r/NoStupidQuestions 6d ago

Do you think the 9/11 hijackers knew that the WTC buildings would collapse?

I really don’t know where else to ask this. There is obviously an overload of information about the event itself online, but one thing I can’t find out is if the hijackers intended to, or knew that the WTC buildings would collapse. Do you think they just planned on the impact and fires to be the extent of the damage caused? As far as I know, no steel structure buildings in history had collapsed from fire at that point, so it makes me wonder if they actually “succeeded” in their plan more than they intended.

Edit: no conspiracies please, that was not the point of my post


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u/MoreGaghPlease 6d ago

So we actually have a told answer to this both from tapes of Bin Laden found in Afghanistan early in the war and from evidence given by KSM when he was being tortured by the CIA.

Bin Laden did not expect the towers to collapse, and they were secondary targets. The main targets were the White House and the Pentagon, and he believed that both would be destroyed if the planes hit their target (obviously the Pentagon was only damaged, probably they did not appreciate how big it is). But they did not expect the towers to collapse. They had no knowledge or understanding of the engineering of the towers, they believed that it was likely to cause a fire and maybe kill the people above the impact. But they also didn’t care very much or really think about this aspect of it, it was more like something that they just mused about.


u/bouncypinata 6d ago

the last target was the capitol. It was Congress' first day back in session.


u/damnedifyoudo_throw 6d ago

The Capitol is the assumed target in the book The Only Plane in the Sky.



I think Tom Clancy gave them the idea.


u/german_dragoon 5d ago

Tom Clancy was able to piece together classified information on military submarines. He had a some good ideas about military plans. So it would make sense to listen to his ideas on that.



Debt Of Honor ends with a Plane Hitting the capital


u/FaxCelestis stultior quam malleo sine manubrio 5d ago

And it came out seven years before 9/11 happened.


u/Professor_DC 6d ago

CIA never lets that happen. Too destabilizing to the country. 


u/FlatOutMatt 6d ago

I don’t know why this is getting downvoted


u/Glittering-Animal30 5d ago

Because it is a common conspiracy theory that the CIA either orchestrated the attacks or let them happen on purpose. The comment reads as though that’s what they mean.


u/evrybdyhdmtchingtwls 5d ago

Because it implies the CIA “allowed” the Pentagon and WTC to be hit.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/pinkflamingoturds 5d ago

And they found the passports of the hijackers on the sidewalk of ground zero....


u/kuurrllyy 5d ago

Didn't he have a commercial certificate from the FAA though? Why would he not be certified to fly a single engine Cessna alone?


u/UrToesRDelicious 5d ago

Because truthers have been some of the biggest dumbasses on the internet for over 20 years.


u/ghosttrainhobo 5d ago

They’re very scared people who can’t handle the truth that there isn’t anyone in control. The most powerful people and organizations in the world are just reacting to events like everyone else.

Conspiracists like to take comfort in thinking that “if we could just wrest control of the levers of power from the (CIA, Jews, whatever) then we could all be safe” - but there are no levers of power. Nobody is micromanaging the world and controlling events.


u/Sensitive-Study-8088 5d ago

Just like the whole presidential thing, the ppl I see interviewed ‘regardless’ of their political affiliation, tend to, although I’ve seen which voters really act this way, (double caps) come off as treating them akin to a monarchy. It’s inched closer to that with how often executive action has been used; however, Congress controls and makes the laws.

Too many morons whom have unfortunately made it to adulthood. In some ways the old days made more sense, everything was labeled for morons, Darwin took care of the lower hanging fruit.


u/TheMadIrishman327 5d ago

Because it’s stupid and only nutrolls believe it.


u/Patsfan618 6d ago

I'd imagine it could've been either. Which ever they could target the easiest. They didn't really plan on doing any go-arounds, so whatever they could hit, is what they would. 


u/ShockAndAwe415 6d ago

Whatever the target was, a salute to the passengers fo Flight 93. Let's Roll.


u/graceful_mango 5d ago

My grandfather is buried a few rows away from one of those passengers and even now his (flight 93 passenger) grave has flags and flowers at it constantly.


u/sozcaps 6d ago

Let's Roll

Draxx them sklounst.


u/BlockEightIndustries 6d ago

Who was sitting in the combat seat?


