r/NoStupidQuestions 1m ago

Why are politics so toxic in these days?


Not only in the US,but throughout the entire world.

Not like everything was so perfect a few years ago but now everything is just political enemies hating each other just cause they are from different parties.

Why are the days of bipartisanship over and why so sudden?

Edit:Is not Are

r/NoStupidQuestions 3m ago

What’s the difference between natto and tempeh?


r/NoStupidQuestions 4m ago

How can I, as a UK citizen, personally test if clothes I own contain toxic materials?


I don't own many clothes really, and I don't believe in spending a lot of money on them. As such I've purchased a Halloween sweater from the online Chinese retailer "Shein".

I love the sweater, it's comfy, warm, and the design is perfect for me. Lately though my friend sent me an Instagram reel about how clothes sold on Temu and Shein have been tested to contain elevated levels of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.

I looked this up and was disheartened to find that it's apparently true, at least according to Google, but notably most stories/sites reported "some" clothing.

When I tried searching HOW I could test my sweater, I was given the same results. The same "Be careful where you buy, check with this international standard" etc, no real methods on testing clothes I already own.

Is there any way to test this, is it safe to own and wear, is it comparable to known carcinogenic practices such as smoking tobacco or marijuana, or am I SOL and should consider disposing of this sweater?

r/NoStupidQuestions 5m ago

why is mom guilt making me want to stay home?


little context, i 27f, have been home with my son who’s 3.5 for the most part since he was born. we’ve tried daycare a couple times but it never worked out because i was working just to pay daycare. so i would work nights and weekends. this past year especially, we’ve been attached at the hip. i’ve really struggled with solid steady work. he’s truly my best pal. i love him dearly.

he’s also 3. he’s extremely energetic. he talks more than any kid i’ve ever met, lately the questions stump me more and more. “where was i when you were little?” bc we do love each other so, we snuggle in the morning as part of our routine. if were sitting down hes on top of me. if i have to run to the bank or store for 1 thing or just wanted a coupon coffee, hes comin’. his dad works 7am-5:30/6pm ish m-f. its rough with us. he works hard. we dont communicate the same. he doesnt think raising children is the same as working 40 hours. he thinks that i should be able to do both. ive just been waiting til i dont have to pay for him to go to damn preschool… thats all another story.

my mental health sucks prob bc my relationship sucks. im super depressed. we live 3.5 hours from my hometown and 1.5 from his. never see family. i have maybe 3 friends ive made since we moved here in 2020, hes got tons. he golfs often, if i dont have a shift that weekend day. or even after work. my girlfriend from home came to visit. ive known her since i was 12. i love her dearly and she’s like an aunt to my son. by the end of her short stay, she offered to buy me a plane ticket for fri-sun to celebrate her bday with her in florida. we found a super cheap flight and would stay with a another close friend of mine who moved down there from where we are from after getting a new job a few months ago. i havent seen her place yet. theyre both single and dont have kids.

when she bought me that plane ticket all i could think about was getting the chance to sleep in, getting the chance to eat what i wanted when i wanted without having to share with a lil boy, i could go do grownup stuff like shopping or getting dinner or going to a bar. its been so long since ive had the chance to feel like a singular person, not being touched by anyone for 72 hours.

bf could care less it seems, idk. was mad i asked him if he would take friday off since i have a midday flight, sitters are so expensive and we have no one. his parents will be boating roughly 30 mins from us that weekend (next weekend,) but its thru their wine club “theyve had booked for months” (they exist in a tax bracket i dont understand) so they’re out for baby sitting. he said “just make sure you have a portion of rent covered before you take this little vacation with your single friends” mmmmmkay.. thats fine i guess…… idc about the money. i let him have whatever chance he wants to have a break and escape bc i do think he works really hard and is a good dad when hes with his son. why he doesn’t think i deserve the same ill never know.

