d ago

You'd imagine but I was shocked to find out how many people used their real names and emails on Ashley Madison (that site for finding affair partners that was hacked some years back).


u/TedTeddybear 5d ago

Might it be if requested by the court? 😉


u/JFreader 5d ago

Nah users won't have a picture.


u/Stardush 6d ago

He can check, but there’s always the chance she used a fake name to avoid being identifiable.


u/wizardsfrolikgardens 5d ago

Yeah but what about the credit card info though?


u/Stardush 5d ago

That I’m actually not sure of… but I don’t see why the creator account would be able to have access to the subscribers credit card info


u/wizardsfrolikgardens 5d ago

True but OF probably does have that info. 🤷


u/holeinwater 6d ago

You can see who has subscribed but I would estimate that 95-98% of subscribers use aliases. Was talking to a guy on my OF earlier named “Mr. E” (how clever). My other two messages are from ZaddyWarbucks and No Pube. We don’t get access to any information other than their username when they sign up.


u/Emesgrandma 6d ago

Sorry to ask, but, what IS OF? I’ve never heard of it.


u/MrsKuroo 6d ago

Oh, you sweet, summer child.