u/Lylac_Krazy 5d ago

every passenger on that flight was in the combat seat.

every passenger did what they needed to do.

every CIVILIAN passenger gave their life to save others.


u/Gimetulkathmir 5d ago

There had to have been that one guy who was against it. I like to imagine they duct taped him up in the bathroom.


u/BrassAge 6d ago

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, ofc


u/llama_empanada 5d ago

God damn and Jah bless wtf lol


u/dadjokenumber11 5d ago



u/Independent_Rush9136 5d ago

Be acting froggy


u/coozehound3000 5d ago

LET’S ROLL?? You know my brother in law was killed uptown in 9/11 don’t you?


u/sozcaps 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes, very insensitive of me to quote American Todd Beamer, who was an actual gigachad who didn't take shit from the terrorists on 9/11...?

:edit: a shitpost. You got me, bro. Was just about to get outraged and buy a MAGA hat for a second there. Whew.


u/haphazardshenanigans 5d ago

I'm guessing the downvoters aren't fans of Larry David


u/coozehound3000 5d ago

No. Doesn’t look like it 😕


u/Maleficent-Tie-6773 6d ago

That’s not what happened. They got shot down and that story was fabricated. A crash doesn’t have a debris field that large


u/sozcaps 6d ago

So are you saying that thems terries did in uninaccountable fact did not get froggy and had to be rainbow connection'ed? Perfectly legauelle.


u/SwimmingSwim3822 5d ago

we gon fireboard those mothajammers


u/Negative-Rich773 5d ago

They talkin bout squee squee squee


u/Maleficent-Tie-6773 6d ago

I’m saying the Air Force draxxed them sklounced


u/Ok-Swordfish8731 5d ago

There are eyewitnesses who claim flight 93 had two fighter jet in hot pursuit. Either way that plane wasn’t flying to DC. However it did crash fairly close to Shanksville elementary school, and I don’t think that was an outcome anyone would want.


u/Maleficent-Tie-6773 5d ago

If the story was true they’d have landed the plane or died trying. Not scattered into a millions pieces in an 8 mile debris field


u/Maleficent-Tie-6773 5d ago

I saw a fighter jet shoot them down. Who you gunna believe?


u/OldMaidLibrarian 5d ago

Given that I don't know you from Adam's housecat, and have no idea where you were that day, for now I'm not going to believe you.

Now, IIRC, there were a couple of Air Force jets who were sent up to check out the plane and crash into it themselves if that's what it took to keep everything away from heavily populated areas; I read in one of the many 9/11 books that the pilots honestly didn't expect to return alive from this. Fortunately for those two pilots, during the fight over the controls on Flight 93 the terrorists crashed the plane on realizing that the passengers were not going to go quietly, and that they weren't going to be able to reach their target, be it the White House or the Capitol. If I understand correctly, the terrorists never learned how to actually land a plane, only how to fly one once it was already in the air, so even if the passengers had gained control of the controls, everyone was screwed anyway due to the pilots being dead or incapacitated.


u/Competitive_Yak5423 5d ago

You 9/11 Truthers are pretty much the same as Flat Earthers. Both groups are comprised of nothing but dumbasses.


u/Maleficent-Tie-6773 5d ago

I remember the most prominent 9/11 truthers being engineers… you probably believe Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack


u/LoneWolfWind 5d ago

Just because someone’s an engineer does not mean that person has knowledge of all facets of engineering. Fuck - I work in computers! But that doesn’t tell you what specifically I know between hardware, software, security, or networking (to name a few). It doesn’t matter how smart a person is, they can still be morons and believe PROVEN LIES.

To be 100% accurate: they had some idea that something was going to happen before the 12/7/42 Pearl Harbor bombing. The US head brass thought we were essentially untouchable on US soil. So yes/no to it being a surprise attack, but none of the soldiers on ships knew.

Read books/do research on all sides of a topic before spouting conspiracy crap dude.


u/LoneWolfWind 5d ago

What makes you think they were shot down? Also - what makes you an expert in how plane crashes work/look?