he knows ive worked as much as i possibly could this month. catered a couple private events last month, made sure it all went to him. im down to bare bones this month after FINALLY getting a new car, registering insurance and inspection on that bad boy. ill prob get on that plane with $120 and not drink alcohol (i dont really like it anyway so thats fine by me) plane snacks, reusable water bottle and whatever else to save money. ill eat side fries if we go out to eat. i could use like $30 in ebt to buy some groceries down there for 2 nights. the mom guilt has already kicked in. i know ill miss my son, worry his dad wont keep him as entertained as i would. i dont want him sitting in front of cartoon all weekend. i know sports will be on which his father will want to watch. if i use even $30 ebt on this vacation paid for by a friend (feel fckn guilty about that but shes legit an angel) thats me and my sons money … ill make sure theres plenty of food for them before i leave… i just feel like its selfish of me to go. its selfish of me to want to have a weekend away. its eating me alive honestly. how badly i want to go. but how badly i just wish i could enjoy it without worrying about my kiddo the whole time and how i left him bored at home

why do i feel like this

tldr: i have a free 3 day vacation handed to me. why do i feel too guilty to go

r/NoStupidQuestions 7m ago

How to politely ask someone to move when they are blocking your path?


There have been times when someone is standing in my way, and I am not sure how to ask them to move without sounding rude. For example, if a woman is blocking my path, how should I politely let her know? I want to be respectful but also clear. Any suggestions on how to approach this situation would be appreciated.

r/NoStupidQuestions 7m ago

What should I do if a girl I like has a boyfriend?


r/NoStupidQuestions 16m ago

Balancing between self love and the truth


Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right location for this question. Anyways, I'm constantly going back and forth in my head between positive self talk and self love saying that I am lovable, fun, exciting, fine the way I am, there is someone for everyone, and would be a good partner, but also am afraid of being delusional, completely hiding the truth that I am kinda a loser, with no friends because that is the cold, hard, raw evidence against the above positive affirmations.

Now I read that your thoughts and self talk becomes real based on developed beliefs (say it long enough and you will believe it) , so I don't want to be too hard on myself but also don't want to be delusional and lying to myself about being great and missing opportunities to change and grow because I keep telling myself I am good the way I am.

For example, there are some situations where I was awkward and weird, but if I say "oh, that's ok, that's just who I am" sounds so delusional and ignoring the truth.

My question is how do you balance positive self affirmations without deluding yourself and not seeing the truth.

Thank you all

r/NoStupidQuestions 18m ago

Why is it more acceptable in media that people dying in the gruesome ways is more acceptable than showing a reproductive organs?


Can get over this phenomenon especially in video games that you can kill hordes of innocent people in the most creative of ways but showing a tit gets you excommunicated

r/NoStupidQuestions 21m ago

Why do Christians deny the existence of other gods when their god told them to worship no other gods before him, implying the existence of others?


In the Bible, Exodus 20:3-5 establishes that the Christian god commands his believers that they are to have no other gods before him, nor may they worship or serve other gods in general. Doesn’t this indicate that the Christian god acknowledges that there are other deities, but that they are inferior to him and therefore not worthy of worship? Do any branches of Christianity acknowledge, but not worship, the existence of other powerful beings that are not their god?

r/NoStupidQuestions 21m ago

Should I cancel my trip because of overseas family emergency?


I planned a weekend trip but just got notice that my family has collapsed and is in emergency. They’re overseas so I can’t go right away to see them. Should I still go to my trip? Any advice or opinion is appreciated

r/NoStupidQuestions 29m ago

Why Do People Put Their Feet On Furniture In Public?


I see this far too often. Can anyone explain why this is ever OK?

r/NoStupidQuestions 31m ago

Story I cannot find for the life of me


There’s a story that came to mind and I can’t remember where I heard it, or what the time of it is. It’s a story of two sisters where one of them is beautiful and attracts butterflies while the other is… you guessed it ugly! And attracts things like flies and wasps. I don’t remember much past that point but I remember something about a well being involved and their tears having something to do about it. If ya’ll could help me find it that would be amazing as my brain is going to literally implode if I don’t know what the story is.

r/NoStupidQuestions 33m ago

Execution is the USA


First of obviously need to start with execution is horrific within the justice system.

The problem with attempts to ethically perform medical executions is that no trained doctor would be willing to do it, and thus untrained techs are performing the lethal injections that can cause undue suffering.

