r/TwoHotTakes 6d ago

Update: My supervisor met my boyfriend and now she wants an HR meeting Listener Write In



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u/Ginger630 6d ago

I’d tell him to look over his subscribers and find this staff member. If she or her partner are subscribed to your BF’s OF, then they are participating in lewd acts and are also undignified.


u/LordNelson27 6d ago

And the most important part is to lawyer up, THEN out them. You job is already forfeit as long as Jan works their, might as well teach her a lesson she won't learn anyway


u/Howwhywhen_ 6d ago

There is no need for a lawyer. They can absolutely fire her for this. There’s employment lawyers in the comments saying the same thing


u/mosquem 5d ago

There's a broad misunderstanding in this thread that something being a shitty thing to do does not make it illegal.


u/LordNelson27 6d ago

That’s settled, I’m talking about retaliation from the organization or Jan for putting Jan on blast too


u/Skullclownlol 6d ago

And the most important part is to lawyer up, THEN out them

Outing may be sharing of private information of a customer, in this case for vindictive reasons (with the intent to harm), and is illegal in many countries.

Definitely lawyer up, then listen to the advice of the lawyer instead of reddit. Being petty has never gotten anyone far in life, it just gets you in more trouble.


u/GaijinFoot 5d ago

What personal details do you think an OF content creator can get? Nothing more than a YouTube comment section. There's no way it's full names, addresses, date of birth etc.


u/Emesgrandma 6d ago

The school might now always see, but God sees EVERYTHING!