I’m very curious as that’s a very definitive statement you are making without backing it up.


u/OldMaidLibrarian 5d ago

Wrong. Go check out r/AdmiralCloudberg sometime, and read some of her accounts of significant plane crashes--you'd be amazed at just how big a debris field can be.


u/Yarnprincess614 5d ago edited 5d ago

My cousin went to the same college as Todd Beamer(the let’s roll guy). Their student center is named after him.


u/madmaxjr 5d ago

The first heroes in the war if you ask me.


u/ooodlydoodlyboodle 4d ago

I remember on 9/11, some of my classmates in elementary school being worried about their family members in NYC and Jersey. We were in middle America so it felt very far away to my 8 year old brain. It turned out that Tom Burnett was the uncle of some twins I grew up with. He was one of the men who fought back on United 93. It was so sad over the following weeks to realize all of this. It introduced me to some really nuanced feelings as an 8 year old. Complete tragedy wrapped in such impactful heroism is not a very common way to die.


u/Select_Nectarine8229 6d ago

Neil Young wrote a bad ass song about flight 93. Lets role.


u/Helpful_Umpire_9049 5d ago

No one will admit it but it may have been shot down to save the capital building.


u/Agreeable_Elk_5436 5d ago

This is 100% what would happen in NCIS. Or they would hack into the plane and make it crash.


u/joakim_ 6d ago

Don't you mean the pilot that shot it down...?


u/Efficient-Buy-4300 5d ago

Is this a new conspiracy? I haven't heard this wackiness before recently. Flight 93 wasn't shot down. The passengers attempted to retake the plane, and the hijackers elected to crash it early instead of letting anyone survive


u/SolitudeWeeks 5d ago

That's been something people have suspected since it first happened, not sure how you've managed to go 20+ years never hearing it.


u/Efficient-Buy-4300 5d ago

I was born after 9/11


u/SolitudeWeeks 5d ago

Then why would you not hearing about it be a sign it's new and not a limitation of your knowledge lol


u/joakim_ 5d ago

I was pretty sure it was more or less an accepted "fact" that the plane was shot down (so I'm quite surprised to be downvoted) - as per US policy on hijacked planes. It's nothing new about it either, it's been around since it happened. I specifically remember that TV talked about that being a possibility when they learned about flight 93 on 9/11.

Btw, I'm definitively no conspiracy nut calling it an inside job or whatever, and I'm not trying to argue that it indeed was shot down, but it always seemed logical (and quite practical) to me that they made the passengers on that flight heroes instead of saying that they were shot down by a US fighter jet.

Besides, the question shouldn't really be if flight 93 was shot down, but why that plane and the other three planes weren't shot down.


u/AngriestManinWestTX 5d ago edited 5d ago

The US had no policy to shoot down hijacked planes in 2001 because no one had ever used an airliner as a fucking missile before 2001. The usual MO of hijackings was ransom, not suicide attacks.

But two USAF planes were sent to destroy United 93.

But they were unarmed F-16s that had been scrambled without weapons. The pilots of these planes were planning on sacrificing their own lives to take down U93 once everyone knew what was happening. By the time they took off, U93 had crashed during a struggle between the terrorists and the passengers.

If a plane was hijacked today, I would expect for the president to make the awful choice to have shoot it down, though. Unfortunately, we’re more prepared for this type of attack now.


u/G-Bat 5d ago

The cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder from flight 93 survived and make it pretty clear that the hijacker intentionally nosedived when the passengers began revolting and attempting to retake the cockpit.

The military also wasn’t made aware of the hijacking until after the plane had already crashed. I think it’s clear you’ve been misinformed and should avoid using such matter of fact language for something you clearly know very little about.

By the time you were watching anything about flight 93 on the news on 9/11 it had already crashed; taking the conjecture from flabbergasted reporters who had just witnessed the largest terrorist attack in history unfold in real time as evidence is pretty silly.

I don’t even know where to start on your last paragraph. Keep in mind, all four crashes took place within an hour and 15 minutes of each other. The military barely knew what was going on by the time 93 had crashed, Dick Cheney didn’t issue the famous shoot down order well after that (which I also hope you realize wasn’t just a standing order, that’s not “US policy).


u/joakim_ 5d ago

I'm not gonna say anything more, you're most likely right. I just wanna say that I wasn't saying that what journos said that they was fact. It was a response to the previous person who asked where I'd even got it from, and I was saying that it wasn't anything outlandish and that those rumours had been around since day one.


u/G-Bat 5d ago

I would barely even call something so baseless a rumor. Maybe try actually doing the smallest bit of research in to the matter before commenting.