My question is, why can't the US find doctors willing to perform it?

There are doctors unwilling to perform life saving surgeries on ethical grounds, and legislation that force doctors to stand by and let women die (the ongoing abortion issue and debate).

It seems asif it shouldn't be too hard to find a doctor willing to perform the execution when there are already so many avenues to stand by and let someone die by doing nothing, or intentionally refusing care?

r/NoStupidQuestions 36m ago

What happens to an animals winter fur when it's taken across the planet to a different climate?


Some animals change their fur length etc. throughout the seasons and get a new coat of fur. Can this be triggered intentionally by going on a plane and traversing the planet? What if come december my dog has a really fluffy fur and I take him to the australian summer? Will the fur change again quickly? What if we go back after a few weeks?

r/NoStupidQuestions 36m ago

Is it possible for someone's lips to get fuller in late adolescence if their parents' lips are full?


r/NoStupidQuestions 39m ago

Why do Metal and rock music singers have the most angelic voices?


r/NoStupidQuestions 45m ago

Quick math confirmation/help for heating and electricity bill


Howdy lads and ladettes,

I'm living in a house with 2 other people and our total electricity bill was $1376.87. The other two were supposed to pay $150 for their heating costs, bringing the total down to $1226.87 which we would pay in equal thirds.

It ended up that we paid the full amount without paying their heating costs, which means that I've paid some of their heating costs and now need reimbursement.

They should return 1/3rd of the total heating cost to me, yeah?

I suck at math (aphantsia + normie maths = a kid who hates maths), so at first I thought it should be the full amount of $150, but after running the numbers and talking about it, I think they were right and paying $50 is correct.

So my not-stupid-question is: Is my math right? Should they reimburse 1/3rd to me? More? Did I miss something?

My brain's like 'it's more complicated than that, bro', but I can't think of why. Honestly, it's probably my brain gaslighting me after so many years of hating maths.

::EDIT:: Hopefully made it a little more understandable.

r/NoStupidQuestions 52m ago

Is American school actually easier than foreign schools?


I assumed it was more difficult because the grading system is stricter, in order to get an A you need at least 93 percent and the lowest passing grade is a 60 percent

But I hear that American high school teaches easier subjects but some of the accusations by Europeans are wrong like someone telling me that Americans don’t learn algebra till they get into highschool when I starting learning it in 6th grade and geometry in seventh

r/NoStupidQuestions 1h ago

How important Math really is in day to day life? Is it actually beneficial to learn about Algebra?


I am back in the classroom after taking gap year for 3 years. Obviously I did not use Algebra on my day to day and have been pretty comfortable with having calculator with me all the time in my pocket.

But can it actually be beneficial outside of school? How? Why?

r/NoStupidQuestions 1h ago

Why is my left arm stronger than my right arm even though I’m right handed?


r/NoStupidQuestions 2h ago

What is the future of relationships and friendships with AI companions becoming real?


I hope this isn't a stupid question, but I wonder how our relationships would evolve with AI companions like reflexxion.me starting to become more mainstream? It seems pretty superficial but would there ever be a world where human-to-AI connections would be comparable to human-to-human?

r/NoStupidQuestions 2h ago

Reddit anonymity and name : A dilemma


Three years ago, I created my reddit account using my real name without realizing the implications and how this platform works. I value anonymity and I am being very active here, so I created this new account. Loosing nearly 1K karma and my audience there. What should I do? Keep using the old account or focus on growing this one and grow the audience?

r/NoStupidQuestions 3h ago

Why do women I don't even know ask me, a broke MF, for money?


Today, I had an uber passenger message me after her ride asking me to cashapp her $50.

When I worked at walmart this one woman gave me her number and told me to text her. After chatting for 20 minutes she was like "can I borrow $50?"

I matched with a woman on tinder a week ago. Her first message was "you wanna be my sugar daddy? Just send me $100."

I'm an uber driver and used to be a Walmart cashier. Why would anyone in their right mind think I have the money to give them money for no reason? I'm not a doctor. I'm not a lawyer. I work every damn day just to live paycheck to paycheck.