The flight crashed at 10:03, the military was made aware of the hijacking at 10:07 and the first media report was at 10:37. Please explain how the flight was shot down with no fighter jets in the area and the military not aware that the flight had been hijacked.


u/easterner1848 5d ago

Bro what the fuck are you talking about. You’re just making shit up now. 

US policy is to shot down hijacked planes?! Lmao, so like Homelander from The Boys. This is hilarious. 

Yeah dude totally US policy to immediately kill hijackers. Just like Haitian immigrants are stealing your pets for a second supper. 


u/joakim_ 5d ago

I'm really not. NORAD has the rights and permissions to shoot down a hijacked aircraft if it's deemed to pose a bigger threat as a weapon by itself. It was rumoured to be the official policy for years/decades before 9/11 but after 9/11 they actually came out and said that it was.

It makes complete sense to make the passengers heroes instead since officially acknowledging that it was shot down would undoubtedly lead to very lengthy battles in court. It could of course also be very difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the plane in fact was hijacked when everyone involved were dead.


u/easterner1848 5d ago

It was rumoured to be the official policy for years/decades before 9/11

Except that there were HUNDREDS of hijackings prior to 9/11. It was like a hobby for some groups. I highly suggest you do some research on the subject. The US (and other nations) had clear protocol on how to handle these incidents. What rumors are you talking about? That just sounds like conspiracy bullshit.

Not to mention, hijacking was universally thought of was a negotiating terror tactic. Often for asylum, freedom of prisoner or just money; never once was it thought of that the hijackers would use the planes as actual weapons.

Which is why 9/11 was so shocking to the American public and government. The NORAD permissions you're referring to came WELL after 9/11. During the morning of there were still hundreds of planes in the air after the the buildings got hit.

Most importantly:

It makes complete sense to make the passengers heroes instead since officially acknowledging that it was shot down

Yeah it makes sense NOW. It's called hindsight bias. By the time the flight 93 had been hijacked, the first tower hadn't even fallen. Put yourself in the shows of an admin working the FAA or NORAD. They had no idea what was going on; it was complete chaos. You seriously think they'd put that kind of massive conspiracy together in such a short time period?

Going against EVERYTHING that had been protocol leading up to it.


u/gsfgf 6d ago

Yea. I think the Pentagon was plan B for both flights since they knew it was a physically larger target. You don't get to swing around for a second pass at DC. Plus it's south of DC proper.


u/Felaguin 5d ago

Not just larger but the Pentagon was built in an era when everything was massive concrete and steel. It wasn’t designed to be a fort but the walls are THICK. Cell phones don’t work well inside because of all the concrete and steel.


u/splittestguy 5d ago

No, The pentagon was a primary target. There was another plane that crashed in PA, destined for the White House.

The plane was nearly an hour late that day, meaning the passengers had learned of the terrorist attack happening in NYC. So when the hijackers killed a passenger and tried to gain control of the cockpit. The passengers fought back. During the struggle, the plane nosedived into a field in PA.


u/DClawsareweirdasf 5d ago

My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that the hijackers actually did gain control and lock themselves in the cockpit.

But the passengers did begin to fight back and the pilots intentionally took it to a nosedive.

Again, I could be wrong but this is my memory of the various documentaries and news I’ve seen.


u/Pr0phetofr3gret 5d ago

The black box audio supports that they did. The terrorist realized they would not maintain control for much longer as the passengers fought for entry and chose to put it down in the field instead.


u/gabagucci 5d ago

the Capitol Building is generally agreed to have been the target for 93. the White House is smaller and more difficult to spot from the air- not to mention more heavily fortified. it is likely a plane destined for the White House would have been shot down.

and the terrorists in 93 did have control of the aircraft, proven by black box recordings and passenger/crew phone calls. by the audio it is believed passengers were ramming the beverage cart into the cockpit door and had either broken through or were moments from breaking through. the hijackers intentionally crashed the plane.


u/Only_I_Love_You 5d ago

Thank God they saved those politicians or we wouldn’t have the Patriot Act


u/elephant35e 6d ago

Whichever they could target the easiest

That would be the Capitol. The White House would be too hard to hit due to the buildings surrounding it.


u/say592 5d ago

Loss of most of Congress would be far more chaotic too. We have a succession plan for the President dying in office, it's even happened a few times. We have a protocol for Congress people dying too, but it's never been tested on that scale and there would be no immediate or instant succession. Of course I don't know if they knew enough about American civics to understand that, they probably just saw a packed building with a lot of soft targets.


u/7hought 5d ago

If they hit the capitol, they’d get a few, but congresspeople have their offices in buildings close to, but not in, the capitol building. It’s maybe 6 different buildings or so. Ironically they would have been better suited targeting one of those if they wanted to cause fatalities among politicians.


u/ReleaseCurrent8565 5d ago

There is a contingency plan in place now. If the government is wiped out, there will be a gathering of any state governors left and they will choose a new president from their ranks and reform a federal government.


u/Wonderful_Device312 3d ago

That feels like an overly optimistic plan. I feel like Florida and Texas would just run off and try to reform the confederacy or something.


u/PurposePrevious4443 5d ago

Like that show Designated survivor


u/audigex 5d ago

That started off so well but kinda lost its way I think - they used up the premise of the "designated survivor" thing way too quickly in the first season. They should've either done it as a one-season-film-as-a-tv-show thing, or stretched that premise out a bit more

As it happened they basically blew the premise in one season then turned into a more typical political intrigue show

Still, a shame it got canned - it had some great characters and potential


u/PurposePrevious4443 5d ago

Agree with all this.

I found it a bit sickly as well. The president was always this bastion of wisdom and virtue and managed to do the right thing in a compromising and corruptible environment.

Considering this was out during Trump's term I found it even more hilarious


u/bonebuttonborscht 5d ago

I'm gonna guess they knew more about American civics than most Americans.

That's less a dig on America and more just to point out that the leaders of Al Qaeda were well educated and organized.


u/ithappenedone234 5d ago

Well… no succession is even needed for the Congress to continue to operate. Those that survive would constitute the new whole, the number needed to form a quorum would just be reduced, as would the number needed to constitute a majority vote to pass legislation and away we go. Both houses could be reduced to a single member and they could pass legislation, nothing in Article I Section 5 etc. sets any requirement concerning total numbers, just percentages.


u/FireSprink73 5d ago

Nothing is hard to hit with a plane. Hit it like a lawn dart. I doubt their precautionary measures were ever figured for straight up?


u/dcduck 5d ago

They were visually navigating. The White House is rather small in comparison to its surroundings so the chance of missing it and wasting time trying to find and align to it would have been not ideal. The Capitol and Pentagon stick out like a sore thumb when flying in the area, much easier to target.


u/YoDocTX 5d ago

There are no buildings directly south of the White House that are taller than the White House, other than the Washington Memorial.


u/elephant35e 5d ago

Ok, but all the buildings near it would still probably have made it hard for Al-Qaeda to find the WH due to it being surrounded by buildings instead of being in the open, especially considering the terrorists weren't approaching from the south.


u/Frat-TA-101 5d ago

You could just fly in from the south past the Washington monument? Wdym the buildings next to it?


u/elephant35e 5d ago edited 5d ago

Idk I'm just posting what I read from previous things on the internet. I've been seeing things saying the plane would approach and then dive down at a steep angle to hit it.

Edit: actually, it would be hard to navigate to. The terrorists weren't approaching from the south, and the buildings next to it wouldn't make it easy to spot from the air at a far distance unless at a high altitude, unlike the towers which were some of the tallest buildings in the city.


u/spoink74 5d ago

They’re terrorists from the other side of the planet. They probably thought the Capitol was the White House.


u/elephant35e 5d ago

Lol, I did too when I was little.


u/SegerHelg 5d ago

What an ignorant and naive thing to say.


u/spoink74 5d ago

It’s a perfectly reasonable presumption actually. Plenty of people would confuse the high profile big white building with the White House. I bet even Americans do it.


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 6d ago

Allegedly, they were attacking the three main symbols of the US.  Finance (twin towers), military (Pentagon), and presidency (white house). Basically the idea was that nothing was safe - the military, the banks, and the very leader of the country. 


u/alliesto 6d ago edited 5d ago

The World Trade Center buildings were also iconic to the New York skyline, and further New York City is iconic itself. I’m not sure how relevant this is, but at one time the World Trade Center buildings were the tallest in the world so maybe that played into it as well.


u/VioletVoyages 5d ago

My grandma took me to the top just after it opened circa 1975. It’s crazy to me that those iconic buildings were both built and destroyed in just my lifetime.


u/Ogrewax 5d ago

Can you believe that Trump commented he now had the tallest building in lower Manhattan in his statement on 9/11? Of course you can.


u/tsbsa 5d ago edited 5d ago

CN Tower was/is taller.

The CN tower in Toronto was the tallest freestanding building before the Burj Kalifa (SP?) Was built

Edit: my bad, WTC was built 8 years before the CN Tower, though the WTCs were only finished 2 years before the CN tower was.


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 6d ago

I agree they are symbolic of NY, but I figure the Statue of Liberty would have been the target for something like that (yes, I know it's technically in New Jersey). 

But yeah, I can't claim to know for sure that they were going for the finance thing, so it could definitely be a "your skyline is ruined" thing. 


u/Cocksmash_McIrondick 5d ago

The statue is much smaller and would be incredibly difficult to hit, and if you miss you just go down in the harbor with no other damage beyond the people in the plane…. This comment is getting me on a list dear god


u/edingerc 5d ago

Just goes to show that they really don't know the American public. Incidents involving the military are generally thought of by the public as the cost of doing business. They don't remember things like the Cole or Khobar Towers, because there weren't any big Hollywood productions made of them. Ask someone about 9/11 and they'll talk about the Twin Towers. How many mention the Pentagon?


u/DuplexFields only uses old.reddit 6d ago

Imagine if it had been the first target, before warnings went out. The world would be a very different place.


u/whanch 5d ago

Probably not, the president wasn't even there. He was in a school in Florida


u/Bender_2024 5d ago

I am not a fan of Bush or his policies. But props to him for remaining calm in front of a bunch of kids he was reading to when he was told of the attack. He calmly finished the story and left without causing a panic.


u/OldMaidLibrarian 5d ago

I know he got endless crap about looking as if he'd been poleaxed when they whispered it to him, but in retrospect he handled it about as well as anyone could have by not freaking out everyone else in the classroom. And honestly, how is one supposed to look after hearing something like that?


u/Yarnprincess614 5d ago

Agreed. I mentioned it on Instagram and someone replied back with “finally someone with some common sense”


u/rpsls 5d ago

A panic? The whole country was in a panic. He wasn’t protecting the kids from anything. He could have said, “Sorry, kids, something’s come up and I have some President stuff to do. Be good and listen to your teachers! Thank you.” And left. No one would have panicked at that. 

I think the most generous thing that can be said is that he, like everyone else, had no idea how to react or what to do. He was human. He was never much of a leader anyway and just kept doing the last thing he was told to do while his mental wheels slowly turned. 


u/jbokwxguy 5d ago

Realistically there was no where for him to go at that moment. Staying put was probably the safest option while the military came up with a strategy with the intel they had.


u/captain_dildonicus 5d ago


u/JediAssasin 5d ago

Or, you know, maybe he was a bit shell shocked since the last time our country was attacked by an outside enemy was Pearl Harbor?


u/ProphetSword 5d ago

I think this adds more clarity to the situation:



u/Zealousideal-Fuel264 5d ago

You’re a clown


u/Joe_Sons_Celly 5d ago

This is stupid. Why on earth would he waste any precious time finishing “my pet goat?” I think the children would have been ok.


u/bouncypinata 5d ago

no but Biden was


u/thewoodenchemist 5d ago

How so?


u/bouncypinata 5d ago edited 5d ago

biden the future president was physically in congress at the capitol. i don't get what you're not getting


u/thewoodenchemist 5d ago

Ok, yeah, that makes sense, I thought they were referring to the White House. They wouldn't be the first person to claim Obama/Biden were in office for 9/11


u/HauntingSalamander28 5d ago

The other commenter was talking about the White House. Y’all are on different pages of the same book.


u/thewoodenchemist 5d ago

Yep, that is what happened, thanks.


u/reddit_and_forget_um 5d ago

learning to read?


u/2PlasticLobsters 5d ago

Yes, I'm sure the Capitol & White House went into emergency mode pretty much immediately. If one of them had been the first target, they might've succeeded in taking out most of the country's leadership.

At the very least, the Air Force would have had to shoot down an airliner over a populated city.


u/ohwhataday10 5d ago

How so? And Iraq war? Afghanistan war? US Patriot Act? Take off shoes at airport security? TSA would exist? People would not be able to go to airline gate to see loved ones off?


u/Dawg605 5d ago

Examples of how the world would be very different?


u/random_19753 5d ago

I think it would have had an even bigger impact psychologically for most Americans. It would have felt like nothing is safe. I imagine the military response would have been even greater and fewer people would have questioned it. Airplane security would be even stricter today. Things like that.


u/Friendly-Employer328 5d ago

I was a kid when it happened but I don’t think many people questioned going into Afghanistan after 9/11. I can remember playing little kid football on a Saturday or Sunday and after the national anthem they announced that America had invaded Afghanistan and people went wild cheering. It’s something I’ll always remember because I had multiple family members that were deployed and I was worried about them but everybody else was happy about going to war.


u/No-Question-9032 5d ago

....you just listed everything that happened anyway... the patriot act went through without issue, USA spent decades killing Afghan civilians, and you are thoroughly restricted when going into an airport


u/AlmondCigar 5d ago

No, they’ve got a valid point wiping out our representatives and senators or whatever that happened to show up would have a greater psychological impact than the World Trade Center or especially if it was an addition to the World Trade Center it’s a lot harder to coordinate a response when the people that are normally in charge of coordinating things Are dead. Didn’t think about the timeline and Biden was apparently in Congress at that time that’s interesting.


u/random_19753 5d ago

I think all of the same things would have happened, but even more. We wouldn’t have stopped at just Afghanistan, we would have gone in to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, no one would have even questioned Iraq, they wouldn’t have needed to come up with a story, it would just be “we’re gonna get whoever destroyed the capital”. It would have moved way faster too. The desire for revenge would have been so much stronger. TSA would have been way worse, restrictions would be even stronger. We probably would have come up with something even crazier than the Patriot act.

That’s what I mean. It would have made our current response to 9/11 look like child’s play in comparison.


u/Ok-Foot7577 5d ago

Probably would’ve been a better place if all the government pigs perished.


u/symbologythere 5d ago

There’s a wild but when you look at the details wholly plausible theory out there that there was a 5th plane that day which never got off the ground due to delays. There were box cutters and stuff found stashed in the plane and other evidence to support the claim. But there was always a dispute about whether the Capitol or the WH was the final target but if the above theory is true it’s likely that BOTH were targeted that day. I’m not linking because I’m lazy and only ever came across this theory once so don’t believe this as fact I might be spreading misinformation.


u/TheOnlyFallenCookie 5d ago

You'd think they would have started with that first tbh.

On a different point: the fourth plane not hitting either Whitehouse or capitol is proof that it wasn't an "inside job".

Because if it had been, then the fourth plane would ha e hit its target. Sure, the footage of the collapsing towers was broadcast to millions, but the image on newspapers the next morning would have been a damaged/burning capitol building


u/bouncypinata 5d ago

capitol-bound flight was the only one that got delayed, so there was a gap between hijacking and crashing where the passengers got notified


u/Siphyre 5d ago

They really fucked up the timing then, huh? You'd think they would hit the important targets first so there is less of a chance to respond.


u/bouncypinata 5d ago

PA flight got delayed


u/Exciting-Delivery-96 5d ago

There’s a plaque honoring flight 93 for their sacrifice in the Capitol.


u/KaizDaddy5 5d ago

So were the towers backups or was there supposed to be more than 4 planes? How was the last attack avoided?


u/bouncypinata 5d ago

wtc1, wtc2, pentagon, and capitol (failed). the last flight was somewhat delayed so when a couple of the capitol-bound passengers called their families on the plane phones, the families were like "they're not gonna just safely land your plane and ask for a ransom"

there was talk about a 5th plane, or something being found on a grounded plane, idk if it was conspiracy talk though.


u/KaizDaddy5 5d ago

I thought the white house was also a target?